The Judicial Branch now determines immigration policy

I don't want some dipshit judge who doesn't receive daily security briefings overriding our intelligence agencies and the President on national security.
Trump doesn't sit in on daily intelligence briefings. He said so. He said he's so smart that he doesn't need to :lol:
The authority to determine which countries are to be granted visas was vested to the Executive Branch by Congress in a 1952 law.

After all Congress is the one that determines the immigration laws of the land.

Now a few really dumbass judges that doesn't know (or care) a damn thing about the law have decided that neither the President or Congress should be allowed to determine who comes into this country or not.

We would expect a shithead like .the Kenyan Catastrophe to fuck up immigration because after he loves his Muslims and Mexicans so much.

We would expect a weak minded Republican like Bush to go along with what a stupid judge would say said because he never really had any backbone when it came to immigration.

Hopefully Trump has the balls to do the right thing and stop the assholes from countries that Obama himself said were terrorist countries from flooding into this country.

If Trump can't prevail in this then our country is really fucked. We would be a nation of nitwits, not a nation of laws.
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The authority to determine which countries are to be granted visas was vested to the Executive Branch by Congress in a 1952 law.

After all Congress is the one that determines the immigration laws of the land.

Now a few really dumbass judges that doesn't know (or care) a damn thing about the law have decided that neither the President or Congress should be allowed to determine who come into this country or not.

We would expect a shithead like .the Kenyan Catastrophe to fuck up immigration because after he loves his Muslims and Mexicans so much.

We would expect a weak minded Republican like Bush to go along with what a stupid judge would say said because he never really had any backbone when it came to immigration.

Hopefully Trump has the balls to do the right thing and stop the assholes from countries that Obama himself said were terrorist countries from flooding into this country.

If Trump can't prevail in this then our country is really fucked. We would be a nation of nitwits, not a nation of laws.

Yes GW was soft on immigration, and he has a personal stake in it as well since his sister-in-law is a Mexican immigrant. I think this judge had that in mind when he made his ruling.

But it's like I've always said, the two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. This is because neither can be held to any accountability for their actions.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

This is something you leftists (and yes, you are a leftist) know little about, and that's called logic.

So let me demonstrate how logic works by you "honestly" answering these questions:

Do Democrats heavily favor mass immigration and amnesty if not an open border policy?

Did Senate Democrats stop the process of Kate's law which again, imprisons illegal felons who return to the US after they've been deported?

Did Obama sue Arizona (and won) for creating their own immigrant laws to find illegals?

Are Democrat leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop actions against sanctuary cities?

Do all minorities in this country vote Democrat all the time?

Now if you can answer those questions honestly, you can plainly see how I came to the conclusion I did. If you can't, then you have no ability for logic, unless you can tell me a different plan the Democrats have besides turning our nation into a single-party country.
I don't agree with the Democrats on their immigration policy in many ways. I don't support the immigration ban presently being disputed, though. Where you goofed was assuming I agree with everything the Democrats do.

Okay, at least we are getting somewhere.

Now ask yourself why in the world Democrats would so strongly support immigration legal and illegal. What's in it for them? If you know the Democrat party, then you know they don't do anything unless there is an ulterior motive that benefits them.
You would have to ask a Democrat to answer those questions, Ray. But it is definitely not to take over the country with nonwhite peoples so they can rule unopposed in a country with one party.
And BTW, you didn't "get" me anywhere. I've always felt that way about immigration, so don't flatter yourself.

Yes GW was soft on immigration, and he has a personal stake in it as well since his sister-in-law is a Mexican immigrant. I think this judge had that in mind when he made his ruling.

But it's like I've always said, the two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. This is because neither can be held to any accountability for their actions.

Bush really screwed up this country by not enforcing the immigration laws and actually opposing those that suggested the border be sealed.

Of course that jackass Obama did everything he could to allow every Muslim and Mexican in the world to come here.He screwded up the country even more.

Trump was hired to fix the problem. Hopefully he will find a way withot the approval of a stupid Washington State Federal judge and the loony 9th Circuit appeals court. If he allows those bozos to stop the inflow of assholes then he is not the man that the people elected him thought he was. I suspect he will do what he said he would do.

Yes GW was soft on immigration, and he has a personal stake in it as well since his sister-in-law is a Mexican immigrant. I think this judge had that in mind when he made his ruling.

But it's like I've always said, the two biggest threats to our liberty are lifelong appointed judges and bureaucrats. This is because neither can be held to any accountability for their actions.

Bush really screwed up this country by not enforcing the immigration laws and actually opposing those that suggested the border be sealed.

Of course that jackass Obama did everything he could to allow every Muslim and Mexican in the world to come here.He screwded up the country even more.

