The leftist Democrat Party bias and tilt of American Main Stream Media

Fatass Billy said:

Epic meltdown bro. :thup:

Nah. No meltdown of any kind, at all, sis.

The notion is just you being dishonest again.

If the Right wants more programming on the airwaves that is biased in their favor,

all they have to do is put it on. No one is stopping them.

The "right" hasn't asked for any such thing.

Your post, as is your custom, is irrelevant blather.

The left, by the way, can't put on good programming. Err Amerika was as close as they could come -- which wasn't all that close -- and it was also a funny flop.

Politically, the left already has a near monopoly on programming over the tv broadcast and cable networks biased in their favor. And despite that near monopoly, the lefties are all outwaged by Fox News.

"Waaahhhh," cry the whining lefties.

Too fucking funny.
If the Right wants more programming on the airwaves that is biased in their favor,

all they have to do is put it on. No one is stopping them.

The "right" hasn't asked for any such thing.

Your post, as is your custom, is irrelevant blather.

The left, by the way, can't put on good programming. Err Amerika was as close as they could come -- which wasn't all that close -- and it was also a funny flop.

Politically, the left already has a near monopoly on programming over the tv broadcast and cable networks biased in their favor. And despite that near monopoly, the lefties are all outwaged by Fox News.

"Waaahhhh," cry the whining lefties.

Too fucking funny.

You're an idiot. In one sentence you claim the left can't succeed in the media, in the next you claim they have a near monopoly.

Which is it?
If the Right wants more programming on the airwaves that is biased in their favor,

all they have to do is put it on. No one is stopping them.

The "right" hasn't asked for any such thing.

Your post, as is your custom, is irrelevant blather.

The left, by the way, can't put on good programming. Err Amerika was as close as they could come -- which wasn't all that close -- and it was also a funny flop.

Politically, the left already has a near monopoly on programming over the tv broadcast and cable networks biased in their favor. And despite that near monopoly, the lefties are all outwaged by Fox News.

"Waaahhhh," cry the whining lefties.

Too fucking funny.


What is preventing the right from increasing broadcasting on television? Specifically.

btw, does the Right have a 'near monopoly' on AM radio???
If the Right wants more programming on the airwaves that is biased in their favor,

all they have to do is put it on. No one is stopping them.

The "right" hasn't asked for any such thing.

Your post, as is your custom, is irrelevant blather.

The left, by the way, can't put on good programming. Err Amerika was as close as they could come -- which wasn't all that close -- and it was also a funny flop.

Politically, the left already has a near monopoly on programming over the tv broadcast and cable networks biased in their favor. And despite that near monopoly, the lefties are all outwaged by Fox News.

"Waaahhhh," cry the whining lefties.

Too fucking funny.

You're an idiot. In one sentence you claim the left can't succeed in the media, in the next you claim they have a near monopoly.

Which is it?

You are the idiot, obviously, you moron. Well, maybe you're just a moron, you idiot.

What I noted was that the left does have a near monopoly in tv and cable broadcasting when it comes to junk which is politically biased in their favor. And they do: ABC, See B.S., NBC, CNN, MSLSD ...

I didn't say anything about them being successful at their attempts to foist off crap like Err Amerika on us. When they don't have traditional programming (sitcoms, dramas, sports, etc.) to generate profits from advertisers, they clearly can't succeed.

Hell, when MSLSD converted itself into a left-wing promotion site, their idea of "good ratings" was Keith Overbite. :lol:
If the Right wants more programming on the airwaves that is biased in their favor,

all they have to do is put it on. No one is stopping them.

The "right" hasn't asked for any such thing.

Your post, as is your custom, is irrelevant blather.

The left, by the way, can't put on good programming. Err Amerika was as close as they could come -- which wasn't all that close -- and it was also a funny flop.

Politically, the left already has a near monopoly on programming over the tv broadcast and cable networks biased in their favor. And despite that near monopoly, the lefties are all outwaged by Fox News.

"Waaahhhh," cry the whining lefties.

Too fucking funny.


What is preventing the right from increasing broadcasting on television? Specifically.

btw, does the Right have a 'near monopoly' on AM radio???


Please find the part where I said that there was something "preventing" the "right" from "increasing broadcasting" on tv.

But that is not, in reality (a concept with which you are generally unfamiliar) all that easy a thing to accomplish. There are but so many available broadcast frequencies. The agents in place -- replete with their liberal ideology -- are not likely to be relinquishing those slots any time soon.

