Zone1 The last supper

We don't number the great crowd. Why cant you understand english? The little flock are not the great crowd of other sheep. You have no clue to bible truth because teachers of darkness taught you.
Because you are trying to connect the verses and interjecting 144,000 into them. First you say your scholars were prophets even thought they got prophecy wrong about the end of the world. Then, you say they were never prophets. Yet, you believe them when they interject false claims like this.
Because you are trying to connect the verses and interjecting 144,000 into them. First you say your scholars were prophets even thought they got prophecy wrong about the end of the world. Then, you say they were never prophets. Yet, you believe them when they interject false claims like this.
I never said they were prophets, i clearly said no prophecies have occurred after revelation. So why are you not speaking truth? Thus they cannot be false prophets because they aren't prophets. Yes they made errors and then corrected them. Unlike any other religion claiming to be christian. The protestants tried a little centuries ago, but it was impossible for them because errors were translated in by Catholicism to fit false council teachings such as God being a trinity even though its not worded that way in the Greek lexicons. And i believe your scholars know it and won't make correction. And ones like you place your eternal life into errors over what Jesus teaches. Those errors clearly contradict him.
I never said they were prophets, i clearly said no prophecies have occurred after revelation. So why are you not speaking truth? Thus they cannot be false prophets because they aren't prophets. Yes they made errors and then corrected them. Unlike any other religion claiming to be christian. The protestants tried a little centuries ago, but it was impossible for them because errors were translated in by Catholicism to fit false council teachings such as God being a trinity even though its not worded that way in the Greek lexicons. And i believe your scholars know it and won't make correction. And ones like you place your eternal life into errors over what Jesus teaches. Those errors clearly contradict him.
It's your assumption that there is no Trinity, even though Jesus Christ said himself he was the Lord Jehovah when he was asked. There most certainly is a Father, Son and Holy Ghost. When you die and go to the judgment bar, you will see. Unfortunately, too late because you have the opportunity now to ask the Father in the name of His Son if the three are members of one Godhead. And, JW's for decades claimed their leaders were prophets. After all, anyone who would claim the world was ending on a specific date would have to be a prophet since Jesus said no one knows except the Father when Jesus would return and end the conflicts around the world and the Millennium would begin.
I never said they were prophets, i clearly said no prophecies have occurred after revelation. So why are you not speaking truth? Thus they cannot be false prophets because they aren't prophets. Yes they made errors and then corrected them. Unlike any other religion claiming to be christian. The protestants tried a little centuries ago, but it was impossible for them because errors were translated in by Catholicism to fit false council teachings such as God being a trinity even though its not worded that way in the Greek lexicons. And i believe your scholars know it and won't make correction. And ones like you place your eternal life into errors over what Jesus teaches. Those errors clearly contradict him.
A person claiming to have personal revelation directly from God is portraying himself as a prophet. If his prophecies don't come to pass, that is proof that he is a false prophet.
A person claiming to have personal revelation directly from God is portraying himself as a prophet. If his prophecies don't come to pass, that is proof that he is a false prophet.
That's right. They don't have to declare that they are prophet to false prophecing like the JW's founders did.
It's your assumption that there is no Trinity, even though Jesus Christ said himself he was the Lord Jehovah when he was asked. There most certainly is a Father, Son and Holy Ghost. When you die and go to the judgment bar, you will see. Unfortunately, too late because you have the opportunity now to ask the Father in the name of His Son if the three are members of one Godhead. And, JW's for decades claimed their leaders were prophets. After all, anyone who would claim the world was ending on a specific date would have to be a prophet since Jesus said no one knows except the Father when Jesus would return and end the conflicts around the world and the Millennium would begin.
Yes they erred trying to date a real prophecy that God made. They have repented of that. Yes only the Father knows the day and hour, proving 100% Jesus is not YHWH. Nor is there any equality between the 3.
A person claiming to have personal revelation directly from God is portraying himself as a prophet. If his prophecies don't come to pass, that is proof that he is a false prophet.
There have been no prophecy's since the book of revelation. Or any prophets. That is fact of reality.
Dont know about that, but there have been tons of false prohets.
Armageddon is a real prophecy that God made. The error was trying to put a date on it. They repented of that. And all the men who erred doing that aren't living anymore.
Armageddon is a real prophecy that God made. The error was trying to put a date on it. They repented of that. And all the men who erred doing that aren't living anymore.
Lots of TV prechers said God told them trump would win the last election. He didn't. Those who made that claim were false prophets.
Lots of TV prechers said God told them trump would win the last election. He didn't. Those who made that claim were false prophets.
I doubt that. Trying to predict a president has nothing to do with spiritual prophecy. All tv preachers are a farse. Especially the ear tickler Joel Osteen. Campmeeting is pure satan. What is wrong with peoples brains?
I doubt that. Trying to predict a president has nothing to do with spiritual prophecy. All tv preachers are a farse. Especially the ear tickler Joel Osteen. Campmeeting is pure satan. What is wrong with peoples brains?
Claiming direct individual knowledge directly from God is a spiritual prophecy, no matter what the subject might be.
Yes they erred trying to date a real prophecy that God made. They have repented of that. Yes only the Father knows the day and hour, proving 100% Jesus is not YHWH. Nor is there any equality between the 3.
Jesus was asked if he was God. He said yes. What don’t you understand about the word “yes?”
Too late. Making false prophecies like that is the definition of a false prophet. Nice that they said they repented after 5 times being wrong. That isn’t really repenting.
Even when Jesus' words are simple and clear, they are too deep and encompassing to be understood by those who refuse to open up to the possibilities.
At this meeting with his disciples, he took the most basic elements of everyday life and said that every time these were consumed to do it in his remembrance. He said it was he that was being taken in and converted to our self, our life. He meant that, as being one with the "Father", he was in all and everything, too. Remembering that was what was important.
Religion reduced his words to benign, regulated, formulaic nonsense that separated people from the message rather than transmitting it. The hocus-pocus of bread and wine turning into meat and blood is not only asking people to believe the unbelievable, it is a perversion of what was intended. The importance is much more humble and, at the same time, much more embracing and extensive. Every time one takes sustenance into oneself, one is ingesting Jesus, the nourishment from the "Father", directly.
Of course, that takes intercessors out of the picture, and that doesn't work for those who wish to control and manipulate.
Claiming direct individual knowledge directly from God is a spiritual prophecy, no matter what the subject might be.
Anyone who has learned what Jesus taught=Few, can see easily how corrupt tv preachers are and 99% of all the religions that claim to be christian. They wont believe Jesus over mens dogmas.
Jesus was asked if he was God. He said yes. What don’t you understand about the word “yes?”
Too late. Making false prophecies like that is the definition of a false prophet. Nice that they said they repented after 5 times being wrong. That isn’t really repenting.
Jesus never said yes anywhere in the bible to being God. How many times did you err before you repented? A whole lifetime full.
Jesus never said yes anywhere in the bible to being God. How many times did you err before you repented? A whole lifetime full.
In John 14, Jesus said to His disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.

