The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence

America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?

Meanwhile, RWers are perfectly okay (and completely on board with) gunning down hundreds (if not thousands) of unarmed men, women, and children who are engaging in peaceful protest.
From Wikipedia:

"19th century was the timing for regional migrations of Druze, Circassians and Bedouin tribes and also the spike of Jewish immigration and the revival of the Hebrew language. Increasing Jewish immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries added considerably to the Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Jaffa.[8]

During World War I the British government issued the Balfour Declaration of 1917, stating that the British Government favors the establishment of national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The British captured Jerusalem a month later. The League of Nations formally awarded Britain a mandate over Palestine in 1922. The land west of the Jordan River was under direct British administration until 1948, while the land east of the Jordan was a semi-autonomous region known as Transjordan Emirate, under the rule of the Hashemite family from the Hijaz, and gained independence in 1946."

The declaration said nothing about establishing a Jewish Nation state in Palestine did it. It also said " it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,"

Furthermore why didn't they call it the mandate for Israel?
dude, it's the oldest area of the world. And it remains complicated. the fact is it has been Isreal for as long back as one can go. It just isn't that simple.

there is this map as well found in Wikipedia:
Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) - Wikipedia


Awesome. A computer graphic from around the time of David and Saul huh?
it's called historical records.

Looks like you got it out of a comic book, yesterday!
you're entitled to critique peoples work all you want. Doesn't change the history.
They were there before WW1 as well. if you look it up, they have been there thousands of years. Funny eh? How about Palestine, when did that begin as a country?

That's funny, when I look at a map from 1919, where Israel should be, it says Palestine?

How far back do you need to go? Right after they conquered it from the Canaanites?

From Wikipedia:

"19th century was the timing for regional migrations of Druze, Circassians and Bedouin tribes and also the spike of Jewish immigration and the revival of the Hebrew language. Increasing Jewish immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries added considerably to the Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Jaffa.[8]

During World War I the British government issued the Balfour Declaration of 1917, stating that the British Government favors the establishment of national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The British captured Jerusalem a month later. The League of Nations formally awarded Britain a mandate over Palestine in 1922. The land west of the Jordan River was under direct British administration until 1948, while the land east of the Jordan was a semi-autonomous region known as Transjordan Emirate, under the rule of the Hashemite family from the Hijaz, and gained independence in 1946."

The declaration said nothing about establishing a Jewish Nation state in Palestine did it. It also said " it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,"

Furthermore why didn't they call it the mandate for Israel?
dude, it's the oldest area of the world. And it remains complicated. the fact is it has been Isreal for as long back as one can go. It just isn't that simple.

there is this map as well found in Wikipedia:
Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) - Wikipedia


Most of the U.S.A was Catholic French, and Spaniards.

Better hand over your nation to the ones who were there before you.

they're welcome to come and negotiate like the Isreali's did.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?

Meanwhile, RWers are perfectly okay (and completely on board with) gunning down hundreds (if not thousands) of unarmed men, women, and children who are engaging in peaceful protest.
oh stop. this is but a stupid statement. plain and simple. the people hiding behind those people are the ones at fault. learn something about self defense.
I prefer we pull out of the ME and europe. We already saved europe twice. Spend your own money to defend yourself.

I couldn't agree more. The next time someone goose steps across Europe they can defend themselves.

As for the Middle East. Nuke that place from orbit.

Funny, one would think the violent genocidal maniacs, and terrorrists were the Zionists by reading this forums many calls for genocide, killings, terrorism, and nukes of Muslims.

50 of the 62 killed were hamas terrorists. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nah. He'll just bitch and moan that a few more Jew's weren't killed.

He's an utter moron.

Yeah, he bloviates about his innocent little protesters and yet they are the terrorists. Israel needs to keep shooting.
bigly and often.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?

Meanwhile, RWers are perfectly okay (and completely on board with) gunning down hundreds (if not thousands) of unarmed men, women, and children who are engaging in peaceful protest.

50 of the 62 were hamas terrorists.......yeah, keep shooting these peaceful protesters. The gullible always believe the propaganda.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?
Act like assholes and throw lots of rocks.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?
Act like assholes and throw lots of rocks.
and throwing Molotov cocktails. I didn't know innocent people did that.
I couldn't agree more. The next time someone goose steps across Europe they can defend themselves.

As for the Middle East. Nuke that place from orbit.

Funny, one would think the violent genocidal maniacs, and terrorrists were the Zionists by reading this forums many calls for genocide, killings, terrorism, and nukes of Muslims.

50 of the 62 killed were hamas terrorists. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nah. He'll just bitch and moan that a few more Jew's weren't killed.

He's an utter moron.

Yeah, he bloviates about his innocent little protesters and yet they are the terrorists. Israel needs to keep shooting.
I prefer we pull out of the ME and europe. We already saved europe twice. Spend your own money to defend yourself.

