The leftists that own/run all the social apps and websites are not very bright.

Orwell was trying to warn us about today’s left wing totalitarians.
The Left Wingers wither under the light of scrutiny.
They have to censor to survive.
Do you anticipate government intervention and do you support such actions?

It's a private company.
They can censor their content, so there is not much that the government can do about it.
Alternative internet browsers should compete for more open and uncensored internet, kind of like how Fox News is an alternative to the left wing MSM.
Facebook is also censoring. Someone should create an alternative to Facebook.
Alternatives have been created. Then banned by Google.

Google cannot ban anything from the Internet.

Sent from my iPhone using
"After review, has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a policy strike because it violates the hate speech policy,"

I never mentioned the internet but since you brought it up care to comment on how Google suppressed negative Hillary stories while promoted negative Trump stories on its search engine ON THE INTERNET?
You mean you cannot get that site anywhere else? Are the people that run it that incompetent?
They're publicly-traded companies. They can do as they please, as long as their stock is doing well.

The Regressive Left's motto - "We're going to use our freedom of expression to shut down yours" - may be a disgusting, illiberal, authoritarian perversion of freedom of expression, but it is Constitutional.

So, minds have to be changed.
Orwell was trying to warn us about today’s left wing totalitarians.
The Left Wingers wither under the light of scrutiny.
They have to censor to survive.
Stupid fuck. Orwell would be pointing to people like you that swallow "truth is not truth". Trump and his minions are not merely Orwellian, they are Kafkesque, also. A one year old baby the defendant at a deportation hearing. How low can you filth go?

Old Rocks, you seem rather tense.
Orwell’s works were about totalitarian propaganda and brainwashing of the masses.
It was about censorship and manipulation of the facts.
Left Wing propaganda is the center of the epic FBIgate scandal.
They are dirty liars and they are being exposed daily.
The truth shall set you free.

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