The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

sure but he loved their socialism…in fact adopted part of it..he created the national socialist party in germany

The democratic socialists party was the largest in Germany. Hitler used them to get his foot in the door. Read the interview.
The democratic socialists party was the largest in Germany. Hitler used them to get his foot in the door. Read the interview.
cool story. then he broke away and created the national socialist party and took out political rivals…it’s what leftist tyrants always do…stalin, pol pot, kim, xiden etc
"My alpha?" What the fuck is that?

Were you expecting Trump to look like an Olympic athlete?
The Myth: Adolf Hitler, instigator of World War II in Europe and driving force behind the Holocaust, was a socialist
The Truth: Hitler hated socialism and communism and worked to destroy these ideologies. Nazism, confused as it was, was based on race, and fundamentally different from class-focused socialism.

Hitler as Conservative Weapon​

Twenty-first-century commentators like to attack left-leaning policies by calling them socialist, and occasionally follow this up by explaining how Hitler, the mass murdering dictator around whom the twentieth century pivoted, was a socialist himself. There’s no way anyone can, or ever should, defend Hitler, and so things like health-care reform are equated with something terrible, a Nazi regime which sought to conquer an empire and commit several genocides. The problem is, this is a distortion of history.

The key element here is what Hitler did, believed and tried to create. Nazism, confused as it was, was fundamentally an ideology built around race, while socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, including workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on the racial identity of those in it. Socialism, in contrast, was a class struggle, aiming to build a workers state, whatever race the worker was from. Nazism drew on a range of pan-German theories, which wanted to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates into a super Aryan state, which would involve the eradication of class focused socialism, as well as Judaism and other ideas deemed non-German.When Hitler came to power he attempted to dismantle trade unions and the shell that remained loyal to him; he supported the actions of leading industrialists, actions far removed from socialism which tends to want the opposite. Hitler used the fear of socialism and communism as a way of terrifying middle and upper-class Germans into supporting him. Workers were targeted with slightly different propaganda, but these were promises simply to earn support, to get into power, and then to remake the workers along with everyone else into a racial state. There was to be no dictatorship of the proletariat as in socialism; there was just to be the dictatorship of the Fuhrer.

Nazism is about race and we see denial happening in those who believe that white people are innately superior or in other words that believe that 'race' defines you, try to deny that this was Hitlers line. It was then and is now,

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