The last stand for Freedom


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.


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Eric swalwell a democrat running for president is crying that the constitution has no mention of women in it . moron its has no mention of men either . but it has the words we the people and no discrimination based on color or sex 8n the amendments.
Hes a moron like most democrats who hate America and want to pervert it and twist its laws
The 1% in America have actively stolen the 99%'s wealth over the last generation ,despite the fact that most of us are armed

so, tell me again, how my arsenal makes me 'free' in said regard?

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The 1% in America have actively stolen the 99%'s wealth over the last generation ,despite the fact that most of us are armed

so, tell me again, how my arsenal makes me 'free' in said regard?

Who has stolen your wealth tell me how much was taken from you .
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I have
The 1% in America have actively stolen the 99%'s wealth over the last generation ,despite the fact that most of us are armed

so, tell me again, how my arsenal makes me 'free' in said regard?


I have a business and no one has been stealing from me or before I had it.
I do recall some high taxes but that was from elected officals .

Your guns prevent you from the loss to vote if people try to take it.

Our goverment knows America is armed and some fear it some respect it
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .

I think you are a little confused. We aren't free because of guns. We live in a society with metal detectors, key cards, CCTV, security checkpoints, all because of your Gun Fetish... the rest of us didn't sign up for this, but we're stuck with it.

Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.

again, you are a bit confused. Venezuela VOTED for Socialism and has kept it despite punishing economic sanctions, and two attempted coups by the US.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either

Um, yeah, he did. He spelled it all out in Mein Kampf... which was the best selling book in Germany after the Bible.
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Well sparkey who has been stealing from you . tell us all .
Have the wealrhy been breaking in your home stealing from your business or stocks.
Why is it your a victim and I am not
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The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .

I think you are a little confused. We aren't free because of guns. We live in a society with metal detectors, key cards, CCTV, security checkpoints, all because of your Gun Fetish... the rest of us didn't sign up for this, but we're stuck with it.

Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.

again, you are a bit confused. Venezuela VOTED for Socialism and has kept it despite punishing economic sanctions, and two attempted coups by the US.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either

Um, yeah, he did. He spelled it all out in Mein Kampf... which was the best selling book in Germany after the Bible.
You seem to be a moron key cards cctv locks keys metal dectors have nothing to do with freedom .security and safety yes but freedom no.
A unarmed man can shake his fist and cry a armed man can affect change and thats what the second amendment is about.

As for Venezuela it was a very well to do nation now its a socialist paradise and all its citizens can do is shake thier boobs and peckers at the goverment no guns no medical supplys no vote no food .
Your either a moron or a socialist probally both
now we have children in a mosque in Philadelphia
saying they will kill for the army of islam .
Fine democrats
Eric swalwell a democrat running for president is crying that the constitution has no mention of women in it . moron its has no mention of men either . but it has the words we the people and no discrimination based on color or sex 8n the amendments.
Hes a moron like most democrats who hate America and want to pervert it and twist its laws
If the Constitution has no mention of women or men in it, but it refers to "we the people, please explain why the female one-half of "we the people" were denied the right to vote until 1920 and the part of "we the people" who are not white had to fight to exercise their right to vote up through the 1960s.

Should women and non-whites arm ourselves to ensure that our freedom is secure? You supposedly are a woman, race unknown, you tell me. Is personally arming ourselves, women, non-whites, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews, the method by which we all protect our freedom? Must we stand armed around our houses of worship, medical clinics, bars and restaurants? Is this the kind of society you want to live in?
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You seem to be a moron key cards cctv locks keys metal dectors have nothing to do with freedom .security and safety yes but freedom no.
A unarmed man can shake his fist and cry a armed man can affect change and thats what the second amendment is about.

Here's what happens to an armed man. A better armed man shoots his ass. No matter how much you compensate for your tiny dick with guns, the government will always have more guns, better guns and for the most part, they won't get in trouble for using them.

