The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes

The question for Republicans is: can they stop Trump from playing president? Trump is the biggest weakness for Republicans and Republicans are well aware Trump that alone could cause the end of the Republican party. I suspect Trump will soon tire of being president or the party will get tired of legal trials.
The question for Republicans is: can they stop Trump from playing president? Trump is the biggest weakness for Republicans and Republicans are well aware Trump that alone could cause the end of the Republican party. I suspect Trump will soon tire of being president or the party will get tired of legal trials.
While you are correct to some degree - he certainly couldn't "end the Republican Party". All he could do is exactly what Barack Obama did - hand the other side the entire federal government and the majority of the states.

Trump is such a wild card, it could easily go either way. It wouldn't shock me at all if he was entangled up to his neck in scandals while he shredded the U.S. Constitution (he is a power-hungry, narcissistic megalomaniac) and it also wouldn't shock me if he ends up being one of the more popular presidents of all time because he was pragmatic and restored power back to the people. We'll see.
The entire bat-shit crazy narrative of the left is imploding right now. Completely imploding. To the point where they are all going silent. It's not even that they are afraid to speak - it's that they can't. They literally have no response now that the American people are calling them out:

Twitter Users Present J.K. Rowling With An Offer She Most Definitely Will Refuse

I think the only thing that is imploding right now is the Comrade and his administration.


Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Apparently Obama was smart enough to tap the phone lines of the Russian ambassador and other high level officials, when he knew that Russia was responsible for hacking into DNC databases.
The question for Republicans is: can they stop Trump from playing president? Trump is the biggest weakness for Republicans and Republicans are well aware Trump that alone could cause the end of the Republican party. I suspect Trump will soon tire of being president or the party will get tired of legal trials.
While you are correct to some degree - he certainly couldn't "end the Republican Party". All he could do is exactly what Barack Obama did - hand the other side the entire federal government and the majority of the states.

Trump is such a wild card, it could easily go either way. It wouldn't shock me at all if he was entangled up to his neck in scandals while he shredded the U.S. Constitution (he is a power-hungry, narcissistic megalomaniac) and it also wouldn't shock me if he ends up being one of the more popular presidents of all time because he was pragmatic and restored power back to the people. We'll see.
So how's that working out so far for Trump?
Have you ever seen such turmoil after only 3 weeks into a presidency?
Have you ever seen millions protesting in all 50 states andin 32 countries the first month of a presidency?
Me neither.
Apparently Obama was smart enough to tap the phone lines of the Russian ambassador and other high level officials, when he knew that Russia was responsible for hacking into DNC databases.
You just accused Barack Obama of a major felony. Tapping or otherwise recording private conversations without a warrant is felonious wiretapping. I sincerely hope that President Trump will instruct the Justice Department to perform a through investigation on this matter. And no - I'm not being sarcastic.

With each passing moment, things continue to get worse for the left....
Apparently Obama was smart enough to tap the phone lines of the Russian ambassador and other high level officials, when he knew that Russia was responsible for hacking into DNC databases.
You just accused Barack Obama of a major felony. Tapping or otherwise recording private conversations without a warrant is felonious wiretapping. I sincerely hope that President Trump will instruct the Justice Department to perform a through investigation on this matter. And no - I'm not being sarcastic.

With each passing moment, things continue to get worse for the left....
Lmao. You look like your ready for a padded room in a sanitarium thinking Trump's Russian scandals are making the LEFT look worse.
Nothing is "imploding," you retard, other than the Trump administration and your fevered right wing pea brain.
yeah, but the dems still have no economic agenda and no candidate who can push one while still winning the nomination with the Southern black vote.
Lmao. You look like your ready for a padded room in a sanitarium thinking Trump's Russian scandals are making the LEFT look worse.
Boom! And therein lies everything you need to know. While the left spends 24x7 focusing on appearance, the right spends 24x7 focusing on substance.

That is why every Administration from the left is steeped in scandals (Clinton, Obama, etc.) and all they have to do is a PR campaign for their dimwitted minions such as Reasonable here to continue supporting and defending them.

I'm not the least bit worried about looks, snowflake. If oreo's claims are true - then Barack Obama just engaged in felonious wiretapping. And since he is not in charge of the Justice Department anymore, he will not be able to laugh it off as he has for the past 8 years.
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If for you lefties, Hillary was the answer, how stupid was the question?
We're now seeing how smart it was to elect a total neophyte who's in bed with Putin.

