The killer did not use an AR-15...he used a Sig....

Face it, unfortunately we have mental midgets running the country! They will use every excuse to take down the second admendment. No politician can be trusted to support your right to bear arms!

After 7 years of predictions...and 7 years of those predictions being wrong. I would think you'd humble yourself.
Uh... you need to go back to cop-control instead of gun control.
"President Obama, speaking at the White House after the votes, echoed the cry, calling Wednesday “a pretty shameful day for Washington.”

Opponents of gun control from both parties said that they made their decisions based on logic, and that passions had no place in the making of momentous policy.

“Criminals do not submit to background checks now,” said Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa. “They will not submit to expanded background checks.”

It was a striking defeat for one of Mr. Obama’s highest priorities"

Let's say it was the will of people to adhere to the 2nd Amendment, who elected their senators and representatives.

You posted about background checks and I was speaking about gun bans. After 7 years of no gun taking I'd think you'd get the hint.

obama didn't want to risk he settled for filling the federal bench with anti gun judges....and with government in control of healthcare...they will use that to go after guns too....

7 years and you got nothing. Wise up already

What we've had is a nothing piece of shit for President for the past 7 1/2 years. That's what happens when you use skin color as a determining factor to vote in order to make yourself feel better.
If no law stops everything then there can never be something we can all agree defines someone as crazy. '

Huh? We can't define crazy because laws don't stop all of everything?

I'd ask you how does that work but I don't want you to pull a hammy.

We have a process for determining if a person is too crazy to own a gun right now.....right? Why aren't you happy with it...? You have everything you want...and you still want more...

Only if they go in front of a judge for a non related reason. There are a ton of crazy people who hasn't been in front of a judge or was deemed crazy by a court of law.

This guy in Orlando was sane. That's what you're saying. I just disagree

And here we can have some agreement......when a psychiatrist has a real nut.....not someone with insomnia....but a real nut.....we can construct a process where he can get that guy in front of a judge.....I would think getting one or more other shrinks to agree that the nut has to be sent to be adjudicated.......perhaps they can then go to the police, the police go to a judge and the judge issues a summons and they drag the guy in....he gets evaluated by a separate shrink from the first 3.....with the chance for him to be defended by his own court appointed shrink...just like getting appointed a lawyer.....

then...if that process makes him sane....he can sue the ass off of his original shrink...

Checks and balances and you get what you want..right?
No matter how many people tell them this it goes in one ear and get translated into then hearing "ban guns".

They've given up even discussing restriction because they have no argument against it.

Unless they go "lots of things kill people just because guns were designed to kill things doesn't mean it's different than a rock you can bash someones head in with" Waka waka

Yes we do. We have Germany, Britain and Australia......actual examples,where they were told to register guns and years later they were confiscated.......

3,750,000 million Americans have is the most popular rifle in America and they are not using those 3,750,000 rifles for crime or mass shooting....

The thing that killed those people....Gun Free Zones.....and you guys wanted those too...that is why we don't trust what you say....

Nothing you say supports your point of view on guns...the truth, the facts and reality do not support you....

I'm not talking German, I'm talking here. I am against confiscating weapons.

Funny thing is, the same guy who says "guns don't kill people" is now claiming a zone kills people.

And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not
If no law stops everything then there can never be something we can all agree defines someone as crazy. '

Huh? We can't define crazy because laws don't stop all of everything?

I'd ask you how does that work but I don't want you to pull a hammy.

We have a process for determining if a person is too crazy to own a gun right now.....right? Why aren't you happy with it...? You have everything you want...and you still want more...

Only if they go in front of a judge for a non related reason. There are a ton of crazy people who hasn't been in front of a judge or was deemed crazy by a court of law.

This guy in Orlando was sane. That's what you're saying. I just disagree

And here we can have some agreement......when a psychiatrist has a real nut.....not someone with insomnia....but a real nut.....we can construct a process where he can get that guy in front of a judge.....I would think getting one or more other shrinks to agree that the nut has to be sent to be adjudicated.......perhaps they can then go to the police, the police go to a judge and the judge issues a summons and they drag the guy in....he gets evaluated by a separate shrink from the first 3.....with the chance for him to be defended by his own court appointed shrink...just like getting appointed a lawyer.....

then...if that process makes him sane....he can sue the ass off of his original shrink...

Checks and balances and you get what you want..right?

