The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

FDR was a big fan of Mussolini, did you know that?
Not only that, but Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were huge fans of the Democrats. They studied the Democrat’s Jim Crow laws and used them to design their “Nuremberg Laws” which stripped Jews of all rights and privileges.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form…
What the Left wants is a system where the “experts”—educators and librarians—select all the books, and the “nonexperts”—parents—shut up and accept them.
Like all fascists/communists/etc., they believe that children belong to the state and that parents should have 0 influence over the lives of their children.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. They actually believe they are empowered to stop you from seeing a movie if they deem the content doesn’t advance their extremist agenda and bat-shit crazy ideology.
The left has truly embraced fascism in its purest form. The left lives for power. When they get just a small taste of it, they abuse the hell out of it endlessly. To the point where they won't even allow parents to speak about their own children's education.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form.
I strongly believe both parties want it fascist. Their way or the highway. There are those of us neither party can touch. We are too smart for them.
Please quote where it says what you claim.

That isn't the same website, jackass.

That isn't the same website, jackass.

Hitler broke with the Socialists in 1926. In 1933 he purged them from the German government... Killing them or putting them in concentration camps. Did you get your education from YouTube?

You really should read the link I gave you. I was very lucky to have gone to excellent schools.

Hitler broke with the Socialists in 1926. In 1933 he purged them from the German government... Killing them or putting them in concentration camps. Did you get your education from YouTube?

You really should read the link I gave you. I was very lucky to have gone to excellent schools.

You keep saying that, but where's the proof? The NAZIs continued to maintain they were socialists and pursued socialists policies.

I have no interest in reading your commie propaganda. I've read tons of it in the past.
You really should read the link I gave you. I was very lucky to have gone to excellent schools.
But you lacked the intellect to cash in on the education offered.

You’re getting absolutely schooled in this thread, but you lack the humility to admit that you were wrong.

It is fucking impossible to have small, limited government totalitarianism. You were too stupid to realize that. But I’ve point it out to you a dozen times now, and your fragile little ego won’t allow you to admit that you were wrong.

The further right you go on the political scale, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all - anarchy. Fascism is total government control.

There is nothing to argue here. You were wrong. Dead wrong. Doubling down because you lack humility just makes you look like an immature asshole 🤷‍♂️

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