The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

A lawyer teaching in High school? Obviously he was a failure as a lawyer. Apparently he also taught his students to be pretentious assholes.

Nope he was taking 2 years in Switzerland. He was a very successful DA in Boston. Fabulous teacher.
Teaching in Switzerland at a HS that cost as much as Harvard. Lots of lawyers from Yale and Amherst, Georgetown and Harvard.
He obviously wasn't a good teacher since everything he taught you is wrong. About the only thing he taught you was how to point your nose in the air.
Just like Trump isnt a small, limited government conservative.
Trump revoked all of Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders and turned everything back to the states (where it belongs).

So yes, he was 100% a small, limited Republican.

How dumb do you look right now? :laugh:
From the side that considers this guy their “alpha” :lmao:

Teaching in Switzerland at a HS that cost as much as Harvard. Lots of lawyers from Yale and Amherst, Georgetown and Harvard.
Well Friedrich Hayek held 3 PhD’s so he trumps your laughable teacher. Plus he lived through World War II.

And it’s painfully clear - the further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). That is why it is fucking impossible for fascism to be to the right of libertarians 🤡
Well Friedrich Hayek held 3 PhD’s so he trumps your laughable teacher. Plus he lived through World War II.

And it’s painfully clear - the further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). That is why it is fucking impossible for fascism to be to the right of libertarians 🤡

You want to have a small government for 300 million people... With no oversight or checks and balances? Like Trump's cronies who have been indicted or convicted? Do you really want a hard right fundamentalist theocracy that crushes civil rights for women and minorities?

Fascism is far hard right, authoritarian and usually racist.
You want to have a small government for 300 million people...
  1. Yes. People can govern themselves infinitely better than they can govern someone else.
  2. The fuck does that have to do with the fact that the further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy)? We weren’t talking about what I want - we were talking about fascism being left-wing because it’s a form of totalitarianism.
With no oversight or checks and balances?
Uh - our government was literally designed on “checks and balances” when it was the smallest it ever was (in 1776). You’re making 0 sense. Completely irrational.
Like Trump's cronies who have been indicted or convicted?
Sadly, the unconstitutional monstrosity you support allowed total illegal activity by Obama and his cronies with 0 repercussions followed by the political witch-hunt of their perceived “enemies”. Once again illustrating that fascism is left-wing.
Do you really want a hard right fundamentalist theocracy that crushes civil rights for women and minorities?
Which is what liberalism delivers. Supporting less government means more liberty. Women and minorities need liberty against you oppressive leftists.
Fascism is far hard right, authoritarian and usually racist.
So the Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because they want smaller, less powerful constitutional government. And the Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because they want smaller, less powerful constitutional government. And Sovereign Citizens are to the right of the Libertarian Party because they want no government governing them at all.

But somehow you want the world to believe that the total government control of fascism is to the right of Sovereign Citizens?

I’ve got $100,000 right here and now that says you can’t explain that. In fact, I’ve got $100,000 that says you won’t even try to explain it because you know you’re fucked. The political scale simply doesn’t support your absurd lie.
This pretty much summarizes the left - illegal drug operations targeting children and calls for assassinations against anyone who doesn’t bow to their fucked-up fascist ideology.
Anyone with even the slightest intelligence is absolutely horrified by the fascism of the left over the past 13 years (since the extremist, anti-American Obama Regime).
  • Former CIA Director Michael Hayden had assured the public that Hunter Biden’s lost and incriminating laptop was likely “Russian disinformation” (we all now know it was 100% fact)
  • The left pushed the “Russian Collusion” HOAX
  • The left pushed the “January 6th insurrection” HOAX
  • The left is now pushing a “right-wing Civil War” HOAX
Each step is not only designed to ensure more power for them, but also the justification to use that power to destroy any political or ideological opposition.
Democrats have embraced fascism in its purest form - right up to using violence/murder for their political agenda.
When the government is telling you what to say - especially doctors - you’ve got a serious fuck’n problem.

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form.

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