The Last Remaining Sambo's has Changed its Name

They willingly associated themselves to the racist term
At the time is was not a racist term... it was only consider such in the late 70's when you got you panties n a wad over it.
Your ignorance is made worse by the fact I already pasted the link to prove you wrong.

Give a break asswipe
The Sambo in Sambo's Resturant was not even black
View attachment 347155

That wasnt until later.

We are not talking about the Book we are talking about the restaurant
I know youre not talking about the book. Thats because you want to pretend they didnt grab on and associate themselves with it. Its ok but just know that I know.
You are confusing Sambo's with little Black Sambo
two different things.
Youre pretending Sambos didnt latch onto the book for marketing purposes.
The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
Liberal ignorance is a terrible thing
Stop whining bitch. They associated themselves with the racist term.

" Though the name was taken from portions of the names of its founders, the chain soon found itself associated with The Story of Little Black Sambo. Battistone and Bohnett capitalized on this connection by decorating the walls of the restaurants with scenes from the book, including a dark-skinned boy, tigers, and a pale, magical unicycle-riding man called "The Treefriend". "
you cant cover up your ignorance by cursing at me

Next you’ll be telling us that niggardly is a racist term
I'm exposing your ignorance you dumb fuck. They willingly associated themselves to the racist term so please explain to the board how ignorance is at play other than your own?
Still ising curse words to fill the gaps in your limited vocabulary I see

I wish we could get a better class of minorities posting here
Actually studies have shown that if you have a vocabulary that includes curse words you are smarter than people that dont. Bitch.

Let's see that one.

Post a link.

I just looked and there is a shit load of them on google. Get off your lazy ass and type you silly bitch.

I don't do homework for racist bigots like you.

You make the claim, you back it up.
The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
Liberal ignorance is a terrible thing
Stop whining bitch. They associated themselves with the racist term.

" Though the name was taken from portions of the names of its founders, the chain soon found itself associated with The Story of Little Black Sambo. Battistone and Bohnett capitalized on this connection by decorating the walls of the restaurants with scenes from the book, including a dark-skinned boy, tigers, and a pale, magical unicycle-riding man called "The Treefriend". "
What the hell does that make the rainbow?
The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
Liberal ignorance is a terrible thing
Stop whining bitch. They associated themselves with the racist term.

" Though the name was taken from portions of the names of its founders, the chain soon found itself associated with The Story of Little Black Sambo. Battistone and Bohnett capitalized on this connection by decorating the walls of the restaurants with scenes from the book, including a dark-skinned boy, tigers, and a pale, magical unicycle-riding man called "The Treefriend". "
What the hell does that make the rainbow?
Gay pride sign? Not sure what you mean. Is this a white colloquialism?
They willingly associated themselves to the racist term
At the time is was not a racist term... it was only consider such in the late 70's when you got you panties n a wad over it.
Your ignorance is made worse by the fact I already pasted the link to prove you wrong.

Give a break asswipe
The Sambo in Sambo's Resturant was not even black
View attachment 347155

That wasnt until later.

We are not talking about the Book we are talking about the restaurant
I know youre not talking about the book. Thats because you want to pretend they didnt grab on and associate themselves with it. Its ok but just know that I know.
You are confusing Sambo's with little Black Sambo
two different things.
Youre pretending Sambos didnt latch onto the book for marketing purposes.
Your little black sambo does not look anything like the Sambo Restaurant Logo. Wrong race, wrong country and a tiger not a lion, remember there are no tigers in Africa
What's the new name? When I lived back East I remember the chain but haven't seen one in many years.
Dennys. One of the most racist restaurants I have ever been to. I actually threw a plate full of food at one of the racist waiters back in the day.
So far this week you've assaulted a KKK member in Korea...been involved in looting at a Best Buy and conversed with the looters, who told you "fuck you, sir"...and now thrown a plate of food at Denny's.

You're completely full of shit.
If blacks could use their EBT card there it wouldn't matter if it was called Uncle Toms Pancake House
Never heard of the restaurant by the name until I moved to Arizona back in '81. A year or so later it was renamed.

I read Little Black Sambo on my View Master back in the 50's. Nice story but the controversy I guess was over the names and illustrations. The only thing I recall of it from all those years ago is the cool ending of the tigers turning into butter. I see the updated version, Sam and the Tigers, is available from my local library and through Amazon.
The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
/—-/ Same idiotic thing happened to St John’s University. Their mascot was Redmen, a nickname given to the football team’s red uniform. Libs twisted to to be a slur against Indians, so they changed it to Red Storm.
Did that hurt them to change it to Red Storm?
/——/ Yes, it hurt their liberty when they caved to Political Correctness gone haywire. The majority of Alumni was against it.
You said "caved" not forced then. Is this correct?
/——-/ The Dean, caves. The Teams and fans were forced.
No they were not forced. No one made them attend the school. No one forced them to be fans of the school.
/----/" No they were not forced. "
Hell yeah they were forced. My wife went to St John's and has many fellow students who were pizzed that they HAD to give up their mascot for something else. Don't try your stupid little word games on me.
You are an angel to try and educate asslips this way. Its useless but you keep trying.
I do not expect to change the mind of any liberal

all I do is state my opinion
The last Sambo's restaurant, a chain that once boasted 1,117 locations, has changed its name. I guess the only surprising thing is, it didn't happen sooner, given its location (Santa Barbara) and people's general ignorance as to the origin of the name (a combination of the two owners' names, Sam Battistone Sr. and Newell "Bo" Bohnett).

It was a great place to for breakfast when is SB, I don't imagine that will change just because the name did...
Santa Barbara, huh? Best go with Jose’s. The marketing folks can come up with a cute little Jose character...serape, asleep leaning against a saguaro, oversized sombrero shadowing the burning sun...etc. and so on...

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