The left wing is tired of pretending that they care about elections, want to impeach Pence too....

The majority of states are republican. Put in a democrat president by FORCE, and you will have to redefine resistence. Remove Trump and in 2020, he runs again and wins again. You know he's going to be reelected, don't you?
Trump loses the vote and gets the presidency anyway and conservatives think it's the greatest thing ever. Conservatives insist that Senators should be elected the old way, instead by a vote of the people.

Suddenly though, impeachment is somehow an affront to the will of the voters.

lol, I wish I'd made this up as satire.
/----/ Trump lost the vote? Then why isn't Hildabeast president?
Trump loses the vote and gets the presidency anyway and conservatives think it's the greatest thing ever. Conservatives insist that Senators should be elected the old way, instead by a vote of the people.

Suddenly though, impeachment is somehow an affront to the will of the voters.

lol, I wish I'd made this up as satire.

Trump won the only vote that counts.

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We put up with obama for 8 years........

Yes, we know the scary black man upset you terribly.... but he was legitimately elected, unlike Trump.

Neither Trump or Pence is going to be impeached

This shit is tiresome

I think it's unlikely Pence will be impeached, but Trump is an impeachment looking for a place to happen.

My guess is that he will probably resign on his own after some kind of corrupt deal like the one Nixon got is brokered.
.... but he was legitimately elected, unlike Trump.

Trump didn't get the majority of the Electoral votes?
Didn't trump say the vote was a fraud ,,,,,,,,,,,until he won?

No, he said he would accept the results of the election if the election wasn't rigged....and it wasn't, and he won...
The left needs to shut maxine waters up....she is giving up their game......the left is tired of playing the election game, especially since they keep losing it. Now....if they will just declare any Repubican victory null and void.....they will use "lawfare" to destroy and remove any republican that gets in their way.....

This is the coup that people are starting to talk about.....

And the anti Trumpers...who believe that allowing the left to remove Trump would end this are morons, idiots really.......maxine waters gave up the game.....they will go after Pence too.....and you can bet any Supreme court justice Trump appoints will also be impeached....

Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

Assuming that you find something to get Pence on, under the 25th Amendment, a replacement VP would be appointed, and that person would be a Republican.

Now, if Pence was in on the Russian Collusion, he probably should be impeached.

But you do have a point. No point in playing "the election game" if we get more votes and still get cheated.

When you get more EC votes and get cheated, let us know.

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The majority of states are republican. Put in a democrat president by FORCE, and you will have to redefine resistence. Remove Trump and in 2020, he runs again and wins again. You know he's going to be reelected, don't you?
By what mechanism is it even possible to impeach our way to a democratic president? Are you that ignorant of the process?
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

Impeachment for heresy against the party? What exactly is it you Nazis seek as the basis of impeachment?

Once again I warn you Nazis, IF you indeed stage your coup, it will not end well for you, This ain't 1925 Berlin asshole, you will not just bully your way into power.
Ever listen to the trump AH who had 5 deferments ?? A yellow coward like he is should shut his blabbering mouth
Heel spurs and marching do not get along. And Clinton's reason? Or Obama's?
Look in the fn mirror you republican traitors It's your OWN people taking you down

I'm not a Republican, I am however watching the Political Class take the Nation down. Not to worry though, I'll be fine. You, you're going to die and never know why.
I love it when cowards act all big and bad in the safety of an anonymous message board. People with actual courage have no need to prove it to anyone under any circumstances. Quit your bullshit troll, no one actually believes any of you are going to do shit except sulk.

Why would I care what a little faggot like you thinks?
I'd be happy to invite you to come see me. I've already fought kid....I would never hesitate to do it again. As I have said.....God willing my combat days are over...and my wife's biopsy came back benign. Bring it bitch.
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

We put up with obama for 8 years........
You did not put up with Obama for eight years, you whined like a bitch the entire time while he served with grace and distinction and without the almost daily scandal of the Trump administration. I actually gave Trump a chance, seriously, I left this board for about 6 months and kept my criticism to myself IRL. Did you ever give Obama the benefit of the doubt? Your man had his chance with me to be the great president you seem to think he is and he blew it.
When was that? You never gave trump a chance, he hasn't had time to do much what with your daily lies and obstruction. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
LOL You owned senate, house ,judges ,governors, and poor little pub cowards feel picked on?
Stop trying to change the subject. The trash you mention are just as corrupt as you are.
The left needs to shut maxine waters up....she is giving up their game......the left is tired of playing the election game, especially since they keep losing it. Now....if they will just declare any Repubican victory null and void.....they will use "lawfare" to destroy and remove any republican that gets in their way.....

This is the coup that people are starting to talk about.....

And the anti Trumpers...who believe that allowing the left to remove Trump would end this are morons, idiots really.......maxine waters gave up the game.....they will go after Pence too.....and you can bet any Supreme court justice Trump appoints will also be impeached....

Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

the leftists like elections as long as they favor leftists

anything less not so much

actually they are pretty much anti democracy all around
The majority of states are republican. Put in a democrat president by FORCE, and you will have to redefine resistence. Remove Trump and in 2020, he runs again and wins again. You know he's going to be reelected, don't you?
By what mechanism is it even possible to impeach our way to a democratic president? Are you that ignorant of the process?

They can use impeachment to strip a sitting republican President of his ability to move his agenda.....that is all they need if they can't actually get the Senate to convict him.....they can then say he can't appoint Justices, can't push his agenda......and then they use it to try to get a democrat elected.......
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

Impeachment for heresy against the party? What exactly is it you Nazis seek as the basis of impeachment?

