The left tried to tell us about ACA

Mattel Tommy Burst TV commercial 1960s! - YouTube

Since now you can even point your finger in school , eat a pop tart or rip a piece a paper in a shape of a gun or get suspended..

Santa Rosa Boy With Fake Gun Shot 7 Times: Autopsy

He was carrying a fake AK47.

Not a pop tart.

So the answer to yet another government problem (over reacting and trigger happy police) is even more government response/regulation?

How about we simply stop letting cops shoot anything that seems like it might be armed? The military can’t even do this when they have REAL threats with REAL AK47’s.
The mating cry of the liberal "It'snotmyfault".

Sorry, too late everyone knows what you did.

obama was against the individual mandate before the dem trifecta. Then suddenly he was all for it!

That's his job. Congress created the law, he signed it. It's not the law he would have written or the way he would have chosen to go, but that's how our system of government works. Congress crafts and drafts and the President, if he approves, signs it.

But now that it is law, it is also his job to see that it's made to work. It's what Democrats did with Medicare Part D too even though they opposed it. Once it was put in place (full of glitches and problems and donut holes), they went to work fixing it and helping their constituents work with it. Wouldn't that be amazing if the GOP did that with the ACA?

Nice dodge of the point. :lol:
Liberals always oversell their crap, it is tulips and fairy dust.

EVERYONE would save money and EVERYONE would have medical coverage.

FACT: Many middle class Americans lose money from obamacare. More middle class Americans will lost their current medical coverage. Most young people won't enroll in obamacare for a few years until the fine is too high.

The only winners from obamacare are a small group of rich people making money off obamacare and the poor/sick which is a smaller group than those losing or paying more for insurance now.
That's his job. Congress created the law, he signed it. It's not the law he would have written or the way he would have chosen to go, but that's how our system of government works. Congress crafts and drafts and the President, if he approves, signs it.

But now that it is law, it is also his job to see that it's made to work. It's what Democrats did with Medicare Part D too even though they opposed it. Once it was put in place (full of glitches and problems and donut holes), they went to work fixing it and helping their constituents work with it. Wouldn't that be amazing if the GOP did that with the ACA?

You mean how they made Medicare work?

I give this program much less time. Perhaps 5 years at tops.

Medicare does work and that's actually a good example. Reagan "cut a record" about how the evil, socialist Medicare was going to be the end of the the world as we know it. It wasn't. Part of the reason it has been successful is because Republicans, back in the day, worked with it and helped make it better even though they didn't support it.

Today, as a result, you get this.


yep photo shop does wonders to push your message over the internet. :eusa_whistle:
No, no, Robert Reich tried to tell a group of college students at Berkley exactly what they were up to doing. He told them that health care coverage would rise for the healthy and that those that are old will have health care scaled back and health care would cease trying to prolong our lives and focus only on the cost of things.

But according the Robert, the reason politicians have to lie is that people are uneducated as to the need to do this. Of course, if they were educated and as enlightened as he was, then they could tell us the truth about such things. Hence any opposition comes from ignorance and must be crushed through lying.

Thus the progression of ‘logic’ that occurs when some people view themselves as better than the masses.

It is the culmination of the ‘for your own good’ philosophy that we are now a party too and is only going to get worse.

The only problem is that they are not enlightened enough to know that the ACA is just as good for them as it is for us. Perhaps they need us to enlighten them.

I guess you're being sarcastic--because no one could be that stupid. The Tea Party--exploded in growth and membership over OBAMACARE. The rally in the picture you're looking at is on Capital Hill again over OBAMACARE. They knew then--what a disaster it was going to be and they were RIGHT.

What happened?--they were made fun of by lefties, the left wing media, democrats and this administration.

That's what you get for picking politicians over fellow Americans concerns and warnings.

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