The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes

Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
Try and keep up with news. Your made-up alt-facts aren't cutting it.

‘Do Your Job!’: GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Faces Rowdy Audience at Town Hall

Oh snowflake....there wasn't a single Hollywood elite shown in that crowd. And single rep making it back home does not a "nation wide" movement make. :laugh2:

The fact is - the leaders of the Dumbocrat Party have been fired (Debbie Wasserman Schultz was sent packing, Donna Brazile was sent packing), Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in an election against Donald freaking Trump and was sent home, and the people that are left "leading" the party (such as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters) are so senile the global community is laughing at them and mocking them right now.

And on top of all of that....your precious elite have been silenced by the American people. We still haven't heard a peep from J.K. Rowlings regrading the challenge for her to take in both illegal aliens and refugees nor a peep from Maryl Streep, George Clooney, etc. about filling the Oscars with illegal aliens and refugees. Via social media, the American people have run those cowards off. The entire ideology is imploding on top of itself right now snowflake.

But hey....if made up "Town Halls" and "Trump impeachment" allows your fragile little psyche to operate each morning - who am I to stand in the way. :laugh:
You're putting words in my mouth without correcting your own. What about "there haven't been any town halls"? That's the point of my post and the fact that you live in some Trump-induced alt-reality that doesn't jibe with what's actually happening.

I didn't put any words in your mouth. I simply pointed out the facts. Congress is in session (so nobody is home hosting "town halls") and the lone meeting you were able to dig up - there wasn't a single Hollywood elite shown in the crowd after you stated (and I quote) "They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding..." in response to my thread about the Hollywood elite being silenced by the American people by calling them out on their hypocrisy.

No wonder you vote Dumbocrat. You can't even follow a conversation.
I have to admit though that the Obama holdovers' successful 'Flynn' attempt was a marked improvement in strategy over their until-now best idea of overthrowing the newly elected government - which consisted, evidently, of calling for a military coup or assassination.
The entire bat-shit crazy narrative of the left is imploding right now. Completely imploding. To the point where they are all going silent. It's not even that they are afraid to speak - it's that they can't. They literally have no response now that the American people are calling them out:

Twitter Users Present J.K. Rowling With An Offer She Most Definitely Will Refuse

Which components, specifically, of the liberal ideology, are imploding?

Issue by issue please.
Goddam that's funny. Not in the way you RWnuts think it is, though.
No, everyone gets it.

Brown sticks his chest out, defiantly declares - just to 'show' the Federal Govt - he is going to make the ENTIRE STATE a 'Sanctuary State, and thumbs his nose at Federal Funding because 'California doesn't need it'....only to get down on his knees days later begging for Federal Funding because he and every other Ca Politician F*ed Up and ignored a damn for 12 years until it has now begun to collapse.

You're right - That IS d@mn funny!

Have a piece of Humble' pie or a slice of 'Shut the Hell up' strudel! :p
The entire bat-shit crazy narrative of the left is imploding right now. Completely imploding. To the point where they are all going silent. It's not even that they are afraid to speak - it's that they can't. They literally have no response now that the American people are calling them out:

Twitter Users Present J.K. Rowling With An Offer She Most Definitely Will Refuse

Which components, specifically, of the liberal ideology, are imploding?

Issue by issue please.
Were you incapable of reading the article? Here is a big one (which this thread is about):

They create a false narrative that they are sooooooo heart broken for illegal aliens and refugees. They pretend to care sooooooo much. And as such - they demand that We the People be forced against our will to support them. But when challenged to open up their homes to the illegal aliens and refugees - they immediately retreat into their mansions, lock the door, and shut down their social media accounts. Because they are xenophobic and racist and elitist while pretending to be none of those things.

Is that clear enough for you or do you need someone who specializes in special education to explain it to you?
Goddam that's funny. Not in the way you RWnuts think it is, though.
No, everyone gets it.