When it comes to CABLE outlets, though, I am sure that if any conservative group of entrepreneurs wished to take a stab at competing with the Fox News folks, against the otherwise solid field of liberal networks and cable outlets, they are free to try it. I mean, so far as I am aware, nobody has yet attempted to outlaw conservative political speech. (Although some libs do seem outraged enough at Fox News to contemplate that notion.)
Liarbility: The left is ineffectual, the left controls the media

Liarbility: The left is ineffectual, the left controls the media


Raving Lunatic: can't post honestly under almost any circumstances.

The ineffectuality of the Main Stream Media in propagandizing the political philosophy of the left is most obviously seen in how blatant they are in demonstrating their "liberal" bias. So, they aren't real good at performing their task.

The fact that they are plodding, obvious, tip their agenda and generally suck does not negate the fact that they do have a near monopoly.

Raving Dementia just can't get a handle on clear distinctions. (She's not all that bright.) Or maybe she can get a handle on the distinctions, but, being her, she just simply chooses to lie about it. (Honesty is not among her virtues.)
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Liarbility: The left is ineffectual, the left controls the media


Cut him some slack. He's in the middle of an epic meltdown and therefore blatant contradictions are par for the course. :lol:
The "right" hasn't asked for any such thing.

Your post, as is your custom, is irrelevant blather.

The left, by the way, can't put on good programming. Err Amerika was as close as they could come -- which wasn't all that close -- and it was also a funny flop.

Politically, the left already has a near monopoly on programming over the tv broadcast and cable networks biased in their favor. And despite that near monopoly, the lefties are all outwaged by Fox News.

"Waaahhhh," cry the whining lefties.

Too fucking funny.


What is preventing the right from increasing broadcasting on television? Specifically.

btw, does the Right have a 'near monopoly' on AM radio???


Please find the part where I said that there was something "preventing" the "right" from "increasing broadcasting" on tv.But that is not, in reality (a concept with which you are generally unfamiliar) all that easy a thing to accomplish. There are but so many available broadcast frequencies. The agents in place -- replete with their liberal ideology -- are not likely to be relinquishing those slots any time soon.

When it comes to CABLE outlets, though, I am sure that if any conservative group of entrepreneurs wished to take a stab at competing with the Fox News folks, against the otherwise solid field of liberal networks and cable outlets, they are free to try it. I mean, so far as I am aware, nobody has yet attempted to outlaw conservative political speech. (Although some libs do seem outraged enough at Fox News to contemplate that notion.)

When you used the term monopoly, which means

exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market

The left has no 'control' to exclude conservatives from the broadcasting market. No one was able to prevent Foxnews from starting up and becoming the all conservative all day network; no one is preventing conservatives from doing as much more of that as they wish.

So stop complaining. Commercial broadcasting is a market. If there is more of a market for left leaning programming than there is for right leaning programming, that's the market at work;

I thought you conservatives revered the market??
The media are absolutely lame. No democracy can flourish while the press has been dumbed down in this fashion.

What is preventing the right from increasing broadcasting on television? Specifically.

btw, does the Right have a 'near monopoly' on AM radio???


Please find the part where I said that there was something "preventing" the "right" from "increasing broadcasting" on tv.But that is not, in reality (a concept with which you are generally unfamiliar) all that easy a thing to accomplish. There are but so many available broadcast frequencies. The agents in place -- replete with their liberal ideology -- are not likely to be relinquishing those slots any time soon.

When it comes to CABLE outlets, though, I am sure that if any conservative group of entrepreneurs wished to take a stab at competing with the Fox News folks, against the otherwise solid field of liberal networks and cable outlets, they are free to try it. I mean, so far as I am aware, nobody has yet attempted to outlaw conservative political speech. (Although some libs do seem outraged enough at Fox News to contemplate that notion.)

When you used the term monopoly, which means

exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market

The left has no 'control' to exclude conservatives from the broadcasting market. No one was able to prevent Foxnews from starting up and becoming the all conservative all day network; no one is preventing conservatives from doing as much more of that as they wish.

So stop complaining. Commercial broadcasting is a market. If there is more of a market for left leaning programming than there is for right leaning programming, that's the market at work;

I thought you conservatives revered the market??

Naturally, your post is blithering stupidity which explains why unmanlifold is clapping like your trained seal.

What I said, numbnuts, was that liberals have a NEAR monopoly. And no, you tool, that is not a reference to the strict market/economics definition of a "monopoly." As you knew when you posted your bullshit post, the reference was to something else: specifically, that when it comes to the political/editorial views of the various broadcast news and cable news networks, the vast majority of them are liberals. Fox News is the primary (almost sole) exception, in fact.

Thus, the injection of deliberate bias into what should be objective and disinterested "news" reporting is found to be almost entirely of a liberal bent.

This discussion has nothing to do with market economics.

