The Killer (a new ongoing group book)


She sat on her balcony as her maid set her tea on the Italian marble patio table as she contemplated what to do. The plan required depth and deception to lure her prey into the open. An understanding of his patterns which could take weeks of study was her first thoughts. She already knew some of those patterns as she sipped her tea and shooed the maid away. His breakfast seven every morning at Raoul's with a workout at the exclusive club down the street afterwards Monday through Saturday. Then attending to his father's business downtown until four in the afternoon with lunch on the premises. Then home to clean and change for his varying evening excursions. This generally meant a night at Club La Rochelle which his family also owned and where she first meet this slime.


Wow! This is turning into a pretty steamy and sexy story. Me likey! :D I'll have to give it some thought and make a contribution later on when I have some extra time.
one more


does anybody read at all?

does anybody owns a real book library here?

just one of you?

one ?

Lord I know the answer already :(

spare me the awful answer

does anybody owns a real book library here?

i do



"The mayor is all bent out of shape about these killings" said the chief looking straight into Deck's eyes. He noticed that his friend was getting upset with his initial tone of inquiry, he felt, explanation was needed. The three murder victims were employed by the mayors largest donor in the city. The Beauchamp family name carried heavy weight in New Orleans politics.
"I know where the pressure is coming from. We all know shit rolls down hill." answered Deck calmly.
Decimus was a good detective. His training in psychology told him that this wasn't a psychopath they were dealing with. This was something else he could't put his fingers on yet. The victims were all strong middle aged men, well known in the night life as the young Beauchamp's companions and to take them wasn't and easy task. Their bodies were found in the same vicinity, naked, their throats slashed. No other injuries were apparent with the exception on one who had some small bruises on his wrists but only very faintly recognizable. They were murdered at some other place. Why were the bodies moved to this secluded alley? Why would one take such a risk as moving them when the alligator infested Bayou would take care of their disposal without a trace? Does the scene suggests something crucial in solving the case?

"You're damn right it does," retorted the chief. Then in a milder tone. "Just get out of here and see what you can dig up... Preferably not another body. OK?"
"You bet. I'd like to question Jeannot Beauchamp. He appears to be avoiding me." Added Decimus.
"I'll see what I can do to set something up." Replied the chief. " Now get out of here and do something about that outfit."
"You got it chief." Returned Decimus as he exited the office and strode down the hall.
It was still early and there were a lot of people still looking at the night reports as he went through the station. The city of New Orleans was a busy place and with that came crime. It was the responsibility of these men and women to attempt to keep a lid on things and not let it boil over into anarchy. Unfortunately sometimes that wasn't even possible. Humanity as a whole sometimes became a raging beast that could not be contained.



She recalled when she picked the scum up one by one then lured them into her fishing cabin on the Bayou. It was on a small island she also owned approachable only on water. It had a large living room what also served as bedroom, a small kitchen, bathroom and a pantry. The living room had wall to wall carpet laid over there wooden floor and the walls had tapestry from ceiling to floor. It was a very strange arrangement she came up with. Both, under the carpet and tapestry alike there was a layer of visqueen.
She made sure the men were comfortable with her. She used felt lined hand cuffs to restrain her victims as part of a kinky foreplay and then revealed her true identity having the satisfaction seeing the horror in their eyes. When she finished her gruesome act, she removed the wall coverings, carpet, tapestry and visqueen splattered with the squirting blood and burned them. She took a shower under the outside deck shower head washing the blood away into the Bayou. Not a chance for blue light stain discovery.
The system failed her. She suspected far reaching Beauchamp tentacles influencing the investigation until it came to a screeching halt.
one more


does anybody read at all?

does anybody owns a real book library here?

just one of you?

one ?

Lord I know the answer already :(

spare me the awful answer

I have written one book, a Military & Spy book. About 400 pages long. I need to get a lawyer, not just any lawyer ( as I have been told ) - but an Intellectual Property lawyer to protect it. I want it protected before I have it edited by a professional...and sent off to a publisher(s) for considering being printed. I will say I am proud of it....I think I done a GREAT job for it being the first book I have written.

