The KKK and White Supremacists vs ANTIFA: Absolutely No Comparison

You guys are the Nazis though. You attack innocent people, break windows, etc.

Your father would be very disappointed if he saw you now.

That's ^^^^ what wrong with RWNJs. This fearful little cupcake ^^^ says that broken windows is what makes nazis.

My bet is that if I mention commies, Godboy will start screeching.

I wonder what fascist nazi alt right expected. Did they really think the US would just lay down and let them roll over democracy?

How does attacking peaceful protesters "defend" our Republic?

C'mon Luddly Neddite , explain to us how viciously attacking peaceful protesters is "defending" our Republic. I am curious to see what warped BS comes out of your pie hole.

how are people arme3d to the teeth, walking with torches and shouting "blood and soil" peaceful?

I'd say the violence was the white supremacist terrorist trash who drove a car into the crowd in WV

why has the right devolved into a white christian supremacist group since Donald showed his ugly face?.

Had the videos I posted involved that scenario you would have a point. Clearly you haven't watched the videos, so I will suggest that you do watch them, and then come back and answer the question I asked.

one cheery picked video. you won't find me defending violence at protests.

on the other hand, we're talking about parity... and nothing is comparable to nazis. they're pretty much the apex of evil. and all I see are people on the right defending them because, as usual, they'll take any position they think trolls the left. I think that's sad.

there should be certain basic points of agreements.... starting with nazis evil... people who stand up to them not evil.

No, jillian. MULTIPLE video's from all over the country, and the world. Your unwillingness to actually look at what these people are doing is very disturbing. They can call themselves anything they want, but their actions are exactly the same as the scum they claim to be against, and if they were attacking violent scumbags I wouldn't have a problem with them. The issue is they don't. They universally attack, peaceful, non violent protesters. Take a look at the bike lock asshole. EVERY single person he attacked was trying to keep the peace between protest groups.

YOU are wrong as wrong can be jillian. Time for you to wake up.

Row 1: (left to right) Brittany Mooreman, Emily Gillespie, Harlan Paknau. Row 2: James Dominic, Joshua Phillips, Kristopher Wyrick, Levi Smith. Row 3: Rachael Lea Moore, Sean Hines,
Seth Vasquez, Yesenia Mendez. (Photos/Alameda County Sheriff)

Berkeley Police released mugshots Tuesday of 11 of the 13 persons arrested at Sunday’s violent political riots in the California university town.

Read more at Unmasked: 11 antifa mugshots guaranteed to make your blood boil
Dollars to donuts you will not see one. Trump. supporter. say nary a negative word about the KKK nor the White Supremacists, but will have a ton of links, crude, bad and harsh words and sentiments about ANTIFA, a new group never before heard of until about two months ago or less.


That's not who antifa is opposing. To these kooks, anyone who voted for Trump, or is to the right of Obama, is a Nazi.

You have no serious argument or gripe.
ANTIFA is responsible for FAR more violence all across the country. I'll certainly agree with you that the KKK is bad, but they aren't as violent as ANTIFA. I've got ENDLESS videos to support my position. What do YOU have?
So in your brain ANTIFA has done things equal to and/or worse than this...?


And a PROVEN history of putting these in innocent families' yards to terrorize them ...?

Why are all your examples old as fuck? What do you have from THIS century?
No comparison, the KKK and white supremacist are by far the most notorious of the two groups and I have no use for their hatred and bigotry. ANTIFA is a young organization that is trying to suppress free speech by using violence.

I am against the violence used by any group, we all need to follow the rule of law and we must allow the most despicable speech to remain a free country.

Pelosi, who I think is one of the worst politicians in my lifetime has come out and condemns the ANTIFA violence on Sunday. A civil country has no room for this crap.

Pelosi condemns 'antifa' after Berkeley clashes

In the long run, Pelosi is wrong.

And you are wrong that ANTIFA "is trying to suppress free speech".

Using violence to stop another group from voicing and opinion is a trying to supress speech and expression.

