The Left Changing Sex And Race Of Marvel Characters

You think Wonder Woman is one of the best films Marvel has released, do you? :rofl:

After reading that, everything else is clearly not worth paying attention to, as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. ;)
Yeah....and fuck you too.
I can't wait until the film with a black Bond comes out and watch heads explode.
If they try will destroy the franchise. They even thought a Blonde Bond was a bit of a stretch at one time. (Actually, I feel Daniel Craig was one of the best Bonds, if not the best) A black Bond will ruin it. Why not make up a new character?
What about the Magnificent 7? Any outcry because it was a ripoff of the Seven Samurai?
I can't wait until the film with a black Bond comes out and watch heads explode.
If they try will destroy the franchise. They even thought a Blonde Bond was a bit of a stretch at one time. (Actually, I feel Daniel Craig was one of the best Bonds, if not the best) A black Bond will ruin it. Why not make up a new character?
What about the Magnificent 7? Any outcry because it was a ripoff of the Seven Samurai?
As long as they don't call them Seven Samurai....I don't give a shit.
Miles Morales has been Spiderman in the Ultimate Universe since 2011. Now in the regular continuity he works alongside Peter Parker. They didn't really make the Spiderman black. :dunno:
Motherfucker Shiiiiiit!!!

This trailer sure looks like they're making a new black Spiderman.

The new animated movie is supposed to represent Spiderman from different universes. One of them being the Ultimate universe I mentioned, It even looks like he's talking to Peter Parker on the bench of the subway at the end of the trailer, though I couldn't see clearly enough to tell for sure.
There have been many Capt Marvels, some men, some women, as well as a Ms Marvel (always a woman) for decades.

The character Ms. Marvel, was introduced in 1977 as a stand alone character (the honorific 'Ms' having not long before been introduced). Originally, a non-super sidekick of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, since the comic's inception.


Captain Marvel death issue was issued in 1982 but later the same year, Marvel introduce a new Capt Marvel who is decidedly female


Ms Marvel's later incarnation was as part of the Fantastic Four (bringing them to five).


Captain Marvel returned as a man in 1999 for a few stand-alone issues but came out again in 2003 as a woman.


There was a brief comeback as Captain Marvel as a man but the latest incarnation dates from 2016 with the original Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

There have been many Capt Marvels, some men, some women, as well as a Ms Marvel (always a woman) for decades.

The character Ms. Marvel, was introduced in 1977 as a stand alone character (the honorific 'Ms' having not long before been introduced). Originally, a non-super sidekick of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, since the comic's inception.


Captain Marvel death issue was issued in 1982 but later the same year, Marvel introduce a new Capt Marvel who is decidedly female


Ms Marvel's later incarnation was as part of the Fantastic Four (bringing them to five).


Captain Marvel returned as a man in 1999 for a few stand-alone issues but came out again in 2003 as a woman.


There was a brief comeback as Captain Marvel as a man but the latest incarnation dates from 2016 with the original Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Look....we all know about examples like Batgirl......but totally replacing Captain Marvel?
I see it for what it is.
Captain Marvel is supposed to be the most powerful being in the Universe. Strong enough to defeat Thanos, because of powers that allow him to absorb energy. The harder you hit him, the more powerful he became.
Call me a male chauvinist.....but this is stretching it a bit too much for me.
In an interview I watched recently Stan Lee said that he was approached by DC about writing a "What if Stan Lee created..." series. He said he made Batman black, and made the Flash a female just to change things up. I think he made Cyborg a refrigerator. I can't remember.
There have been many Capt Marvels, some men, some women, as well as a Ms Marvel (always a woman) for decades.

The character Ms. Marvel, was introduced in 1977 as a stand alone character (the honorific 'Ms' having not long before been introduced). Originally, a non-super sidekick of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, since the comic's inception.


Captain Marvel death issue was issued in 1982 but later the same year, Marvel introduce a new Capt Marvel who is decidedly female


Ms Marvel's later incarnation was as part of the Fantastic Four (bringing them to five).


Captain Marvel returned as a man in 1999 for a few stand-alone issues but came out again in 2003 as a woman.


There was a brief comeback as Captain Marvel as a man but the latest incarnation dates from 2016 with the original Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Look....we all know about examples like Batgirl......but totally replacing Captain Marvel?
I see it for what it is.
Captain Marvel is supposed to be the most powerful being in the Universe. Strong enough to defeat Thanos, because of powers that allow him to obsorb energy. The harder you hit him, the more powerful he became.
Call me a male chauvinist.....but this is stretching it a bit too much for me.

