Zone1 The last supper

Yes 7 = complete--But it was to Church or congregation , not to synagogues. The whore of babylon is the world empire of all false religions-today.
Who declared that John's revelation was directed at synagogues? :dunno:The Jews by the time of this book's writing (sometime in that late 1st and the early 2nd century )....were scattered around the globe after Rome sacked Jerusalem around 70 A.D.

The book of revelation, as stated in Rev. 1 is directed at Christian congregations in Asia Minor....not to the Jews.......this book was recorded in a 'signified' manner and its directives as stated was to GIVE HOPE to the Christians who would read this book.....why the 7 churches in Asia? That is were Rome was persecuting Christians....attempting to stop the spreading of this religion around the Empire.

......signified, meaning the book used symbolism (like the number 7 to project completeness).....but its clear in a Literal Fashion the scriptures prove there were more than 7 congregations in Asia during this time period......this could only mean that John was being directed to reveal his message to all of Christianity......yet you insist upon applying a literal meaning to the 144K mentioned in (Rev. 14:1-5) picked to help Christ as leaders in a supposed Kingdom that has not yet been established...when in reality the kingdom was established when the Father gave Jesus all authority in heaven and earth, to enter that kingdom would require all disciples to be baptized into the kingdom in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-19)

Jesus Himself stated that His kingdom would come in this generation (the 1st century) those standing there hearing Jesus preach would not taste of death until Jesus established His kingdom with Power (Matthew 16:28, Luke 9:27, Mark 9:1)

Your problem is the fact you refuse to accept that his Book of Revelation's prophecy was to "Shortly Take Place" (Rev 1)

Next when you read from (Revelation 7:1-12)..........if we say the 144 thousand is to be used as a literal number then you must accept all the message in a literal fashion. You must conclude that the 144 thousand will all be JEWS.....why? They all will come from the tribes of Israel. (Rev. 7:6-8). So much for 21st century gentiles being among the 144 thousand. These people are to be located on earth, as opposed to the great multitude who are before the throne of God in heaven (and these people come from ALL NATIONS).

Next, read the context of (Rev. 14:1-5) You find the 144 thousand standing on a hill on earth, Mt. Zion (Jerusalem) with the lamb.....Jesus. We also learn that all of the 144 thousand are virgins, as none of them have been defiled by women, all 144K will be MEN, (so much for anyone that has ever engaged in heterosexual relationships or female members of the JWs ....if you take this book literally)...thus all the JWs first must convert to Judaism with a tribal ID while never having engaged in sex with a woman....if they are to be numbered with the 144 thousand.

God gave us a brain to USE. If you read the scriptures in a logical manner you will see .......the Kingdom of God was spoken of in future tense until Jesus ascended into Heaven in the clouds accompanied by angels (Acts 1)....after the ascension, every time the Kingdom of God is mentioned it's spoken of in PRESENT TENSE......meaning the Kingdom had already been established. The Kingdom of God.......the Kingdom of Christ....i.e, the church which will stand against the gates of Hades (Matthew 16) (the resting place of the dead awaiting final judgment, when hades will give up its dead -- Rev. 20:13).........already exists and has existed for over 2000 years. Mankind has been living in the last days over those 2000 years (Acts 2:17) and most certainly we all are living in a state of tribulation in dealing with this reality called LIFE.
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You're a liar. All JWs are liars. They're deceived. I showed you proof that the Watchtower calls itself the prophet of God. You ignore the truth. That makes you a liar.
You left out the part where they corrected that, and said it was a mistake. Why? To mislead, because you are mislead and refuse FACTS.
Who declared that John's revelation was directed at synagogues? :dunno:The Jews by the time of this book's writing (sometime in that late 1st and the early 2nd century )....were scattered around the globe after Rome sacked Jerusalem around 70 A.D.

The book of revelation, as stated in Rev. 1 is directed at Christian congregations in Asia Minor....not to the Jews.......this book was recorded in a 'signified' manner and its directives as stated was to GIVE HOPE to the Christians who would read this book.....why the 7 churches in Asia? That is were Rome was persecuting Christians....attempting to stop the spreading of this religion around the Empire.

