The Latest Conservative Hot Take; Greta Thunberg Is Like Hitler

Yes, imagine if this little girl had enough power—the horrible things she would do to people. Like give them good-paying green-energy jobs, reduce the amount of deadly particulate matter in the air they breathe, invest heavily in a renewable energy economy, take on the worst excesses of the fossil fuel industry, and—worst of all—sharply reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in order to secure a sustainable future for her generation and generations to come. Horrors!

Where are the adults, indeed? Because they sure as shit aren’t on BlazeTV, now are they?

She's a little fascist headcase trying to get rich off the global scam.........She'd be the first to pull the level to gas your ass.
On this very thread we have a host of piss smelling old racist ***** moaning about a teenage girl. They dont have an original thought between them but haul a host of approved right wing stances around with them.

Guys, you are not her target market. She is speaking to people who are concerned about their planet and not their wallet. You should get down on your knees and thank her for the trouble she takes. (nurse will help you get up afterward)
That's a big whopping delusion....this is exactly about the WALLET ...the little psycho and her parents have been playing the global warming BS to enrich themselves for years now. They have made a killing off their little psycho daughter at the detriment of her mental stability. Little beitch is a psycho losing her grip as people are starting to ignore and not give her the attention that she is trying to demand. By thirty, this idiot will have killed herself or be locked up in a looney bin and yet you goofballs think people should worship her.
Not really, just check Merriam Webster.

Read history and use your head. All of those government types subjugate the rights of their civilians.

Thus, they are all fundamentally the same.

Then, here's where you have to actually think for yourself, how can you have leftwing totalitarian government, and rightwing totalitarian government, and not have no government anywhere on the spectrum?
He was criticized for his behavior in public, not for his political views
HAha... yes he was.. don't remember which one but a top CNN person said he wanted to punch his face, to which, he had to publicly apologize for when it was discovered the old indian guy was the asshole.. nit the teen boy

No mustache.

Try Alfred E. Neuman for a better likeness in appearance, word and deeds.
She is an environmental activist that is a threat to the fossil fuel industry therefore you hate her. No need to invent excuses. Simpletons often shoot the messenger.

Your assumption that I am emotionally invested in the "fossil fuel industry" is just you making up shit in your head.
Your assumption that I am emotionally invested in the "fossil fuel industry" is just you making up shit in your head.
Half the shit the right does is to appease big oil. All your climate denial, energy policy, environmental disregard is bought and paid for by fossil energy companies. Now you know,
Half the shit the right does is to appease big oil. All your climate denial, energy policy, environmental disregard is bought and paid for by fossil energy companies. Now you know,

lol!!! Your style of "debate" would be hilarious, if it was not in defense of marxism.
She's a hatefilled little marxist. If they grow up and take power, yes, marxists generally go genocide and totalitarian oppression.

What part of that are you not understanding?
She's the victim of child abuse. Her parents are environmental radicals and they raised her filled with hate and anger. They robbed her of any hope of a normal childhood or productive life. Just like parents who turn their little boys into little girls or little girls into little boys so they can tell all their liberal friends how woke they are, Thunberg's parents turned her into a hate-filled-yet-stupid leftist so they can say how wonderfully woke they are.
She's the victim of child abuse. Her parents are environmental radicals and they raised her filled with hate and anger. They robbed her of any hope of a normal childhood or productive life. Just like parents who turn their little boys into little girls or little girls into little boys so they can tell all their liberal friends how woke they are, Thunberg's parents turned her into a hate-filled-yet-stupid leftist so they can say how wonderfully woke they are.


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