The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes

The greatest thing to happen to the left was the election o Trump. They are energized and starting to organize.
Gee....another LWNJ copying what he's read over the past 8 years on USMB (i.e. that Barack Obama was the best thing to ever happen to conservatism) and then trying to apply it for his side due to a complete and total lack of original thought.

The left has been "organizing" for over 100 years. They've maxed out their potential in that arena snowflake. Trump is three weeks into his presidency - and already you people have exhausted yourselves into hyperventilation. You're already exhausted, throughly defeated, and worst of all for you - the American people are challenging your idiocy harder than ever.
"Trump is three weeks into his presidency"
...and it's been the biggest clusterfuck of any president in history. With patriot citizens rising up in all 50 states, 32 countries and even Antarctica demonstrating against his toxic policies, his avalanche of chronic lying, and now the Russian connection slapping him upside the head again... it's been like no 3 week period in history.
And that connotes " defeat and exhaustion " for "us?"
You're not exactly a Rhodes Scholar are you.
lefty there is no such thing
Run the federal government. Part of the running of the federal government is to assist with natural disasters.
No. Not it's not. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize the federal government to "assist with nature disasters". That is the exclusive responsibility of the state experiencing the "natural disaster". And if California hadn't been run into the ground with failed left-wing policy, they would be able to handle the issue. dimwitted Dumbocrats have all been crowing about California being the "fifth largest economy in the world" and that you were going secede from the U.S. Clearly Dumbocrats are nothing but children who cannot survive on their own. They need conservatives to mooch off of. So much for that whole "seceding" plan! :laugh:
lefty there is no such thing
We need a new term for Dumbocrats: hatriots. They hate the U.S. They hate the constitution. They hate the founders. They hate liberty. They hate free speech.

Yep. The Dumbocrats are true hatriots.
The epitome of "Fake News" right there. Without a shred of evidence that Vladamir Putin was promised anything, oreo is declaring it as such. :eusa_doh:

It's just COMMON SENSE dumbass--something that you don't have an ounce of. For every criminal act, (such as hacking) there will be a REWARD for taking the RISK.


One has to ask themselves what in the HELL was so important about Russia, where the Trump campaign stayed in constant communication with them throughout the campaign season? Only a half brain like you wouldn't be able to follow those dots--LOL
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
"Officials emphasized that communications between campaign staff and representatives of foreign governments are not unusual. However, these communications stood out to investigators due to the frequency and the level of the Trump advisers involved. Investigators have not reached a judgment on the intent of those conversations.
Adding to US investigators' concerns were intercepted communications between Russian officials before and after the election discussing their belief that they had special access to Trump, two law enforcement officials tell CNN. These officials cautioned the Russians could have been exaggerating their access."
"Officials" never a fucking name.
President Trump is currently directing the biggest airdrop of legal MOABS on these seditious traitors the US has ever seen.
A few dozen of these American traitors are going to eat cat food sandwiches for ten years in a federal 'tent prison' in S. Nevada.
And there's NOTHING the fucking LIBs can do about it without starting a real life second civil war.
...fertilized by the daily missteps of the Trump administration..
Uh..."missteps"? Can you expand on that a little bit? The last I checked, the Trump Administration was killing it. The American people are euphoric with his first three weeks.

No. "We" aren't. anti-American terrorists aren't. But we American's are euphoric. The overwhelming majority of the nation has been celebrating the fact that this is the first time we've had an adult in the Oval Office in over 8 years.

You call me an 'anti-American terrorist' because I'm not thrilled about how this administration has operated within its first month. Uh huh. You seem deeply unhinged. I won't debate the unreasonably stupid and paranoid. Have a nice day.
Go spew your bullshit somewhere else.
Permanent Ignore
What "overwhelming majority"? Trump is a minority president. We're onto your alt-facts. They aren't working for Trump and they aren't working for you. :laugh2:
"Minority president" :laugh2:

Snowflake...the only way to become president is to have the majority of the Electoral College. That means winning the majority of the states. And the people of those states cast the votes. Hitlery even lost Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. :lol:
Hillary's fag Robby Mook didn't want to 'get his girlie hands dirty' by going into the Rust Belt states.
Plus he was afraid of all those Russian soldiers stopping people in those states from going into the polling stations.
I can prove it:
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
Try and keep up with news. Your made-up alt-facts aren't cutting it.