......signified, meaning the book used symbolism (like the number 7 to project completeness).....but its clear in a Literal Fashion the scriptures prove there were more than 7 congregations in Asia during this time period......this could only mean that John was being directed to reveal his message to all of Christianity......yet you insist upon applying a literal meaning to the 144K mentioned in (Rev. 14:1-5) picked to help Christ as leaders in a supposed Kingdom that has not yet been established...when in reality the kingdom was established when the Father gave Jesus all authority in heaven and earth, to enter that kingdom would require all disciples to be baptized into the kingdom in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-19)

Jesus Himself stated that His kingdom would come in this generation (the 1st century) those standing there hearing Jesus preach would not taste of death until Jesus established His kingdom with Power (Matthew 16:28, Luke 9:27, Mark 9:1)

Your problem is the fact you refuse to accept that his Book of Revelation's prophecy was to "Shortly Take Place" (Rev 1)

Next when you read from (Revelation 7:1-12)..........if we say the 144 thousand is to be used as a literal number then you must accept all the message in a literal fashion. You must conclude that the 144 thousand will all be JEWS.....why? They all will come from the tribes of Israel. (Rev. 7:6-8). So much for 21st century gentiles being among the 144 thousand. These people are to be located on earth, as opposed to the great multitude who are before the throne of God in heaven (and these people come from ALL NATIONS).

Next, read the context of (Rev. 14:1-5) You find the 144 thousand standing on a hill on earth, Mt. Zion (Jerusalem) with the lamb.....Jesus. We also learn that all of the 144 thousand are virgins, as none of them have been defiled by women, all 144K will be MEN, (so much for anyone that has ever engaged in heterosexual relationships or female members of the JWs ....if you take this book literally)...thus all the JWs first must convert to Judaism with a tribal ID while never having engaged in sex with a woman....if they are to be numbered with the 144 thousand.

God gave us a brain to USE. If you read the scriptures in a logical manner you will see .......the Kingdom of God was spoken of in future tense until Jesus ascended into Heaven in the clouds accompanied by angels (Acts 1)....after the ascension, every time the Kingdom of God is mentioned it's spoken of in PRESENT TENSE......meaning the Kingdom had already been established. The Kingdom of God.......the Kingdom of Christ....i.e, the church which will stand against the gates of Hades (Matthew 16) (the resting place of the dead awaiting final judgment, when hades will give up its dead -- Rev. 20:13).........already exists and has existed for over 2000 years. Mankind has been living in the last days over those 2000 years (Acts 2:17) and most certainly we all are living in a state of tribulation in dealing with this reality called LIFE.
All standing there died, but Jesus didnt lie, it had alternate meaning. The ones standing there were --TRUE FOLLOWERS--that is who he was referring to, not to them personally because they all died, that is 100% fact. He was saying--some true followers would never die= Those changed in the twinkling of an eye during the tribulation, and the great crowd who will be brought through the trib and armageddon on earth-Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22- Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29.
This world has seen nothing yet called the tribulation. When Babylon the great falls is when it occurs. The tribulation will be worldwide all at once.
You left out the part where they corrected that, and said it was a mistake. Why? To mislead, because you are mislead and refuse FACTS.
A true prophet of God doesn't make mistakes. You're in a cult, a false prophet. You have free will to leave.
All standing there died, but Jesus didnt lie, it had alternate meaning. The ones standing there were --TRUE FOLLOWERS--that is who he was referring to, not to them personally because they all died, that is 100% fact. He was saying--some true followers would never die= Those changed in the twinkling of an eye during the tribulation, and the great crowd who will be brought through the trib and armageddon on earth-Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22- Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29.
This world has seen nothing yet called the tribulation. When Babylon the great falls is when it occurs. The tribulation will be worldwide all at once.
As stated......if you are taking this book in a literal fashion for one passage you must accept it all as literal, as opposed to the signified/symbolic, as the author stated in the very 1st chapter of this book.

Therefore you cannot "cherry pick" passages and claim they are literal why stating others are symbolic..........AS YOU JUST DID. Talk about self where is there any language stating that "some true followers would never die" (to prove this point as a FACT, you must provide the objective evidence of people living on earth that are over 2000 year old, which you did not because YOU CANNOT) are injecting SYMBOLISM to come to this conclusion. Yet when it comes to 144 thousand you demand it must be accepted in as a literal number.

