The Left Lies And Is Now Using The NFL To Push Their Lies Down Our Throats


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

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It's our Noble Leader driving this bus, and it might just run right over his ridiculous ass.
I'm also done with the NFL, hate to say it. Liberalism ruins everything.
Funny thing....anyone who was Irish who came to America 200 years ago was treated as badly as the blacks. The British subjugated the Scots and the Irish and here we have black NFL players showing more respect to them than to America.
It's our Noble Leader driving this bus, and it might just run right over his ridiculous ass.

That's rich.
He's just inserting proper perspective into an issue that is being run by the left.
Everyone will weigh in and it will either sink or become a constant. If it becomes a constant then the NFL will fail.....which is what the left wants.

I never would have believed it. The one thing I enjoy in this country has been taken over by the left. All they needed was years of brainwashing to do it....and this is what they will do to the rest of America if they aren't stopped.

The only sport that I enjoyed most of my life is being used for political purposes by people that hate that sport the most. Sort of the way Democrats took over the black vote back in the 30s with The New Deal. Black players are being used by the left to push their agenda down America's throat.

Last weekend I didn't watch one single NFL game. Yes, it was hard for me to change my habits, but how can I enjoy something when I know that it's based on a lie? How can I watch a bunch of millionaires play a sport that I played myself in college when I know that they hate me because of the color of my skin?

85% of America is with Trump against them on this. If they keep this political nonsense up for long NFL will stand for NO FANS LEFT.

Still, the left has totally twisted this protest into something that it is not. It is not a protest against racism. It is a protest against this country. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Why else would the protests be almost exclusively black players? Why did they pick the national anthem? Why would players decide in London that it was appropriate to protest the American National Anthem yet show respect for "God Save The Queen"? Because the left is busy tearing this country down, literally. And they're using blacks to do it. Are you going to allow them to get away with this?

Here is a video of the lies that the left is pushing on this issue.

Of course they are not going to stop. They of course use their pathetic stupid long winded cliche of racism to destroy everything in this country. Everything.

They will win too. Does not matter one bit how many seats the republicans win in these so called elections.

They are not going to stop until every aspect of America is destroyed....the constitution. Written by SLAVE OWNERS. Trust that. You know it is coming. It will get hype.

That is where this is all going and of course they use the ignorant fucking ungrateful losers (millionaires who are still slaves of their democrats massas) to push it along. They are way too dumb to know they are pawns for these socialist slave owners. They are way too dumb to understand they are NOT victims.

Way too dumb. Now, standing for the racism.

You ought to be scared. The left will get their way. They own our minds. They own the entertainment industry, the educational system, and the MSM. They own our minds. Period.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, what a bunch of pussies you are.

the left started it. they ruined the NFL. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Why would Colon Pimpleneck take a knee for a lie like "Hands Up Don't Shoot"? Because it is the LEFT that promotes the lie. Stupid fucks like you, deserve all the misery the left forces upon you.

The Misery of the Liberal Mind
The liberal mind, writes Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. in his book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, views the world through the prism of "pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice" for people who are "poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised and exploited."
So a black, washed up, worthless quarterback, takes a knee to the National Anthem, and instantly becomes a champion of the left. Yes, lefties hate this country, wants to fundamentally destroy it though change, while NORMAL citizens love this country and those that fight for this country and protect it.

Now Mudwhistle , we all know that this kneel down was a anti-trump display,not a anti-american display like Trump is tweeting..?
This bullshit started last year. The democrats hate our troops and are again using ignorant nervous to push thier agenda. Oh and a few ignorant honkies also.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, what a bunch of pussies you are.

the left started it. they ruined the NFL. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Why would Colon Pimpleneck take a knee for a lie like "Hands Up Don't Shoot"? Because it is the LEFT that promotes the lie. Stupid fucks like you, deserve all the misery the left forces upon you.

The Misery of the Liberal Mind
The liberal mind, writes Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. in his book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, views the world through the prism of "pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice" for people who are "poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised and exploited."
So a black, washed up, worthless quarterback, takes a knee to the National Anthem, and instantly becomes a champion of the left. Yes, lefties hate this country, wants to fundamentally destroy it though change, while NORMAL citizens love this country and those that fight for this country and protect it.

View attachment 151576
cool story, snowflake.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, what a bunch of pussies you are.

the left started it. they ruined the NFL. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Why would Colon Pimpleneck take a knee for a lie like "Hands Up Don't Shoot"? Because it is the LEFT that promotes the lie. Stupid fucks like you, deserve all the misery the left forces upon you.

The Misery of the Liberal Mind
The liberal mind, writes Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. in his book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, views the world through the prism of "pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice" for people who are "poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised and exploited."
So a black, washed up, worthless quarterback, takes a knee to the National Anthem, and instantly becomes a champion of the left. Yes, lefties hate this country, wants to fundamentally destroy it though change, while NORMAL citizens love this country and those that fight for this country and protect it.

View attachment 151576
cool story, snowflake.
Only snowflakes I know...

Now Mudwhistle , we all know that this kneel down was a anti-trump display,not a anti-american display like Trump is tweeting..?
This bullshit started last year. The democrats hate our troops and are again using ignorant nervous to push thier agenda. Oh and a few ignorant honkies also.

I put this on another thread, but I feel it is appropriate here too..

I was counting the days that the liberals would be called anti-military...just like during the Bush / Cheney days who called people anti-american , anti-soldier, anti-christian for disagreeing with the war invasion..

Adding: Trump is trying to make a rule where they can not kneel down which makes more players want to kneel because of Trumps tweets.

Didn't we have many threads on the freedom of speech for the skin heads to march with Nazi flags.. My father fought in that war and I find it to be a slap in the face to all of the WWII fighters and the Jewish people of our country.

Do you think that we should make a law that no one should wear a Nazi symbol?

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, what a bunch of pussies you are.

the left started it. they ruined the NFL. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Why would Colon Pimpleneck take a knee for a lie like "Hands Up Don't Shoot"? Because it is the LEFT that promotes the lie. Stupid fucks like you, deserve all the misery the left forces upon you.

The Misery of the Liberal Mind
The liberal mind, writes Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. in his book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, views the world through the prism of "pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice" for people who are "poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised and exploited."
So a black, washed up, worthless quarterback, takes a knee to the National Anthem, and instantly becomes a champion of the left. Yes, lefties hate this country, wants to fundamentally destroy it though change, while NORMAL citizens love this country and those that fight for this country and protect it.

View attachment 151576
They lie and say it's about race.
Trump never mentioned race. The left did.
Now Mudwhistle , we all know that this kneel down was a anti-trump display,not a anti-american display like Trump is tweeting..?
This bullshit started last year. The democrats hate our troops and are again using ignorant nervous to push thier agenda. Oh and a few ignorant honkies also.

I put this on another thread, but I feel it is appropriate here too..

I was counting the days that the liberals would be called anti-military...just like during the Bush / Cheney days who called people anti-american , anti-soldier, anti-christian for disagreeing with the war invasion..

Adding: Trump is trying to make a rule where they can not kneel down which makes more players want to kneel because of Trumps tweets.

Didn't we have many threads on the freedom of speech for the skin heads to march with Nazi flags.. My father fought in that war and I find it to be a slap in the face to all of the WWII fighters and the Jewish people of our country.

Do you think that we should make a law that no one should wear a Nazi symbol?

It would be more constructive to outlaw race-baiting.

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