The Left is in panic mode

do you think if you say it enough it will make it true?

obama is leading in 3 of the swing states......
That is the modus operandi of the liberals. They repeat lies so often that they actually believe them to be true.

Some of the lies that liberals tout have to do with the results of meaningless polls concerning swing states and such.

Obama never really leads...he misleads.

Obama is a fucking Marxist!

They say that the three most used words in a conservatives vocabulary are I, me and mine.

By the looks of this board "fuck" deserves at lest an honorable mention.
.Ironic that the thread is named "The Left is in panic mode".

I agree. The right has reached the pique of desperation now that they realize they have a candidate that can't go, do or say anything without stepping into deep doo-doo. :D
For good reason - they took an epic beating in the November 2010 elections. They have lost 100% of the special elections in which Obama campagined for the Democratic candidate (even losing Massachussetts for God's sakes).

Bottom line, America has unilaterally rejected the failed policies of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid...
do you think if you say it enough it will make it true?

obama is leading in 3 of the swing states......
That is the modus operandi of the liberals. They repeat lies so often that they actually believe them to be true.

Some of the lies that liberals tout have to do with the results of meaningless polls concerning swing states and such.

Obama never really leads...he misleads.

Obama is a fucking Marxist!

They say that the three most used words in a conservatives vocabulary are I, me and mine.

By the looks of this board "fuck" deserves at lest an honorable mention.

Maybe this should be Mitt's new campaign song. :D

[ame=]The Beatles - I Me Mine - YouTube[/ame]
do you think if you say it enough it will make it true?

obama is leading in 3 of the swing states......
That is the modus operandi of the liberals. They repeat lies so often that they actually believe them to be true.

Some of the lies that liberals tout have to do with the results of meaningless polls concerning swing states and such.

Obama never really leads...he misleads.

Obama is a fucking Marxist!

They say that the three most used words in a conservatives vocabulary are I, me and mine.

By the looks of this board "fuck" deserves at lest an honorable mention.

The left is selfish to just they want to also control the lives of everyone else and want others to provide for their needs.
That is the modus operandi of the liberals. They repeat lies so often that they actually believe them to be true.

Some of the lies that liberals tout have to do with the results of meaningless polls concerning swing states and such.

Obama never really leads...he misleads.

Obama is a fucking Marxist!

They say that the three most used words in a conservatives vocabulary are I, me and mine.

By the looks of this board "fuck" deserves at lest an honorable mention.

Maybe this should be Mitt's new campaign song. :D

[ame=]The Beatles - I Me Mine - YouTube[/ame]

And Obama’s should be you didn’t build that. He should talk about how smart business owners think they are then mock them. He should also mock them for saying they worked hard for what they got. Oh wait he is campaigning on that so never mind.
do you think if you say it enough it will make it true?

obama is leading in 3 of the swing states......
That is the modus operandi of the liberals. They repeat lies so often that they actually believe them to be true.

Some of the lies that liberals tout have to do with the results of meaningless polls concerning swing states and such.

Obama never really leads...he misleads.

Obama is a fucking Marxist!

They say that the three most used words in a conservatives vocabulary are I, me and mine.

By the looks of this board "fuck" deserves at lest an honorable mention.

"They say" is relatively meaningless unless you identify who they are. If the word "fuck" offends you, don't read here. That's the "lest" you can do.

...and please, learn how to attach possessiveness to conservatives by way of an apostrophe, you lazy fuck!
The FOX Rumor Mill is not a news service, it is a CON$ervoFascist gossip channel. And your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar insanely jealous of Obama.

Fox is not the news service constantly reporting something then have to apologize because it was false. Fox news does not report based on one “un-named” source as news. They are not the news service that skips news because it makes a party look bad.
The FOX Rumor Mill simply never apologizes for their almost constant false gossip. And not only do they habitually use fabricated unnamed "sources" they pioneered the "some people say" source!!!

[ame=]Outfoxed: Fox News technique: "some people say" - YouTube[/ame]

I had a chance to listen to your clip. They are not reporting that as news they are asking for confirmation whether that is true or not. Your news channels actually used an "un-named source" to report something as actual confirmed news.
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I agree. The right has reached the pique of desperation now that they realize they have a candidate that can't go, do or say anything without stepping into deep doo-doo. :D

The deep doo-doo is the doo-doo created by the media on the left.

