The law MUST be applied EQUALLY

"Welden was sentenced almost a year ago to 13 years and eight months in prison on charges of product tampering and conspiracy to commit mail fraud."

This is evidence right here of what a bunch lying, disingenuous asshats liberals are. He was charged with murder. He pleaded to a lesser charge because it was mutually beneficial to both the prosecution and the defendant (i.e. the prosecution realized they didn't have a Constitutional case and he realized that this agreement was much better than being found guilty for murder).

Right from your article you lying piece of shit:

"He was initially charged with first-degree murder under the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, punishable by life in prison, but he pleaded guilty to lesser charges in September."

He pleaded down. He was charged with murder. That was the charge. Would you like to try again, liar?

That's proof you lied, fuckwit.
He was charged with murder you lying "fuckwit". The only thing that it's proof of is that you are a pathological liar!

I'm the one who posted the link saying he was charged with murder. You're the one who falsely claimed he was convicted of it.
"Welden was sentenced almost a year ago to 13 years and eight months in prison on charges of product tampering and conspiracy to commit mail fraud."

This is evidence right here of what a bunch lying, disingenuous asshats liberals are. He was charged with murder. He pleaded to a lesser charge because it was mutually beneficial to both the prosecution and the defendant (i.e. the prosecution realized they didn't have a Constitutional case and he realized that this agreement was much better than being found guilty for murder).

Right from your article you lying piece of shit:

"He was initially charged with first-degree murder under the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, punishable by life in prison, but he pleaded guilty to lesser charges in September."

He pleaded down. He was charged with murder. That was the charge. Would you like to try again, liar?

That's proof you lied, fuckwit.
He was charged with murder you lying "fuckwit". The only thing that it's proof of is that you are a pathological liar!

I'm the one who posted the link saying he was charged with murder. You're the one who falsely claimed he was convicted of it.
How can he be charged with murder? A fetus is not a person. You idiot liberals have said so several times in this thread alone and thousands and thousands of times on USMB?

Pleading down doesn't change the reason he was arrested or charged with.
Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.


poor winger
Tell me J - how painful is it to come the realization that you're a hypocrite? How painful is it to come to the realization that you took an irrational position that is indefensible?

I'm able to equally apply all of my positions across the board. Maybe that's why you hate me so much? Envy is an ugly thing my dear. Ugly. Just like liberals on the inside.
And caving in the skull or vacuuming off their body parts is also an attack on another human being.

You're acting like a liberal here Ray. You're not applying the law equally. Either it's ok to have an abortion or it's not. If it's ok - then men have every right to have one as well.

Yes they would, if they were carrying the baby. But in the natural process of birth, the baby is part of the woman's body--not the mans. That's not to say it's not his, but he can't attack the body of another person because of his desires.

That's a false narrative and you know it. He did not "attack" her body. She is 100% just fine. He used a methods that millions of women use wihout any negative consequences to them.

He had an abortion. If a woman is allowed to have one without the man's consent, then by law - a man must absolutely be able to have an abortion without the woman's consent. Period.

he's NOT having an abortion, dummy.... men can't have abortions....but you have to know that...? your argument FAILS.... your comparison fails
Why can't they have abortions?!? :cuckoo:
Because abortion is a medical procedure.

When men have uterus-es and can get pregnant, then come back and talk to me....
When men have uterus-es and can get pregnant, then come back and talk to me....

Thank you!!!! You just proved that the idiot liberal bathroom laws are completely outrageous!!! When men have uteruses - come back and see me. Until then, those demented deviants have no business being in a woman's bathroom.

(Man is just too easy to walk a liberal right into their own contradictions :lol:)

Because abortion is a medical procedure. it isn't sweetie. There was no medical procedure done here and that is a 100% fact. There was only a pill taken. That is not a "procedure" by any medical definition. Would you like to try again? Your weak arguments are failing miserably. You need to think and come up with something rock solid. Not desperately toss crap at the wall and hope that something sticks.
Wait.....what?!?! How can a person be charged with murder when liberals contend that a fetus is not a person and has no rights? Furthermore, how can liberal legalize abortion at the federal level and at the exact same time, create a "Unborn Victims of Violence Act"?!?!