I'm a lot more worried about a nut coming into my workplace with a gun than I am about the government.

As for Venezuela it was a very well to do nation now its a socialist paradise and all its citizens can do is shake thier boobs and peckers at the goverment no guns no medical supplys no vote no food .
Your either a moron or a socialist probally both

It was a prosperous nation for the rich... The poor, not so much, which is why they voted the socialists in to start with.

And, yes, they have none of those things because we've been imposing sanctions on them for years.
A gun is just a tool. It has no more power to protect freedom than a claw hammer.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about the people being able to stand up and arm themselfs to fight aginst a tyrannical goverment .
Our own goverment.
Look at Venezuela .
In 2012 they confiscated guns now just a few years later thier socialist goverment has stolen the wealth and people are throwing sticks and rocks trying to take control of thier goverment.
Which by the way morons like cortez omar sanders talib and others support . the peoplehave no money due to inflation the goverments there has stolen thier wealth and people are eating thier pets and leaving the nation.
This is our future if democrats and socialist have thier way.
O yes they deny it but history tell us differnt often.

You see semocrats who want to censorship free speech control guns control your health care your money what you eat etc dont be fooled how it will work out in the end.

Hiltler didnt tell people what he had planned either or stalin or mao or Madura in Venezuela or castro . They all lied and fools listened to them untill it was to late then they were screwed.
Absolutely.... I have been watching Venezuela in the same way. Very educational, and very interesting along those lines that you have expressed here.
The 1% in America have actively stolen the 99%'s wealth over the last generation ,despite the fact that most of us are armed

so, tell me again, how my arsenal makes me 'free' in said regard?

----------------------------------------------- I eat 3 times a day plus I eat unlimited snacks is when and what I EAT . I also sleep , eat and live in a nice home for 70 years . So that's the Basics and I get to work from that BASE to Gather MORE material things and better living conditions if I like . USA has a pretty good system , best in the World . And 'we got Guns so that's just MORE Gravy and better than 'england' and other so called and possible First World ' nations Sparky . .
now we have children in a mosque in Philadelphia
saying they will kill for the army of islam .
Fine democrats
-------------------------------------------------- I really like seeing what you describe on FOX Video just a minute ago . The video should be shown all over the USA . And its probably the same in - deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetroit' , Dearborn , Minnesota and many other parts of the USA . [Same for londonistan in 'wanker land' of blighty] Aponi .
Eric swalwell a democrat running for president is crying that the constitution has no mention of women in it . moron its has no mention of men either . but it has the words we the people and no discrimination based on color or sex 8n the amendments.
Hes a moron like most democrats who hate America and want to pervert it and twist its laws
If the Constitution has no mention of women or men in it, but it refers to "we the people, please explain why the female one-half of "we the people" were denied the right to vote until 1920 and the part of "we the people" who are not white had to fight to exercise their right to vote up through the 1960s.

Should women and non-whites arm ourselves to ensure that our freedom is secure? You supposedly are a woman, race unknown, you tell me. Is personally arming ourselves, women, non-whites, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews, the method by which we all protect our freedom? Must we stand armed around our houses of worship, medical clinics, bars and restaurants? Is this the kind of society you want to live in?
------------------------------------------------ sure , go ahead , arm up your 'Fifth Column' of deviants and foreign invaders . It only makes sense as Americans should never accept you deviants Lysis !!
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about
belonging to a well regulated militia.

What a hoot.

Of course when people said 'a well regulated militia' what they actually meant was 'armed slave patrols'.
The last stand for freedom is ownership of guns.
When our forefathers added the 2ed amendment to the constitution it wasnt about self defense so much or hunting or target shooting .
It was about
belonging to a well regulated militia.

What a hoot.

Of course when people said 'a well regulated militia' what they actually meant was 'armed slave patrols'.
----------------------------------------------- NONE of you fureign and Silly thinking is taken seriously you disarmed ' new zealander' 'subject' CNM .

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