Pelosi condemning a groups violence is the correct thing to do. I know you believe violence is the answer as long as you don't lift a finger, however others have higher morals and a deeper appreciation for the Constitution.

so we didn't kill nazis in WWII

again... one group marching out of hate.

another group protesting against that hate.

small percentage of opposition group has some violence.

not representative of the entire group of protesters.

and no justification for likening them to lowlife scum with torches screaming "blood and soil and jews will not replace us".

but keep defending the disgusting cross burners

The KKK, the white supremacist, no matter how vile we think they are, have a right to march as you and I do. As long as they are peaceful, I have no issue with their demonstration of free speech, I have issue with their message but for a group to use violence to suppress free speech in this country is wrong.

Just because you disagree with a person's politics or ideas of race gives you no right to use violence to suppress them.

We killed Nazis because we were returning violence they initially launched on Europe.

I hate the KKK, Nazis, white supremacist, they are all nuts, but I will defend their freedom to speak their hate. You don't seem to give a fuck about First Amendment rights. That's okay by me, you are allowed your opinion and I'm allowed to think it is hypocritical and absolutely dangerous to our country.
Wow look at all of those white southern Christians risking their lives and their boats to help people of every color.....can we dump that crap already? Grow up lefties.

Row 1: (left to right) Brittany Mooreman, Emily Gillespie, Harlan Paknau. Row 2: James Dominic, Joshua Phillips, Kristopher Wyrick, Levi Smith. Row 3: Rachael Lea Moore, Sean Hines,
Seth Vasquez, Yesenia Mendez. (Photos/Alameda County Sheriff)

Berkeley Police released mugshots Tuesday of 11 of the 13 persons arrested at Sunday’s violent political riots in the California university town.

Read more at Unmasked: 11 antifa mugshots guaranteed to make your blood boil


^^^^ They look like a typical combination of bull dykes and paedophiles.
ANTIFA is responsible for FAR more violence all across the country. I'll certainly agree with you that the KKK is bad, but they aren't as violent as ANTIFA. I've got ENDLESS videos to support my position. What do YOU have?
So in your brain ANTIFA has done things equal to and/or worse than this...?


And a PROVEN history of putting these in innocent families' yards to terrorize them ...?

Why are all your examples old as fuck? What do you have from THIS century?

They have nothing from this Century, Leftists live in the past, it's why they are always gibbering about things that ended 70 plus years ago for example, it's the result of the Brainwashing.
Why are all your examples old as fuck? What do you have from THIS century?
From the other day in Charlottesville, S.C...













As you can see, the violent White Supremacists thugs had a very busy day.

Any further questions?
There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil. It is idle to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it is a greater evil to the white than to the colored race."
~ General Robert E. Lee in a letter ~5 years BEFORE the beginning of the Civil War (12/1856) Not only was he unequivocally against Slavery, he called it a moral and political evil ~5 years before the Civil War even started. Gen. Lee, not a symbol of Slavery, rather a Champion against Slavery.
He went to a church he had not been to one Sunday after the war. There were black men women and children in the balcony. A brave Black man plodded up to the rector and knelt, he began to pray. No one in the church knew what to do, or what to say. This had never happened before. Blacks stayed in the balcony at all times. The congregation froze, speechless. General Lee walked up and knelt beside the man and prayed with him.
Why are all your examples old as fuck? What do you have from THIS century?
From the other day in Charlottesville, S.C...













As you can see, the violent White Supremacists thugs had a very busy day.

Any further questions?
That's all you have? We've been watching ANTIFA attack people since the start of Trumps campaign. I can produce hundreds of examples. Why can't you do the same?
Why are all your examples old as fuck? What do you have from THIS century?
From the other day in Charlottesville, S.C...













As you can see, the violent White Supremacists thugs had a very busy day.

Any further questions?

The video below of the Antifa violently attacking journalists on the Friday night in Charlottesville, Virginia, many of these journalists as you'll see from the video were viciously attacked with iron bars and sticks and had to receive hospital treatment for head injuries....including female journalists and those from a Richmond, Virginia news team.

As you can see, the violent Far Left Antifa Fascist human filth had a very busy day and night.

Alt Left Antifa Attack Reporters at VA Rally

Here again.

Lol the Antifa are mindlessly chanting:

"We're here, we're GAY, we fight the KKK"

Lol stupid faggots.

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That's all you have? We've been watching ANTIFA attack people since the start of Trumps campaign. I can produce hundreds of examples. Why can't you do the same?
Okay, then present them.

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