Brown sticks his chest out, defiantly declares - just to 'show' the Federal Govt - he is going to make the ENTIRE STATE a 'Sanctuary State, and thumbs his nose at Federal Funding because 'California doesn't need it'....only to get down on his knees days later begging for Federal Funding because he and every other Ca Politician F*ed Up and ignored a damn for 12 years until it has now begun to collapse.

You're right - That IS d@mn funny!

Have a piece of Humble' pie or a slice of 'Shut the Hell up' strudel! :p

Federal funding belongs to California. That's California's federal tax revenues coming back.
The entire bat-shit crazy narrative of the left is imploding right now. Completely imploding. To the point where they are all going silent. It's not even that they are afraid to speak - it's that they can't. They literally have no response now that the American people are calling them out:

Twitter Users Present J.K. Rowling With An Offer She Most Definitely Will Refuse

Which components, specifically, of the liberal ideology, are imploding?

Issue by issue please.
Were you incapable of reading the article? Here is a big one (which this thread is about):

They create a false narrative that they are sooooooo heart broken for illegal aliens and refugees. They pretend to care sooooooo much. And as such - they demand that We the People be forced against our will to support them. But when challenged to open up their homes to the illegal aliens and refugees - they immediately retreat into their mansions, lock the door, and shut down their social media accounts. Because they are xenophobic and racist and elitist while pretending to be none of those things.

Is that clear enough for you or do you need someone who specializes in special education to explain it to you?

I read the thread title. What portions of liberal ideology are imploding?
Federal funding belongs to California. That's California's federal tax revenues coming back.
Not if their Governor purposefully violates Federal Law, snowflake 0 that federal funding is FORFEIT! Comply with the law or have fun paying for all your illegal immigration, 200,000 people being ousted from their communities, and the aftermath of the flood those same politicians who are intentionally breaking the law caused by ignoring 12 years of a declining dam.
Federal funding belongs to California. That's California's federal tax revenues coming back.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Federal taxes go to run the federal government snowflake. It isn't designed to launder money and then bring it back to the state. That was the most desperate and pitiful attempt for an excuse ever. Why can't you just admit it when LWNJ's get caught with their pants down? There is no escaping this one, snowflake.

The entire bat-shit crazy narrative of the left is imploding right now. Completely imploding. To the point where they are all going silent. It's not even that they are afraid to speak - it's that they can't. They literally have no response now that the American people are calling them out:

Twitter Users Present J.K. Rowling With An Offer She Most Definitely Will Refuse

Which components, specifically, of the liberal ideology, are imploding?

Issue by issue please.
Were you incapable of reading the article? Here is a big one (which this thread is about):

They create a false narrative that they are sooooooo heart broken for illegal aliens and refugees. They pretend to care sooooooo much. And as such - they demand that We the People be forced against our will to support them. But when challenged to open up their homes to the illegal aliens and refugees - they immediately retreat into their mansions, lock the door, and shut down their social media accounts. Because they are xenophobic and racist and elitist while pretending to be none of those things.

Is that clear enough for you or do you need someone who specializes in special education to explain it to you?

I read the thread title. What portions of liberal ideology are imploding?
I just explained it to you.

Were you incapable of reading the article? Here is a big one (which this thread is about):

They create a false narrative that they are sooooooo heart broken for illegal aliens and refugees. They pretend to care sooooooo much. And as such - they demand that We the People be forced against our will to support them. But when challenged to open up their homes to the illegal aliens and refugees - they immediately retreat into their mansions, lock the door, and shut down their social media accounts. Because they are xenophobic and racist and elitist while pretending to be none of those things.

Is that clear enough for you or do you need someone who specializes in special education to explain it to you?
Federal funding belongs to California. That's California's federal tax revenues coming back.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Federal taxes go to run the federal government snowflake. It isn't designed to launder money and then bring it back to the state. That was the most desperate and pitiful attempt for an excuse ever. Why can't you just admit it when LWNJ's get caught with their pants down? There is no escaping this one, snowflake.


