The Left Purges Blue Dogs


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
The Democrat infighting is reaching epic levels in recent days, and Blue Dog Dems are being pushed from the party.

Here is Democrat Congressman Bart Stupak's take...


“Throughout this debate, even when the House leaders have acknowledged us, it’s always been in a backhanded way,” he laments. “I’m telling the others to hold firm, and we’ll meet next week, but I’m disappointed in my colleagues who said they’d be with us and now they’re not. It’s almost like some right-to-life members don’t want to be bothered. They just want this over.”

And the politics of the issue are pretty rough. “This has really reached an unhealthy stage,” Stupak says. “People are threatening ethics complaints on me. On the left, they’re really stepping it up. Every day, from Rachel Maddow to the Daily Kos, it keeps coming. Does it bother me? Sure. Does it change my position? No


‘They Just Want This Over’ - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online
Nancy Pelosi's big tent extends from Bolsheviks all the way out to Neo-Marxists and Fascists.
The more they push this at us the more votes they will lose. So keep on pushing, the people are getting an education.
The more they push this at us the more votes they will lose. So keep on pushing, the people are getting an education.



The extremism and utter arrogance from within the Democrat Party leadership has proven stunning.

How many billions are being promised to obtain votes - billions taken from the taxpayer funded "stimulus" slush fund?

Even Tip O'Neil would be sickened by this display...
So everybody's just ignoring the recent "cleansing" of the GOP that just took place where tea partiers were attacking GOP politicians that weren't "conservative enough". This is political party base time... primary time. It happens every election cycle, it's how American politics works. Sometimes the parties move to the middle like the GOP had to do in 2008 (but didn't do to well at) and sometimes the parties have to move to their base. Damn you people have to turn shit that happens EVERY four years into an f-ing soviet conspiracy theory. STFU already Jesus Christ.
The Democrat infighting is reaching epic levels in recent days, and Blue Dog Dems are being pushed from the party.

Here is Democrat Congressman Bart Stupak's take...


“Throughout this debate, even when the House leaders have acknowledged us, it’s always been in a backhanded way,” he laments. “I’m telling the others to hold firm, and we’ll meet next week, but I’m disappointed in my colleagues who said they’d be with us and now they’re not. It’s almost like some right-to-life members don’t want to be bothered. They just want this over.”

And the politics of the issue are pretty rough. “This has really reached an unhealthy stage,” Stupak says. “People are threatening ethics complaints on me. On the left, they’re really stepping it up. Every day, from Rachel Maddow to the Daily Kos, it keeps coming. Does it bother me? Sure. Does it change my position? No


‘They Just Want This Over’ - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online
Good riddance. Stupak is a nutjob. Let him run as a Con next time.
He was paying $600. a month rent, including maid service, in a townhouse in DC, and refuses to come clean about it.
Good riddance. Stupak is a nutjob. Let him run as a Con next time.
He was paying $600. a month rent, including maid service, in a townhouse in DC, and refuses to come clean about it.

Refuses to come clean about it? Did you ever consider maybe he doesnt have anything to come clean about?
The Democrat infighting is reaching epic levels in recent days, and Blue Dog Dems are being pushed from the party.

Here is Democrat Congressman Bart Stupak's take...


“Throughout this debate, even when the House leaders have acknowledged us, it’s always been in a backhanded way,” he laments. “I’m telling the others to hold firm, and we’ll meet next week, but I’m disappointed in my colleagues who said they’d be with us and now they’re not. It’s almost like some right-to-life members don’t want to be bothered. They just want this over.”

And the politics of the issue are pretty rough. “This has really reached an unhealthy stage,” Stupak says. “People are threatening ethics complaints on me. On the left, they’re really stepping it up. Every day, from Rachel Maddow to the Daily Kos, it keeps coming. Does it bother me? Sure. Does it change my position? No


‘They Just Want This Over’ - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online
Good riddance. Stupak is a nutjob. Let him run as a Con next time.
He was paying $600. a month rent, including maid service, in a townhouse in DC, and refuses to come clean about it.
Got proof?

Yeah, I didn't think so!
See here - a liberal once again excusing the inexcusable by declaring - "Well they do it too!"

So many liberals have failed to mature beyond the school yard playground mentality, which normally would be of little concern - but now we have this same mentality deeply imbedded within the Democrat leadership, including the White House...


So everybody's just ignoring the recent "cleansing" of the GOP that just took place where tea partiers were attacking GOP politicians that weren't "conservative enough". This is political party base time... primary time. It happens every election cycle, it's how American politics works. Sometimes the parties move to the middle like the GOP had to do in 2008 (but didn't do to well at) and sometimes the parties have to move to their base. Damn you people have to turn shit that happens EVERY four years into an f-ing soviet conspiracy theory. STFU already Jesus Christ.
The Democrat infighting is reaching epic levels in recent days, and Blue Dog Dems are being pushed from the party.

Here is Democrat Congressman Bart Stupak's take...


“Throughout this debate, even when the House leaders have acknowledged us, it’s always been in a backhanded way,” he laments. “I’m telling the others to hold firm, and we’ll meet next week, but I’m disappointed in my colleagues who said they’d be with us and now they’re not. It’s almost like some right-to-life members don’t want to be bothered. They just want this over.”