CC isn't interested in anything but others accepting what he defines as crazy.
Yes we do. We have Germany, Britain and Australia......actual examples,where they were told to register guns and years later they were confiscated.......

3,750,000 million Americans have is the most popular rifle in America and they are not using those 3,750,000 rifles for crime or mass shooting....

The thing that killed those people....Gun Free Zones.....and you guys wanted those too...that is why we don't trust what you say....

Nothing you say supports your point of view on guns...the truth, the facts and reality do not support you....

I'm not talking German, I'm talking here. I am against confiscating weapons.

Funny thing is, the same guy who says "guns don't kill people" is now claiming a zone kills people.

And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not

There are people on your side of the aisle that want to ban guns. Saying no one does is sticking your head in the sand or in your case, up your asshole.
If no law stops everything then there can never be something we can all agree defines someone as crazy. '

Huh? We can't define crazy because laws don't stop all of everything?

I'd ask you how does that work but I don't want you to pull a hammy.

We have a process for determining if a person is too crazy to own a gun right now.....right? Why aren't you happy with it...? You have everything you want...and you still want more...

Only if they go in front of a judge for a non related reason. There are a ton of crazy people who hasn't been in front of a judge or was deemed crazy by a court of law.

This guy in Orlando was sane. That's what you're saying. I just disagree

Again, you don't want to discuss and agree. You want others to accept what you say and call it compromise.

Here's how it's going to work. I'll determine what makes someone crazy and you'll find a way to be happy with it. Agree?

How many times do I have to say you'd be included before you stop with the "Waaa yiu want me to do as you say...waaaa, you're not the boss of me" shit?
If no law stops everything then there can never be something we can all agree defines someone as crazy. '

Huh? We can't define crazy because laws don't stop all of everything?

I'd ask you how does that work but I don't want you to pull a hammy.

We have a process for determining if a person is too crazy to own a gun right now.....right? Why aren't you happy with it...? You have everything you want...and you still want more...

Only if they go in front of a judge for a non related reason. There are a ton of crazy people who hasn't been in front of a judge or was deemed crazy by a court of law.

This guy in Orlando was sane. That's what you're saying. I just disagree

Again, you don't want to discuss and agree. You want others to accept what you say and call it compromise.

Here's how it's going to work. I'll determine what makes someone crazy and you'll find a way to be happy with it. Agree?

How many times do I have to say you'd be included before you stop with the "Waaa yiu want me to do as you say...waaaa, you're not the boss of me" shit?

How many times do I have to tell you, boy, that despite what you say, you lie.

I would never say you're the boss of me. Your kind couldn't ever be my boss.
Yes we do. We have Germany, Britain and Australia......actual examples,where they were told to register guns and years later they were confiscated.......

3,750,000 million Americans have is the most popular rifle in America and they are not using those 3,750,000 rifles for crime or mass shooting....

The thing that killed those people....Gun Free Zones.....and you guys wanted those too...that is why we don't trust what you say....

Nothing you say supports your point of view on guns...the truth, the facts and reality do not support you....

I'm not talking German, I'm talking here. I am against confiscating weapons.

Funny thing is, the same guy who says "guns don't kill people" is now claiming a zone kills people.

And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not

I don't care what you think about is the anti-gun nut politicians who were praying for Orlando to happen so they can finally push to get rid of assualt weapons again....and they don't even believe in God.......but for this...they were praying....
So? Are you saying because it wasn't used here then it's a non killing type of gun?

You can be killed with a shovel.

What rational people are saying is that the AR-15 is no more dangerous than any other .22
What a dumb fuck you are for saying that. The round the AR-15 shoots has a muzzle energy of about 1500 ft/lbs. The 22 long rifle has a muzzle energy of 104 ft/lbs.

223 Remington Ballistics Chart | Ballistics 101

.22 Long Rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
.22 hornet, muzzle energy 859ft/lb with a 55 gr bullet (and the most popular bullet weight is 55 gr for the AR 15)
The AR 15 is a .22 caliber gun and it doesn't matter how you are spinning it.
Huh? We can't define crazy because laws don't stop all of everything?

I'd ask you how does that work but I don't want you to pull a hammy.

We have a process for determining if a person is too crazy to own a gun right now.....right? Why aren't you happy with it...? You have everything you want...and you still want more...

Only if they go in front of a judge for a non related reason. There are a ton of crazy people who hasn't been in front of a judge or was deemed crazy by a court of law.

