The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes

So have we all agreed that Trump is the fuse behind the Republican explosion?
What?!? Man are you confused....Trump is the result of the explosion. He wasn't the fuse and he wasn't the explosive itself. He was the physiological result of the lit fusing reaching the explosives.

The explosives were the radical left-wing hatriots destroying this nation over the past decade. The fuse was the American people finally waking up and realizing just how far off the cliff the hatriots had pushed this nation.
Bwahahahahaha! I love it! The left is the same all over the world - they run their big mouths but when it comes time for them to make even the smallest of sacrifices, the left tells those in need to "go to hell":

"The cooling welcome in Emerson is a microcosm of growing discontent over Canada’s open door policy for refugees."

Door knocks in the dark: The Canadian town on front line of Trump migrant crackdown
I haven't been this happy since the American people told Hitlery Clinton to go home and not come back. Target is in serious trouble because they believed that catering to the left-wing hatriots would earn them business. Apparently their CEO skipped business school. Catering to who live off of government to keep your business afloat is a bad strategy.

So glad to see the American people not only reject this insanity, but also make a private corporation pay the price for attempting to facilitate it.

Amid Stock Price Crash, Target Corp. Announces Store Re-Design - Breitbart
There are two catastrophic problems with the left-wing ideology

1. They eschew common sense in favor of ideology

2. They ignore facts, reality, and history in favor of ideology

Sweden is doing a complete 180° after thei left-wing idealism ended in tragedy. Sadly, the left in America will refuse to learn from this history as they always have and will insist on us making the exact same mistake.

Swedish Prime Minister: We'll 'Never Go Back' to Allowing Mass Refugee Immigration
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The best part of this whole thing is that The Dumb Asses Committed Felonies trying to make a Lying Narrative appear legit.
They even hacked Trump Tower Server and Russian Alfa Bank to plant a false beacon ping between them.

Criminal And Dirty Clinton, Obama & The DNC were.

Now all of those lies and the actions they took to try to make them appear legit has tied a noose right around their own necks.

Target's support of the LGBT agenda over basic decency is killing them. I really hope this results in Tagret closing its doors forever.
When will the mainstream media start asking why liberals won’t drop the “bathroom inclusivity” policies that are hurting business? When is ESPN going to torch Roger Goodell for meddling in state politics as NFL ratings drop? This type of media double standard is exactly the reason Donald Trump became the Teflon man in the 2016 election.
The left's radical agenda (lead by Barack Obama) has done more for the conservative movement than even Barack Obama. I can't tell you the number of former Clinton fans I know that voted for Trump in the 2016 election because of Barack Obama's marxism and the left's LGBT agenda.

Bathroom Policy is KILLING Target’s Business | The Resurgent
Can you have capitalism without regulation?
That is capitalism...
Is competition a component of capitalism?

There's very little competition in pure capitalism as the biggest and most powerful will either buy it out, run it out or starve it out.

That is the difference between the mid 19th century and mid 20th century! Regulations and anti-trust laws along with the union movement built our middle class.

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