The Left Finally Admit Trump Didn't Say Anything Incriminating

Between now and the 2024 election, his fat ass will be appearing in 4 (four) different courtrooms. We don`t have convictions before the trials. How dumb are you?
My point was so many charges that they have been made commodity.
Yeah, we're going to hold Trump accountable for his words, even though he said nothing incriminating. What a kangaroo court! These people are clowns.

New reporting reveals more examples of Donald Trump's mobster-like style of communicating without explicitly saying something incriminating

Former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held on to a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran:
Former federal prosecutor and Republican conservative darling Trey Gowdy:

“Well, the most damning piece of evidence to me is the audiotape. I mean, you want to talk about consciousness of guilt? You want to talk about knowledge and intent? I mean, those are the darlings of a prosecutor’s nursery, and that came from President Trump’s own mouth."
Former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held on to a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran:
Former federal prosecutor and Republican conservative darling Trey Gowdy:

“Well, the most damning piece of evidence to me is the audiotape. I mean, you want to talk about consciousness of guilt? You want to talk about knowledge and intent? I mean, those are the darlings of a prosecutor’s nursery, and that came from President Trump’s own mouth."
So? Biden had classified documents since he was a VP, much longer than Trump had classified documents.
So Hillary should be tried for claiming 2016 was stolen and pushing the baseless Steele dossier. I agree with you.
Jesus, is this stupid talking point still being used by you parrots!?!

Hillary didn't create illegal fake electors in seven states, retard.

READ. THE. INDICTMENT. And then get back to us with any similarities to Clinton, won't you?
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So? Biden had classified documents since he was a VP, much longer than Trump had classified documents.
Jesus, is this stupid talking point still being used by you parrots?!?

Trump has not been indicted for the documents he turned over, even though he fought tooth and nail for over a year to avoid turning them over.

Nevertheless, had ANY of you parroting dipshits read the indictment, you would know he is only being indicted for those documents he HID and REFUSED to turn over after being subpoenaed for them.

If he had turned them over, he would not be indicted.

Now turn off your idiotic propagandists and READ THE INDICTMENT.

I must warn you, it is over 250 characters and will tax the shit out of your intellectual bandwidth.

But do try, won't you?
It is so much easier for the brain dead credulous rubes to parrot a ten second sound bite than to read the indictments for themselves.

They can't even handle a 30 second sound bite.

And that is what is destroying our country. This willful stupidity.
The prosecutor can't mouth off about the Trumpybears guilt to the press either can he? Let's have a speedy trial and let Donnie Dangerously have his say in court, under oath.
Frankly, I do not think that trump cares about the "oath" portion of the equation.

Smith highlights in granular detail why a limited gag order is necessary to make Don keep his effing, vile, mouth shut.
One of the most amazing things about this whole awful period is that we're witnessing a person who exists so far outside the norms of adult behavior & decency, that our laws essentially don't work with him.

The Founders warned about many things, but I don't think they envisioned a person who behaves like this being given any authority.

Exactly what is the law supposed to do here?
Yeah, we're going to hold Trump accountable for his words, even though he said nothing incriminating. What a kangaroo court! These people are clowns.

New reporting reveals more examples of Donald Trump's mobster-like style of communicating without explicitly saying something incriminating

The idiocy of this thread is the idea that mobsters can never incriminate themselves or be prosecuted. That unless they take the stand and admit guilt they get off.

Of course we know that not to be true
So Hillary should be tried for claiming 2016 was stolen and pushing the baseless Steele dossier. I agree with you.
She never claimed it was stolen. She claimed that Russia interfered to help Trump win. Our intelligence agencies confirmed this.
A large portion of the Steele Dossier has been for the pee-pee tape. And we all know Putin has that. :)
Yeah, we're going to hold Trump accountable for his words, even though he said nothing incriminating. What a kangaroo court! These people are clowns.

New reporting reveals more examples of Donald Trump's mobster-like style of communicating without explicitly saying something incriminating

Oh, dearie-me... institutionalized Delusional Thinking? Or Delusional Thinking that should be institutionalized? :abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah, we're going to hold Trump accountable for his words, even though he said nothing incriminating. What a kangaroo court! These people are clowns.

New reporting reveals more examples of Donald Trump's mobster-like style of communicating without explicitly saying something incriminating

Yeah, the guys who love his “style” are the ones that think The Godfather is a film about good government!

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