This guy in Orlando was sane. That's what you're saying. I just disagree

Again, you don't want to discuss and agree. You want others to accept what you say and call it compromise.

Here's how it's going to work. I'll determine what makes someone crazy and you'll find a way to be happy with it. Agree?

How many times do I have to say you'd be included before you stop with the "Waaa yiu want me to do as you say...waaaa, you're not the boss of me" shit?

How many times do I have to tell you, boy, that despite what you say, you lie.

I would never say you're the boss of me. Your kind couldn't ever be my boss.

A hypothetical can't be a lie Vicky the Victim.

Now go sit in the corner and sob quietly to yourself. I'm tired of your whining.
Yes we do. We have Germany, Britain and Australia......actual examples,where they were told to register guns and years later they were confiscated.......

3,750,000 million Americans have is the most popular rifle in America and they are not using those 3,750,000 rifles for crime or mass shooting....

The thing that killed those people....Gun Free Zones.....and you guys wanted those too...that is why we don't trust what you say....

Nothing you say supports your point of view on guns...the truth, the facts and reality do not support you....

I'm not talking German, I'm talking here. I am against confiscating weapons.

Funny thing is, the same guy who says "guns don't kill people" is now claiming a zone kills people.

And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not

You say that...

Then the New York Times, and every left wing journalist says the 2nd Amendment needs to go...then the late night talk show hosts, like Conan O'brian say it...and the actors in hollywood say it...and the democrats in congress and the white house say it.....

So if they keep saying it.....why should I think they don't fucking mean it?
A hypothetical can't be a lie Vicky the Victim.

Now go sit in the corner and sob quietly to yourself. I'm tired of your whining.
OK.. then give all the power to the police, let them outgun you and violate your rights at will. They already do it but in lesser severity.
I'm not talking German, I'm talking here. I am against confiscating weapons.

Funny thing is, the same guy who says "guns don't kill people" is now claiming a zone kills people.

And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not

I don't care what you think about is the anti-gun nut politicians who were praying for Orlando to happen so they can finally push to get rid of assualt weapons again....and they don't even believe in God.......but for this...they were praying....

Any day now the Apocalypse is coming bro!
I'm not talking German, I'm talking here. I am against confiscating weapons.

Funny thing is, the same guy who says "guns don't kill people" is now claiming a zone kills people.

And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not

You say that...

Then the New York Times, and every left wing journalist says the 2nd Amendment needs to go...then the late night talk show hosts, like Conan O'brian say it...and the actors in hollywood say it...and the democrats in congress and the white house say it.....

So if they keep saying it.....why should I think they don't fucking mean it?

You know how I keep telling you in not for any ban on guns? And how everytime I tell go back to saying I want to ban guns?

Yeah, it's just that. You think everyone is saying things they arent but you believe you see through a code of some sort and see the real truth.
We have a process for determining if a person is too crazy to own a gun right now.....right? Why aren't you happy with it...? You have everything you want...and you still want more...

Only if they go in front of a judge for a non related reason. There are a ton of crazy people who hasn't been in front of a judge or was deemed crazy by a court of law.

This guy in Orlando was sane. That's what you're saying. I just disagree

Again, you don't want to discuss and agree. You want others to accept what you say and call it compromise.

Here's how it's going to work. I'll determine what makes someone crazy and you'll find a way to be happy with it. Agree?

How many times do I have to say you'd be included before you stop with the "Waaa yiu want me to do as you say...waaaa, you're not the boss of me" shit?

How many times do I have to tell you, boy, that despite what you say, you lie.

I would never say you're the boss of me. Your kind couldn't ever be my boss.

A hypothetical can't be a lie Vicky the Victim.

Now go sit in the corner and sob quietly to yourself. I'm tired of your whining.

Hey...are you going to respond to my actual process for adjudicating someone nuts ...or not?
And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not

I don't care what you think about is the anti-gun nut politicians who were praying for Orlando to happen so they can finally push to get rid of assualt weapons again....and they don't even believe in God.......but for this...they were praying....

Any day now the Apocalypse is coming bro!
And I am showing you what has actually happened when people like you say they don't want to confiscate weapons...just common sense gun was said by German, British and Australian governments...decades before they actually had the power to confiscate weapons....

it actually is the truth and the facts and the reality.......we know nuts ignore history..over and over again....

