Zone1 The last supper

There is little wiggle room concerning Jesus. Either he was/is whom he said he was or he was crazy.
If he was not crazy and we still can't understand (or cannot accept) what he said, the problem is rather with our capacity for understanding.
Anyone claiming to believe Jesus must open up to the possibility that what seems impossible is only so because of a failure to fully understand.
There is a third possibility. Perhaps the people of that age created myths to help them make sense of things they didn't understand, and over time those myths became assigned to one person who may or may not have existed.
Luke 22 explains this very well. Jesus said--Keep on doing this in remembrance of me. It occurred on the night of the passover for a reason. It should be observed once a year on the night of the passover. At verses 29-30 it is clear. It was a special covenant only to those who would sit on thrones beside Jesus in Gods kingdom(Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)- These are called- The little flock( Luke 12:32)= the anointed= the bride of Christ, numbered-144,000(Rev 14:3) only these are to partake under that special covenant to them. Only members of the little flock were present at that last supper(afterJudas left)--The great crowd (Rev 7:9)of other sheep(John 10:16) are not of that fold. these should go and just observe out of respect and love for Jesus and the little flock. I believe its a great sin to partake when one is not apart of that little flock.
That raises the question-Why do all the other religions claiming to be christian tell all to partake?
This is poor hermeneutics.
There is a third possibility. Perhaps the people of that age created myths to help them make sense of things they didn't understand, and over time those myths became assigned to one person who may or may not have existed.
The evidence of "Jesus" having been alive is pretty overwhelming.
The concept of Liar, Lord, or Lunatic is pretty sound and I believe was posited by CS Lewis.
The written accounts of Jesus go back to the first century.
Both Jewish and Roman historians, Josephus and Tacitus refer to a Jesus.

The real question is, do you believe Jesus and who he claimed to be?
What evidence did actual witnesses have to support their support for Jesus?
If a myth, why live and die for that myth?
Ah...but the meaning is still the same. Hebrew isn't the only language that the Bible was written in. And, yes, there is I AM in Hebrew. The word אֶהְיֶה‎ ('Ehyeh) is the first person singular imperfective form of הָיָה (hayah), 'to be', and owing to the peculiarities of Hebrew grammar means 'I am' and 'I will be'. Ehyeh in the OT and in the NT. Case closed. JW's are in outer darkness, again.
I will be what i will be is the correct translating of that Hebrew statement. Not- i am that i am.
I will be what i will be is the correct translating of that Hebrew statement. Not- i am that i am.
There's no difference. The quote a shared says the same. If I am, then I will be. And, if I will be, I am. The key is that he said it to Abraham and he said it to his disciples in the NT.
There's no difference. The quote a shared says the same. If I am, then I will be. And, if I will be, I am. The key is that he said it to Abraham and he said it to his disciples in the NT.
Twisting it doesn't make it so. I am that i am was translated in to mislead.
Twisting it doesn't make it so. I am that i am was translated in to mislead.
You are the one doing the twisting. You aren't getting it. Whether it is I will be or I am, the same was stated in both the OT and the NT. The person who said it either one in the OT is the same person who said it in the NT. Jehovah said it in the OT and Jesus said it in the NT. Same person. Jehovah is Jesus. Live with it.
The 144,000 are not the bride of Christ. They are from the 12 tribes of Isreal and are messianic Jews who are marked by God so they can't be killed as they proclaim Jesus Christ during the tribulation. They testify here on earth and are here on earth when Christ returns, ( < with His Bride, raptured before the trib.) and they all stay here, on earth. The bride of Christ is the church.
I doubt that. True followers dont get drunk-1 Cor 6:9-11
Tell that to Noah...
Paul tells us that, "Absent from the body, is present with the Lord." And the Lord is in Heaven, which is where we also go if we belong to the Lord. That is when our coronation takes place. It is our BEMA Judgement that takes place when we arrive and crowns are issued. Your mansion is there. Jesus went to prepare a place for us there. That all takes place in Heaven.
We will return with the Lord to end the Tribulation. The 144,000 will already be here when we arrive. They preach during the Tribulation which is exactly why they need to be marked by God, so they can't be killed. They are Jewish. They are from the twelves tribes of Israel.
We don't all go back to Heaven after the victory. Christ establishes His reign here on earth, for 1,000 years. And we and the 144,000 all stay here with him to rule and reign. The Messianic 144,000 will oversee the 12 tribes they come from.
Luke 22 explains this very well. Jesus said--Keep on doing this in remembrance of me. It occurred on the night of the passover for a reason. It should be observed once a year on the night of the passover. At verses 29-30 it is clear.
Then this is a test that any partook of “ FAILED” because we are commanded to ” Eat” only unleavened(Non Rising) bread at this time . It is a commandment for all generations including our own and since Jesus was known as the “bread of life “ as per the New Testament then eating of him or his teachings since he supposedly “ ROSE” at this time is a very big no no… Wink Wink…There is just no way to get around this simple fact if one is being truthful and not deceitful …
You are the one doing the twisting. You aren't getting it. Whether it is I will be or I am, the same was stated in both the OT and the NT. The person who said it either one in the OT is the same person who said it in the NT. Jehovah said it in the OT and Jesus said it in the NT. Same person. Jehovah is Jesus. Live with it.
You should read the bible. You see if you had a real translation, not altered, In the OT it says--YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus)--- proving 100% he is not YHWH.
Then this is a test that any partook of “ FAILED” because we are commanded to ” Eat” only unleavened(Non Rising) bread at this time . It is a commandment for all generations including our own and since Jesus was known as the “bread of life “ as per the New Testament then eating of him or his teachings since he supposedly “ ROSE” at this time is a very big no no… Wink Wink…There is just no way to get around this simple fact if one is being truthful and not deceitful …
This is the fact-Luke 22:30--a covenant made to only those who will sit on thrones) =144,000=the little flock=the anointed= the bride of Christ--Not to the great crowd( Rev 7:9) of other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold.
You should read the bible. You see if you had a real translation, not altered, In the OT it says--YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus)--- proving 100% he is not YHWH.
Yet, you cannot deny the fact that Jehovah and Jesus called themselves the very same. So, your translation is incorrect. It was Elohim who said "my Lord" to Jesus. The Father talks to His Son.
Only if one gets taught truth. Explain to us what the 7 headed beast with 10 horns is and the 2 horned beast of Rev 13? Using other scriptures.
The most likely interpretation is someone on acid, or at least mushrooms.

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