The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

The parent that travel through Cartel regions of Mexico with their underage child is unfit, so let cut the nonsense here for once and for all.

I know what goes on from El Salvador to Houston and what those kids endure while traveling with their parent would be consider abuse if American citizens did this.

I have no love for Trump and you know this very well but let stop the propaganda and admit the parents of those children are also unfit!
American citizens do not have to endure the horrific conditions in some of those countries. Staying there is far more abusive than staying.

Perhaps instead of running away from their Leftist Socialist Governments
They should stay there and make positive change. That would be fine except for the fact that The Governments there make (dis)sidents (Dis) appear. Freedom is not free Maybe they should fight a little harder

Why didn’t your family? Why did they run away to America?
Why do you lock your door when you leave your home? What kind of insensitive and inhuman person would only want invited people into their home is beyond me.

Jesus had an open door.
Drugs so early in the morning? Get help.
Reagan would have no trouble getting elected. IMO he was one of the best Presidents this country ever had.

He would get elected.
How are you going to reconcile your view on immigration with his? I guarentee he did not support the cruel and abusive programs Trump does. He supported amnesty.

how is enforcing our immigration laws "cruel and abusive"? Every country in the world has immigration laws and most of them enforce them, try to enter and stay in Mexico illegally and see where you end up. You are FOS.
What does ripping children from families and sending adults back leaving xhildren behind have to do with enforcing laws? Reagan wasnt smoother. He had a heart.

Oh duh . . . . . .

Our immigration laws mandate the people who don't have a proper visa are to be sent back where they came from.
Do they mandate stealing their children?

No one is stealing children. They are separated. Try keeping your kids with you if you are arrested. Won't happen.

If these people don't want to be separated then they should stay home not come to the US border.
What happened to these people?
They alone are responsible for Trump.
I think they (and their behaviors) played a significant role, and I've been saying that since he won. They won't hear of it of course, since they refuse to look in the mirror.

This liberal Brit nailed it immediately, particularly beginning at about 2:35:
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Democrats have become nothing more than pond scum.

They do seem to have abandoned civility and reasonable behavior
Like Trump?

Except he never had it to begin with but you voted him in. Why do you suddenly care about civility now?

You betray your ignorance. I was not and am not a Trump supporter, nor a Republican at all. Unlike you partisans from either side, I have always cared about civility. I very rarely argue or call names and will stop participating in conversations that are uncivil.
Democrats have become nothing more than pond scum.

They do seem to have abandoned civility and reasonable behavior
Like Trump?

Except he never had it to begin with but you voted him in. Why do you suddenly care about civility now?
Trump never paid people to assault supporters of the opposition candidate, as Hillary did.

I never saw it proven that Hillary's campaign paid the violent folks. Do you have a link?
Oh yes he could.
Doubtful. You are the party of Trump now and so fiscslly spendthrift in pursuit of your agenda he would be rolling in his grave.

Reagan would have no trouble getting elected. IMO he was one of the best Presidents this country ever had.

He would get elected.
How are you going to reconcile your view on immigration with his? I guarentee he did not support the cruel and abusive programs Trump does. He supported amnesty.

how is enforcing our immigration laws "cruel and abusive"? Every country in the world has immigration laws and most of them enforce them, try to enter and stay in Mexico illegally and see where you end up. You are FOS.
What does ripping children from families and sending adults back leaving xhildren behind have to do with enforcing laws? Reagan wasnt smoother. He had a heart.

Trump did not make our immigration laws. If you want to enter the USA do it legally and you wont have any issues with your kids or being sent home. What is it about ILLEGAL that you don't understand? Additionally, your rhetoric about ripping kids from their parents is bullshit. What do you say about a parent that would send their kids across the border illegally?
Two factoids about wingnuts.

It is all the other side's fault.
They are unable to :agree:
Which side is conducting assasination attempts and calling for more?
She is incapable of admitting to reality.

It is not wingnuts causing all this strife.

What does ripping children from families and sending adults back leaving xhildren behind have to do with enforcing laws? Reagan wasnt smoother. He had a heart.
You know what happens to the children of convicted criminals who are incarcerated?

Key point you are missing. Convicted.
Jibberish. Thousands of children are removed from their parents in this country every year for all manner of reasons and conviction isn't even the top of that list.

You try to pretend to be a moderate but you are not. You're just a meek radical afraid to full on embrace the stupidity you constantly defend. You are as much part of the problem as Hillary is

Fact is, they are seldom automatically removed unless abuse or neglect is suspected, both parents are incarcerated and there is no relative. In many cases, for non-violent crimes, where the parent is the sole caretaker of a dependent, they are given alternatives to incarceration while they await their hearing. It's you stupid republicans who think that the only possible means of handling immigration is through promoting child abuse. You can't imagine any other way to do it can you? You know, like more benign incarceration means such as ankle monitors...or, noticing that most of the people who are awaiting their asylum hearings tend to show up...nope. You are all gung ho on removing children, putting them into abusive mass-holdings, promising the parents they'll be united if they self deport and then deporting the parents without the kids. That's on you. I "embrace" other methods.

