The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes

who gives a shit about Clinton
That's exactly what the American people said when they voted! :lmao:

But here's the thing - we're talking about your history of "predictions" and they are less than stellar. So you can crow that "Trump is in trouble" but 4 years from now he will still be your president and you will still be crying like a little bitch about it.
With his diet of junk food at 70 years old?
I doubt he'll live another 4 years not to mention the stress from this Russian scandal and the others to come.
who gives a shit about Clinton
That's exactly what the American people said when they voted! :lmao:

But here's the thing - we're talking about your history of "predictions" and they are less than stellar. So you can crow that "Trump is in trouble" but 4 years from now he will still be your president and you will still be crying like a little bitch about it.

voted ? hardly.

the dems stayed home is the only reason Trump won.


Trumps fucked.
Trumps lost a sitting AG and now his "stellar" ass kissing General, and in less than a month .. thats not imploding, its exploding.
Bwahahahaha! Snowflake....AG stands for "Attorney General". And Donald Trump has not lost his AG. Jeff Sessions is still the acting Attorney General (and will be for the next 4 years). What Trump lost was his NSA (National Security Advisor), Michael Flynn. No big deal. Just an advisor who is easily replaced.

Remember how many generals Barack Obama went through during war time because the U.S. military hates him? The answer is 9 to refresh your memory. Most of all - he lost three LEGENDS in General David Petraeus, General Stanley McChrystal, General James Mattis.

I didn't see you bouncing up and down then with excitement. What happened snowflake?
On EVERY news station the top story is WHITE HOUSE IN CRISIS.
To deplorables things are going just swell. Lmao
who gives a shit about Clinton
That's exactly what the American people said when they voted! :lmao:

But here's the thing - we're talking about your history of "predictions" and they are less than stellar. So you can crow that "Trump is in trouble" but 4 years from now he will still be your president and you will still be crying like a little bitch about it.
With his diet of junk food at 70 years old?
I doubt he'll live another 4 years not to mention the stress from this Russian scandal and the others to come.
Considering he has the finest healthcare in the world at his disposal 24x7, it would literally be impossible for him to pass away. A team of doctors is on site with him around the clock and travels with him everywhere he goes. :eusa_doh:
the dems stayed home is the only reason Trump won.
Bwahahahah! The Dumbocrats were desperate to have Hitlery Clinton in office. Not only did they come out in force, but they also engaged in their usual tactics of voter fraud. Do you have any idea how many dead people voted for Hitlery Clinton? How many Dumbocrats voted two, three, four times?

Any other desperate excuses you'd like to attempt for why President Trump sits in the White House this morning while the Republicans control the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states? :laugh2:
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
What "overwhelming majority"? Trump is a minority president. We're onto your alt-facts. They aren't working for Trump and they aren't working for you.
Snowflake...the only way to become president is to have the majority of the Electoral College. That means winning the majority of the states. And the people of those states cast the votes. Hitlery even lost Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
But you wren't talking about the EC. You were talking about the general population and their acceptance of Trump. No wonder you edited out the pertinent post. You'd be debunked by your own post. :laugh2:
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Townhall meetings demonstrate that resurgence is just around the corner. Even if the career politicians are lost, the grass roots are growing strong, fertilized by the daily missteps of the Trump administration..

You misspelled "Astroturf".
and if I brought up obamas hair, I would be called racist for doing so, but for some reason you get away with it.
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
by backing obama they are doing their job.
The republican reps owe nothing to the liberals, liberals are not who voted for them, liberals deserve no respect.
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
they have had town halls, its just that they dont advertise them or let anyone important (like the President) know that they are having them.
That way they can all show up in a room and stare at each other, then later claim that the President didnt have the nerve to show up.
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
Try and keep up with news. Your made-up alt-facts aren't cutting it.

‘Do Your Job!’: GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Faces Rowdy Audience at Town Hall
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
Try and keep up with news. Your made-up alt-facts aren't cutting it.

‘Do Your Job!’: GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Faces Rowdy Audience at Town Hall

Oh snowflake....there wasn't a single Hollywood elite shown in that crowd. And single rep making it back home does not a "nation wide" movement make. :laugh2:

The fact is - the leaders of the Dumbocrat Party have been fired (Debbie Wasserman Schultz was sent packing, Donna Brazile was sent packing), Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in an election against Donald freaking Trump and was sent home, and the people that are left "leading" the party (such as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters) are so senile the global community is laughing at them and mocking them right now.

And on top of all of that....your precious elite have been silenced by the American people. We still haven't heard a peep from J.K. Rowlings regrading the challenge for her to take in both illegal aliens and refugees nor a peep from Maryl Streep, George Clooney, etc. about filling the Oscars with illegal aliens and refugees. Via social media, the American people have run those cowards off. The entire ideology is imploding on top of itself right now snowflake.

But hey....if made up "Town Halls" and "Trump impeachment" allows your fragile little psyche to operate each morning - who am I to stand in the way. :laugh:
Incidentally - why are Dumbocrats here on USMB so desperately attempting to derail this thread? This thread is not about Donald Trump, it is not about the White House, and it is not about Russia.

This thread is about how the American people are calling out the LWNJ's and how those previously loud-mouthed LWNJ's have suddenly retreated into their homes and gone dead-silent. They are too racist, greedy, and selfish to allow illegal aliens or refugees into their homes. And they've run their mouth too much to admit they refuse to do so. So now they are fucked. They just have to hide and attempt to blow up a "crisis" to get the attention off of them.
They've "retreated into their homes"? Hardly!!! They're going out to townhalls and demanding that their representatives do their jobs. If anyone's hiding, it's the Republican Reps that can't cope with all Trump's fumbles anymore.
Mmmmm.....interesting spin. Desperate. But interesting.

First of all - there hasn't even been a single "TownHall" since Donald Trump was inaugurated. Not one. Congress has been in session the entire time snowflake. So all of you idiots such as yourself and oreo who keep crowing about "the people storming to Townhalls" look absolutely stupid. You've destroyed your own credibility. You have proven yourselves liars.

Second - have you seen any of these people at your imaginary "TownHalls"? :laugh2:

Davi to Hollywood Elite: Invite Illegal Aliens and Refugees to the Oscars... or You're Racists! - Breitbart
Try and keep up with news. Your made-up alt-facts aren't cutting it.

‘Do Your Job!’: GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Faces Rowdy Audience at Town Hall

Oh snowflake....there wasn't a single Hollywood elite shown in that crowd. And single rep making it back home does not a "nation wide" movement make. :laugh2:

The fact is - the leaders of the Dumbocrat Party have been fired (Debbie Wasserman Schultz was sent packing, Donna Brazile was sent packing), Hitlery Clinton got her ass handed to her in an election against Donald freaking Trump and was sent home, and the people that are left "leading" the party (such as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters) are so senile the global community is laughing at them and mocking them right now.

And on top of all of that....your precious elite have been silenced by the American people. We still haven't heard a peep from J.K. Rowlings regrading the challenge for her to take in both illegal aliens and refugees nor a peep from Maryl Streep, George Clooney, etc. about filling the Oscars with illegal aliens and refugees. Via social media, the American people have run those cowards off. The entire ideology is imploding on top of itself right now snowflake.

But hey....if made up "Town Halls" and "Trump impeachment" allows your fragile little psyche to operate each morning - who am I to stand in the way. :laugh:
You're putting words in my mouth without correcting your own. What about "there haven't been any town halls"? That's the point of my post and the fact that you live in some Trump-induced alt-reality that doesn't jibe with what's actually happening.

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