The left tried to tell us about ACA

No, in reality in was these people that stormed the White House in 2009 that warned about Obamacare. The media did and is still tearing them to shreds.


Tea Party USA
No, in reality in was these people that stormed the White House in 2009 that warned about Obamacare. The media did and is still tearing them to shreds.


Tea Party USA

No, no, Robert Reich tried to tell a group of college students at Berkley exactly what they were up to doing. He told them that health care coverage would rise for the healthy and that those that are old will have health care scaled back and health care would cease trying to prolong our lives and focus only on the cost of things.

But according the Robert, the reason politicians have to lie is that people are uneducated as to the need to do this. Of course, if they were educated and as enlightened as he was, then they could tell us the truth about such things. Hence any opposition comes from ignorance and must be crushed through lying.
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No, in reality in was these people that stormed the White House in 2009 that warned about Obamacare. The media did and is still tearing them to shreds.


Tea Party USA

No, no, Robert Reich tried to tell a group of college students at Berkley exactly what they were up to doing. He told them that health care coverage would rise for the healthy and that those that are old will have health care scaled back and health care would cease trying to prolong our lives and focus only on the cost of things.

But according the Robert, the reason politicians have to lie is that people are uneducated as to the need to do this. Of course, if they were educated and as enlightened as he was, then they could tell us the truth about such things. Hence any opposition comes from ignorance and must be crushed through lying.

Thus the progression of ‘logic’ that occurs when some people view themselves as better than the masses.

It is the culmination of the ‘for your own good’ philosophy that we are now a party too and is only going to get worse.
No, in reality in was these people that stormed the White House in 2009 that warned about Obamacare. The media did and is still tearing them to shreds.


Tea Party USA

No, no, Robert Reich tried to tell a group of college students at Berkley exactly what they were up to doing. He told them that health care coverage would rise for the healthy and that those that are old will have health care scaled back and health care would cease trying to prolong our lives and focus only on the cost of things.

But according the Robert, the reason politicians have to lie is that people are uneducated as to the need to do this. Of course, if they were educated and as enlightened as he was, then they could tell us the truth about such things. Hence any opposition comes from ignorance and must be crushed through lying.

Thus the progression of ‘logic’ that occurs when some people view themselves as better than the masses.

It is the culmination of the ‘for your own good’ philosophy that we are now a party too and is only going to get worse.

The only problem is that they are not enlightened enough to know that the ACA is just as good for them as it is for us. Perhaps they need us to enlighten them.
Reich is the perfect example of the New Left Wing Socialist.

Only the Government can help you by taking all your money then killing you.
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes

James Taranto, who writes the Wall Street Journal’s excellent “Best of the Web” column, put forth a lengthy and informative discussion yesterday on the conservative origins of the individual mandate, whose inclusion in Obamacare is today its most controversial feature on the Right.

This came up at Tuesday’s Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate, where Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich tussled on the question:

ROMNEY: Actually, Newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you.

GINGRICH: That’s not true. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: Yes, we got it from you, and you got it from the Heritage Foundation and from you.
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate - Forbes

James Taranto, who writes the Wall Street Journal&#8217;s excellent &#8220;Best of the Web&#8221; column, put forth a lengthy and informative discussion yesterday on the conservative origins of the individual mandate, whose inclusion in Obamacare is today its most controversial feature on the Right.

This came up at Tuesday&#8217;s Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate, where Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich tussled on the question:

ROMNEY: Actually, Newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you.

GINGRICH: That&#8217;s not true. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: Yes, we got it from you, and you got it from the Heritage Foundation and from you.

This would explain why Romney and Gingrich didn't become president. I personally don't care who came up with the individual mandate idea. I don't care if Jesus came driving down the sky in a pimped out cadillac and said that the eleventh commandment is that thee shall taketh mandated healthcare and keepeth your doctoreth. I would tell Jesus what I would tell Obama (I know for liberals, it's the same person). I would tell him to stop lying his ass off. It's annoying. Can I get an amen?
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The point is that conservatives liked the mandate until Obama embraced it.

Now this is just sad. It's like criticizing Hitler and someone come along and say, "Stalin did it as well."


Here is a clue, fuck'em both!! :lol:
The point is that conservatives liked the mandate until Obama embraced it.
NO they did not. You point to a couple of moderates and then want to saddle this disaster that is Obamacare on the Republicans.

Not going to happen.

The Heritage Foundation is not a "couple of moderates". They, in 1989, proposed the idea of the individual mandate. Bob Dole introduced it as potential law, Romney instituted it in Massachusetts and fucking morons call it socialism.

Original 1989 document where Heritage Foundation created Obamacare’s individual mandate
[ame=]Mattel Tommy Burst TV commercial 1960s! - YouTube[/ame]

Since now you can even point your finger in school , eat a pop tart or rip a piece a paper in a shape of a gun or get suspended..

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