The Latest: Israeli minister: No funerals for dead attackers

I don't think that Apartheid South Africa ever tried this even when the blacks were bombing shopping centers killing dozens of white civilians at a time. Israel has gone over the deep end in terms of an oppressive, criminal regimes.

You've got people being sent out by terrorist groups to stab innocent them over with cars...shoot them down...and you're worried about how the people who do these inhumane acts are treated after they are dead? Seriously?
When I read the title, the irony of Nazi Germany flashed into my mind! Who would deny the dead a funeral? Israel and Nut&Yahoo, that's who!

This sick man is a Fascist.

The Latest: Israeli minister: No funerals for dead attackers

Israel's internal security minister says the bodies of dead Palestinian attackers should not be returned to their families for burial.

Gilad Erdan says funeral processions of Palestinians who killed Israelis often turn into "an exhibition of support for terror and incitement to murder."

Erdan says Wednesday that Israel should not allow them to "enjoy respect and ceremonies" after their deaths. He suggests that Palestinian attackers be buried without fanfare in distant cemeteries where previous Palestinian killers have been buried.

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A Palestinian pushes burning tries during clashes with Israeli troops near Ramallah, West Bank, Tues …
Funerals of Palestinians are a frequent flashpoint for clashes and often include calls for revenge.


9:45 a.m.

Israel's military says it is beginning to deploy hundreds of troops to assist police forces in Israeli cities.

Wednesday's move is the first implementation of measures decided upon by Israel's security cabinet to combat a rash of Palestinian shooting and stabbing attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers.
Are you nuts? Why in the world would Israel, or any country for that matter, treat a vicious murderer with respect?
Don't need respect from the likes of you old asshole, these aren't murderers but freedom fighters against an ZioNazi occupation!
Stabbing a defenseless person is an act of cowardice and murder. There is no honor in terrorism. Israel may commit evil in its own way, but random killings of innocent people is not the answer.
The Settlers have been stabbing and burning innocent Palestinian families and children...Old School, you're senile!

You believe that propaganda? Wow, I didn't think there were people that naive. I guess I was wrong!
Do you believe that the Israelis will stop building settlements and relinquish control of the occupied territories of their own accord without Palestinian resistance? Occupiers/oppressors do not relinquish power over others they control unless they are forced to. The French in Algeria, the whites in South Africa, the whites in Rhodesia, etc., etc.

You must have missed the whole Gandhi in India thing...
Are you nuts? Why in the world would Israel, or any country for that matter, treat a vicious murderer with respect?
Don't need respect from the likes of you old asshole, these aren't murderers but freedom fighters against an ZioNazi occupation!
Stabbing a defenseless person is an act of cowardice and murder. There is no honor in terrorism. Israel may commit evil in its own way, but random killings of innocent people is not the answer.
The Settlers have been stabbing and burning innocent Palestinian families and children...Old School, you're senile!

So are you as the Palestinians were doing just that a few years ago, while you danced at the thought of all the little Jews getting burnt
Keep posting nonsense, the Palestinians are resisting a brutal occupation.

They are the bravest of them al!

That brave they hide behind women and children and then complain when they still get killed
Then stop whining. The Israelis are defending their homeland against genocidal Muslim Arab savages. Let the games begin.

No, Israeli Jews are defending land stolen from the people that were living in Palestine. Doing exactly what the white South Africans did, but it didn't work. Won't work in Palestine either.

Like the Palestinian did in 1949 you mean, and now the Jews are reclaiming what is legally theirs
Are you nuts? Why in the world would Israel, or any country for that matter, treat a vicious murderer with respect?
Don't need respect from the likes of you old asshole, these aren't murderers but freedom fighters against an ZioNazi occupation!

Freedom fighters don't target children like the Palestinians do, they target the military. Shows what cowards the Palestinians are in reality.
Right, knives against Tanks and Jets....You're delusional.
A woman sitting at a bus stop gets run over and then a Muslim animal jumps out and starts hacking her. No guns, tanks, or jets, here, dipshit.
Doing it to each other the same way: An eye for an eye, get off their land!

Not their land under International laws, so they should be moving on and leaving it for the Jews to make productive
Freedom fighters don't target children like the Palestinians do, they target the military. Shows what cowards the Palestinians are in reality.
Right, knives against Tanks and Jets....You're delusional.
A woman sitting at a bus stop gets run over and then a Muslim animal jumps out and starts hacking her. No guns, tanks, or jets, here, dipshit.
Doing it to each other the same way: An eye for an eye, get off their land!

It's Israel's land, and the Jews don't go around stabbing people randomly and running women over like savage animals. You got the wrong address.
Prove its Israel's Land with an unbiased Link like Wikipedia, liar!

Will the Mandate of Palestine do instead, as Wiki is far from being unbiased after monte admitted that he edits entries.
A woman sitting at a bus stop gets run over and then a Muslim animal jumps out and starts hacking her. No guns, tanks, or jets, here, dipshit.
Doing it to each other the same way: An eye for an eye, get off their land!

It's Israel's land, and the Jews don't go around stabbing people randomly and running women over like savage animals. You got the wrong address.
Prove its Israel's Land with an unbiased Link like Wikipedia, liar!
Hah? Israel exists, and Jerusalem is it's capital, as well as the ancient spiritual and cultural capital of the Jews. No such thing as a Palestinian nation or a Palestinian people.
your words mean nothing to the world at large, nor do you offer proof wack job!