This is like saying that stopping Muslims from entering is JUST LIKE putting Jews in the gas chamber because Hitler banned people too!

Yes, it happened there. But that in no way means it HAS TO happen here. Especially when no one wants it or is calling for it.

Exactly...and the way you keep it from happening here is by not doing the same things Germany, Britain and Australia did to get to confiscation...what did they do...

--registered all guns

--banned most guns for civilians

--require special permits for ownership...

Decades later...each country then used an excuse, usually violence by socialists or nuts, to take guns away from people who did not use them to commit crimes or murder people.....and they used the pryor steps to confiscate the guns...

so no.....we know how you guys do it..and we are not going to let you do it here...

No one is proposing any of those things. You know, it would be nice if for once you responded to just 1 fucking point I'm making. Instead you keep going back to the same shit.

"You want to ban guns" I don't
"You want to take guns" I don't
"Ok, nothing has happened in 7 fucking years but I sweat it's going to happen any day now"

It's not

You say that...

Then the New York Times, and every left wing journalist says the 2nd Amendment needs to go...then the late night talk show hosts, like Conan O'brian say it...and the actors in hollywood say it...and the democrats in congress and the white house say it.....

So if they keep saying it.....why should I think they don't fucking mean it?

You know how I keep telling you in not for any ban on guns? And how everytime I tell go back to saying I want to ban guns?

Yeah, it's just that. You think everyone is saying things they arent but you believe you see through a code of some sort and see the real truth.

yeah...the left wing bible.....

NYTimes Editorial: Congress Should Secretly Suspend Second Amendment Rights

again.....left wing journalists.....left wing actors....left wing doctors....left wing politicians...all say we need to ban the AR-15.....and I am supposed to think they are joking?
This entire thread has nothing, whatsoever to do with the issue at hand.

That issue is that for nearly EIGHT YEARS we have had a President who REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE that our enemy, RADICAL ISLAM, has declared WAR ON THE UNITED STATES. Instead, he wishes to deal with it as a law issue. Why else would he be releasing sworn enemies of our country while declaring war on law abiding citizens for defending themselves?
That's a fucking opinion piece backed by NO ONE! lmao.

I heard this lesbian chick she wasn't in a homosexual relationship because she doesn't feel like a girl.

I did the same thing as that stupid article you posted. Laugh at how fucking stupid it is. But you're a hammer and everything looks like an anti 2nd Amendment nail.
This entire thread has nothing, whatsoever to do with the issue at hand.

That issue is that for nearly EIGHT YEARS we have had a President who REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE that our enemy, RADICAL ISLAM, has declared WAR ON THE UNITED STATES. Instead, he wishes to deal with it as a law issue. Why else would he be releasing sworn enemies of our country while declaring war on law abiding citizens for defending themselves?

You sound like 4 bumper stickers and make just as much sense.
Before the bodies hit the floor in Orlando, the anti-liberty left was scrambling to climb atop the corpses and attack civil rights.

Nothing that the left and the DNC media like more than attacking the AR-15 style of .22 that is so popular with Americans. Obama and Hillary demanded that the Bill of Rights be revoked,. Clinton renews call for gun control in wake of Orlando attack and Obama pimped the same attack on Capitol Hill.

Both of these two anti-liberty thugs claimed that the Muslim terrorist and registered democrat had used the hated AR-15.

One minor problem - he didn't.

What he used was a a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system.

Oh, The Orlando Killer Didn't Use An AR-15 Rifle...

Truth doesn't fit with the agenda of democrats, so Hillary and Barack avoid it like the plague.


Let me try and think like a liberal freedom hater-

Doesn't matter what type of gun it was, nobody needs a gun that can kill people, so ban all guns, force all conservatives to take sensitivity training, force all bakeries to make cakes depicting gay Muslims having intercourse, and stop making fun of Hillary and her collection of pant suits.
Not bad :beer:
Last edited:
You and your fellow anti-liberty leftists are obsessed with rifles that have plastic on them. You claim that banning them will keep Muslim terrorists from murdering people (worked well on 9/11 :thup:)

No one ever ever EVER claimed this. Yiu just don't have a point so you create these crazy ass strawmen like "leftist believe guns shoot on their own".

You can't address any point I make so you lie about what I believe to debate it. Good luck liar
Well, you did state 'the AR15 kills people'.

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