The left and Jew hatred

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I am correct on this. If you don't understand the analogy and don't see the similarities, I'd suggest other things are operating for you.

You're "correct"? The only argument you have is that as a Jew you are pro Jew, at the expense of all other things.

Meanwhile, as Jew, I expect and demand no favorable treatment for myself or for fellow Jews, above that which is equally given to all other people regardless of ethnic, religious, or cultural identity.
In fact, Ashkenazim and Sefardim marrying is a new phenomenon.

No shit? You got to kidding me? You mean to tell me that distinct ethnic groups inhabiting separate regions of the world typically don't marry each other? Holy cow!

Thank you for just stomping your idiocy all over yourself.
Now drop the pseudo-intellectual bullshit and please explain the Israeli "mixture" statement in light of the fact that most Jews were segregated into their own shtetel towns for over 800 years.
It's no secret that the left has been infiltrated by radical anti-semites. The freaking president intentionally disrespected the P.M. of Israel. Contrast that to Bill and Hill smooching it up with the late Yassir Arafat. The joke is that the anti-semite lefties would be the first to be thrown in the gulag if the real radicals ever took over.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

A vast waste land for centuries in Nomadic hands.
The hub of the Middle East was always prized as a conquest by the most powerful nations.

History of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel always went to the group that could kill more members of the other group.
Instead of repeatedly telling people who are more knowledgeable than you on this subject that they are ignorant, you might do better to educate yourself.

What I will say is that if a radical group of Mexicans started shooting missiles over our southern border into Texas and California and demanded a "right of return", we would flatten them into a sheet of glass and no one would say boo.

Wow, I'm really disappointed in you. I often disagree with you, but you are normally intelligent and rational.

Sadly, on this subject, you are anything but. Your attempt to compare "radical Mexicans" demanding a "right to return" to Palestinians really shows how absolutely polluted and deluded your mind is.

1 - Nowhere in this thread did I say anything about the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My contributions to this thread have been limited to pointing out a factual inaccuracy and the absolute silliness of certain reasonings that have been presented here. Why you are invoking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict right now is beyond me, other than the fact that it demonstrates severe bias on your part. Clearly, no person can say anything even slightly relating to Jewish identity that you disagree, without you making a beeline for the flagrant emotive "Oh but the suffering!" argument.

2 - Since you want to invoke the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and you want to use hypothetical radical Mexicans declaring a "right to return" as a comparison, you really need to clear the bullshit out of your head. How the fuck did the modern Israel ever come to exist? It was the Jews who declared their own right to return! So by your argument they should have been blown to smitherines!

I'm sorry, did you not know the history? Were you not aware that our people were spread across the globe in a major diaspora for thousands of years? Well gee golly! I guess I'm not the one who needs a history lesson after all, you are!

This level of stupidity is beneath you Jillian. Don't let your genes dictate your mind. I don't, and neither should you.

Yes, they were spread out and they came back and they became a nation, as prophesied, I know that you are scared of that, but it happened. After being granted statehood, truman called to recognize their state 8 minutes later. A few days later, Israel was already beating back arab countries who were trying to sack it. Israel went on to beat several ME countries in the six day war.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

A vast waste land for centuries in Nomadic hands.
The hub of the Middle East was always prized as a conquest by the most powerful nations.

History of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel always went to the group that could kill more members of the other group.
So... not the property of israel since the cradle of time
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

What about Israel in the 18th century? They were spread throughout the world. The came back and are now a country and repeatedly beating arab nations...and that just pisses you off.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

A vast waste land for centuries in Nomadic hands.
The hub of the Middle East was always prized as a conquest by the most powerful nations.

History of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel always went to the group that could kill more members of the other group.
So... not the property of israel since the cradle of time

Still their property. Are you ignorant of history?
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

A vast waste land for centuries in Nomadic hands.
The hub of the Middle East was always prized as a conquest by the most powerful nations.

History of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel always went to the group that could kill more members of the other group.
So... not the property of israel since the cradle of time

From a secular point of
The land of Israel exists now just like every other nation exists.
When Israel is attacked, they kill enough of the enemy to maintain ownership, just like every other group of people in history has done.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

What about Israel in the 18th century? They were spread throughout the world. The came back and are now a country and repeatedly beating arab nations...and that just pisses you off.
Spread throughout the world, not inhabiting there for centuries, no actual nation, and yet somehow still the property of a non-existent nation?
Literally kissing up to murderers.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

What about Israel in the 18th century? They were spread throughout the world. The came back and are now a country and repeatedly beating arab nations...and that just pisses you off.
Spread throughout the world, not inhabiting there for centuries, no actual nation, and yet somehow still the property of a non-existent nation?

They came back to it, given statehood, and repeatedly beat back aggressors. Yeah, its theirs.
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

An incredibly stupid mish mash conflation of ideas.
The left and Jew hatred

The left doesn't hate Jews but like all decent people, and many Jews, they hate Zionists...
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

What about Israel in the 18th century? They were spread throughout the world. The came back and are now a country and repeatedly beating arab nations...and that just pisses you off.
Spread throughout the world, not inhabiting there for centuries, no actual nation, and yet somehow still the property of a non-existent nation?

They came back to it, given statehood, and repeatedly beat back aggressors. Yeah, its theirs.
Right. They were given statehood and now keep a group of people walled in.

But that aside, i guess you admit that claims of israel's ownership of the land from the beginning of time are idiotic lies
The Left doesn't just hate Jews. It hates Christians even more. They've always had a bizarre fascination with hating Christians. Yet they seem to always rush to defend Islam. I don't get em. They're a confused lot for sure.

One thing is for sure though, Antisemitism is on the rapid rise, especially in Europe. And it's coming mostly from the Left.
Meaning....they hate jews. That land has been israels since the cradle of time in the ME.
Really? Tell us about israel in the 18th century. How about the 19th?

What about Israel in the 18th century? They were spread throughout the world. The came back and are now a country and repeatedly beating arab nations...and that just pisses you off.
Spread throughout the world, not inhabiting there for centuries, no actual nation, and yet somehow still the property of a non-existent nation?

They came back to it, given statehood, and repeatedly beat back aggressors. Yeah, its theirs.
Right. They were given statehood and now keep a group of people walled in.

But that aside, i guess you admit that claims of israel's ownership of the land from the beginning of time are idiotic lies

I guess we should knock down all walls surrounding people who attack other people.
We would save a fortune on prisons.
The Left doesn't just hate Jews. It hates Christians even more. They've always had a bizarre fascination with hating Christians. Yet they seem to always rush to defend Islam. I don't get em. They're a confused lot for sure.

One thing is for sure though, Antisemitism is on the rapid rise, especially in Europe. And it's coming mostly from the Left.

Anti-Semitism is the norm in history regardless of whether or not the Jews have a homeland.
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