"other methods"??? how about following our immigration laws and coming here legally? Why do you continually make excuses for those who enter illegally? Try entering mexico illegally and then staying there, see what happens to you. or you could try it in Saudi Arabia or Iran or north korea or Syria, or the UK or any other country. Why do you think only the USA should ignore its immigration laws?
The parent that travel through Cartel regions of Mexico with their underage child is unfit, so let cut the nonsense here for once and for all.

I know what goes on from El Salvador to Houston and what those kids endure while traveling with their parent would be consider abuse if American citizens did this.

I have no love for Trump and you know this very well but let stop the propaganda and admit the parents of those children are also unfit!
American citizens do not have to endure the horrific conditions in some of those countries. Staying there is far more abusive than staying.

Perhaps instead of running away from their Leftist Socialist Governments
They should stay there and make positive change. That would be fine except for the fact that The Governments there make (dis)sidents (Dis) appear. Freedom is not free Maybe they should fight a little harder

Why didn’t your family? Why did they run away to America?
Why do you lock your door when you leave your home? What kind of insensitive and inhuman person would only want invited people into their home is beyond me.

Jesus had an open door.

Are you advocating a theocracy?

I would venture that the majority of those advocating open borders would have shrieking fits if they were told we're opening ours because "Jesus told us to".
Two factoids about wingnuts.

It is all the other side's fault.
They are unable to :agree:
Which side is conducting assasination attempts and calling for more?
She is incapable of admitting to reality.

It is not wingnuts causing all this strife.

What does ripping children from families and sending adults back leaving xhildren behind have to do with enforcing laws? Reagan wasnt smoother. He had a heart.
You know what happens to the children of convicted criminals who are incarcerated?

Key point you are missing. Convicted.
Jibberish. Thousands of children are removed from their parents in this country every year for all manner of reasons and conviction isn't even the top of that list.

You try to pretend to be a moderate but you are not. You're just a meek radical afraid to full on embrace the stupidity you constantly defend. You are as much part of the problem as Hillary is

Fact is, they are seldom automatically removed unless abuse or neglect is suspected, both parents are incarcerated and there is no relative. In many cases, for non-violent crimes, where the parent is the sole caretaker of a dependent, they are given alternatives to incarceration while they await their hearing. It's you stupid republicans who think that the only possible means of handling immigration is through promoting child abuse. You can't imagine any other way to do it can you? You know, like more benign incarceration means such as ankle monitors...or, noticing that most of the people who are awaiting their asylum hearings tend to show up...nope. You are all gung ho on removing children, putting them into abusive mass-holdings, promising the parents they'll be united if they self deport and then deporting the parents without the kids. That's on you. I "embrace" other methods.
I have a method that works. Dozens of my friends have accomplished it, and every American posting on USMB has had a family member who successfully accomplished it.

They went thru the process and immigrated here legally.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
What conspiracies are you talking about?

Trump having affairs with hookers and porn stars? Not a conspiracy.

Vladimir Putin saying he wanted to help trump get elected? He said in Helsinki that he did.

Trump and Jared and the rest of the Trump ilk lying to the FBI and Congress? Turns out they did.

Trumps felons working with Russia? See how I did that? Because they weren’t felons before but they are now.

Saying Trump got all this money from his father? Oops! Turns out he did.

Saying Trump is a traitor who can’t be trusted? Turns out he gave secret information away to Russians when he barred Americans from the oval office.

Saying Trump had people do work for him that he didn’t pay? Turns out he didn’t pay them after all.

When people say that Trump is surrounded by conspiracies, it turns out they weren’t conspiracies. They were crimes just waiting to be uncovered.

And win Democrats get into the house we’re going to find out which crimes the Republicans kept covered. I hope they charge Nunez and other Republicans with collusion to interfere with investigations against Trump. Investigators who are doing a good job finding out trumps illegal activities.

I think we should at least be as involved as Republicans were going after Bill Clinton. Don’t you agree?
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
What conspiracies are you talking about?

Trump having affairs with hookers and porn stars? Not a conspiracy.

Vladimir Putin saying he wanted to help trump get elected? He said in Helsinki that he did.

Trump and Jared and the rest of the Trump ilk lying to the FBI and Congress? Turns out they did.

Trumps felons working with Russia? See how I did that? Because they weren’t felons before but they are now.

Saying Trump got all this money from his father? Oops! Turns out he did.

Saying Trump is a traitor who can’t be trusted? Turns out he gave secret information away to Russians when he barred Americans from the oval office.

Saying Trump had people do work for him that he didn’t pay? Turns out he didn’t pay them after all.

When people say that Trump is surrounded by conspiracies, it turns out they weren’t conspiracies. They were crimes just waiting to be uncovered.

And win Democrats get into the house we’re going to find out which crimes the Republicans kept covered. I hope they charge Nunez and other Republicans with collusion to interfere with investigations against Trump. Investigators who are doing a good job finding out trumps illegal activities.

I think we should at least be as involved as Republicans were going after Bill Clinton. Don’t you agree?
I think you should be intellectually honest and open-minded.