The number one rule in reading the Apostle Peter stated? There is no "private interpretation" of prophecy (2 Peter 1:20) you and your cult go again, claiming that only your cult can privately interpret scriptures as having "Alternate Meanings". You make the perfect example. You take a book of symbolism (Revelation) claiming it must be taken LITERALLY........then you quote from Matthew, the Psalms and Proverbs which are recorded for LITERAL COMPREHENSION......and claim that it must be symbolic with ALTERNATE MEANINGS while your cult introduces PRIVATE INTERPRETATIONS which are never LITERALLY STATED.

Why does your cult do this?......because of its ANTICHRIST DOCTRINE, you and your cult are enemies of the Gospel Truth. Your cult fits the perfect LITERAL DESCRIPTION from JOHN that defines the antichrist doctrine. The word antichrist comes from the Greek term meaning against Christ or false Christ. You reject that Jesus was God incarnate and the Messiah of prophecy. The scriptures literally state that "Anyone that is not with Christ is against Him (Matt. 12:30) John the Apostle and author of the book of Revelation literally defines the antichrist doctrine (1 John 2:18, 1 John 4:1,6, 1 John 2:22-23)

Your cult is the "quint essential" example of those who ARE AGAINST the teachings of Christ. You present yourself as "angels of light".......yet inside you are a ravaging wolf attempting to deceive by teaching lies as truth. (2 Cor. 11:13-15) You are not servants of serve your master, the father of lies, the god of this world.

I am sure there are "good" people that have been deceived by your CULT......but as a supposed true disciple of Christ, you are commanded to search the scriptures daily to see if these things are so. Sometimes the people with the best intentions and biggest hearts of compassion and empathy are the most gullible. Stop buying into the deception and lies.
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A true prophet of God doesn't make mistakes. You're in a cult, a false prophet. You have free will to leave.
You must be insane. Keep listening to the deceivers, you will miss out on entrance into Gods kingdom. That is a sad reality. Try believing Jesus all his real followers do.
As stated......if you are taking this book in a literal fashion for one passage you must accept it all as literal, as opposed to the signified/symbolic, as the author stated in the very 1st chapter of this book.

Therefore you cannot "cherry pick" passages and claim they are literal why stating others are symbolic..........AS YOU JUST DID. Talk about self where is there any language stating that "some true followers would never die" (to prove this point as a FACT, you must provide the objective evidence of people living on earth that are over 2000 year old, which you did not because YOU CANNOT) are injecting SYMBOLISM to come to this conclusion. Yet when it comes to 144 thousand you demand it must be accepted in as a literal number.

The number one rule in reading the Apostle Peter stated? There is no "private interpretation" of prophecy (2 Peter 1:20) you and your cult go again, claiming that only your cult can privately interpret scriptures as having "Alternate Meanings". You make the perfect example. You take a book of symbolism (Revelation) claiming it must be taken LITERALLY........then you quote from Matthew, the Psalms and Proverbs which are recorded for LITERAL COMPREHENSION......and claim that it must be symbolic with ALTERNATE MEANINGS while your cult introduces PRIVATE INTERPRETATIONS which are never LITERALLY STATED.

Why does your cult do this?......because of its ANTICHRIST DOCTRINE, you and your cult are enemies of the Gospel Truth. Your cult fits the perfect LITERAL DESCRIPTION from JOHN that defines the antichrist doctrine. The word antichrist comes from the Greek term meaning against Christ or false Christ. You reject that Jesus was God incarnate and the Messiah of prophecy. The scriptures literally state that "Anyone that is not with Christ is against Him (Matt. 12:30) John the Apostle and author of the book of Revelation literally defines the antichrist doctrine (1 John 2:18, 1 John 4:1,6, 1 John 2:22-23)

Your cult is the "quint essential" example of those who ARE AGAINST the teachings of Christ. You present yourself as "angels of light".......yet inside you are a ravaging wolf attempting to deceive by teaching lies as truth. (2 Cor. 11:13-15) You are not servants of serve your master, the father of lies, the god of this world.