Once again I warn you Nazis, IF you indeed stage your coup, it will not end well for you, This ain't 1925 Berlin asshole, you will not just bully your way into power.
Ever listen to the trump AH who had 5 deferments ?? A yellow coward like he is should shut his blabbering mouth
Heel spurs and marching do not get along. And Clinton's reason? Or Obama's?
You believe the heel spur BS from the guy who played sports ? Probably paid off a doctor Clinton didn't like war and wanted no part of it At least he was honest about it
So, not content with pimping for war with Russia, Democrat Party traitors now want a second American Civil War. As things stand just now I'm finding it hard to find a downside to either.
The majority of states are republican. Put in a democrat president by FORCE, and you will have to redefine resistence. Remove Trump and in 2020, he runs again and wins again. You know he's going to be reelected, don't you?
By what mechanism is it even possible to impeach our way to a democratic president? Are you that ignorant of the process?

They can use impeachment to strip a sitting republican President of his ability to move his agenda.....that is all they need if they can't actually get the Senate to convict him.....they can then say he can't appoint Justices, can't push his agenda......and then they use it to try to get a democrat elected.......
Look in the fn mirror you republican traitors It's your OWN people taking you down

I'm not a Republican, I am however watching the Political Class take the Nation down. Not to worry though, I'll be fine. You, you're going to die and never know why.
I love it when cowards act all big and bad in the safety of an anonymous message board. People with actual courage have no need to prove it to anyone under any circumstances. Quit your bullshit troll, no one actually believes any of you are going to do shit except sulk.

Why would I care what a little faggot like you thinks?
I'd be happy to invite you to come see me. I've already fought kid....I would never hesitate to do it again. As I have said.....God willing my combat days are over...and my wife's biopsy came back benign. Bring it bitch.
Quit putting your personal details on the internet, I am not the kind to use them against you but others are not nearly so kind. I am happy for a positive outcome and wish you and your wife the best. Start talking like you would if you were talking to someone in person and you will be taken much more seriously. All these over-the-top threats only serve to make you seem like an idiot.

I haven't threatened anyone, and I would say the same thing to your face kid. That's the difference between people who have been there and people who just make noise on the internet.
50+ veteran here, quit making assumptions. My military service is not something I usually bring to these discussions unless the topic specifically calls for it. I probably have much more in common with you than you would think except I despise anyone who says I should fear or hate.
So, not content with pimping for war with Russia, Democrat Party traitors now want a second American Civil War. As things stand just now I'm finding it hard to find a downside to either.

im done talking to the leftists

bring it on
The left needs to shut maxine waters up....she is giving up their game......the left is tired of playing the election game, especially since they keep losing it. Now....if they will just declare any Repubican victory null and void.....they will use "lawfare" to destroy and remove any republican that gets in their way.....

This is the coup that people are starting to talk about.....

And the anti Trumpers...who believe that allowing the left to remove Trump would end this are morons, idiots really.......maxine waters gave up the game.....they will go after Pence too.....and you can bet any Supreme court justice Trump appoints will also be impeached....

Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

They don't care about our processes. Period. They don't like our laws, our constitution, or anything that prevents them from being in power. When they thought Hillary would win, our voting system was a sacred thing that we all must abide by no matter what. That changed in a matter of minutes when Trump was called as the winner. Then they attacked the electoral process. Obama challenged the constitution for years, particularly on Obamacare. In an interview when he was Illinois senator, he blasted the constitution because it didn't allow government enough control over the people and he lamented that the people have all the power. I guess the words 'by the people' and 'for the people' escape them. They want it to be 'by the government' and would prefer it if we all obediently went along with whatever they tell us to do.

They want power. And they will do anything to get it. Can you even imagine what the left would be saying if we had all this violence and refusal to accept Hillary, had she won? What if people had formed a resistance movement against Obama? The media would be painting all the protesters as vile, hateful, racist scumbags who should all go to jail. Yet, the lib politicians not only condone it with their own, they encourage it since they lost their asses.

It's a sickening display. Maxine Waters is stupid enough to admit what they are actually doing. Going after people simply because they don't like the other party being in power.
The majority of states are republican. Put in a democrat president by FORCE, and you will have to redefine resistence. Remove Trump and in 2020, he runs again and wins again. You know he's going to be reelected, don't you?

He wasn't "elected" the first time.

Here's what's more likely to happen.

After the economy tanks next year, republicans will be running from him faster than they did from Denny Hastert.

The GOP Leadership will do what they did to Nixon. They will inform him that they will support Impeachment if it comes to the floor, but if he resigns now, Pence will pardon him and all the rest of his crime family.
They can use impeachment to strip a sitting republican President of his ability to move his agenda.....that is all they need if they can't actually get the Senate to convict him.....they can then say he can't appoint Justices, can't push his agenda......and then they use it to try to get a democrat elected.......

again, here's the problem you guys have.

Republicans want Trump gone just as bad as the Democrats do. in fact, the democrats hope he doesn't implode before 2018, when he'll hand the majority in the House and state governorships to them.

Rauner, Walker, Snyder and the rest of them are all crapping themselves over being the guys the voters can get their hands on because they can't get at Trump right away.

Once that happens, and the Dems can control the redistricting process... it's all over for the Party of Angry White Guys.

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