My point is ... it's not a new or PC thing. Ms Marvel, the male Captain Marvel, and female Captain Marvel have been around for over 40-years. They all derive their super powers from advanced alien (Kree) technology.

And, for the record, Superman is Jewish.
I can't wait until the film with a black Bond comes out and watch heads explode. :laugh2:
/---/ As a dyed in the wool Bond fan, as long as he had a British accent and enough cool factor, it wouldn't bother me. In fact, I'd like to see how he handles it. And what about a female Bond like Emma Peel?

She looks like agent 99

View attachment 230604
/—-/ disagree 100% I was 14 and had a crush on both, plus Ellie May, Ginger and Samantha on Bewitched. No confusion there.
There have been many Capt Marvels, some men, some women, as well as a Ms Marvel (always a woman) for decades.

The character Ms. Marvel, was introduced in 1977 as a stand alone character (the honorific 'Ms' having not long before been introduced). Originally, a non-super sidekick of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, since the comic's inception.


Captain Marvel death issue was issued in 1982 but later the same year, Marvel introduce a new Capt Marvel who is decidedly female


Ms Marvel's later incarnation was as part of the Fantastic Four (bringing them to five).


Captain Marvel returned as a man in 1999 for a few stand-alone issues but came out again in 2003 as a woman.


There was a brief comeback as Captain Marvel as a man but the latest incarnation dates from 2016 with the original Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Look....we all know about examples like Batgirl......but totally replacing Captain Marvel?
I see it for what it is.
Captain Marvel is supposed to be the most powerful being in the Universe. Strong enough to defeat Thanos, because of powers that allow him to absorb energy. The harder you hit him, the more powerful he became.
Call me a male chauvinist.....but this is stretching it a bit too much for me.

The Phoenix Force is easily one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and it's most powerful hosts are always female. Nobody complains when a dude is in the role.
I can't wait until the film with a black Bond comes out and watch heads explode. :laugh2:
/---/ As a dyed in the wool Bond fan, as long as he had a British accent and enough cool factor, it wouldn't bother me. In fact, I'd like to see how he handles it. And what about a female Bond like Emma Peel?

She looks like agent 99

View attachment 230604
/—-/ disagree 100% I was 14 and had a crush on both, plus Ellie May, Ginger and Samantha on Bewitched. No confusion there.

This is funny as hell ..

I can't wait until the film with a black Bond comes out and watch heads explode. :laugh2:
/---/ As a dyed in the wool Bond fan, as long as he had a British accent and enough cool factor, it wouldn't bother me. In fact, I'd like to see how he handles it. And what about a female Bond like Emma Peel?

She looks like agent 99

View attachment 230604
/—-/ disagree 100% I was 14 and had a crush on both, plus Ellie May, Ginger and Samantha on Bewitched. No confusion there.

This is funny as hell ..

Written by Buck Henry and Mel Brooks. For the record, never saw Agent 99 as hot. She looked like one of my teachers.
I can't wait until the film with a black Bond comes out and watch heads explode. :laugh2:
/---/ As a dyed in the wool Bond fan, as long as he had a British accent and enough cool factor, it wouldn't bother me. In fact, I'd like to see how he handles it. And what about a female Bond like Emma Peel?

She looks like agent 99

View attachment 230604
/—-/ disagree 100% I was 14 and had a crush on both, plus Ellie May, Ginger and Samantha on Bewitched. No confusion there.

This is funny as hell ..

Written by Buck Henry and Mel Brooks. For the record, never saw Agent 99 as hot. She looked like one of my teachers.

My kindergarten teacher and I thought she was hot , my mom said I switched from right handed to a south paw because of her .

Watching it again now I see where they got alot of the penny and Lenard character from .

I can't wait until the film with a black Bond comes out and watch heads explode. :laugh2:
/---/ As a dyed in the wool Bond fan, as long as he had a British accent and enough cool factor, it wouldn't bother me. In fact, I'd like to see how he handles it. And what about a female Bond like Emma Peel?

She looks like agent 99

View attachment 230604
/—-/ disagree 100% I was 14 and had a crush on both, plus Ellie May, Ginger and Samantha on Bewitched. No confusion there.

This is funny as hell ..

Written by Buck Henry and Mel Brooks. For the record, never saw Agent 99 as hot. She looked like one of my teachers.

Loved her eyes

There have been many Capt Marvels, some men, some women, as well as a Ms Marvel (always a woman) for decades.

The character Ms. Marvel, was introduced in 1977 as a stand alone character (the honorific 'Ms' having not long before been introduced). Originally, a non-super sidekick of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, since the comic's inception.


