The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Macky the Fence Sitter from 2016 and it LIVES?
That lie is addressed in the second line of my sig.


Just think, you can bookmark and bump it again in 2020. :D

Could be, winger!
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Well, Hillary said it: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about," she claimed. "That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

In other words, "We don't have to act like people unless we get our way in everything."
Perhaps instead of running away from their Leftist Socialist Governments
They should stay there and make positive change. That would be fine except for the fact that The Governments there make (dis)sidents (Dis) appear. Freedom is not free Maybe they should fight a little harder

Why didn’t your family? Why did they run away to America?
Why do you lock your door when you leave your home? What kind of insensitive and inhuman person would only want invited people into their home is beyond me.

Jesus had an open door.

Are you advocating a theocracy?

I would venture that the majority of those advocating open borders would have shrieking fits if they were told we're opening ours because "Jesus told us to".

It isn't "open borders" to advocate for a more humane treatment of apprehended illegals. Try again.

Okay, I'll rephrase. I would venture that the majority of those advocating "more humane" treatment (more humane than the Obama era regulations now in place?) of apprehended illegals would have shrieking fits if they were told we're doing because "Jesus told us to".

Does that work better for you?
Democrats have become nothing more than pond scum.

They do seem to have abandoned civility and reasonable behavior
Like Trump?

Except he never had it to begin with but you voted him in. Why do you suddenly care about civility now?
Trump never paid people to assault supporters of the opposition candidate, as Hillary did.
Not entirely true.

Don't be stupid
It is entirely 100% true. Who did Trump pay?
Democrats have become nothing more than pond scum.

They do seem to have abandoned civility and reasonable behavior
Like Trump?

Except he never had it to begin with but you voted him in. Why do you suddenly care about civility now?
Trump never paid people to assault supporters of the opposition candidate, as Hillary did.

Neither did Hillary. Try to stick to facts.
Democrat operatives admitted it. Please be honest.
The parent that travel through Cartel regions of Mexico with their underage child is unfit, so let cut the nonsense here for once and for all.

I know what goes on from El Salvador to Houston and what those kids endure while traveling with their parent would be consider abuse if American citizens did this.

I have no love for Trump and you know this very well but let stop the propaganda and admit the parents of those children are also unfit!
American citizens do not have to endure the horrific conditions in some of those countries. Staying there is far more abusive than staying.

Perhaps instead of running away from their Leftist Socialist Governments
They should stay there and make positive change. That would be fine except for the fact that The Governments there make (dis)sidents (Dis) appear. Freedom is not free Maybe they should fight a little harder

Why didn’t your family? Why did they run away to America?
Why do you lock your door when you leave your home? What kind of insensitive and inhuman person would only want invited people into their home is beyond me.

Jesus had an open door.
He's talking about you, not Jesus.
Democrats have become nothing more than pond scum.

They do seem to have abandoned civility and reasonable behavior
Like Trump?

Except he never had it to begin with but you voted him in. Why do you suddenly care about civility now?
Trump never paid people to assault supporters of the opposition candidate, as Hillary did.

I never saw it proven that Hillary's campaign paid the violent folks. Do you have a link?
They admitted it.

She is incapable of admitting to reality.

It is not wingnuts causing all this strife.

You know what happens to the children of convicted criminals who are incarcerated?

Key point you are missing. Convicted.
Jibberish. Thousands of children are removed from their parents in this country every year for all manner of reasons and conviction isn't even the top of that list.

You try to pretend to be a moderate but you are not. You're just a meek radical afraid to full on embrace the stupidity you constantly defend. You are as much part of the problem as Hillary is

Fact is, they are seldom automatically removed unless abuse or neglect is suspected, both parents are incarcerated and there is no relative. In many cases, for non-violent crimes, where the parent is the sole caretaker of a dependent, they are given alternatives to incarceration while they await their hearing. It's you stupid republicans who think that the only possible means of handling immigration is through promoting child abuse. You can't imagine any other way to do it can you? You know, like more benign incarceration means such as ankle monitors...or, noticing that most of the people who are awaiting their asylum hearings tend to show up...nope. You are all gung ho on removing children, putting them into abusive mass-holdings, promising the parents they'll be united if they self deport and then deporting the parents without the kids. That's on you. I "embrace" other methods.
I have a method that works. Dozens of my friends have accomplished it, and every American posting on USMB has had a family member who successfully accomplished it.

They went thru the process and immigrated here legally.