“I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” At this the Jews exclaimed, “Now we know that you are demon-possessed! Abraham died and so did the prophets, yet you say that if anyone keeps your word, he will never taste death. Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are?” Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:49-58)
hen Jesus took on God’s holy title as his own, He was stating the modern equivalent of “I am God”. He did this repeatedly over the course of his ministry (see Mark 14:62, John 18:5-6, John 8:24 and John 8:28). So while you may not find the expression “I am God” in the Gospels, you’ll certainly find the ancient equivalent. It’s no wonder that the Jewish religious leadership would eventually want Him executed. When I discovered these statements in the Gospels, I had to reconsider my simplistic view of Jesus as a “nice guy” or “good teacher”. What kind of teacher could Jesus have been if He was teaching a lie? Jesus’ clear statements related to His Deity forced me to reconsider Jesus and what He taught, because He did specifically say that He was God.
In John 14, Jesus said to His disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.

“I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” At this the Jews exclaimed, “Now we know that you are demon-possessed! Abraham died and so did the prophets, yet you say that if anyone keeps your word, he will never taste death. Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are?” Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:49-58)
hen Jesus took on God’s holy title as his own, He was stating the modern equivalent of “I am God”. He did this repeatedly over the course of his ministry (see Mark 14:62, John 18:5-6, John 8:24 and John 8:28). So while you may not find the expression “I am God” in the Gospels, you’ll certainly find the ancient equivalent. It’s no wonder that the Jewish religious leadership would eventually want Him executed. When I discovered these statements in the Gospels, I had to reconsider my simplistic view of Jesus as a “nice guy” or “good teacher”. What kind of teacher could Jesus have been if He was teaching a lie? Jesus’ clear statements related to His Deity forced me to reconsider Jesus and what He taught, because He did specifically say that He was God.
I already told you, its fact--there is no-i am that i am in the Hebrew written OT--Its error only found in error filled translations. So no Jesus did not claim to be God saying i am, he answered them honestly-he lived before Abraham.

One can know the Father--Jesus did 0 of his own inititive( John 5:30) -- Everything Jesus taught came from the Father. And Coll 1:15 is clear-Jesus is Gods image. That is how they see the Father.
I already told you, its fact--there is no-i am that i am in the Hebrew written OT--Its error only found in error filled translations. So no Jesus did not claim to be God saying i am, he answered them honestly-he lived before Abraham.

One can know the Father--Jesus did 0 of his own inititive( John 5:30) -- Everything Jesus taught came from the Father. And Coll 1:15 is clear-Jesus is Gods image. That is how they see the Father.
Ah...but the meaning is still the same. Hebrew isn't the only language that the Bible was written in. And, yes, there is I AM in Hebrew. The word אֶהְיֶה‎ ('Ehyeh) is the first person singular imperfective form of הָיָה (hayah), 'to be', and owing to the peculiarities of Hebrew grammar means 'I am' and 'I will be'. Ehyeh in the OT and in the NT. Case closed. JW's are in outer darkness, again.
There is little wiggle room concerning Jesus. Either he was/is whom he said he was or he was crazy.
If he was not crazy and we still can't understand (or cannot accept) what he said, the problem is rather with our capacity for understanding.
Anyone claiming to believe Jesus must open up to the possibility that what seems impossible is only so because of a failure to fully understand.

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