Captain Marvel death issue was issued in 1982 but later the same year, Marvel introduce a new Capt Marvel who is decidedly female


Ms Marvel's later incarnation was as part of the Fantastic Four (bringing them to five).


Captain Marvel returned as a man in 1999 for a few stand-alone issues but came out again in 2003 as a woman.


There was a brief comeback as Captain Marvel as a man but the latest incarnation dates from 2016 with the original Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Look....we all know about examples like Batgirl......but totally replacing Captain Marvel?
I see it for what it is.
Captain Marvel is supposed to be the most powerful being in the Universe. Strong enough to defeat Thanos, because of powers that allow him to absorb energy. The harder you hit him, the more powerful he became.
Call me a male chauvinist.....but this is stretching it a bit too much for me.

The Phoenix Force is easily one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and it's most powerful hosts are always female. Nobody complains when a dude is in the role.
Did they start out female, or did they change them to female.
Imagine if they decided to make Wonder Woman a man.
What kind of howls would the left make after that?


The Left feels that by changing the sex and race of Marvel characters it will make children more accepting of their base. It's all part of their push to transform America into something unrecognizable from what our forefathers created.
Diversity is just another word for discrimination. Good discrimination according to the left.

I think Wonder Woman was one of the best films Marvel has released. But I don't agree with the PC manipulation that is going on in the Marvel Universe, or in films in general. Too many have been tried and failed. The reason Wonder Woman works is because it has history. Everyone knows and accepts it. Captain Marvel has changed in comic books and it may be an exception, but a black teenage Spiderman???? :puhleeze:


Spiderman is black in a new Spiderman cartoon, and Captain Marvel is a woman.
Why can't they make a She-Hulk movie....or create new characters for women and blacks. No....they have to change the sex and race of famous characters in an obvious attempt to diversify Marvel.


Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel - Official Trailer


10 Superheroes That Switched Up Demographics From Their Predecessors

Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) - Wikipedia
OH NOES!!!!!
There have been many Capt Marvels, some men, some women, as well as a Ms Marvel (always a woman) for decades.

The character Ms. Marvel, was introduced in 1977 as a stand alone character (the honorific 'Ms' having not long before been introduced). Originally, a non-super sidekick of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, since the comic's inception.


Captain Marvel death issue was issued in 1982 but later the same year, Marvel introduce a new Capt Marvel who is decidedly female


Ms Marvel's later incarnation was as part of the Fantastic Four (bringing them to five).


Captain Marvel returned as a man in 1999 for a few stand-alone issues but came out again in 2003 as a woman.


There was a brief comeback as Captain Marvel as a man but the latest incarnation dates from 2016 with the original Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Look....we all know about examples like Batgirl......but totally replacing Captain Marvel?
I see it for what it is.
Captain Marvel is supposed to be the most powerful being in the Universe. Strong enough to defeat Thanos, because of powers that allow him to absorb energy. The harder you hit him, the more powerful he became.
Call me a male chauvinist.....but this is stretching it a bit too much for me.

The Phoenix Force is easily one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and it's most powerful hosts are always female. Nobody complains when a dude is in the role.
Did they start out female, or did they change them to female.
Imagine if they decided to make Wonder Woman a man.
What kind of howls would the left make after that? that video of you when posting this whiny thread?
There have been many Capt Marvels, some men, some women, as well as a Ms Marvel (always a woman) for decades.

The character Ms. Marvel, was introduced in 1977 as a stand alone character (the honorific 'Ms' having not long before been introduced). Originally, a non-super sidekick of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, since the comic's inception.


Captain Marvel death issue was issued in 1982 but later the same year, Marvel introduce a new Capt Marvel who is decidedly female


Ms Marvel's later incarnation was as part of the Fantastic Four (bringing them to five).


Captain Marvel returned as a man in 1999 for a few stand-alone issues but came out again in 2003 as a woman.


There was a brief comeback as Captain Marvel as a man but the latest incarnation dates from 2016 with the original Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel

Look....we all know about examples like Batgirl......but totally replacing Captain Marvel?
I see it for what it is.
Captain Marvel is supposed to be the most powerful being in the Universe. Strong enough to defeat Thanos, because of powers that allow him to absorb energy. The harder you hit him, the more powerful he became.
Call me a male chauvinist.....but this is stretching it a bit too much for me.

The Phoenix Force is easily one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and it's most powerful hosts are always female. Nobody complains when a dude is in the role.
Did they start out female, or did they change them to female.
Imagine if they decided to make Wonder Woman a man.
What kind of howls would the left make after that? that video of you when posting this whiny thread?'s your gf.

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