And? I'm still trying to find a good rational removing children from parents and deporting parents without their kids unless other crimes such as trafficking are suspected.

if you are a US citizen and are arrested in the usa for shoplifting or stealing a car and they send you to jail, do you get to take your kids with you? What is so hard for you libs to understand about illegal and violating the law? When you break the law you forfeit your rights, if you are here illegally you have no rights, except a fair trial, you are already a criminal for being here illegally.
Perhaps instead of running away from their Leftist Socialist Governments
They should stay there and make positive change. That would be fine except for the fact that The Governments there make (dis)sidents (Dis) appear. Freedom is not free Maybe they should fight a little harder

Why didn’t your family? Why did they run away to America?
Why do you lock your door when you leave your home? What kind of insensitive and inhuman person would only want invited people into their home is beyond me.

Jesus had an open door.

Are you advocating a theocracy?

I would venture that the majority of those advocating open borders would have shrieking fits if they were told we're opening ours because "Jesus told us to".

It isn't "open borders" to advocate for a more humane treatment of apprehended illegals. Try again.

they are treated humanely, try entering Mexico or Iran illegally and see what inhumane really means, geez, get over it, you are making a fool of yourself.
Back to the OP, which side is currently encouraging and condoning violence against the other side? Try to answer honestly, or go away and STFU.
Nope its the same policy that been there for years. The same one Obama used.

Own it.

Please provide a link to the Obama policy dictating that there would be 100% removal of children from illegal immigrants. While you are at it, can you show us that Obama removed children prior to hearings other than suspected trafficking?

Thank you.

Wow, now you need evidence?

Yup. I've provided for my claims when asked or even when I've made them. Is that a difficult concept for you?

Well, I'd guess anyone that has been on USMB for longer than a week has seen the links supporting the claim. Apparently not everyone seems to remember that far back.

Or, more likely those links don't support what you claim.

the law was passed under Clinton and followed by Bush and Obama, Trump is the first president who is actually looking for a better solution.
Thank you Dumbocrats! Your radicalization continues to push more and more people to the right. A new poll shows 80% of America thinks your “pc” insanity is bat-shit crazy. And even Bill freaking Maher is ripping into you morons now.

Bill Maher blasts Halloween costume outrage: ‘Not everything is … racist or cultural appropriation’

"Nation's Zombie Population Complains Of Halloween Costume Cultural Appropriation

U.S.—Speaking at a press conference Monday, the representatives for the nation’s population of flesh-eating, undead zombies delivered an emotional plea to American children to not dress up as insensitive and inaccurate representations of their culture.

The horrifying, deadly creatures have been hurt deeply by the rubber masks and green make-up and face paint used by children across the nation dressing up as their kind for Halloween.

“We are undead brain-eaters, NOT a costume,” one sign read at a recent zombie protest in Portland. Chants like “END CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!” and “FIGHT BIGOTRY!” were heard throughout the event, as the undead shambled around in a drunken circle holding signs and wearing shirts with clever slogans on them.

Witnesses at the protest claim things quickly turned ugly, as the walking dead became distracted by passersby and rushed them in a mob in an attempt to consume their brains.

“We need to have a national discussion about the unfair representation of fantastical creatures like zombies, vampires, and werewolves,” one CNN commentator said of the event. “What may have seemed like harmless fun in decades past is really a tradition that’s stifling and distorting the beautiful cultures of the creatures of the night.”
Nation's Zombie Population Complains Of Halloween Costume Cultural Appropriation
how is enforcing our immigration laws "cruel and abusive"? Every country in the world has immigration laws and most of them enforce them, try to enter and stay in Mexico illegally and see where you end up. You are FOS.
What does ripping children from families and sending adults back leaving xhildren behind have to do with enforcing laws? Reagan wasnt smoother. He had a heart.

Trump did not make our immigration laws. If you want to enter the USA do it legally and you wont have any issues with your kids or being sent home. What is it about ILLEGAL that you don't understand? Additionally, your rhetoric about ripping kids from their parents is bullshit. What do you say about a parent that would send their kids across the border illegally?

Trump created the latest POLICY. Own it.

Nope its the same policy that been there for years. The same one Obama used.

Own it.

Please provide a link to the Obama policy dictating that there would be 100% removal of children from illegal immigrants. While you are at it, can you show us that Obama removed children prior to hearings other than suspected trafficking?

Thank you.
i take it your "run and hide" is the 100% separation policy. we both know obama, bush, clinton and many others did it also. trump just reduced tolerance for "repeat offenders".

but to play your game:
Did the Obama Administration Separate Families? -
Fact check: Did Obama administration separate families?

now - since you are saying it's not up to you to back up someone elses claims - please show me where trump had this done 100% of the time.

your move, chief.

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