If I don't get it published before I croak, maybe my niece will have some "Chump Change" from the book ( Really, I hope it does better than Chump Change, I worked hard on it and done mounds of research ).

Geeze, I never thought getting a book published could be so difficult - and when I asked locally about legal advice, all I got was wrong turns and downplayed advice. The nearest "I.P" lawyer, as one legal professional told about two hours away, when the phone book is full of them at 35 minutes away to the north.

I have started on a second book, A spy book and I have about 40 pages of it done. Research is one of the hardest things. Trying to be as factual as you can.....or if not as fact, not being to far in the clouds that it is ridiculous.

I have many ideas and thoughts, but want to put them in the right sequence inside the book.

The characters have to be powerful, and stand out like a flood light on a dark night. I try my best at giving them great lines, being as descriptive as possible so the reader can actually picture everything in their mind. What the character is actually going through and what are they doing. What is their surroundings, and what are they feeling. It is not easy writing a GOOD book, one that you can be proud to put your name on.

Shadow 355

It had taken months to realize that if justice was to be done it would have to be by her hand. By now the young Beauchamp should understand the nature of the danger unless he was a complete idiot. Three bodies left in the same alley where he had committed his violation should be clue enough where the danger lied. he would act and soon. Perhaps an assassin given guidance as to where to look for clues that would lead to her. It was time to take precautions. She could almost feel the hounds on her trail, both police and paid assassins, relentlessly searching for that clue that would lead to her. She knew that Jeannot Beauchamp would toss the police only enough to flush her out for the real hunters to do their work. However she had a plan to make that backfire on him. Her time hunting with her father who served in the US Marine Corps throughout the North American continent and Europe when she was younger had well prepared her for this type of game.


She fondly remembered her father of late how he trained her and protected her especially after the horrendous crime committed against her. She recalled, when she regained consciousness after the emergency surgery and shortly thereafter her condition was stabilized, her father immediately transferred her to a small private clinic in Switzerland. When she was admitted in the emergency room she was listed as Jane Doe in the hospital and in police files to protect her identity. Police sources were quoted in newspapers that the rape victim died in the hospital. Beauchamp had no idea the BJ was alive. After her recovery she attended to the University of Paris and earned her masters diploma at Sorbonne. She disappeared and was as good as dead for everybody after her case was closed. When she came back to take the family business over after her father's death, she was a changed woman. Her demeanor, speech and her appearance were transformed into a classy, well educated beautiful woman who knew business.

It was through her father's business she had been able to infiltrate and discover the information that she had accumulated about the young Beauchamp. Even now she was able to enter and leave various Beauchamp interests as a businesswoman who provided services with little trouble. Today she was scheduled to meet with the manager of a Beauchamp restaurant in the downtown district. The restaurant was one of the lesser hangouts of the Jeannot but she thought it might prove useful in knowing it's layout. She had heard rumors that an important occasion was being planned. An event that would most likely be private and held at that particular restaurant.



She entered the establishment striding across the plush burgundy carpet to the polished mahogany and brass counter. The woman wearing a black vest with white blouse tending the bar recognized her and poured a French Chardonnay without asking while indicating with her deep brown eyes the corner table. A man sat there dressed in a slate gray suit smoking a cigar while sipping on a shot of something amber. His eyes were dark and hard as he surveyed his surroundings and would most likely prove a tough customer but then that was the typical Beauchamp representative.


The killer stalked the murky late night streets intent on seeking her next victim. The thrill and obsession of the hunt was like a insatiable hunger that burned deep in her psyche. The screams and struggles of her prior victims resonated like a symphony through her thoughts as she stopped at the corner of a busy wind swept street. The downtown area was a lush hunting ground for this mistress of death.


(Feel free to add the next paragraph or even sentence.)


A little too descriptive is it not. Seems like the melodramatic went overboard. Adjectives abound.

I am on my second book that I am writing. I am trying to have the characters discuss and talk.......more than just simple paragraphs that you find in some books ; where the characters do not talk for four or five pages.

