The latest left-wing media smear against the president.

The latest left-wing media smear against the president.

Deanie sez citing no proof whatever, "Trump is a criminal."
I've seen no evidence that President Trump broke the law.

I have seen you judge him unfairly for firing people who chose to be his public detractors rather than give him the slightest obedience to his commands. Your party practices gutless wonder behaviors when their party leaders need discipline but don't receive or give any to the point of excusing treason.

Good day to all trolls who are outraged that Trump has survived 2 years of nonstop Democrat naysaying lies. I've decided to put trolls on ignore for a while this week. Bye, Mr. Deanie.
Wait, not another outrage? I haven't even figured out the "Sharpie" thing they were howling about.

I can succinctly summarize both of these issues for you:

Trump is truly the gift that keeps on giving :) Never a disappointing day.
There is no left-wing smear.

Trump is a criminal.

Trump university was a scam.

Trump foundation is a criminal Enterprise still under investigation.

Trump organization is being looked into by the states attorney general.

Trumps already an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies.

How many of trumps former aids and cronies are in prison, under indictment, or waiting to be sentenced?


I haven’t gone through this list yet. But we know it’s a bunch. Trump has more aids in prison than any president in American history. And he’s only in his third year.

All his criminality is right in front of your f*cking face. How come you clowns can’t see it.

What is wrong with you people?
Hillary is a war criminal.

You are nuts.

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