And the politics of the issue are pretty rough. “This has really reached an unhealthy stage,” Stupak says. “People are threatening ethics complaints on me. On the left, they’re really stepping it up. Every day, from Rachel Maddow to the Daily Kos, it keeps coming. Does it bother me? Sure. Does it change my position? No


‘They Just Want This Over’ - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online
Good riddance. Stupak is a nutjob. Let him run as a Con next time.
He was paying $600. a month rent, including maid service, in a townhouse in DC, and refuses to come clean about it.
Got proof?

Yeah, I didn't think so!

Proof? What's that? Like evidence or something? Like maybe the room rented was in the infamous "C" street home of ill repute (which it is) and that rents in the area are twice and more than $600 per month?
What of the fact that there is NO funding for abortions in the bill? If as Stupak claims there is, provide proof by pointing out where in the bill(s) funding for abortions is written.
This effort by Stupak was, is and continues to be another effort to kill health care reform by injecting a wedge issue into the discussion.
See here - a liberal once again excusing the inexcusable by declaring - "Well they do it too!"

So many liberals have failed to mature beyond the school yard playground mentality, which normally would be of little concern - but now we have this same mentality deeply imbedded within the Democrat leadership, including the White House...


So everybody's just ignoring the recent "cleansing" of the GOP that just took place where tea partiers were attacking GOP politicians that weren't "conservative enough". This is political party base time... primary time. It happens every election cycle, it's how American politics works. Sometimes the parties move to the middle like the GOP had to do in 2008 (but didn't do to well at) and sometimes the parties have to move to their base. Damn you people have to turn shit that happens EVERY four years into an f-ing soviet conspiracy theory. STFU already Jesus Christ.

Your retarded. Seriously. Nobody's justifying anything by saying "they do it too". I'm saying it's a normal function that occurs within BOTH political parties. Ideological cleansings have been going on since parties have existed. All I'm saying is there absolutely, positively NOTHING out of the ordinary here.
Good riddance. Stupak is a nutjob. Let him run as a Con next time.
He was paying $600. a month rent, including maid service, in a townhouse in DC, and refuses to come clean about it.
Got proof?

Yeah, I didn't think so!

Proof? What's that? Like evidence or something? Like maybe the room rented was in the infamous "C" street home of ill repute (which it is) and that rents in the area are twice and more than $600 per month?
What of the fact that there is NO funding for abortions in the bill? If as Stupak claims there is, provide proof by pointing out where in the bill(s) funding for abortions is written.
This effort by Stupak was, is and continues to be another effort to kill health care reform by injecting a wedge issue into the discussion.
Then why did Waxman corner Stupak in chamber and tell him, "we want to pay for abortions, the bill stays as it is"?

Fact is Wry, and Pelosi only further confirmed it, nobody knows what's in that bill, including YOU!

But it's quite obvious that abortion funding IS in that bill. Hence, the dem's disgusting attempt to do whatever they can to drag Stupak through the mud and destroy his life.

You dem's are becoming a disgusting lot. No doubt about it. In fact my wife is so disgusted with what's going on in her party that she's switching to independent. I'm quite sure after this lil' fiasco, many more are going to follow.
There is no federal funding of abortion in the bill. Stupak is arguing about nothing.
There is no federal funding of abortion in the bill. Stupak is arguing about nothing.

And you have read and understood all 2400 pages? There is no ban of federal funding of abortions in this bill. It sort of weaves around the issue the way I understand it. But it leaves it open to it. You cannot believe that Stupak is the only person ready to vote no because of this....
There is no federal funding of abortion in the bill. Stupak is arguing about nothing.

And you have read and understood all 2400 pages? There is no ban of federal funding of abortions in this bill. It sort of weaves around the issue the way I understand it. But it leaves it open to it. You cannot believe that Stupak is the only person ready to vote no because of this....
Taxpayers should never have their dollars used to provide abortions. Particularly when so many don't believe in it.

If some ghetto tramp can't keep her fucking legs closed, we the people shouldn't fund to correct her mistake. But then we all know that abortion should only be used for three reasons. Population, ignorance, and stupidity control don't count.

Let the ghetto tramps and irresponsible ho's fund their own damn abortions!
There is no federal funding of abortion in the bill. Stupak is arguing about nothing.

And you have read and understood all 2400 pages? There is no ban of federal funding of abortions in this bill. It sort of weaves around the issue the way I understand it. But it leaves it open to it. You cannot believe that Stupak is the only person ready to vote no because of this....

Actually, yes I have.

Prohibits insurance companies from using federal funds, including federal tax credits and cost-sharing assistance, to pay for abortion services except for those services allowable under the Hyde amendment (pg. 2071);

You might also want to read this.

Healthcare Reform Bill Abortion Debate is Nonsensical - Robert Schlesinger (
Hyde Amendment in case you were curious.

"SEC. 507. (a) None of the funds appropriated in this Act, and none of the funds in any trust fund to which funds are appropriated in this Act, shall be expended for any abortion. (b) None of the funds appropriated in this Act, and none of the funds in any trust fund to which funds are appropriated in this Act, shall be expended for health benefits coverage that includes coverage of abortion. . . SEC. 508. (a) The limitations established in the preceding section shall not apply to an abortion-- (1) if the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest; or (2) in the case where a woman suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would, as certified by a physician, place the woman in danger of death unless an abortion is performed." (from Public Law 111-8 , H.R. 1105, Division F, Title V, General Provisions, italics added for emphasis.)

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