The left and Jew hatred

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Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?
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Why do RWnuts love the Jews? Israel is a socialist country where the government funds abortions.

Why is it that the left is preoccupied with Zionists building walls, when just south of the border hundreds of thousands of Christians in the Sudan were systematically killed in genocide? And what of the mass genocide by ISIS today around Israel?

I suppose you want Islam to overtake them so we have more refugees spilling into Europe as they flee similar regimes like in the Sudan.
This was up in San Francisco and never fucking happened. It was a Right and Left walk against Banks getting bailed out when we crashed. I walked in it.
These anti- Jew people were not even there...
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Nope. The Jews have been kicked out of there many times. Tribes with tents, and many gods for a very long time, which explains their First Commandment.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Nope. The Jews have been kicked out of there many times. Tribes with tents, and many gods for a very long time, which explains their First Commandment.

Yeah, agree with that. They have been kicked out many times.
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The extremes of both left and right have issues with jews.
I'm pretty sure your rightwingnut, white christian supremacist KKK'ers and neo-nazis aren't fans either. jews generally only thrive in moderate societies.

you're welcome.
That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.

Are you seriously this deluded? The modern day Israeli is an entirely different creature than the ancient Israelite.

Are you seriously this stupid to ignore actual history? You're stating the obvious in some ways, yet, in other ways the people are the same as they were in ancient times. I doubt you'll comprehend that though. PMH will.
That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.

Are you seriously this deluded? The modern day Israeli is an entirely different creature than the ancient Israelite.

so is every country in the middle east. jew haters are only offended by the jewish state.

most countries have changed hands and have ultimately had their borders determined by war....including this one.
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

The overwhelming majority of we Jews are Liberal and over 70% of us voted for President Obama . we have nothing in common with you ignorant uneducated rightwing goyim .

Your thread fails cross groveler or statue bower, as the case may be

Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The extremes of both left and right have issues with jews.
I'm pretty sure your rightwingnut, white christian supremacist KKK'ers and neo-nazis aren't fans either. jews generally only thrive in moderate societies.

you're welcome.

Thats true.
so is every country in the middle east.

Do you see anyone claiming that any other country in the Middle East has a right to certain territories on the basis of states that ceased to exist 6000 years ago?
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