Nice attempt at deflection, though. Tell your trained seal I said "hi." :lol:
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4 other faux liberals:

pro-war Rachel Maddow who supports the Afghan bloodbath.

Keith Olberman, govmnt stenographer

THE NYT, pro establishment hacks, often falsely labelled as "liberal" by the NeoCon lackeys on TV.

The late Daniel Schorr, pro war schlepp of Uncle Sam
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Please find the part where I said that there was something "preventing" the "right" from "increasing broadcasting" on tv.But that is not, in reality (a concept with which you are generally unfamiliar) all that easy a thing to accomplish. There are but so many available broadcast frequencies. The agents in place -- replete with their liberal ideology -- are not likely to be relinquishing those slots any time soon.

When it comes to CABLE outlets, though, I am sure that if any conservative group of entrepreneurs wished to take a stab at competing with the Fox News folks, against the otherwise solid field of liberal networks and cable outlets, they are free to try it. I mean, so far as I am aware, nobody has yet attempted to outlaw conservative political speech. (Although some libs do seem outraged enough at Fox News to contemplate that notion.)

When you used the term monopoly, which means

exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market

The left has no 'control' to exclude conservatives from the broadcasting market. No one was able to prevent Foxnews from starting up and becoming the all conservative all day network; no one is preventing conservatives from doing as much more of that as they wish.

So stop complaining. Commercial broadcasting is a market. If there is more of a market for left leaning programming than there is for right leaning programming, that's the market at work;

I thought you conservatives revered the market??

Naturally, your post is blithering stupidity which explains why unmanlifold is clapping like your trained seal.

What I said, numbnuts, was that liberals have a NEAR monopoly. And no, you tool, that is not a reference to the strict market/economics definition of a "monopoly." As you knew when you posted your bullshit post, the reference was to something else: specifically, that when it comes to the political/editorial views of the various broadcast news and cable news networks, the vast majority of them are liberals. Fox News is the primary (almost sole) exception, in fact.

Thus, the injection of deliberate bias into what should be objective and disinterested "news" reporting is found to be almost entirely of a liberal bent.

This discussion has nothing to do with market economics.

Nice attempt at deflection, though. Tell your trained seal I said "hi." :lol:

Then I guess liberal programming is simply more popular than conservative programming, on television.

Maybe if conservatism had so little widespread appeal to mainstream America, you wouldn't have that problem.
When you used the term monopoly, which means

exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market

The left has no 'control' to exclude conservatives from the broadcasting market. No one was able to prevent Foxnews from starting up and becoming the all conservative all day network; no one is preventing conservatives from doing as much more of that as they wish.

So stop complaining. Commercial broadcasting is a market. If there is more of a market for left leaning programming than there is for right leaning programming, that's the market at work;

I thought you conservatives revered the market??

Naturally, your post is blithering stupidity which explains why unmanlifold is clapping like your trained seal.

What I said, numbnuts, was that liberals have a NEAR monopoly. And no, you tool, that is not a reference to the strict market/economics definition of a "monopoly." As you knew when you posted your bullshit post, the reference was to something else: specifically, that when it comes to the political/editorial views of the various broadcast news and cable news networks, the vast majority of them are liberals. Fox News is the primary (almost sole) exception, in fact.

Thus, the injection of deliberate bias into what should be objective and disinterested "news" reporting is found to be almost entirely of a liberal bent.

This discussion has nothing to do with market economics.

Nice attempt at deflection, though. Tell your trained seal I said "hi." :lol:

Then I guess liberal programming is simply more popular than conservative programming, on television.

Maybe if conservatism had so little widespread appeal to mainstream America, you wouldn't have that problem.


There is -- as always -- a serious disconnect between the words you are responding to and the conclusions you "somehow" manage to "reach."

As for "programming" in general, you moron, that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. If the people wish to see NCIS on SEE B.S. that is utterly unrelated to the liberal political philosophy of See B. S. News.

Maybe you should put some glasses on. The American people have largely rejected what laughingly passes for the "political philosophy" of modern American liberalism. Smart. That does NOT mean, of course, that the old liberal dinosaurs who still hold positions of some prominence and power in our society (academics, so-called "journalists" and many politicians) are in step with the people. They aren't. Accordingly, The New York Times still preaches its sermon of liberalism as does NBC, MSNBC, See B.S. ABC, CNN, The Washington Post, etc., etc., etc.

And the fact that they are so embedded and entrenched does NOT mean that conservatism hasn't already displaced the myopic views in the minds of the people, by and large.
the left has a near monopoly, and the people STILL flock to Fox News.

the left is STILL the smallest political segment of the country.

fewer people identify themselves as "liberal" than ever before.

because the people, by and large, know what shit smells like and dont like the aroma
When you used the term monopoly, which means

exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market

The left has no 'control' to exclude conservatives from the broadcasting market. No one was able to prevent Foxnews from starting up and becoming the all conservative all day network; no one is preventing conservatives from doing as much more of that as they wish.