I couldn't agree more. The next time someone goose steps across Europe they can defend themselves.

As for the Middle East. Nuke that place from orbit.

Funny, one would think the violent genocidal maniacs, and terrorrists were the Zionists by reading this forums many calls for genocide, killings, terrorism, and nukes of Muslims.

50 of the 62 killed were hamas terrorists. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nah. He'll just bitch and moan that a few more Jew's weren't killed.

He's an utter moron.

Hamas is no more of an terrorist organization than Israel is.

You Americans can't help yourselves, you are stupid people, who love violence.

Hamas isn't a terrorist organization?? Wow. What rock have you been living under??

Oh and Palestine wasn't created till 1988. And its a independent State. Not a country. The land has been the land of Judae since the time of Christ so who do you think should have ownership of the whole thing.

Talk about a blind terrorist loving idiot.
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I couldn't agree more.

In the civilized World people believe in law, and order, and rights to a fair trial.

In America killing is king, truly people who don't understand civilization.

Saved europe from two wars. No country is innocent.

You didn't save shit.

You really are delusional. Lol.

Soviets won WW2, unfortunately.

You are what's delusional.

The Soviets won WWII??

OMG if America hadn't entered the war you'd all be speaking German in Europe. America saved Europe's ass in two world wars. You need to get back under that rock.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?

Meanwhile, RWers are perfectly okay (and completely on board with) gunning down hundreds (if not thousands) of unarmed men, women, and children who are engaging in peaceful protest.

And I also heard on MSNBC that the Republicans are torturing puppies and kittens
Funny, one would think the violent genocidal maniacs, and terrorrists were the Zionists by reading this forums many calls for genocide, killings, terrorism, and nukes of Muslims.

50 of the 62 killed were hamas terrorists. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nah. He'll just bitch and moan that a few more Jew's weren't killed.

He's an utter moron.

Yeah, he bloviates about his innocent little protesters and yet they are the terrorists. Israel needs to keep shooting.
I couldn't agree more. The next time someone goose steps across Europe they can defend themselves.

As for the Middle East. Nuke that place from orbit.

Funny, one would think the violent genocidal maniacs, and terrorrists were the Zionists by reading this forums many calls for genocide, killings, terrorism, and nukes of Muslims.

50 of the 62 killed were hamas terrorists. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nah. He'll just bitch and moan that a few more Jew's weren't killed.

He's an utter moron.

Hamas is no more of an terrorist organization than Israel is.

You Americans can't help yourselves, you are stupid people, who love violence.

Hamas isn't a terrorist organization?? Wow. What rock have you been living under??

Oh and Palestine wasn't created till 1988. And its a independent State. Not a country. The land has been the land of Judae since the time of Christ so who do you think should have ownership of the whole thing.

Talk about a blind terrorist loving idiot.

Yep, this is how upside down whacked they are. Its amazing.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?
The rest of the world is blaming Trump for the current escalation of violence in Gaza. Wake up.
Of course the Palestinians have some responsibility for it, but when you poke the hive, you have to take some responsibility for the stings you get.

How is moving an embassy poking the hive? They are merely looking for an excuse to get people killed.
How is moving an embassy poking the hive? I always thought you were smarter than this. You are fully aware that placing the embassy in Jerusalem was going to cause anger and rioting by the Palestinians. It doesn't matter if what they are mad about makes sense or if you agree with it; everyone was fully aware of the reaction it would elicit. So don't play disingenuous.

They are merely looking for an excuse to get people killed. Hamas, you mean? Maybe they are, for the shock value and the smear campaign against Israel. Pretty cold, if that's what they did, but who knows, maybe that was their reasoning. They don't put a whole lot of value on individual human lives, do they? It is no excuse to provoke them for no reason, though, imo. The embassy in Tel Aviv was working fine. This was entirely a political move that further isolates us from the rest of the world.

I suggest you check out the locations of other nation's embassies. Perhaps then you will see that the riots are throwing lambs to the slaughter for political purposes. The "Palestinians" are the refuse of the Arab world. No one wants them.

In Gaza, they spend millions on tunnels to invade Israel and yet their people have no jobs and no future except handouts from gullible people in countries like ours.
Israel stole Palestinian land, oppress, and kill them, and continue to do so.

Israel is the main problem.

Israel is a Zionist terrorist problem too, these Terroristic massacres prove it.

Israel is a terrorist you support, because you're a thoughtless drone, and brute who loves the power of looting, and shooting.

Bullshit. That land was the Land of Judae long before the Palestinians were ever around.

It was the Jewish homelands as far back as the time of Christ.

The only terrorists are Hammas and the mindless drones they send to attack.

Hope the Israelis' shoot them all.

So long as you Zionist predators support Israel out of the U.S.A hick, sticks.