The news is out, several within the Trump campaign were in continual contact with the Russians, and we have the phone records to prove it, and the audio tapes.

PUTIN has never stuck his neck out this far--(to actually intervene into our Democracy--by purposefully trying to persuade voters to vote a certain way--in order to get the candidate THEY wanted.) For Putin to go to this extreme he was promised something. One thing for certain is that Putin did not think he would get caught, and he certainly didn't expect this response.

Clearly Trump knew from the beginning that the DNC hackings were coming from Russia. He lied all way through it. He denied it was Russia from the beginning all the way to the end. He insulted the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies. Actually stating one time--"that he knows people that know more than they do." Trump is definitely hiding something and it's going to come out--there is no stopping this now.

For you Trump supporters and voters--this is going to turn out to be 1000 times worse than Watergate.

And it may have something to do with this dossier.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain


For Putin to go to this extreme he was promised something.
Tell me something oreo - in the event that Vladimir Putin was in fact "promised something" (an outrageous accusation by you at this point), does that bother you? Is not the President constitutionally authorized to set the foreign policy agenda? Does not every president make promises to foreign heads of state as part of that foreign policy agenda? What exactly is the problem here in your mind?
The epitome of "Fake News" right there. Without a shred of evidence that Vladamir Putin was promised anything, oreo is declaring it as such. :eusa_doh:

It's just COMMON SENSE dumbass--something that you don't have an ounce of. For every criminal act, (such as hacking) there will be a REWARD for taking the RISK.


One has to ask themselves what in the HELL was so important about Russia, where the Trump campaign stayed in constant communication with them throughout the campaign season? Only a half brain like you wouldn't be able to follow those dots--LOL
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
This part makes me proud of the Republican Party:

"Senator John McCain, a hawkish Republican, was there and was introduced to a former senior western diplomat who had seen the documents, knew their source and thought him highly reliable. McCain decided the implications were sufficiently alarming to dispatch a trusted emissary, a former US official, to meet the source and find out more.

“Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue,” the senator said in a statement on Wednesday morning."

While Dumbocrats not only refused to hold Barack Obama accountable for any of his devious actions and scandals - and in fact, served as accomplices to him - the Republican Party upholds the rule of law and takes action on credible material even if "their guy" sits in the White House. Well done Republican Party. Well done.
The epitome of "Fake News" right there. Without a shred of evidence that Vladamir Putin was promised anything, oreo is declaring it as such. :eusa_doh:

It's just COMMON SENSE dumbass--something that you don't have an ounce of. For every criminal act, (such as hacking) there will be a REWARD for taking the RISK.


One has to ask themselves what in the HELL was so important about Russia, where the Trump campaign stayed in constant communication with them throughout the campaign season? Only a half brain like you wouldn't be able to follow those dots--LOL
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
Whoah! A little defensive there oreo? Is a simple question too much for your fragile nerves that you can't engage in a civil discussion with me?

Don't speak in the vague generalities of "follow the dots" like you're a spook in a Hollywood movie. It's not only silly, it's downright immature. You're creating FAKE NEWS. Give me something tangible to work with or admit that you're a partisan hack. The floor is yours. I'm all ears.
...fertilized by the daily missteps of the Trump administration..
Uh..."missteps"? Can you expand on that a little bit? The last I checked, the Trump Administration was killing it. The American people are euphoric with his first three weeks.

No. "We" aren't. anti-American terrorists aren't. But we American's are euphoric. The overwhelming majority of the nation has been celebrating the fact that this is the first time we've had an adult in the Oval Office in over 8 years.
It's just COMMON SENSE dumbass--something that you don't have an ounce of. For every criminal act, (such as hacking) there will be a REWARD for taking the RISK.
Wait a second....the U.S. engaged in more hacking of Russia (and Iran, and China, and Germany, etc.) under Barack Obama than all U.S. presidents in history combined. That is a fact. So by your "logic" - what was Barack Obama promised from all of these nations for his hacking? :eusa_doh:

(Psst.... oreo...your entire false narrative is rapidly falling apart around you. I'm trying to help you buddy. But if you're going to be this big of a chicken-little, sky is falling, partisan hack, you're going to look like a buffoon no matter what I do for you).

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