Zone1 The KKK question


Gold Member
Was/Is the KKK a primarily WASP organisation? Have there been Catholics and Southern or Eastern Europeans? Like a Bulgarian, Greek, Sicilian?

What about Jews? I guess a practicing Jew would be already disqualified because of his religion? The KKK was/is a Christian organisation?

Was/Is the KKK a primarily WASP organisation? Have there been Catholics and Southern or Eastern Europeans? Like a Bulgarian, Greek, Sicilian?

What about Jews? I guess a practicing Jew would be already disqualified because of his religion? The KKK was/is a Christian organisation?

The KKK is the far left wing of the Democratic Party.
1928.....30K Democrats march on DC.

Was/Is the KKK a primarily WASP organisation? Have there been Catholics and Southern or Eastern Europeans? Like a Bulgarian, Greek, Sicilian?

What about Jews? I guess a practicing Jew would be already disqualified because of his religion? The KKK was/is a Christian organisation?

Depends on which KKK you are talking about.

The post-Civil War KKK was a southern reactionary force to Reconstruction.

The 1920's KKK was a social organization of White, Anglo-Saxon protestants, focusing on political power over blacks, jews, Catholics and non northern Europeans.

The 1960's KKK was a southern reactionary group to the civil rights movement. The one we have today is the remnants of it. They also were mingled with the Neo-Nazi movement.
I had several family members who were KKK members back in the 1950s and 60s. They were mostly WWII vets that came home and were protecting their community from crime. It worked, we had very little crime.

We had very few Catholics or Jews in the area so I doubt there were any in the organization.
The KKK of 2023 is much worse than the KKK of the past. They get together, wear extravagant costumes, eat barbecue, say mean things, and make distasteful jokes. Their harmful actions are way worse today than at any time in KKK history. I don’t know how a black person can succeed knowing that at any time during the day 2-3 kkk members could tell a distasteful joke deep in the woods with other kkk members. It’s horrifying really. If this isn’t terrorism then I don’t know what is. I tell you what. Black people will never succeed with these monsters around. Which is probably the point.

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