Trump was hired to fix the problem. Hopefully he will find a way withot the approval of a stupid Washington State Federal judge and the loony 9th Circuit appeals court. If he allows those bozos to stop the inflow of assholes then he is not the man that the people elected him thought he was. I suspect he will do what he said he would do.

I wouldn't lose too much sleep over the courts. Trump will just get with this team to reword it better if even the Supreme Court rules against him.

Give him a break, he's only been President for a little over two weeks, and so far, has done an incredible job. He's just trying to get too much done at one time. As long as he learns from his mistakes, then mistakes can be looked at as an advantage.
So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

This is something you leftists (and yes, you are a leftist) know little about, and that's called logic.

So let me demonstrate how logic works by you "honestly" answering these questions:

Do Democrats heavily favor mass immigration and amnesty if not an open border policy?

Did Senate Democrats stop the process of Kate's law which again, imprisons illegal felons who return to the US after they've been deported?

Did Obama sue Arizona (and won) for creating their own immigrant laws to find illegals?

Are Democrat leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop actions against sanctuary cities?

Do all minorities in this country vote Democrat all the time?

Now if you can answer those questions honestly, you can plainly see how I came to the conclusion I did. If you can't, then you have no ability for logic, unless you can tell me a different plan the Democrats have besides turning our nation into a single-party country.
I don't agree with the Democrats on their immigration policy in many ways. I don't support the immigration ban presently being disputed, though. Where you goofed was assuming I agree with everything the Democrats do.

Okay, at least we are getting somewhere.

Now ask yourself why in the world Democrats would so strongly support immigration legal and illegal. What's in it for them? If you know the Democrat party, then you know they don't do anything unless there is an ulterior motive that benefits them.
You would have to ask a Democrat to answer those questions, Ray. But it is definitely not to take over the country with nonwhite peoples so they can rule unopposed in a country with one party.
And BTW, you didn't "get" me anywhere. I've always felt that way about immigration, so don't flatter yourself.

I don't know how old you are, but if you're a younger person, you will see what I'm talking about when the time comes. Me? I won't be here. Holding the palms of your hands against you ears and singing aloud won't make it go away. If you are a young person, you will be here when you become a minority in this country. When that happens, things will drastically change for you and everybody else in this once great nation.

So the time comes when whites are 49% or so of the country. What happens politically? Let's take a look:


A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation

As we can see, whites vote only 9% Republican over Democrat, but whites in the US are 62% of the population. And as we all know, we are somewhat even politically divided; sometimes Republicans win, and sometimes Democrats win.

When the white population decreases to 49%, and the minority population increases to 51%, there is no possible way Republicans could ever win leadership in Congress, Senate or the White House. The more of a minority whites become, the more solid a single-party government will be.

Now if some truck driver in a blog can figure this out, you bet political strategists in the Democrat party sure can. And this explains their never ending fight to augment immigration in the United States.
...You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.
And what-in-the-world makes you think that you're one of "the more advanced members of society"?

And what-in-the-world makes you think that "the more advanced members of society" get to make the calls for everyone?

And what-in-the-world makes you think that embracing continued large-scale immigration makes you either "advanced" or more fit to make those calls than the rest of us?

Astounding arrogance, the like of which is only seen routinely in the Dem-Prog-Lib camp.

It's a huge part of the answer as to why you've just lost the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

Your elitist arrogance renders you unfit for truly representative governance.

It's our ( the rest of the country, outside your elitist Dem-Prog-Lib camp ) country as well.

And you were bitch-slapped good-and-proper on November 8, 2016, as a reminder of that fact.

The sad and funny part is... you Retards are still in Denial, and haven't figured this out yet.
I don't want some dipshit judge who doesn't receive daily security briefings overriding our intelligence agencies and the President on national security.
Trump doesn't sit in on daily intelligence briefings. He said so. He said he's so smart that he doesn't need to :lol:

You don't know what President Trump is doing since taking office, or what he has learned in intelligence briefings, tissue?
I don't want some dipshit judge who doesn't receive daily security briefings overriding our intelligence agencies and the President on national security.
Trump doesn't sit in on daily intelligence briefings. He said so. He said he's so smart that he doesn't need to :lol:

You don't know what President Trump is doing since taking office, or what he has learned in intelligence briefings, tissue?

TRUMP: I'm a 'smart person,' don't need intelligence briefings every single day

In a rare post-election interview that aired Sunday, Trump argued for why he did not need to receive regular classified intelligence briefings on national security and foreign affairs, saying he told intelligence officials to only brief him when a situation the intelligence community is monitoring changes.

"I get it when I need it," Trump told "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace.

"I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years," the president-elect added. "I don't need that. But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know.'"

I don't want some dipshit judge who doesn't receive daily security briefings overriding our intelligence agencies and the President on national security.
Trump doesn't sit in on daily intelligence briefings. He said so. He said he's so smart that he doesn't need to :lol:

You don't know what President Trump is doing since taking office, or what he has learned in intelligence briefings, tissue?