Agreed, but the question is, why does Mitt keep stepping in it? :cool:

He doesn't. The left wing, Obamabot media keeps describing occasional innocent farts as big piles of shit. They are in a PANIC mode right along with the leftist zealots.
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If 'left' means supporting Obama (just the NDAA is enough), the left should be in panic mode.
If 'right' means Goldwater Conservative, they should be in panic mode because the presumptive candidate of the Republicans hardly conforms to those principles.

Neither candidate represents real, qualitative change. We have to change the alternatives. Must. Imperative. Only way out.
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I agree. The right has reached the pique of desperation now that they realize they have a candidate that can't go, do or say anything without stepping into deep doo-doo. :D

The deep doo-doo is the doo-doo created by the media on the left.

Agreed, but the question is, why does Mitt keep stepping in it? :cool:

Everybody steps in it from time to time. If you know a perfect candidate please point that candidate out. Problem is some of the things are not even real gaffes some of them are just viewed as gaffes even though they are true. Second, Obama and Biden have made more gaffes that any other combination in history but your news service just chooses to ignore those.

Example. Top 10 gaffes listed by a web site
Ranked number 1 is Corporations are people. --Sorry but they are people. How is that a gaffe?
2 I like being able to fire people who provide services to me –This was taken out of context. He was talking about health insurance and being able to fire a health insurance company you don’t like and hiring a new one. But hey that was a huge gaffe.
3 I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there – This was a gaffe but was also taken out of context. He was simply stating that the rich are ok the poor already have a safety net and he is worried about helping the middle class. He said if the safety net is broken then he is for fixing it. Here I disagree with mitt as I think the safety net is broken and certainly needs fixing. We need to provide a way out of poverty not a safety net.
4 "He [Obama] says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It's time for us to cut back on government and help the American people." —He is not wrong we have to stop trying to grow government. It is to big as it is.

5. "I'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry's come back." –out of context again

6. "It's hard to know just how well [the 2012 London Olympics] will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting. The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging." –all true so how is that a gaffe?

7. "I'll tell you what, ten-thousand bucks? $10,000 bet?" – I’ve done this before. Difference is he can probably afford the actual bet. But how is this a gaffe?

8. "I should tell my story. I'm also unemployed." —True statement. Sure he has millions but he technically is unemployed. Still not a gaffe though.

9. "[My wife] drives a couple of Cadillacs." –Probably true. Making the point he owns American made cars. Still not a gaffe though. Now if you want to go over Obama’s and Biden’s top gaffes be my guess.
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If 'left' means supporting Obama (just the NDAA is enough), the left should be in panic mode.
If 'right' means Goldwater Conservative, they should be in panic mode because the presumptive candidate of the Republicans hardly conforms to those principles.

Neither candidate represents real, qualitative change. We have to change the alternatives. Must. Imperative. Only way out.

I agree we are still center but we are fighting a liberal education system and it sometimes takes a slap in the face before they start to realize they were lied to.
The deep doo-doo is the doo-doo created by the media on the left.

Agreed, but the question is, why does Mitt keep stepping in it? :cool:

He doesn't. The left wing, Obamabot media keeps describing occasional innocent farts as big piles of shit. They are in a PANIC mode right along with the leftist zealots.

I'm not panicking. It's the Republicans that have come out like attack dogs, since they realize they have a candidate with two left feet that can't get out of his own way.
LOL, the sad thing is we dont, but he wont fuck them up as much as Obama, see we understand modern politics and can be objective, you just kiss Obama's ass at every opprutunity.

I consider Obama Bush III.
Rethink your illogic and consider that everyone who is against the rat king is not for Obama.

I think that we are screwed no matter which side wins.
There will be virtually no difference.

Romney certainly was not my first choice either. But he is certainly better than the president we have now. At least Romney has experience leading something. Romney is more center like Bush but at least he is not left.

so you will vote for Bush IV?
The New York Times agrees!

August 1, 2012

Obama Supporters Barraged With Pleas for Cash

Each plea for money from President Obama and his allies has become more urgent and desperate than the last.'

Obama Supporters Barraged With Pleas for Cash -


Here's obama's whine:

“My upcoming birthday next week could be the last one I celebrate as President of the United States,

Now isn't that plaintive? Really, how could someone refuse a cash request when it comes like that?
The New York Times agrees!

August 1, 2012

Obama Supporters Barraged With Pleas for Cash

Each plea for money from President Obama and his allies has become more urgent and desperate than the last.'

Obama Supporters Barraged With Pleas for Cash -

A NYT blogger agrees. Hardly what I'd call representative of their editorial position. FAIL!!!

You are low hanging fruit around here.

He works for the New York Times running their The Caucus section.



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