A book is a story, let the characters tell the story. I do not like to read four to six pages of paragraphs that is just garbled talk that the author put in just to make their page count higher. I like for my books to be a movie on pages......where the characters tell the events and story line. The characters.......ARE THE BOOK, and I like for the reader to be interested in my characters. Characters that the reader can picture in their minds - their attitude, demeanor - intellect - ability. What they feel, what they see and what they hear. How they are dressed, where they are going and where they have gone. Characters tell the story, and the story should be simple.

I add power words to my book ; but not every sentence. I don't use language that where it would take a Harvard or a Yale Grad to figure it out. I don't set down to write, just to be writing.....I take pride in the books I write ; and as of very proud of them. I have completed my first book ; and am about 50 or so pages into my second book. I don't type to type, I research, think and plan ahead ; then put it on the computer screen - and I still find myself editing or fine tuning.

My to keep the reader interested. I want them to read the book, and see a portion inside the book, not wanting to put it down....because they want to see what happens next - who goes where ; or how does the outcome of this particular secion of the book turnout.

Books are supposed to be fun to read - the reader as if they were there living the events themselves. The characters in the book are actually surrounding the reader ; the reader can feel their breath. Fun - suspense - downtimes and tragedy. Laugh, cry, root for and suspense in how it will turn out - this is what a book is supposed to be.

I read a David Kilcullen book on Counter-Insurgency awhile back. He wrote it like he was doing a presentation for a Masters Class in college. Fancy terms, complicated he was wanting to prove to his readers he was educated. He tried too hard - his book was informative...but boring and dull. He wrote the book, like he was an over educated idiot.

Books are read by teens in high school, all the way to retired adults. Speak on their level. Keep the reader interested. Make the book enjoyable and fun to read, not complicated

Shadow 355
The killer stalked the murky late night streets intent on seeking her next victim. The thrill and obsession of the hunt was like a insatiable hunger that burned deep in her psyche. The screams and struggles of her prior victims resonated like a symphony through her thoughts as she stopped at the corner of a busy wind swept street. The downtown area was a lush hunting ground for this mistress of death.


(Feel free to add the next paragraph or even sentence.)


A little too descriptive is it not. Seems like the melodramatic went overboard. Adjectives abound.

I am on my second book that I am writing. I am trying to have the characters discuss and talk.......more than just simple paragraphs that you find in some books ; where the characters do not talk for four or five pages.

A book is a story, let the characters tell the story. I do not like to read four to six pages of paragraphs that is just garbled talk that the author put in just to make their page count higher. I like for my books to be a movie on pages......where the characters tell the events and story line. The characters.......ARE THE BOOK, and I like for the reader to be interested in my characters. Characters that the reader can picture in their minds - their attitude, demeanor - intellect - ability. What they feel, what they see and what they hear. How they are dressed, where they are going and where they have gone. Characters tell the story, and the story should be simple.

I add power words to my book ; but not every sentence. I don't use language that where it would take a Harvard or a Yale Grad to figure it out. I don't set down to write, just to be writing.....I take pride in the books I write ; and as of very proud of them. I have completed my first book ; and am about 50 or so pages into my second book. I don't type to type, I research, think and plan ahead ; then put it on the computer screen - and I still find myself editing or fine tuning.

My to keep the reader interested. I want them to read the book, and see a portion inside the book, not wanting to put it down....because they want to see what happens next - who goes where ; or how does the outcome of this particular secion of the book turnout.

Books are supposed to be fun to read - the reader as if they were there living the events themselves. The characters in the book are actually surrounding the reader ; the reader can feel their breath. Fun - suspense - downtimes and tragedy. Laugh, cry, root for and suspense in how it will turn out - this is what a book is supposed to be.

I read a David Kilcullen book on Counter-Insurgency awhile back. He wrote it like he was doing a presentation for a Masters Class in college. Fancy terms, complicated he was wanting to prove to his readers he was educated. He tried too hard - his book was informative...but boring and dull. He wrote the book, like he was an over educated idiot.

Books are read by teens in high school, all the way to retired adults. Speak on their level. Keep the reader interested. Make the book enjoyable and fun to read, not complicated

Shadow 355


This is an open group book. Feel free to add some to it and...



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