TRUMP: I'm a 'smart person,' don't need intelligence briefings every single day

In a rare post-election interview that aired Sunday, Trump argued for why he did not need to receive regular classified intelligence briefings on national security and foreign affairs, saying he told intelligence officials to only brief him when a situation the intelligence community is monitoring changes.

"I get it when I need it," Trump told "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace.

"I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years," the president-elect added. "I don't need that. But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know.'"


I wouldn't lose too much sleep over the courts. Trump will just get with this team to reword it better if even the Supreme Court rules against him.

Give him a break, he's only been President for a little over two weeks, and so far, has done an incredible job. He's just trying to get too much done at one time. As long as he learns from his mistakes, then mistakes can be looked at as an advantage.

The sad thing is that Trump didn't make a mistake. The stupid judge in Washington state and that lunatic Moon Bat 9th Circuit are the ones that have their heads up their ass. This case was a no brainer.

Hopefully over the next eight years Trump can replace many of these idiot Moon Bat judges and appoint conservatives to the bench to this country great again. .

I am sure that Trump will prevail. He has true grit when it comes to doing what he says he is going to do.
I don't want some dipshit judge who doesn't receive daily security briefings overriding our intelligence agencies and the President on national security.
Trump doesn't sit in on daily intelligence briefings. He said so. He said he's so smart that he doesn't need to :lol:

You don't know what President Trump is doing since taking office, or what he has learned in intelligence briefings, tissue?

TRUMP: I'm a 'smart person,' don't need intelligence briefings every single day

In a rare post-election interview that aired Sunday, Trump argued for why he did not need to receive regular classified intelligence briefings on national security and foreign affairs, saying he told intelligence officials to only brief him when a situation the intelligence community is monitoring changes.

"I get it when I need it," Trump told "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace.

"I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years," the president-elect added. "I don't need that. But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know.'"

Mhmm :lol:

I wouldn't lose too much sleep over the courts. Trump will just get with this team to reword it better if even the Supreme Court rules against him.

Give him a break, he's only been President for a little over two weeks, and so far, has done an incredible job. He's just trying to get too much done at one time. As long as he learns from his mistakes, then mistakes can be looked at as an advantage.

The sad thing is that Trump didn't make a mistake. The stupid judge in Washington state and that lunatic Moon Bat 9th Circuit are the ones that have their heads up their ass. This case was a no brainer.

Hopefully over the next eight years Trump can replace many of these idiot Moon Bat judges and appoint conservatives to the bench to this country great again. .

I am sure that Trump will prevail. He has true grit when it comes to doing what he says he is going to do.

I agree, but I wouldn't go as far as to say he didn't make any mistakes. Having people fly here with the permission of this country only to be turned away was a mistake. He should have thought that through a little more carefully.

As far as anybody else goes, I could care less if he stopped everybody from coming in regardless where they are from. We have way to many immigrants in this country and we need to take a break for a while.
the Judge's responsibility is to determine the constitutionality of the policy, and not the policy itself, and this is what they are doing

Just to point out the United States Code passed by Congress under it's authorized power over immigration and naturalization amended the 1952 law with the following:

Except as specifically provided in paragraph (2) and in sections 1101(a)(27), 1151(b)(2)(A)(i), and 1153 of this title, no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person’s race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence."

8 U.S. Code § 1152 - Numerical limitations on individual foreign states

the Judge's responsibility is to determine the constitutionality of the policy, and not the policy itself, and this is what they are doing

The Constitution doesn't apply to foreigners needing a visa. Foreigners do not have any right to come into this country. The President was given authority in 1952 by Congress to ban visas from countries the President deemed to be a security risk to the US. The judges were idiots. A great example of the scum that needs to be drained from the swamp of government.
I'm not sure what laws Trump has broken exactly with his temporary immigration ban. Perhaps someone could tell me.

Additionally, it now appears that Progressives have given the courts the duty of deciding what immigrants can enter the country and which can't. Perhaps they could then show me in the Constitution where this is exactly.

But then, just because it is not written in the Constitution does not mean it is not implied to be there, right Progressives? For you see, the Constitution is a living breathing document that allows Progressives to dictate what it really means, or should have said all along had the writers of the Constitution not been slave owners.

NO dopey, it's called judicial review.

Appeal it and let's see what happens.

It's called checks and balances. You don't like it? Move to another country!
the Judge's responsibility is to determine the constitutionality of the policy, and not the policy itself, and this is what they are doing

Or are they using the Constitution as an excuse to promote their political agenda?
Trump's team just rushed this out haphazardly with no rhyme or reason, other than satisfying a political stance of his/their own... some things are not constitutional in it and some things are... it'll be sorted out, soon enough...

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