The law MUST be applied EQUALLY

Because abortion is a medical procedure. it isn't sweetie. There was no medical procedure done here and that is a 100% fact. There was only a pill taken. That is not a "procedure" by any medical definition. Would you like to try again? Your weak arguments are failing miserably. You need to think and come up with something rock solid. Not desperately toss crap at the wall and hope that something sticks.
yes it is sweetie!

one is a medication is a surgical abortion, both are medical procedures for abortion
When men have uterus-es and can get pregnant, then come back and talk to me....

You claim a man cannot have an abortion because he doesn't have a uterus. Yet liberals all over USMB contend that if a deranged sexual deviant imagines he has a uterus - that gives him legal grounds to invade the restrooms and shower facilities of women.

Wait....what?!?! If a man can imagine he has a uterus to shower with women, then by that "logic" surely he can imagine he has a uterus to have an abortion!
why are you trying to hijack your own thread with a non-related topic?
So you support mandatory abortion?
Uh....who said "mandatory"? If a woman has the legal right to have an abortion, then by law a man has that same right (because the law must be applied legally to all U.S. citizens - men, women, blacks, whites, etc.).

So this man has suffered a terrible injustice when he was arrested and charged with murder for doing something millions of women do legally every year. It cannot be legal for women and illegal for men. It can't be. That is a major violation of the law.

You liberals need to sort your your absurd views and settle on something that is consistent. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Pick one. Your choice.

So you don't understand the concept of "choice"?
Your panic is palpable RW! It's really making me laugh. You're desperate for a response but can't figure out an angle to explain the hypocrisy. You're making nonsensical one sentence posts to buy you time until you can come up with an angle.

Just so you know - don't waste your time. The hypocrisy, absurdity, and unconstitutional position of the liberal ideology is completely exposed here and there is no getting around it. You can't make abortion legal for women and illegal for men. The law may not be applied one way for some people and another way for other people.

You really don't understand the concept that abortion is a choice?

Where have you been the last 45 years?

Well put

And if we want to reduce the number of abortions, we need to remove the societal pressures on young mothers
Those that are charged with enforcing the law have to be blind in that any bias they might have can't influence how they enforce them this way everyone is treated the same no matter what. The law itself can treat people differently unless it violates the constituion or some sense of fairness that the people might ojbect to..etc, etc.
Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.

You can't drug other people for any reason. Would you say it's okay if somebody did that to your daughter?
No - but I also wouldn't say it's ok for my daughter to have an abortion. See the consistency there?

If your daughter is of legal age than its entirely up to her.
And by law - if my son is of legal age then it is up to him. The law must be applied equally.

Let me know when your son gets pregnant.
Son might not get pregnant but an unplanned child will cause him just as much or more hardship as it would the woman involved.
why shouldnt he have a say in when it comes to his paying for that child for the next 18 years
Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.

You can't drug other people for any reason. Would you say it's okay if somebody did that to your daughter?
No - but I also wouldn't say it's ok for my daughter to have an abortion. See the consistency there?[/QUOTEYou have a right to your opinion, and any family member would I think have the right to tell you to fuck off. Nicely, of course.
The man committed a crime because he acted without the woman’s consent – a criminal act that was committed against the woman as an individual, where neither the state nor another person has the right to compel a woman to give birth against her will, or end a woman’s pregnancy against her will.

Epic fail as usual CCJ. Because every single day in this country - women act without the consent of the father. And it is absolutely his baby too. It's as much his baby as it is hers. You continue to illustrate what an idiot you are.
Nicely, fuck off. You are wrong.
No - but I also wouldn't say it's ok for my daughter to have an abortion. See the consistency there?

No, not really, because in one case, a person made a decision based on their own evaluation of their situation, the other, a person attacked another. And yes, if you drug somebody (to have an abortion, get them hooked on something, to get sexual access) is an attack on another human being.
And caving in the skull or vacuuming off their body parts is also an attack on another human being.

You're acting like a liberal here Ray. You're not applying the law equally. Either it's ok to have an abortion or it's not. If it's ok - then men have every right to have one as well.
Not your business for other people.
And caving in the skull or vacuuming off their body parts is also an attack on another human being.

You're acting like a liberal here Ray. You're not applying the law equally. Either it's ok to have an abortion or it's not. If it's ok - then men have every right to have one as well.

Yes they would, if they were carrying the baby. But in the natural process of birth, the baby is part of the woman's body--not the mans. That's not to say it's not his, but he can't attack the body of another person because of his desires.

That's a false narrative and you know it. He did not "attack" her body. She is 100% just fine. He used a methods that millions of women use wihout any negative consequences to them.

He had an abortion. If a woman is allowed to have one without the man's consent, then by law - a man must absolutely be able to have an abortion without the woman's consent. Period.
Not your right to control the actions of another Your opinion is wrong.
I don't think this is a good example because it was kind of involuntary choice on her part. I really don't see how this is a contradiction in the 'liberal' edict that women have the right to choose. One can discuss whether or not men have the right to choose since they are forced to take care of a baby that they don't want. Women seem to get the choice but men don't.
You can't drug other people for any reason. Would you say it's okay if somebody did that to your daughter?
No - but I also wouldn't say it's ok for my daughter to have an abortion. See the consistency there?

If your daughter is of legal age than its entirely up to her.
And by law - if my son is of legal age then it is up to him. The law must be applied equally.

Let me know when your son gets pregnant.
Son might not get pregnant but an unplanned child will cause him just as much or more hardship as it would the woman involved.
why shouldnt he have a say in when it comes to his paying for that child for the next 18 years

Don't be silly.
Because abortion is a medical procedure. it isn't sweetie. There was no medical procedure done here and that is a 100% fact. There was only a pill taken. That is not a "procedure" by any medical definition. Would you like to try again? Your weak arguments are failing miserably. You need to think and come up with something rock solid. Not desperately toss crap at the wall and hope that something sticks.
yes it is sweetie!

one is a medication is a surgical abortion, both are medical procedures for abortion
Taking a pill is not a "medical procedure" by any definition. Nice try. Desperate. But nice. Next?
She wasn't poisoned Ray. Stopping acting like a liberal and trying to argue points with lies.

I don't think this is a liberal or conservative issue. This is a moral issue.

If you give somebody a medication that produces harmful results, that is poison.

A child is the property of the woman because it's in her body. The man has rights to that child, but not rights to her body.

If you think that a man should have a right to force a woman to have an abortion, that's what we have courts for. Sue her and ask the court for a forced abortion. Then she would at least have a right to defend herself (as our Constitution outlines) and you can make your case that forcing her to have an abortion is your constitutional right.

You can't take law into your own hands in our country. We have a justice system for a reason.
When men have uterus-es and can get pregnant, then come back and talk to me....

You claim a man cannot have an abortion because he doesn't have a uterus. Yet liberals all over USMB contend that if a deranged sexual deviant imagines he has a uterus - that gives him legal grounds to invade the restrooms and shower facilities of women.

Wait....what?!?! If a man can imagine he has a uterus to shower with women, then by that "logic" surely he can imagine he has a uterus to have an abortion!
why are you trying to hijack your own thread with a non-related topic?
I'm not. I'm simply illustrating the insanity of liberalism. Why are you trying to avoid the question by falsely claiming "hijacking"? Answer the question.
If you give somebody a medication that produces harmful results, that is poison.

Yeah - and there were no "harmful results" for the woman. None. It's the legally approved, FDA approved, method for an abortion. This man obeyed all laws. And he was egregiously indicted for it. It's an outrage of justice.

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