The Last Remaining Sambo's has Changed its Name

The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
/—-/ Same idiotic thing happened to St John’s University. Their mascot was Redmen, a nickname given to the football team’s red uniform. Libs twisted to to be a slur against Indians, so they changed it to Red Storm.
Did that hurt them to change it to Red Storm?
/——/ Yes, it hurt their liberty when they caved to Political Correctness gone haywire. The majority of Alumni was against it.
You said "caved" not forced then. Is this correct?
/——-/ The Dean, caves. The Teams and fans were forced.
The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
/—-/ Same idiotic thing happened to St John’s University. Their mascot was Redmen, a nickname given to the football team’s red uniform. Libs twisted to to be a slur against Indians, so they changed it to Red Storm.
Did that hurt them to change it to Red Storm?
/——/ Yes, it hurt their liberty when they caved to Political Correctness gone haywire. The majority of Alumni was against it.
You said "caved" not forced then. Is this correct?
my god youre a dumb SOB,,,,
They willingly associated themselves to the racist term
At the time is was not a racist term... it was only consider such in the late 70's when you got you panties n a wad over it.
Your ignorance is made worse by the fact I already pasted the link to prove you wrong.

The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
/—-/ Same idiotic thing happened to St John’s University. Their mascot was Redmen, a nickname given to the football team’s red uniform. Libs twisted to to be a slur against Indians, so they changed it to Red Storm.
Did that hurt them to change it to Red Storm?
/——/ Yes, it hurt their liberty when they caved to Political Correctness gone haywire. The majority of Alumni was against it.
You said "caved" not forced then. Is this correct?
/——-/ The Dean, caves. The Teams and fans were forced.
No they were not forced. No one made them attend the school. No one forced them to be fans of the school.
1. It is a good decision to change the name. There is no need to unnecessarily hurt people's feelings.

2, I also feel that we should not use the word that starts with an "n" that means "stingy."

3. It is also time, I feel, that Aunt Jemima pancake mix change its name and especially the illustration on the box. (I also wince a bit at the name of Uncle Ben's Rice. The word "uncle" was long used to denigrate African American men in the South.)

4. I believe, however, that Mark Twain's use of the N-word should be left in his books.

5. Like it or not, the Confederate statues in the South are falling. Personally, I think that they should stand for historical reasons. But I can understand why some people want them taken down.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap2:UOTE="Mac-7, post: 24827536, member: 72594"]
The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

itwas a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
Liberal ignorance is a terrible thing
Stop whining bitch. They associated themselves with the racist term.

" Though the name was taken from portions of the names of its founders, the chain soon found itself associated with The Story of Little Black Sambo. Battistone and Bohnett capitalized on this connection by decorating the walls of the restaurants with scenes from the book, including a dark-skinned boy, tigers, and a pale, magical unicycle-riding man called "The Treefriend". "
you cant cover up your ignorance by cursing at me

Next you’ll be telling us that niggardly is a racist term
They absolutely played to the built in branding of the name, of that there is no doubt, but that's not why they chose the name...

Funny how the story of an Indian boy written in 1899 evolved over the years to become what it did. At the time. critics noted that the author, Helen Bannerman, presented one of the first black heroes in children's literature and regarded the book as positively portraying black characters in both the text and pictures, especially when compared to the more negative books of that time that portrayed blacks as simple and uncivilized.

There was certainly nothing seen as racist about the story when it was published, nor when Sambo's adopted it as their theme. “Little Black Sambo” wasn't even an African-descended character; he was Indian. Note that tigers play a major role in the story, and that tigers are endemic to India, but not to anywhere in Africa nor the Americas, so an African or an African-descended American child wouldn't be likely to appear in the same story with tigers.

I faintly remember a book of the story that I had as a young child. It was one of those childrens' books, with thick cardboard pages, bright colorful pictures, and a simplified text of the story, suitable for children just learning to read. I'm amazed, now, at how clearly I remember how Sambo himself was pictured. I think the illustrations must have been made by making small figures of the characters and props, and photographing them. Sambo was a cartoonish child form, wearing a turban, a bright red shirt, green shorts, purple shoes, and a blue umbrella (maybe the shorts were blue, and the umbrella green) (that is, until he gave all those things to the various tigers, and again, after he retrieved them from the pile of butter that the tigers had become.
They willingly associated themselves to the racist term
At the time is was not a racist term... it was only consider such in the late 70's when you got you panties n a wad over it.
Your ignorance is made worse by the fact I already pasted the link to prove you wrong.

Give a break asswipe
The Sambo in Sambo's Resturant was not even black
View attachment 347155

That wasnt until later.

The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
Liberal ignorance is a terrible thing
Stop whining bitch. They associated themselves with the racist term.

" Though the name was taken from portions of the names of its founders, the chain soon found itself associated with The Story of Little Black Sambo. Battistone and Bohnett capitalized on this connection by decorating the walls of the restaurants with scenes from the book, including a dark-skinned boy, tigers, and a pale, magical unicycle-riding man called "The Treefriend". "
you cant cover up your ignorance by cursing at me

Next you’ll be telling us that niggardly is a racist term
I'm exposing your ignorance you dumb fuck. They willingly associated themselves to the racist term so please explain to the board how ignorance is at play other than your own?
What was the racist term?
They willingly associated themselves to the racist term
At the time is was not a racist term... it was only consider such in the late 70's when you got you panties n a wad over it.
Your ignorance is made worse by the fact I already pasted the link to prove you wrong.

Give a break asswipe
The Sambo in Sambo's Resturant was not even black
View attachment 347155

That wasnt until later.

We are not talking about the Book we are talking about the restaurant


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The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
What do they call it now "crackers"?
Well we white people go to Cracker Barrel’s.
They willingly associated themselves to the racist term
At the time is was not a racist term... it was only consider such in the late 70's when you got you panties n a wad over it.
Your ignorance is made worse by the fact I already pasted the link to prove you wrong.

Give a break asswipe
The Sambo in Sambo's Resturant was not even black
View attachment 347155

That wasnt until later.

We are not talking about the Book we are talking about the restaurant
I know youre not talking about the book. Thats because you want to pretend they didnt grab on and associate themselves with it. Its ok but just know that I know.
Look at all the sad tRumplings. So upset one of their favorite symbols has changed it's name.

Not their menu, not the atmosphere, not the management, not the patrons, not the decore, not the staff, not the location... just the racist name.

And they're heartbroken.

Because they aren't racists?
They willingly associated themselves to the racist term
At the time is was not a racist term... it was only consider such in the late 70's when you got you panties n a wad over it.
Your ignorance is made worse by the fact I already pasted the link to prove you wrong.

Give a break asswipe
The Sambo in Sambo's Resturant was not even black
View attachment 347155

That wasnt until later.

We are not talking about the Book we are talking about the restaurant
I know youre not talking about the book. Thats because you want to pretend they didnt grab on and associate themselves with it. Its ok but just know that I know.
You are confusing Sambo's with little Black Sambo
two different things.

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