The Left Are Unable to Learn and Are Becoming Extinct

“The Trump campaign seems to have had a pretty good idea of what its Republican opponents and the Clinton campaign were up to, but the reverse was clearly not true. In post-election interviews Clinton campaign operatives were blaming their defeat on racism, the FBI director, the Russians. Mature adults would be seeking to understand how they had missed out on how the rules were changing.”

How the political rules changed in 2016

Never assume the left will go extinct, because someone will always think THEY can make progressive statism work, its the OTHER GUYS who got it all wrong.

It's just too easy of a tool for those who lust for power and control of their fellow humans.
Europe's situation is the difference between what has been the status quo for American politics and now.

Europe will either be destroyed by Islam or it will go full on nationalist, and that will either be a permanent problem for Democrats, or it will be a permanent blow to demosocialism.
To assume that the Left is becoming extinct would be a very bad idea, and it would be allowing hubris to control your actions.

The country is evenly split, and the Left still has plenty of influence.

If Trump kicks ass and does well, great, good for America. But it's on him and the GOP now.

It won't take much for the GOP to be on their backs again, so over-interpreting this "mandate" would be foolish.
But in reality....the left is it's own worst enemy.

The fact is that when they are in charge their policies destroy all that bitching and complaining they do about the right. It only takes a few years of destructive liberal policies to undo everything they worked for over decades. And it appears that they are only getting worse. It's a tossup between they and Islamic terrorists on which of them is more of a threat to world peace and a good economy. They are fakes. They are liars. They are collectively the biggest assholes on the planet next to the most extreme rightwingers there is,.....
Radical Muslims.
Regarding the nature of the split, I'm not talking about geography, just sheer numbers. We all know what the popular vote ended up being in 2016, and even though they are essentially regional now, the numbers are the numbers.
Honestly, "sheer numbers" aren't what counts, we're not a nation of Californians or New Yorkers, we're a Republic made up of a highly diverse set of interests and the only Federal body that is representative of the "popular vote" (the House of Representatives) is dominated by the Republicans.

The GOP can go ahead and take the election as a "mandate" and try to cram their agenda down our throat. That's their call. The Dems made the same mistake just eight years ago, and I don't really expect the ends of the spectrum to learn from their mistakes.
I agree if the GOP acts as if they have a mandate to do whatever they want they'll get lambasted in upcoming election cycles, however if Trump is able to pull off the shift of the GOP from ideological conservatism to right wing populism that he's begun the left in the U.S. is in for a very difficult time when it comes to holding any significant political power.

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