I support for Rome to Colonize Israel, because Rome was in Israel a longer time. (So Catholic Italy + Friends should be able to colonize Israel)

I support for Catholics to Colonize the Zionist states of America, because most U.S.A territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spain's first.

Enough is enough of you terroristic Zionist squatters who loot, and shoot like maniacs.

Oh I'm sure Hamas would move right over and let you have you utopia. NOT.

You really are one funny asshole

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by W. Bush,.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by H. W. Bush.

You Zionists killed 100,000's of thousands of Arabs by Israel.

Zionists are clearly the the #1 MODERN Genocidal exterminators of the Mid-East.

Hey don't forget about Obama. He whacked over a million muslims with his pet drones .

Hyperbole is not your talent. Knock it back a little.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?
The Palestinians want a country & a share of Jerusalem as it is also their holy city.

Everyone,, Everyone on the fucking planet, knew there would be massive demonstrations when El Dumpster stuck a "Embassy" sign on the Consulate.

Israel took defensive positions & killed people.

What did the move accomplish? Other than a photo op for Princess Ivanka & her business cheat husband.

This was worth the loss of human life.
seriously Dave, do you know the history of the Palestinians? Was there or is there a state of Palestine? How about Isreal and further Jerusalem? 70 years ago the Isrealies made Jerusalem their capital. All of our embassies are in the state's capital cities. So Jerusalem is where our embassy belongs.
So, why was there a need after WWII to carve out Israel if they always existed.

Where are the other Embassies in Israel?
moving to Jerusalem following the move by Trump. watch. Isreal was a country before WW2 and Jerusalem was their captiol. Now you tell me where were the Palestinians 70 years ago. can you?

You need a slight adjustment to your timeline.

Israel was founded in 1948, AFTER WW2!
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?

Meanwhile, RWers are perfectly okay (and completely on board with) gunning down hundreds (if not thousands) of unarmed men, women, and children who are engaging in peaceful protest.

I think you have been misinformed or asleep for a week.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?
The Palestinians want a country & a share of Jerusalem as it is also their holy city.

Everyone,, Everyone on the fucking planet, knew there would be massive demonstrations when El Dumpster stuck a "Embassy" sign on the Consulate.

Israel took defensive positions & killed people.

What did the move accomplish? Other than a photo op for Princess Ivanka & her business cheat husband.

This was worth the loss of human life.
seriously Dave, do you know the history of the Palestinians? Was there or is there a state of Palestine? How about Isreal and further Jerusalem? 70 years ago the Isrealies made Jerusalem their capital. All of our embassies are in the state's capital cities. So Jerusalem is where our embassy belongs.
So, why was there a need after WWII to carve out Israel if they always existed.

Where are the other Embassies in Israel?
moving to Jerusalem following the move by Trump. watch. Isreal was a country before WW2 and Jerusalem was their captiol. Now you tell me where were the Palestinians 70 years ago. can you?

You need a slight adjustment to your timeline.

Israel was founded in 1948, AFTER WW2!
the Israel of today was. But, it's been Israel since back in the way back machine.
The Palestinians want a country & a share of Jerusalem as it is also their holy city.

Everyone,, Everyone on the fucking planet, knew there would be massive demonstrations when El Dumpster stuck a "Embassy" sign on the Consulate.

Israel took defensive positions & killed people.

What did the move accomplish? Other than a photo op for Princess Ivanka & her business cheat husband.

This was worth the loss of human life.
seriously Dave, do you know the history of the Palestinians? Was there or is there a state of Palestine? How about Isreal and further Jerusalem? 70 years ago the Isrealies made Jerusalem their capital. All of our embassies are in the state's capital cities. So Jerusalem is where our embassy belongs.
So, why was there a need after WWII to carve out Israel if they always existed.

Where are the other Embassies in Israel?
moving to Jerusalem following the move by Trump. watch. Isreal was a country before WW2 and Jerusalem was their captiol. Now you tell me where were the Palestinians 70 years ago. can you?

You need a slight adjustment to your timeline.

Israel was founded in 1948, AFTER WW2!
the Israel of today was. But, it's been Israel since back in the way back machine.

Then, in that case, don't say things that are not explicitly true.
America's new embassy, violence in Gaza and the Second Coming of Christ | Daily Mail Online

The Left Wingers are blaming Trump and Christians for the Palestinian violence. Sooo is the Left saying that Muslims are unable to control themselves? Do the Left Wingers excuse the Palestinian violence because they loath Jews and Christians? Will the Muslims eventually ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Christians and Jews? What is the ultimate goal of the Palestinians?

Meanwhile, RWers are perfectly okay (and completely on board with) gunning down hundreds (if not thousands) of unarmed men, women, and children who are engaging in peaceful protest.
See how nonviolent they were if they had made it past that fence. A large number of them were armed with knives.

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