Run the federal government. Part of the running of the federal government is to assist with natural disasters.

you idiot.
The entire bat-shit crazy narrative of the left is imploding right now. Completely imploding. To the point where they are all going silent. It's not even that they are afraid to speak - it's that they can't. They literally have no response now that the American people are calling them out:

Twitter Users Present J.K. Rowling With An Offer She Most Definitely Will Refuse

Which components, specifically, of the liberal ideology, are imploding?

Issue by issue please.
Were you incapable of reading the article? Here is a big one (which this thread is about):

They create a false narrative that they are sooooooo heart broken for illegal aliens and refugees. They pretend to care sooooooo much. And as such - they demand that We the People be forced against our will to support them. But when challenged to open up their homes to the illegal aliens and refugees - they immediately retreat into their mansions, lock the door, and shut down their social media accounts. Because they are xenophobic and racist and elitist while pretending to be none of those things.

Is that clear enough for you or do you need someone who specializes in special education to explain it to you?

I read the thread title. What portions of liberal ideology are imploding?
I just explained it to you.

Were you incapable of reading the article? Here is a big one (which this thread is about):

They create a false narrative that they are sooooooo heart broken for illegal aliens and refugees. They pretend to care sooooooo much. And as such - they demand that We the People be forced against our will to support them. But when challenged to open up their homes to the illegal aliens and refugees - they immediately retreat into their mansions, lock the door, and shut down their social media accounts. Because they are xenophobic and racist and elitist while pretending to be none of those things.

Is that clear enough for you or do you need someone who specializes in special education to explain it to you?

I don't do any of that and I'm clearly a liberal. Stop lying about me.
Federal funding belongs to California. That's California's federal tax revenues coming back.
This is not Trump's fault. This would be Gerry Brown and every Ca Governor for the last 12 years' fault.

If you want THIS:


Then you can pay for THIS all by yourself:


The greatest thing to happen to the left was the election o Trump. They are energized and starting to organize.
Gee....another LWNJ copying what he's read over the past 8 years on USMB (i.e. that Barack Obama was the best thing to ever happen to conservatism) and then trying to apply it for his side due to a complete and total lack of original thought.

The left has been "organizing" for over 100 years. They've maxed out their potential in that arena snowflake. Trump is three weeks into his presidency - and already you people have exhausted yourselves into hyperventilation. You're already exhausted, throughly defeated, and worst of all for you - the American people are challenging your idiocy harder than ever.
"Trump is three weeks into his presidency"
...and it's been the biggest clusterfuck of any president in history. With patriot citizens rising up in all 50 states, 32 countries and even Antarctica demonstrating against his toxic policies, his avalanche of chronic lying, and now the Russian connection slapping him upside the head again... it's been like no 3 week period in history.
And that connotes " defeat and exhaustion " for "us?"
You're not exactly a Rhodes Scholar are you.
When President Trump has been in office for eight years (remember the buck stops at his desk right?) and then the REP party looses over 1000 legislative seats, Congress, the Senate and the Presidency get back to us OK?
Your posts reek of 'flop-sweat' and it's only been a few weeks.
Anyway there is BREAKING NEWS!
The fag Robby Mook has been tapped by 'Pocahontas' to be her campaign manager. So what could possibly go wrong next time right? I'll send him a nice congratulatory coffee mug with the state of Wisconsin screen printed on it.
Federal funding belongs to California.
No sweetie....federal funding belong to the federal government. That's why it is called federal. California has their own funding - it's called "state income tax" snowflake.
That's California's federal tax revenues coming back.
Actually that is California desperately attempting to get the tax revenues of Texas, South Carolina, Indiana, and other conservative state's tax revenues to bail them out of their own failed marxist policies.

The "federal tax revenues" paid by California (and all other states) are designed to run the federal government, snowflake. To pay for our military. Our federal courts. Our federal law enforcement (ICE, FBI, ATF, etc.), our State Department, etc.
When President Trump has been in office for eight years (remember the buck stops at his desk right?) and then the REP party looses over 1000 legislative seats, Congress, the Senate and the Presidency get back to us OK?

Dang, that was COLD...brutally honest and funny as hell ... but still cold. :p

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