‘Do Your Job!’: GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Faces Rowdy Audience at Town Hall

Oh snowflake....there wasn't a single Hollywood elite shown in that crowd. And single rep making it back home does not a "nation wide" movement make. :laugh2:

The fact is - the leaders of the Dumbocrat Party have been fired (Debbie Wasserman Schultz was sent packing, Donna Brazile was sent packing), Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in an election against Donald freaking Trump and was sent home, and the people that are left "leading" the party (such as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters) are so senile the global community is laughing at them and mocking them right now.

And on top of all of that....your precious elite have been silenced by the American people. We still haven't heard a peep from J.K. Rowlings regrading the challenge for her to take in both illegal aliens and refugees nor a peep from Maryl Streep, George Clooney, etc. about filling the Oscars with illegal aliens and refugees. Via social media, the American people have run those cowards off. The entire ideology is imploding on top of itself right now snowflake.

But hey....if made up "Town Halls" and "Trump impeachment" allows your fragile little psyche to operate each morning - who am I to stand in the way. :laugh:

Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Are Nancy and Maxine giving 'pep-talks' to Obama's Army?
Better be careful. If Obama isn't careful Nancy and Maxine will be calling all of Obama's army of snowflakes to invade the current President Bush's ranch and then to invade N. Korea.
The epitome of "Fake News" right there. Without a shred of evidence that Vladamir Putin was promised anything, oreo is declaring it as such. :eusa_doh:

It's just COMMON SENSE dumbass--something that you don't have an ounce of. For every criminal act, (such as hacking) there will be a REWARD for taking the RISK.


One has to ask themselves what in the HELL was so important about Russia, where the Trump campaign stayed in constant communication with them throughout the campaign season? Only a half brain like you wouldn't be able to follow those dots--LOL
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
"Officials emphasized that communications between campaign staff and representatives of foreign governments are not unusual. However, these communications stood out to investigators due to the frequency and the level of the Trump advisers involved. Investigators have not reached a judgment on the intent of those conversations.
Adding to US investigators' concerns were intercepted communications between Russian officials before and after the election discussing their belief that they had special access to Trump, two law enforcement officials tell CNN. These officials cautioned the Russians could have been exaggerating their access."
"Officials" never a fucking name.
President Trump is currently directing the biggest airdrop of legal MOABS on these seditious traitors the US has ever seen.
A few dozen of these American traitors are going to eat cat food sandwiches for ten years in a federal 'tent prison' in S. Nevada.
And there's NOTHING the fucking LIBs can do about it without starting a real life second civil war.

Agree 100%. There was no RATIONAL explanation for advisers within the Trump campaign to have this much contact with high level Russian officials during the campaign season. There can only be ONE
explanation for it.

Run the federal government. Part of the running of the federal government is to assist with natural disasters.
No. Not it's not. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize the federal government to "assist with nature disasters". That is the exclusive responsibility of the state experiencing the "natural disaster". And if California hadn't been run into the ground with failed left-wing policy, they would be able to handle the issue. dimwitted Dumbocrats have all been crowing about California being the "fifth largest economy in the world" and that you were going secede from the U.S. Clearly Dumbocrats are nothing but children who cannot survive on their own. They need conservatives to mooch off of. So much for that whole "seceding" plan! :laugh:
Years ago the province of Quebec held a vote whether to become a separate country. It failed.
The PM of Canada told the Quebec separatists: "Fine. You want to leave Canada go for it.
You can print your own currency. There's no guarantee anyone in the other provinces will accept it. You can create your own military. Your own passports. Your own 'everything'.
The day of the failed separatist vote their leader was so fucking drunk by noon he couldn't stand up.
Careful for what you wish for Cal. President Trump WILL tell you all the same thing!
Agree 100%. There was no RATIONAL explanation for advisers within the Trump campaign to have this much contact with high level Russian officials during the campaign season. There can only be ONE explanation for it.
Exactly! The Trump team - being long time true professionals - were getting ahead of the game and pounding out foreign policy issues with other nations so they could hit the ground running on Inauguration Day.
Agree 100%. There was no RATIONAL explanation for advisers within the Trump campaign to have this much contact with high level Russian officials during the campaign season. There can only be ONE explanation for it.
Exactly! The Trump team - being long time true professionals - were getting ahead of the game and pounding out foreign policy issues with other nations so they could hit the ground running on Inauguration Day.