I am sure there are "good" people that have been deceived by your CULT......but as a supposed true disciple of Christ, you are commanded to search the scriptures daily to see if these things are so. Sometimes the people with the best intentions and biggest hearts of compassion and empathy are the most gullible. Stop buying into the deception and lies.
A house divided, will not stand= 40,000 trinity religions=a mass of confusion--so get real about who the cult is.
Its you who refuse to believe Jesus, no trinitarian on earth believes him over the errors in your translations.
You must be insane. Keep listening to the deceivers, you will miss out on entrance into Gods kingdom. That is a sad reality. Try believing Jesus all his real followers do.
You're evil and very ill. Go peddle that hateful crap to someone else.
You don't agree that all Jesus' real followers believe him? how sad for you. You can believe him though--John 20:17, Rev 3:12
You're a bad witness. Keep talking. You do far more harm to the Watchtower than I can.
You're a bad witness. Keep talking. You do far more harm to the Watchtower than I can.
Because light will not enter your darkness because you refuse to believe Jesus. Its not me being a bad witness, its satan blinding you( 2 Cor 4:4)
You're stupid.
Why because i have an answer for anything you can say and you cant prove a word wrong. You can only reason falsely out of fear of you being wrong. I speak with you out of love, because i know you want to serve God but are not doing it his way. Almost all JW,s would have left you behind long ago. Alls i do is plant seeds. If God sees it worth while he waters them. My advice to you--PRAY to the Father to show you his way. Here is advice from Jesus--Matt 6:33-- Keep on seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)--The real Jesus points his true followers to his Father in all things-John 4:22-24
Why because i have an answer for anything you can say and you cant prove a word wrong. You can only reason falsely out of fear of you being wrong. I speak with you out of love, because i know you want to serve God but are not doing it his way. Almost all JW,s would have left you behind long ago. Alls i do is plant seeds. If God sees it worth while he waters them. My advice to you--PRAY to the Father to show you his way. Here is advice from Jesus--Matt 6:33-- Keep on seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)--The real Jesus points his true followers to his Father in all things-John 4:22-24
You're deceived and lost. You don't have the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God in the flesh and that's Scripture. You don't even know who He is. Read ALL the Scriptures.
Why because i have an answer for anything you can say and you cant prove a word wrong. You can only reason falsely out of fear of you being wrong. I speak with you out of love, because i know you want to serve God but are not doing it his way. Almost all JW,s would have left you behind long ago. Alls i do is plant seeds. If God sees it worth while he waters them. My advice to you--PRAY to the Father to show you his way. Here is advice from Jesus--Matt 6:33-- Keep on seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)--The real Jesus points his true followers to his Father in all things-John 4:22-24
Most of your answers are lies. You're a fraud just like your watchtower.

Matthew 10:22 - New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures​

And YOU will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name; but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.

What name is Jesus speaking of?
Most of your answers are lies. You're a fraud just like your watchtower.

Matthew 10:22 - New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures​

And YOU will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name; but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.

What name is Jesus speaking of?
Yes on account they serve a false Jesus they will hate the ones who serve the real Jesus. Jesus warned about that-John 15:20-21--Because you do not know the one who sent Jesus=YHWH(Jehovah)Father) you will do things( and say things) against the true followers. The one who sent Jesus, Jesus teaches is the only true God-John 17:3, but you will not believe him over the errors in your translations.
Yes on account they serve a false Jesus they will hate the ones who serve the real Jesus. Jesus warned about that-John 15:20-21--Because you do not know the one who sent Jesus=YHWH(Jehovah)Father) you will do things( and say things) against the true followers. The one who sent Jesus, Jesus teaches is the only true God-John 17:3, but you will not believe him over the errors in your translations.

Yes on account they serve a false Jesus they will hate the ones who serve the real Jesus. Jesus warned about that-John 15:20-21--Because you do not know the one who sent Jesus=YHWH(Jehovah)Father) you will do things( and say things) against the true followers. The one who sent Jesus, Jesus teaches is the only true God-John 17:3, but you will not believe him over the errors in your translations.
You need to get out of that false prophet cult and get saved. Jesus saves, not the Watchtower.
Yes on account they serve a false Jesus they will hate the ones who serve the real Jesus. Jesus warned about that-John 15:20-21--Because you do not know the one who sent Jesus=YHWH(Jehovah)Father) you will do things( and say things) against the true followers. The one who sent Jesus, Jesus teaches is the only true God-John 17:3, but you will not believe him over the errors in your translations.
What is the name above all names?

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