The left tried to tell us about ACA

The point is that conservatives liked the mandate until Obama embraced it.
NO they did not. You point to a couple of moderates and then want to saddle this disaster that is Obamacare on the Republicans.

Not going to happen.

The Heritage Foundation is not a "couple of moderates". They, in 1989, proposed the idea of the individual mandate. Bob Dole introduced it as potential law, Romney instituted it in Massachusetts and fucking morons call it socialism.

Original 1989 document where Heritage Foundation created Obamacare’s individual mandate

In 1989 somebody gave lecture on this ?

How compelling.
So the mandate originated with Republicans and it was such a great idea that it passed with flying colors and we've had the fed gov't running 1/6 of the economy with the mandate in place for the past twenty years. Gosh, I must have missed that.

For all you pointing fingers, screeching "Republicans were only against it because obama!" ... it's interesting that you don't bothering mentioning that obama was completely against the mandate ... before he was for it.

The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

The Heritage Foundation "substantially revised" its proposal four years later, according to a 1994 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. But the idea of an individual health insurance mandate later appeared in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in 1993, according to the non-partisan research group Among the supporters of the bills were senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who today oppose the mandate under current law.

In 2006, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who was then governor of Massachusetts, signed off on a law requiring individuals of the state to purchase health insurance. American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic opposition research group, on Wednesday released a 2006 video in which Romney says he is “very pleased” with the mandate.

“With regards to the individual mandate, the individual responsibility program that I proposed, I was very pleased that the compromise between the two houses includes the personal responsibility mandate. That is essential for bringing the health care costs down for everyone and getting everyone the health insurance they need," Romney says in the video.

In 2007, a bi-partisan Senate bill authored by Senators Bob Bennett, R-Utah, and Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, contained a mandate. In 2009, however, Republican senators declared such a provision “unconstitutional.”

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama expressed opposition to a mandate requiring all Americans to buy health care insurance. In a Feb. 28, 2008, interview on the Ellen DeGeneres show, Obama sought to distinguish himself from then-candidate Hillary Clinton by saying, "Both of us want to provide health care to all Americans. There’s a slight difference, and her plan is a good one. But, she mandates that everybody buy health care.

"She’d have the government force every individual to buy insurance and I don’t have such a mandate because I don’t think the problem is that people don’t want health insurance, it’s that they can’t afford it," Obama said. "So, I focus more on lowering costs. This is a modest difference. But, it’s one that she’s tried to elevate, arguing that because I don’t force people to buy health care that I’m not insuring everybody. Well, if things were that easy, I could mandate everybody to buy a house, and that would solve the problem of homelessness. It doesn't."

In 2010, Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that put into place an individual mandate.

Individual health care insurance mandate has roots two decades long | Fox News

fwiw, I believe that the big gov Rs want the (un)aca just as much as the dems do, they're just ticked that they weren't the ones who got it passed.
Let's assume that Robert Reich was right. Americans need to be lied to because they are not smart enough to choose the right path. If so, then why have a democracy? In fact, the same could be said of the entire nanny state. If people are being "taken care of" then they obviously feel as though they are not capable of taking care of themselves. At this point democracy would be akin to children voting on which parent should care of them. Obviously, the one that offers an ice cream cone, or something better, wins. However, when they discover they have been lied to, what are they going to do about it? :lol:

Obama did not just lie about losing coverage. Obama also lied about not raising taxes on the middle class because he said he would not raise them one cent. He then sold Obama care as not a tax, but to make it Constitutional, it was declared a tax by SCOTUS. In effect, this was the greatest tax increase on the middle class in American history.

Of course, this is not just about taxes. This is about life and death. It is about having control over what sort of care and doctor you would like. If any of us were lied to by an insurance company about what kind of care we would receive after signing on the dotted line, we would be on the phone to our lawyer. However, with the most powerful man in the world sitting in the Oval Office, there is no one to turn to, is there? :lol:
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The point is that conservatives liked the mandate until Obama embraced it.
NO they did not. You point to a couple of moderates and then want to saddle this disaster that is Obamacare on the Republicans.