I also think the Right should be the same way.

I'm not holding my breath on either of you.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
What conspiracies are you talking about?

Trump having affairs with hookers and porn stars? Not a conspiracy.

Vladimir Putin saying he wanted to help trump get elected? He said in Helsinki that he did.

Trump and Jared and the rest of the Trump ilk lying to the FBI and Congress? Turns out they did.

Trumps felons working with Russia? See how I did that? Because they weren’t felons before but they are now.

Saying Trump got all this money from his father? Oops! Turns out he did.

Saying Trump is a traitor who can’t be trusted? Turns out he gave secret information away to Russians when he barred Americans from the oval office.

Saying Trump had people do work for him that he didn’t pay? Turns out he didn’t pay them after all.

When people say that Trump is surrounded by conspiracies, it turns out they weren’t conspiracies. They were crimes just waiting to be uncovered.

And win Democrats get into the house we’re going to find out which crimes the Republicans kept covered. I hope they charge Nunez and other Republicans with collusion to interfere with investigations against Trump. Investigators who are doing a good job finding out trumps illegal activities.

I think we should at least be as involved as Republicans were going after Bill Clinton. Don’t you agree?
I think you should be intellectually honest and open-minded.

I also think the Right should be the same way.

I'm not holding my breath on either of you.

which side is condoning violence? answer that and you might know who to blame.
Doubtful. You are the party of Trump now and so fiscslly spendthrift in pursuit of your agenda he would be rolling in his grave.

Reagan would have no trouble getting elected. IMO he was one of the best Presidents this country ever had.

He would get elected.
How are you going to reconcile your view on immigration with his? I guarentee he did not support the cruel and abusive programs Trump does. He supported amnesty.

how is enforcing our immigration laws "cruel and abusive"? Every country in the world has immigration laws and most of them enforce them, try to enter and stay in Mexico illegally and see where you end up. You are FOS.
What does ripping children from families and sending adults back leaving xhildren behind have to do with enforcing laws? Reagan wasnt smoother. He had a heart.

Trump did not make our immigration laws. If you want to enter the USA do it legally and you wont have any issues with your kids or being sent home. What is it about ILLEGAL that you don't understand? Additionally, your rhetoric about ripping kids from their parents is bullshit. What do you say about a parent that would send their kids across the border illegally?
That parent sold the child to a middleman to deliver to the buyer.

That's why no parent comes forward and claims the child. They would have to give the money back. Cartels do not treat refunds lightly.
Which side is conducting assasination attempts and calling for more?
She is incapable of admitting to reality.

It is not wingnuts causing all this strife.

What does ripping children from families and sending adults back leaving xhildren behind have to do with enforcing laws? Reagan wasnt smoother. He had a heart.
You know what happens to the children of convicted criminals who are incarcerated?

Key point you are missing. Convicted.
Jibberish. Thousands of children are removed from their parents in this country every year for all manner of reasons and conviction isn't even the top of that list.

You try to pretend to be a moderate but you are not. You're just a meek radical afraid to full on embrace the stupidity you constantly defend. You are as much part of the problem as Hillary is

Fact is, they are seldom automatically removed unless abuse or neglect is suspected, both parents are incarcerated and there is no relative. In many cases, for non-violent crimes, where the parent is the sole caretaker of a dependent, they are given alternatives to incarceration while they await their hearing. It's you stupid republicans who think that the only possible means of handling immigration is through promoting child abuse. You can't imagine any other way to do it can you? You know, like more benign incarceration means such as ankle monitors...or, noticing that most of the people who are awaiting their asylum hearings tend to show up...nope. You are all gung ho on removing children, putting them into abusive mass-holdings, promising the parents they'll be united if they self deport and then deporting the parents without the kids. That's on you. I "embrace" other methods.
I have a method that works. Dozens of my friends have accomplished it, and every American posting on USMB has had a family member who successfully accomplished it.

They went thru the process and immigrated here legally.

And? I'm still trying to find a good rational removing children from parents and deporting parents without their kids unless other crimes such as trafficking are suspected.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Haven't seen any decrease in rightwing conspiracy theories either.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Haven't seen any decrease in rightwing conspiracy theories either.
Well, I think they've decreased, because Obama and Hillary are no longer threats.

When the Dems come back, we'll see an increase.

Partisans are nothing if not predictable. And consistent.
American citizens do not have to endure the horrific conditions in some of those countries. Staying there is far more abusive than staying.

Perhaps instead of running away from their Leftist Socialist Governments
They should stay there and make positive change. That would be fine except for the fact that The Governments there make (dis)sidents (Dis) appear. Freedom is not free Maybe they should fight a little harder

Why didn’t your family? Why did they run away to America?
Why do you lock your door when you leave your home? What kind of insensitive and inhuman person would only want invited people into their home is beyond me.

Jesus had an open door.

Are you advocating a theocracy?

I would venture that the majority of those advocating open borders would have shrieking fits if they were told we're opening ours because "Jesus told us to".

It isn't "open borders" to advocate for a more humane treatment of apprehended illegals. Try again.

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