The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Somewhere along the line, they lost the ability to discern any distinction between wild hyperbole and fundamental reality.

Virtually everything is 100% for them. Nuance and complexity confuse and confound them. Don't agree with them, and you're a pure commie or a pure fascist. Or, somehow, both.

There are no colors or shades in their worlds, only stark, simple, shallow black and white.
Progressives are a lighter shade of Fascism, airtight Mr. Nuance?
All the foreign soldier who served in the Waffen SS were hard right.

Remember when Fascist fought for limited government and individual liberty or are you saying that Fascist and Libertarians "switched sides"?
Imagine thinking that you have the power to tell others what to do. On top of that, imagine thinking that if they don’t comply with your illegitimate orders, you have the right/power to physically assault them.

Yep, the bat-shit crazy left has embraced fascism in its purest form.
a few rules for environmental responsibility isnt fascism, however here are some examples of actual fascism:

All bullshit, of course.
And there has been none of that from the right.

Glad we could clear that up!
Perhaps a more salient point here is the rise in conservative victimhood we've been seeing more of recently.
This one of the features of fascism. The fascist is always the victim, so all violence and oppression is retaliatory. They are never the aggressor, but rather always acting in self defense against the "other" that has wronged them.
If youre unsure about "conservative victimhood", its behind the fervent support for Rittenhouse.
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making, kid.

That is not a lie and was acknowledged by western societies internationally.
You can easily research that but you'll find it distasteful when considering you worshipped him like a god. They did the same to Mussolini and Hitler and Kim fuck wit.

Your party and you supported the over throw of democracy. Now you are ignorant enough to deny it wasn't a dictatorial attempt to install a fascist.
You are brain dead kid. Not a functioning neuron between your ears.
Straight out 24 carat dickhead.
i agree, but all these items are from factual sources, aka not propaganda. yes, hurting feelings is not fascism. violent suppression of opposition is fascism
No, it isn't. There are those who violently suppress opposition who aren't fascists—Communists, for example. What you describe is a symptom of brutal authoritarianism. Fascism is more than that.
Fascism definitely does not come from the right, which believes in the free market and limited government. Fascists like you support socialism and big government.
This is also a common misconception. The ones who believe in the free market and limited government are conservatives, not the right wing; there's a difference.

The right wing generally does not believe that everyone should be equal. That sounds worse than it is, because for most of all of our lives, the vast majority of the right wing has been conservatives, who mostly believe in the rewards of hard work, going back to Jamestown's quintessentially American "He who works, eats" ideal, which has a central place in our American identity. Don't tax me, because I earned this money and deserve to keep it; don't tell me what to do, because I follow the law and deserve my own freedom; don't regulate me because I worked hard for this business and deserve to see its success; and so on. Fair enough, it's a core value.

But there is another kind of right-winger, those on the extremes who believe they deserve more social rewards based on their majority status, whether ethnic or religious or some other demographic. This is where you find white supremacy ("White people deserve more"), Christian nationalists ("Christian people deserve more"), and fascists, who think that members of The Party deserve more than others because they are the only "True Americans" (or whatever nation).

They're definitely not conservatives, but they're also not liberals; they are something else, but they definitely come from the far, far right.
Fascism: A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Wait. Wait. Wait. You’re seriously trying to argue now that libertarianism is “left-wing” once you realized you were fucked when I challenged you to explain how fascism could possibly be further right than libertarianism?!?

Libertarianism isn't right wing.


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