The law MUST be applied EQUALLY

She wasn't kidnapped. Sorry. You've yet to post anything in this thread that isn't a false narrative. It proves you hold an irrational position here. I guess when people hold irrational positions, they resort to liberal arguments. Weak, nonsensical, and completely false.

There is nothing liberal about people not breaking the law. In fact it's more conservative if anything.

You don't have a right to invade somebody's body for any reason. You can't rape them, you can't slip them drugs in their food or drinks, you can't urinate on their food items because you're upset with them.

If you feel you have a right to something, we have a court system for that reason. We are a country of laws.

If your kid accidentally breaks your neighbors window with his baseball, that does not give him the right to go to your house and break your window. You can call the police and have him arrested. We do not take law into our own hands. To do so would be chaos.
If your daughter is of legal age than its entirely up to her.
And by law - if my son is of legal age then it is up to him. The law must be applied equally.

Let me know when your son gets pregnant.
Son might not get pregnant but an unplanned child will cause him just as much or more hardship as it would the woman involved.
why shouldnt he have a say in when it comes to his paying for that child for the next 18 years

Don't be silly.
explain how its silly. or are you saying that it is ok to force a child on a male, but not the female.
All I ask is that the law be applied equally. Isn't it funny how that simple request (which is mandatory in the U.S.) is causing liberals to freak out and lose their mind?
She wasn't kidnapped. Sorry. You've yet to post anything in this thread that isn't a false narrative. It proves you hold an irrational position here. I guess when people hold irrational positions, they resort to liberal arguments. Weak, nonsensical, and completely false.

There is nothing liberal about people not breaking the law. In fact it's more conservative if anything.

You don't have a right to invade somebody's body for any reason. You can't rape them, you can't slip them drugs in their food or drinks, you can't urinate on their food items because you're upset with them.

If you feel you have a right to something, we have a court system for that reason. We are a country of laws.

If your kid accidentally breaks your neighbors window with his baseball, that does not give him the right to go to your house and break your window. You can call the police and have him arrested. We do not take law into our own hands. To do so would be chaos.
And abortion is legal. So this man was 100% with in the law to have an abortion. It really is that simple. Why do you keep pretending like abortion is illegal when you know that it's not?
So you support mandatory abortion?
Uh....who said "mandatory"? If a woman has the legal right to have an abortion, then by law a man has that same right (because the law must be applied legally to all U.S. citizens - men, women, blacks, whites, etc.).

So this man has suffered a terrible injustice when he was arrested and charged with murder for doing something millions of women do legally every year. It cannot be legal for women and illegal for men. It can't be. That is a major violation of the law.

You liberals need to sort your your absurd views and settle on something that is consistent. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Pick one. Your choice.

So you don't understand the concept of "choice"?
Your panic is palpable RW! It's really making me laugh. You're desperate for a response but can't figure out an angle to explain the hypocrisy. You're making nonsensical one sentence posts to buy you time until you can come up with an angle.

Just so you know - don't waste your time. The hypocrisy, absurdity, and unconstitutional position of the liberal ideology is completely exposed here and there is no getting around it. You can't make abortion legal for women and illegal for men. The law may not be applied one way for some people and another way for other people.

You really don't understand the concept that abortion is a choice?

Where have you been the last 45 years?
It is a choice. And that man made his choice. So what is the problem? Why are you struggling with this so much? This man made his legal choice.

Well put

And if we want to reduce the number of abortions, we need to remove the societal pressures on young mothers
Not only that - but the law must be applied equally. If a woman has the legal right to an abortion, then most certainly a man has the legal right to an abortion. You can't let men vote and not women. You can't let a man carry a gun and not women. Then you can't let women have an abortion and not men.
You're right. And this man obeyed all laws. He didn't punch this woman in the stomach. He didn't give her strychnine. He gave her the legally approved, FDA approved method for abortions. You lose Ray. Sorry. But you do. Every case you make is irrational here and doesn't stand up to reality.

Wrong. Drugging somebody's food or drink is not legal.
The fda says it's as safe as aspirin, so no drugging.
And by law - if my son is of legal age then it is up to him. The law must be applied equally.

Let me know when your son gets pregnant.
Son might not get pregnant but an unplanned child will cause him just as much or more hardship as it would the woman involved.
why shouldnt he have a say in when it comes to his paying for that child for the next 18 years

Don't be silly.
explain how its silly. or are you saying that it is ok to force a child on a male, but not the female.
All I ask is that the law be applied equally. Isn't it funny how that simple request (which is mandatory in the U.S.) is causing liberals to freak out and lose their mind?
This from the story has me wondering how the liberals can agree with him being charged.
Welden was indicted under the rarely used federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, a murder charge that carries a life sentence
liberals claim that the fetus is not a human life, it is only a parasitic blob sucking the life out of the mother.
If its not a life, how can he be charged with murder?
The fact is, if this is really a case of making the unborn a victim of violence, and if the act can be considered a murder charge, then by extension, Abortion must also be considered the same.
If we go by the liberals theory of the fetus, then he did not create an act of violence on the unborn and there was no murder since the female in question did not die.
You're right. And this man obeyed all laws. He didn't punch this woman in the stomach. He didn't give her strychnine. He gave her the legally approved, FDA approved method for abortions. You lose Ray. Sorry. But you do. Every case you make is irrational here and doesn't stand up to reality.