Campaign advisers don't contact foreign adversary's to talk about foreign policy--dumbass That's usually left up to the Secretary of State, which didn't exist yet, because he hadn't won the National election. In fact polls back then showed him well behind Clinton. And if that were the case, the Trump campaign was usurping the constitutional authority of the current administration by trying to usurp their authority in matters of National Security, which is why Flynn's ass is in hot boiling oil right now, for talking to the Russians BEFORE Trump was sworn in.
Last edited:
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
Try and keep up with news. Your made-up alt-facts aren't cutting it.

‘Do Your Job!’: GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Faces Rowdy Audience at Town Hall

Oh snowflake....there wasn't a single Hollywood elite shown in that crowd. And single rep making it back home does not a "nation wide" movement make. :laugh2:

The fact is - the leaders of the Dumbocrat Party have been fired (Debbie Wasserman Schultz was sent packing, Donna Brazile was sent packing), Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in an election against Donald freaking Trump and was sent home, and the people that are left "leading" the party (such as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters) are so senile the global community is laughing at them and mocking them right now.

And on top of all of that....your precious elite have been silenced by the American people. We still haven't heard a peep from J.K. Rowlings regrading the challenge for her to take in both illegal aliens and refugees nor a peep from Maryl Streep, George Clooney, etc. about filling the Oscars with illegal aliens and refugees. Via social media, the American people have run those cowards off. The entire ideology is imploding on top of itself right now snowflake.

But hey....if made up "Town Halls" and "Trump impeachment" allows your fragile little psyche to operate each morning - who am I to stand in the way. :laugh:
You're putting words in my mouth without correcting your own. What about "there haven't been any town halls"? That's the point of my post and the fact that you live in some Trump-induced alt-reality that doesn't jibe with what's actually happening.

I didn't put any words in your mouth. I simply pointed out the facts. Congress is in session (so nobody is home hosting "town halls") and the lone meeting you were able to dig up - there wasn't a single Hollywood elite shown in the crowd after you stated (and I quote) "They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding..." in response to my thread about the Hollywood elite being silenced by the American people by calling them out on their hypocrisy.

No wonder you vote Dumbocrat. You can't even follow a conversation.
I never talked about the Hollywood elite. I was talking about the grass roots. As far as townhalls go, a Representative WAS there. You've really have to get a better grasp on reality.
I never talked about the Hollywood elite. I was talking about the grass roots.
This thread started with not one but two links about celebrities running and hiding. Like I said - you can't even follow a basic conversation. And again - finding a single representative who is AWOL does not even remotely prove your point.
Campaign advisers don't contact foreign adversary's to talk about foreign policy--dumbass That's usually left up to the Secretary of State, which didn't exist yet, because he hadn't won the National election. In fact polls back then showed him well behind Clinton. And if that were the case, the Trump campaign was usurping the constitutional authority of the current administration by trying to usurp their authority in matters of National Security, which is why Flynn's ass is in hot boiling oil right now, for talking to the Russians BEFORE Trump was sworn in.
I rest my case your honor. oreo continues with his Fake News.

A. Michael Flynn was never a "campaign advisor"

B. Speaking about the future of U.S. foreign policy is not "usurping" anything. Obama had his foreign policy in place. Flynn was merely laying the groundwork for the immediate future. It's not like Russia didn't know who the current president of the United States was (nor were they unaware of who it would be).
If Trump continues thinking for himself and running the Republican party, could Democrats ask for anything more?
Years ago the province of Quebec held a vote whether to become a separate country. It failed. The PM of Canada told the Quebec separatists: "Fine. You want to leave Canada go for it.
You can print your own currency. There's no guarantee anyone in the other provinces will accept it. You can create your own military. Your own passports. Your own 'everything'. The day of the failed separatist vote their leader was so fucking drunk by noon he couldn't stand up. Careful for what you wish for Cal. President Trump WILL tell you all the same thing!
I would do anything to see that shit-hole become its own nation. Getting rid of the hatriots who hate this great nation would be the best thing to happen to us.

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