And you do offer proof of your claims that are not based on islamonazi propaganda ?
I don't think that Apartheid South Africa ever tried this even when the blacks were bombing shopping centers killing dozens of white civilians at a time. Israel has gone over the deep end in terms of an oppressive, criminal regimes.

You've got people being sent out by terrorist groups to stab innocent them over with cars...shoot them down...and you're worried about how the people who do these inhumane acts are treated after they are dead? Seriously?

Not only that, the slimeball thinks that the people who commit these acts are heroes. It's called Palestinian Mentality TM.
When I read the title, the irony of Nazi Germany flashed into my mind! Who would deny the dead a funeral? Israel and Nut&Yahoo, that's who!

This sick man is a Fascist.

The Latest: Israeli minister: No funerals for dead attackers

Israel's internal security minister says the bodies of dead Palestinian attackers should not be returned to their families for burial.

Gilad Erdan says funeral processions of Palestinians who killed Israelis often turn into "an exhibition of support for terror and incitement to murder."

Erdan says Wednesday that Israel should not allow them to "enjoy respect and ceremonies" after their deaths. He suggests that Palestinian attackers be buried without fanfare in distant cemeteries where previous Palestinian killers have been buried.

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A Palestinian pushes burning tries during clashes with Israeli troops near Ramallah, West Bank, Tues …
Funerals of Palestinians are a frequent flashpoint for clashes and often include calls for revenge.


9:45 a.m.

Israel's military says it is beginning to deploy hundreds of troops to assist police forces in Israeli cities.

Wednesday's move is the first implementation of measures decided upon by Israel's security cabinet to combat a rash of Palestinian shooting and stabbing attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers.
Are you nuts? Why in the world would Israel, or any country for that matter, treat a vicious murderer with respect?
Don't need respect from the likes of you old asshole, these aren't murderers but freedom fighters against an ZioNazi occupation!
Stabbing a defenseless person is an act of cowardice and murder. There is no honor in terrorism. Israel may commit evil in its own way, but random killings of innocent people is not the answer.
The Settlers have been stabbing and burning innocent Palestinian families and children...Old School, you're senile!

You believe that propaganda? Wow, I didn't think there were people that naive. I guess I was wrong!

It isn't naivity, it's hate.
I don't think that Apartheid South Africa ever tried this even when the blacks were bombing shopping centers killing dozens of white civilians at a time. Israel has gone over the deep end in terms of an oppressive, criminal regimes.

You've got people being sent out by terrorist groups to stab innocent them over with cars...shoot them down...and you're worried about how the people who do these inhumane acts are treated after they are dead? Seriously?

Not only that, the slimeball thinks that the people who commit these acts are heroes. It's called Palestinian Mentality TM.

How are the Palestinian militants any different from the ANC (South African blacks) militants that stabbed whites or were responsible for the many bombings that killed white South Africans?
I don't think that Apartheid South Africa ever tried this even when the blacks were bombing shopping centers killing dozens of white civilians at a time. Israel has gone over the deep end in terms of an oppressive, criminal regimes.

You've got people being sent out by terrorist groups to stab innocent them over with cars...shoot them down...and you're worried about how the people who do these inhumane acts are treated after they are dead? Seriously?

Not only that, the slimeball thinks that the people who commit these acts are heroes. It's called Palestinian Mentality TM.

How are the Palestinian militants any different from the ANC (South African blacks) militants that stabbed whites or were responsible for the many bombings that killed white South Africans?

They are terrorists you Nazi scumbag, and classified as such by most western govt's. Like I said, Jews never went after innocent German civilians, like Palestinian animals do. You are a terrorist sympathizing Nazi scum.
I don't think that Apartheid South Africa ever tried this even when the blacks were bombing shopping centers killing dozens of white civilians at a time. Israel has gone over the deep end in terms of an oppressive, criminal regimes.

You've got people being sent out by terrorist groups to stab innocent them over with cars...shoot them down...and you're worried about how the people who do these inhumane acts are treated after they are dead? Seriously?

Not only that, the slimeball thinks that the people who commit these acts are heroes. It's called Palestinian Mentality TM.

How are the Palestinian militants any different from the ANC (South African blacks) militants that stabbed whites or were responsible for the many bombings that killed white South Africans?

They are terrorists you Nazi scumbag, and classified as such by most western govt's. Like I said, Jews never went after innocent German civilians, like Palestinian animals do. You are a terrorist sympathizing Nazi scum.

Palestinians are not classified as terrorists by any western government. Why should the Jews have gone after the Germans with knives? the Germans were not occupying the land, it was Germany. Again, you are terrible at analogies. The Nazi scum are you and your Israeli friends.
But read what Jews that actually knew Nazism say:

"Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of Nazi genocide unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza
"As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine. We further condemn the United States for providing Israel with the funding to carry out the attack, and Western states more generally for using their diplomatic muscle to protect Israel from condemnation. Genocide begins with the silence of the world.
"We are alarmed by the extreme, racist dehumanization of Palestinians in Israeli society, which has reached a fever-pitch. In Israel, politicians and pundits in The Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post have called openly for genocide of Palestinians and right-wing Israelis are adopting Neo-Nazi insignia.
"Furthermore, we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history in these pages to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children. Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. Nothing can justify depriving people of electricity and water.
"We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people. We call for an immediate end to the siege against and blockade of Gaza. We call for the full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. “Never again” must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!"
read more: Holocaust survivors condemn Israel for 'Gaza massacre,' call for boycott - Diplomacy and Defense

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