Not going to happen.

The Heritage Foundation is not a "couple of moderates". They, in 1989, proposed the idea of the individual mandate. Bob Dole introduced it as potential law, Romney instituted it in Massachusetts and fucking morons call it socialism.

Original 1989 document where Heritage Foundation created Obamacare’s individual mandate

We are surrounded by wolves and vultures. I could care less who support this crap or who had in the past.
The point is that conservatives liked the mandate until Obama embraced it.

Opposing anything the President endorsed was their mandate. That has led to the worst performing Congress in modern history.

How so? What have the failed to get done? Have they failed to allow illegals to become legal? What have the failed to do?
The right tried to tell us how Obama would make us into socialists. Doesn't socialistic medicine make us socialist?
The point is that conservatives liked the mandate until Obama embraced it.

Opposing anything the President endorsed was their mandate. That has led to the worst performing Congress in modern history.

How so? What have the failed to get done? Have they failed to allow illegals to become legal? What have the failed to do?

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them -
Opposing anything the President endorsed was their mandate. That has led to the worst performing Congress in modern history.

How so? What have the failed to get done? Have they failed to allow illegals to become legal? What have the failed to do?

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them -

LOL! Those were the most unsubstantiated attacks on the republican party I've read since rdean's last post. Republicans oppose child labor laws? Republicans oppose civil rights? Republicans oppose public education? This article was just a silly knee jerk reactionary attack lacking any evidence or fact what so ever. What a horribly silly piece of sophomoric propaganda.
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Opposing anything the President endorsed was their mandate. That has led to the worst performing Congress in modern history.

How so? What have the failed to get done? Have they failed to allow illegals to become legal? What have the failed to do?

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them -

obama was against the individual mandate before the dem trifecta. Then suddenly he was all for it!
How so? What have the failed to get done? Have they failed to allow illegals to become legal? What have the failed to do?

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them -

obama was against the individual mandate before the dem trifecta. Then suddenly he was all for it!

That's his job. Congress created the law, he signed it. It's not the law he would have written or the way he would have chosen to go, but that's how our system of government works. Congress crafts and drafts and the President, if he approves, signs it.

But now that it is law, it is also his job to see that it's made to work. It's what Democrats did with Medicare Part D too even though they opposed it. Once it was put in place (full of glitches and problems and donut holes), they went to work fixing it and helping their constituents work with it. Wouldn't that be amazing if the GOP did that with the ACA?

obama was against the individual mandate before the dem trifecta. Then suddenly he was all for it!

That's his job. Congress created the law, he signed it. It's not the law he would have written or the way he would have chosen to go, but that's how our system of government works. Congress crafts and drafts and the President, if he approves, signs it.

But now that it is law, it is also his job to see that it's made to work. It's what Democrats did with Medicare Part D too even though they opposed it. Once it was put in place (full of glitches and problems and donut holes), they went to work fixing it and helping their constituents work with it. Wouldn't that be amazing if the GOP did that with the ACA?

You mean how they made Medicare work?

I give this program much less time. Perhaps 5 years at tops.
obama was against the individual mandate before the dem trifecta. Then suddenly he was all for it!

That's his job. Congress created the law, he signed it. It's not the law he would have written or the way he would have chosen to go, but that's how our system of government works. Congress crafts and drafts and the President, if he approves, signs it.

But now that it is law, it is also his job to see that it's made to work. It's what Democrats did with Medicare Part D too even though they opposed it. Once it was put in place (full of glitches and problems and donut holes), they went to work fixing it and helping their constituents work with it. Wouldn't that be amazing if the GOP did that with the ACA?

You mean how they made Medicare work?

I give this program much less time. Perhaps 5 years at tops.

Medicare does work and that's actually a good example. Reagan "cut a record" about how the evil, socialist Medicare was going to be the end of the the world as we know it. It wasn't. Part of the reason it has been successful is because Republicans, back in the day, worked with it and helped make it better even though they didn't support it.

Today, as a result, you get this.


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