The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

They didn’t “oppose” communists. Nazi was short for National SOCIALIST. Communism and socialism both believe in state production.

The real question is: how the fuck could fascism be to the right of libertarianism?!? Please explain that to the class. We’re all ears. You have the floor.

Hitler broke with the socialists in 1926 and didn't nationalize any industry.

you voted for the worst president on immigration who ever had the job
My original and independent idea on how to minimize illegal immigration. Demonstrating a stronger grasp of complexity and nuance than a simple Trumpster like you could ever comprehend:

One of my favorites. Thanks for playing. Dismissed.

Anyone else?
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My original and independent idea on how to minimize illegal immigration. Demonstrating a stronger grasp of complexity and nuance than a simple Trumpster like you could ever comprehend:
Does biden conform to you fantasy world ideas on immigration?


but you voted for him anyway

The man you chose has flooded America with 2 million illegal aliens who ate dripping with the chinese disease thanks to you and other libs like you
Does biden conform to you fantasy world ideas on immigration?


but you voted for him anyway

The man you chose has flooded America with 2 million illegal aliens who ate dripping with the chinese disease thanks to you and other libs like you
I've explained my vote many times, and to absolutely no surprise, you don't understand. Think whatever you want.

I showed you some attention. You're welcome.
Self-proclaimed 'conservatives' aren't conservative.
That claim only comes out at election time or when a democrat is in office.
I’m conservative.

The problem - well, one of many - with liberals is that everything is black and white with them. If you say you are for limited government, they then insist you mean NO government. if you say you are opposed to massive social programs, they insist you oppose ALL social programs.

Here’s what our government should do:

1) Provide for a strong national defense, and that includes an invasion at the border

2) Ensure that those no longer, or never able, to earn money for their own support get basic programs, and that includes Social Security and Medicare for the elderly (who help fund it) as well as physically or mentally disabled adults, and their children who depend on them
I've explained my vote many times, and to absolutely no surprise, you don't understand. Think whatever you want.

I showed you some attention. You're welcome.
If you didn’t vote for Trump, your vote went toward Biden, whether directly or indirectly,
I’m conservative.

The problem - well, one of many - with liberals is that everything is black and white with them. If you say you are for limited government, they then insist you mean NO government.
Not true, republicans claim they are for limited government but in reality are for privatizing the government.
if you say you are opposed to massive social programs, they insist you oppose ALL social programs.
Not true, just most of them.
Look at Biden's plan, every republican opposes it.
Here’s what our government should do:

1) Provide for a strong national defense, and that includes an invasion at the border
A 'strong' national defense?
So, we should spend almost $800 billion a year for?
Does the US need almost 750 military bases around the world?
The US spends more on its military than the following 10 countries..............combined.
2) Ensure that those no longer, or never able, to earn money for their own support get basic programs, and that includes Social Security and Medicare for the elderly (who help fund it) as well as physically or mentally disabled adults, and their children who depend on them
Republicans were looking to privatize them also.
If you didn’t vote for Trump, your vote went toward Biden, whether directly or indirectly,
If you didn’t vote for Trump, your vote went toward Biden, whether directly or indirectly,
My vote was specifically against Trumpism, and voting for Biden was the best way to do that.

I would have much preferred to vote third party, not being a fan of the Democrats. But I had no choice.
Conservatism IS Fascism in its purest form, and the Left are NOT Conservatives.
Is this just Make Up Stupid Shit Day?

Conservatism is "leave me along and I'll leave you alone" with the absolute minimum of government (which is why leftists hate it; they believe they have a mandate to tell other people how to live their lives).
You first. I'm just reading posts here where so many posters want liberals to be eliminated. I guess they just can't stand to be proven wrong over and over again.
Well, if anybody DID go about trying to eliminate liberals, you would be one of the safest people imaginable.
You first. I'm just reading posts here where so many posters want liberals to be eliminated. I guess they just can't stand to be proven wrong over and over again.
I've seen maybe two posters here. You seem to think it's a majority of conservatives.
My vote was specifically against Trumpism, and voting for Biden was the best way to do that.
Too bad you can’t dare be honest and tell us how that worked out for yourself and your fellow citizens.
hahahaha…just another case of you Leftists insisting on fucking yourselves over. You can’t get out of your own way….you are your worst enemy.
Hitler broke with the socialists in 1926 and didn't nationalize any industry.

My vote was specifically against Trumpism, and voting for Biden was the best way to do that.

I would have much preferred to vote third party, not being a fan of the Democrats. But I had no choice.

You first. I'm just reading posts here where so many posters want liberals to be eliminated. I guess they just can't stand to be proven wrong over and over again.

CON$ervoFascism is telling women what they can do medically with their bodies, that kind of "I'll leave you alone"

Do you people even know what fascism is?
CON$ervoFascism is telling women what they can do medically with their bodies, that kind of "I'll leave you alone"
Uh huh. Meanwhile, you want to tell people how much water they can use to flush, what kind of opinions are expressed in public, what kind of light bulbs people can buy, what kind of vehicles they can drive, if they can get medical care if they disagree with vaccine mandates.

And you're outraged that people want the most innocent human beings not be executed for the crime of being inconvenient.

Eat shit, Ed.
Uh huh. Meanwhile, you want to tell people how much water they can use to flush, what kind of opinions are expressed in public, what kind of light bulbs people can buy, what kind of vehicles they can drive, if they can get medical care if they disagree with vaccine mandates.

And you're outraged that people want the most innocent human beings not be executed for the crime of being inconvenient.

Eat shit, Ed.
So you can't deny CON$ervoFascists want to control others rather than leave them alone so the best you can do is tell me to eat shit like you do.

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