Wrong. Drugging somebody's food or drink is not legal.
The fda says it's as safe as aspirin, so no drugging.
I'm not sure why Ray keeps lying on this one. He usually doesn't - but in this particular thread he has gone FULL on libtard. Keeps making all kinds of shit up that isn't true about this case and this issue.
Let me know when your son gets pregnant.
Son might not get pregnant but an unplanned child will cause him just as much or more hardship as it would the woman involved.
why shouldnt he have a say in when it comes to his paying for that child for the next 18 years

Don't be silly.
explain how its silly. or are you saying that it is ok to force a child on a male, but not the female.
All I ask is that the law be applied equally. Isn't it funny how that simple request (which is mandatory in the U.S.) is causing liberals to freak out and lose their mind?
This from the story has me wondering how the liberals can agree with him being charged.
Welden was indicted under the rarely used federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, a murder charge that carries a life sentence
liberals claim that the fetus is not a human life, it is only a parasitic blob sucking the life out of the mother.
If its not a life, how can he be charged with murder?
The fact is, if this is really a case of making the unborn a victim of violence, and if the act can be considered a murder charge, then by extension, Abortion must also be considered the same.
If we go by the liberals theory of the fetus, then he did not create an act of violence on the unborn and there was no murder since the female in question did not die.
That wasn't exactly my entire point behind this post MP! They claim a fetus is not a person and has no rights, then they applaud when a man is charged with murder over a fetus. They claim that abortion is legal, but then they whine when a man has an abortion.

As usual, they are all over the place. These people are such irrational, emotional train wrecks. They can't figure out which way is up and they can't apply their position equally.

Well put

And if we want to reduce the number of abortions, we need to remove the societal pressures on young mothers
Not only that - but the law must be applied equally. If a woman has the legal right to an abortion, then most certainly a man has the legal right to an abortion. You can't let men vote and not women. You can't let a man carry a gun and not women. Then you can't let women have an abortion and not men.
You realize that men have never and will never need an abortion?
In fact men should have no say in the matter.
Please post often. I try to describe how stupid right wingers can be, but it's so much easier when there is something as stupid as this thread to point at. Keep up the good work.
As usual - you have no rational way to dispute the fact that this is evidence of liberal contradiction and that pisses you off. I will post often because it shows how fuck'n stupid you are.

It's evidence of third grade right wing logic.
Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.
Isnt it just horrific how libtards find the murder of a womans baby to be funny? Three of them have tacked the OP with funny emoticons, how dreadfully disrespectful of human life and the choice of a mother to have her child born.

Just like their heroes, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Hitler.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that conservatives are inconsistent in their application of the law and with their positions on the issues – the consequence of adhering blindly to failed, errant, wrongheaded rightwing dogma, dogma that is as simplistic as it is moronic; for example, guns are ‘good,’ abortion ‘bad,’ when in fact the issues are far more complex and nuanced than that.
Please post often. I try to describe how stupid right wingers can be, but it's so much easier when there is something as stupid as this thread to point at. Keep up the good work.
As usual - you have no rational way to dispute the fact that this is evidence of liberal contradiction and that pisses you off. I will post often because it shows how fuck'n stupid you are.
It's evidence of third grade right wing logic.
It's your "logic". I've been saying you idiots think like a 3rd grader for years. Apparently you just woke up to the realization that I've been aware of for years.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that conservatives are inconsistent in their application of the law and with their positions on the issues – the consequence of adhering blindly to failed, errant, wrongheaded rightwing dogma, dogma that is as simplistic as it is moronic; for example, guns are ‘good,’ abortion ‘bad,’ when in fact the issues are far more complex and nuanced than that.
So "nuanced" that you idiots can't even apply your own position consistently. :lmao:
Please post often. I try to describe how stupid right wingers can be, but it's so much easier when there is something as stupid as this thread to point at. Keep up the good work.
As usual - you have no rational way to dispute the fact that this is evidence of liberal contradiction and that pisses you off. I will post often because it shows how fuck'n stupid you are.
It's evidence of third grade right wing logic.
If it is "3rd grade logic" then you should have no problem articulating as much and defeating it. But you can't. Oops....

Must suck to be called out for having an irrational position which contradicts itself and have no answer for it. I wouldn't know though - I'm consistent with my positions. They never contradict themselves. Then again, that's the difference between conservatives (logical) and liberals (emotional).
Please post often. I try to describe how stupid right wingers can be, but it's so much easier when there is something as stupid as this thread to point at. Keep up the good work.
As usual - you have no rational way to dispute the fact that this is evidence of liberal contradiction and that pisses you off. I will post often because it shows how fuck'n stupid you are.
It's evidence of third grade right wing logic.
If it is "3rd grade logic" then you should have no problem articulating as much and defeating it. But you can't. Oops....

Must suck to be called out for having an irrational position which contradicts itself and have no answer for it. I wouldn't know though - I'm consistent with my positions. They never contradict themselves. Then again, that's the difference between conservatives (logical) and liberals (emotional).

If you are anything, I would say you are consistent. Please continue.

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