So stop complaining. Commercial broadcasting is a market. If there is more of a market for left leaning programming than there is for right leaning programming, that's the market at work;

I thought you conservatives revered the market??

Naturally, your post is blithering stupidity which explains why unmanlifold is clapping like your trained seal.

What I said, numbnuts, was that liberals have a NEAR monopoly. And no, you tool, that is not a reference to the strict market/economics definition of a "monopoly." As you knew when you posted your bullshit post, the reference was to something else: specifically, that when it comes to the political/editorial views of the various broadcast news and cable news networks, the vast majority of them are liberals. Fox News is the primary (almost sole) exception, in fact.

Thus, the injection of deliberate bias into what should be objective and disinterested "news" reporting is found to be almost entirely of a liberal bent.

This discussion has nothing to do with market economics.

Nice attempt at deflection, though. Tell your trained seal I said "hi." :lol:

Then I guess liberal programming is simply more popular than conservative programming, on television.

Maybe if conservatism had so little widespread appeal to mainstream America, you wouldn't have that problem.[/QUOTE]

You look stupid enough with getting your ass kicked in this thread. Only 21% of goobers claim to be liberal in this country. You morons can't win elections any longer so what the hell are you talking about??? Conservatism is on the rise and much more embraced than the Ideology and Cult of death.
Naturally, your post is blithering stupidity which explains why unmanlifold is clapping like your trained seal.

What I said, numbnuts, was that liberals have a NEAR monopoly. And no, you tool, that is not a reference to the strict market/economics definition of a "monopoly." As you knew when you posted your bullshit post, the reference was to something else: specifically, that when it comes to the political/editorial views of the various broadcast news and cable news networks, the vast majority of them are liberals. Fox News is the primary (almost sole) exception, in fact.

Thus, the injection of deliberate bias into what should be objective and disinterested "news" reporting is found to be almost entirely of a liberal bent.

This discussion has nothing to do with market economics.

Nice attempt at deflection, though. Tell your trained seal I said "hi." :lol:

Then I guess liberal programming is simply more popular than conservative programming, on television.

Maybe if conservatism had so little widespread appeal to mainstream America, you wouldn't have that problem.[/QUOTE]

You look stupid enough with getting your ass kicked in this thread. Only 21% of goobers claim to be liberal in this country. You morons can't win elections any longer so what the hell are you talking about??? Conservatism is on the rise and much more embraced than the Ideology and Cult of death.

Lemme guess? You're a hannitard?
the left has a near monopoly, and the people STILL flock to Fox News.

the left is STILL the smallest political segment of the country.

fewer people identify themselves as "liberal" than ever before.

because the people, by and large, know what shit smells like and dont like the aroma

Where are you getting your facts from? Odd that the left whomped your asses in 2006 and 2008; they still control the Senate; and given the predicted wimpiness of the newly elected House members and virtually NO viable candidate for president for 2012, I'd say your statements need a tad more sourced background than just your say so.

Hey, Liability, here's another one who is using the term "liberal" as being all-inclusive of anyone who doesn't toe the far-right agenda. Straighten him out, will ya? :lol:
Naturally, your post is blithering stupidity which explains why unmanlifold is clapping like your trained seal.

What I said, numbnuts, was that liberals have a NEAR monopoly. And no, you tool, that is not a reference to the strict market/economics definition of a "monopoly." As you knew when you posted your bullshit post, the reference was to something else: specifically, that when it comes to the political/editorial views of the various broadcast news and cable news networks, the vast majority of them are liberals. Fox News is the primary (almost sole) exception, in fact.

Thus, the injection of deliberate bias into what should be objective and disinterested "news" reporting is found to be almost entirely of a liberal bent.

This discussion has nothing to do with market economics.

Nice attempt at deflection, though. Tell your trained seal I said "hi." :lol:

Then I guess liberal programming is simply more popular than conservative programming, on television.

Maybe if conservatism had so little widespread appeal to mainstream America, you wouldn't have that problem.[/QUOTE]

You look stupid enough with getting your ass kicked in this thread. Only 21% of goobers claim to be liberal in this country. You morons can't win elections any longer so what the hell are you talking about??? Conservatism is on the rise and much more embraced than the Ideology and Cult of death.

Who's president? Can't win elections anymore? Did you say that when the Republicans lost in 06 and 08?

Conservatism is dead. Conservatism always loses in the long run.

If Conservatism didn't lose in the long run, you wouldn't even have the right to vote.

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