The left wakes up: Obama is not ‘sort of God’

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
by Jennifer Ruben
Right Turn
The Washington Post

Poor Evan Thomas will never live down his ludicrous comment that President Obama was “sort of God.” What seemed like slobbering now seems outright dumb, given the president’s performance. And don’t take my word for it.

Left-wing pundits have discovered he’s sort of like Jimmy Carter. Others now comprehend he’s remote and cold. Still others recognize he is weak and ineffectual (“strangely powerless, and irresolute, as larger forces bring down the country and his presidency”).

Obama is a third bush term. I have been saying this since early 2008.

Still not sure why the Tea Party do not consider Obama as some sort of God though.
The media contributed to that aura and is now waking up. That a a long slumber, even for a liberal. But there are some on the other side of the playing field that would have been Rumsfield roommate. for a long time, too. We can't forget that.
Obama is a third bush term. I have been saying this since early 2008.

Still not sure why the Tea Party do not consider Obama as some sort of God though.
Maybe because Tea Party types find Chimpy's profligate spending and bankster bailouts abhorrent as well?

It took lots and lots of would-be republican voters staying home to get the Dick-in-Chief elected.
by Jennifer Ruben
Right Turn
The Washington Post

Poor Evan Thomas will never live down his ludicrous comment that President Obama was “sort of God.” What seemed like slobbering now seems outright dumb, given the president’s performance. And don’t take my word for it.

Left-wing pundits have discovered he’s sort of like Jimmy Carter. Others now comprehend he’s remote and cold. Still others recognize he is weak and ineffectual (“strangely powerless, and irresolute, as larger forces bring down the country and his presidency”).


The left never thought Obama was sort of God.
Obama is a third bush term. I have been saying this since early 2008.

Still not sure why the Tea Party do not consider Obama as some sort of God though.

What's funny about the Right is one minute they're calling Obama a leftwing extremist the next minute they're pointing out how much like Bush he is.

They're idiots.
never understood why anyone thought he was anything but a man.
Tell ya what, the Dems better pull a Dodd like they did in CT with Blumenthal running instead.

Dodd was doomed too,

seems to me the Dems can save their party

or stick with the Oman.

Not both.

Obama is a third bush term. I have been saying this since early 2008.

Still not sure why the Tea Party do not consider Obama as some sort of God though.

What's funny about the Right is one minute they're calling Obama a leftwing extremist the next minute they're pointing out how much like Bush he is.

They're idiots.


The most powerful man on Earth?
by Dana Milbank
Post Opinions
The Washington Post


That is the enduring mystery of Obama’s presidency. He delivered his statement on the economy beneath a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, but that was as close as he came to forceful leadership. He looked grim and swallowed hard and frequently as he mixed fatalism (“markets will rise and fall”) with vague, patriotic exhortations (“this is the United States of America”).

“There will always be economic factors that we can’t control,” Obama said. Maybe. But it would be nice if the president gave it a try.


The real problem for Obama is not so much that he doesn't know what to do as much as what he wants to do would just be more of the same lunacy, which is utterly untenable now.
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the lefty talk shows i listen to have been savaging obama for years. perpetuating the wars and the bush tax cuts? naw, can't have that. obama's given up on us, if he even ever WAS one of us, and i think he just thinks he can win over the independents in 2012 by giving in to the right over and over again and then trumpeting how "reasonable" he's been by perpetuating proven failed republican policies. i think most of the hero worship of obama during the election, to the extent it was real, was mostly a function of how horrible the bush years were. those who mocked him for being called a "savior" missed the fact that during the bush years, we were looking for a savior because we were very much in need of saving. we still are, apparently.
Obama is a third bush term. I have been saying this since early 2008.

Still not sure why the Tea Party do not consider Obama as some sort of God though.
Maybe because Tea Party types find Chimpy's profligate spending and bankster bailouts abhorrent as well?

It took lots and lots of would-be republican voters staying home to get the Dick-in-Chief elected.
How many (staying home) would it take, to elect an.....




by Jennifer Ruben
Right Turn
The Washington Post

Poor Evan Thomas will never live down his ludicrous comment that President Obama was “sort of God.” What seemed like slobbering now seems outright dumb, given the president’s performance. And don’t take my word for it.

Left-wing pundits have discovered he’s sort of like Jimmy Carter. Others now comprehend he’s remote and cold. Still others recognize he is weak and ineffectual (“strangely powerless, and irresolute, as larger forces bring down the country and his presidency”).


Criss Mathews has got to be crying a river over this one--:lol: Oh I forgot Mathews is Jimmy Carter's former speech writer--Mathews is probably going YEAH--finally my speech writing gets some acknowledgement with Obama being compared to Carter--LOL
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Obama is a third bush term. I have been saying this since early 2008.

Still not sure why the Tea Party do not consider Obama as some sort of God though.
Maybe because Tea Party types find Chimpy's profligate spending and bankster bailouts abhorrent as well?

It took lots and lots of would-be republican voters staying home to get the Dick-in-Chief elected.
How many (staying home) would it take, to elect an.....





i can tell you this: if the republicans nominate a garden-variety asshole like romney, i'm protest voting for ralph nader or mickey mouse or whoever i can find on the ballot. but if they nominate bachmann, i'll vote obama just out of sheer horror at the prospect of a bachmann presidency.
the question is will the right wake up?

Palin, Beck, Bachman, etc....

The right never believed that nonsense to begin with.

they supported the heck out of Bush and his shenanigans in Iraq and nation building, spending, etc. then swapped to Palin with enthuiasm.
they supported the patriot act.
Heck many of them even supported TARP under Bush. Including Mitch.

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