This is the type of insane absurdity that could only come from a liberal. It's completely legal to kill a fetus except when it's not.... :cuckoo:

Welden was indicted under the rarely used federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, a murder charge that carries a life sentence.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -
Case in point - in this post here a liberal poster in USMB claims a man cannot have an abortion because he doesn't have a uterus. Yet liberals all over USMB contend that if a deranged sexual deviant imagines he has a uterus - that gives him legal grounds to invade the restrooms and shower facilities of women.

Wait....what?!?! If a man can imagine he has a uterus to shower with women, then by that "logic" surely he can imagine he has a uterus to have an abortion!
When men have uterus-es and can get pregnant, then come back and talk to me....

You claim a man cannot have an abortion because he doesn't have a uterus. Yet liberals all over USMB contend that if a deranged sexual deviant imagines he has a uterus - that gives him legal grounds to invade the restrooms and shower facilities of women.

Wait....what?!?! If a man can imagine he has a uterus to shower with women, then by that "logic" surely he can imagine he has a uterus to have an abortion!
So you support mandatory abortion?
Uh....who said "mandatory"? If a woman has the legal right to have an abortion, then by law a man has that same right (because the law must be applied legally to all U.S. citizens - men, women, blacks, whites, etc.).

So this man has suffered a terrible injustice when he was arrested and charged with murder for doing something millions of women do legally every year. It cannot be legal for women and illegal for men. It can't be. That is a major violation of the law.

You liberals need to sort your your absurd views and settle on something that is consistent. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Pick one. Your choice.
So you support mandatory abortion?
Uh....who said "mandatory"? If a woman has the legal right to have an abortion, then by law a man has that same right (because the law must be applied legally to all U.S. citizens - men, women, blacks, whites, etc.).

So this man has suffered a terrible injustice when he was arrested and charged with murder for doing something millions of women do legally every year. It cannot be legal for women and illegal for men. It can't be. That is a major violation of the law.

You liberals need to sort your your absurd views and settle on something that is consistent. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Pick one. Your choice.

So you don't understand the concept of "choice"?
So you support mandatory abortion?
Uh....who said "mandatory"? If a woman has the legal right to have an abortion, then by law a man has that same right (because the law must be applied legally to all U.S. citizens - men, women, blacks, whites, etc.).

So this man has suffered a terrible injustice when he was arrested and charged with murder for doing something millions of women do legally every year. It cannot be legal for women and illegal for men. It can't be. That is a major violation of the law.

You liberals need to sort your your absurd views and settle on something that is consistent. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Pick one. Your choice.

So you don't understand the concept of "choice"?
Apparently you don't. This man made the choice to have an abortion. What is the problem?
So you support mandatory abortion?
Uh....who said "mandatory"? If a woman has the legal right to have an abortion, then by law a man has that same right (because the law must be applied legally to all U.S. citizens - men, women, blacks, whites, etc.).

So this man has suffered a terrible injustice when he was arrested and charged with murder for doing something millions of women do legally every year. It cannot be legal for women and illegal for men. It can't be. That is a major violation of the law.

You liberals need to sort your your absurd views and settle on something that is consistent. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Pick one. Your choice.

How many threads do you plan on starting on this?

Give us a ballpark figure.
So you support mandatory abortion?
Uh....who said "mandatory"? If a woman has the legal right to have an abortion, then by law a man has that same right (because the law must be applied legally to all U.S. citizens - men, women, blacks, whites, etc.).

So this man has suffered a terrible injustice when he was arrested and charged with murder for doing something millions of women do legally every year. It cannot be legal for women and illegal for men. It can't be. That is a major violation of the law.

You liberals need to sort your your absurd views and settle on something that is consistent. Either abortion is legal or it isn't. Pick one. Your choice.

So you don't understand the concept of "choice"?
Apparently you don't. This man made the choice to have an abortion. What is the problem?

He wasn't pregnant. You're mentally retarded.

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