The lefts condemnation hypocrisy


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
The left is in a frothing fury that Trump condemned both sides of the Charlottesville protests as he should have. The violence there is just as much to blame on the antifa as it is the white nationalist. But to the leftist loons it all one sided.

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support. Here is where the hypocrisy comes to play, The Communist Party USA a group that has publicly supported every Democratic Party nominee for President since the mid 80's. the very same group that worships the worst mass murderers in history people such as Mao and Stalin, No condemnation from the left and at every leftist rally your bound to see a hammer and sickle proudly displayed.
The left is in a frothing fury that Trump condemned both sides of the Charlottesville protests as he should have. The violence there is just as much to blame on the antifa as it is the white nationalist. But to the leftist loons it all one sided.

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support. Here is where the hypocrisy comes to play, The Communist Party USA a group that has publicly supported every Democratic Party nominee for President since the mid 80's. the very same group that worships the worst mass murderers in history people such as Mao and Stalin, No condemnation from the left and at every leftist rally your bound to see a hammer and sickle proudly displayed.
Looking at the videos I saw an abundance of red flags plus a number of red, black and green flags. The later represent the Pan Africa movement (communist).
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About time someone defended themselves against Antifa thugs.

It's not legal to terrorize communities, so I am not very sorry. Hopefully the next time the Antifa thugs act a bit smarter and realize that if they illegally block roads, people might drive over them. And if they are violent, people may defend themselves to their determent.

Over are the times of siding with criminals/terrorists/thugs.
The left is in a frothing fury that Trump condemned both sides of the Charlottesville protests as he should have. The violence there is just as much to blame on the antifa as it is the white nationalist. But to the leftist loons it all one sided.

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support. Here is where the hypocrisy comes to play, The Communist Party USA a group that has publicly supported every Democratic Party nominee for President since the mid 80's. the very same group that worships the worst mass murderers in history people such as Mao and Stalin, No condemnation from the left and at every leftist rally your bound to see a hammer and sickle proudly displayed.

So you're praising Trump for not doing something you condemned liberals for not doing?

I think that makes you the hypocrite.
The left is in a frothing fury that Trump condemned both sides of the Charlottesville protests as he should have. The violence there is just as much to blame on the antifa as it is the white nationalist. But to the leftist loons it all one sided.

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support. Here is where the hypocrisy comes to play, The Communist Party USA a group that has publicly supported every Democratic Party nominee for President since the mid 80's. the very same group that worships the worst mass murderers in history people such as Mao and Stalin, No condemnation from the left and at every leftist rally your bound to see a hammer and sickle proudly displayed.
The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

The left doesn't need to do that. So-called "white-power people" have attested to that being the case.
Furthermore, Trump himself reinforces his deservedness of their approbation. Fox News reported that although "Trump is quick to blast his foes on Twitter, he has yet to proactively condemn racist acts his win has inspired." Fox further states that Trump's "rise to political celebrity came as he peddled the falsehood that the nation's first black president, Barack Obama, was born in Africa, not in the United States." Only after his election did he denounce the white supremacist movement when asked, saying "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn." He sure didn't want to do that before the election was over...he couldn't stand on principle and risk not getting those racists' votes, now, did he....

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

During his campaign, that is most certainly not what he did. He "disavowed" them. What does "disavow" mean? It means to deny responsibility for. It can mean "reject," but insofar as there's no way for Trump to reject votes and no way for vote counters to reject the votes of white supremacists, that meaning cannot apply.

Moreover, Trump did not unequivocally state that he didn't want those people's votes. He also did not aver that he doesn't want such people in the GOP or that he finds no place for them in the GOP. He could have done that quite effectively by saying he "denounces" the white supremacist groups and individuals who see fit to vote for him, but he didn't choose that word or a synonymous alternative to it.

Following Trump's remarks about this weekend's events in Charlottesville, The white supremacist site Daily Stormer stated:
Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us....There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all. Also refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room.​
White supremacists can see clearly that Trump has not rejected them. Why don't you see it too? Or perhaps you do and are too much a dissembler to acknowledge it.
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About time someone defended themselves against Antifa thugs.

It's not legal to terrorize communities, so I am not very sorry. Hopefully the next time the Antifa thugs act a bit smarter and realize that if they illegally block roads, people might drive over them. And if they are violent, people may defend themselves to their determent.

Over are the times of siding with criminals/terrorists/thugs.
About time someone defended themselves against Antifa thugs.

Untangling Antifa
  • Antifa is a loose and decentralized network of mainly leftist groups working to directly confront and resist the rise of fascism and racism.
  • The [Antifa] movement, which has roots in Europe, traces back to the 1920s, with the emergence of far-right nationalist movements and fascism in countries across the continent.
  • The movement has gained notoriety for strongly advocating for the use of violent, direct confrontation and property destruction as a means of resistance. Some Antifa activists justify it as a reflection of the violence enacted on minority groups by far-right gangs. But violence perpetuates violence and often buries the overall message.
  • Many American liberals refuse to support Antifa and view violence as counter-productive, while those in the alt-right seize on the conflict, branding Antifa as domestic terrorists and oppressive actors.
  • A viral video circulated across the Internet showing a masked protester punching white nationalist and alt-right personality Richard Spencer in the face. The video became a cathartic meme for those on the left. The meme also became a hot talking point, raising widespread debate over the morality of violence against those who promote inherently violent ideologies.

Hopefully the next time the Antifa thugs act a bit smarter and realize that if they illegally block roads, people might drive over them.

As yourself this: what would Jesus do? What you've suggested is not what he'd do. I doubt that white supremacist groups, despite their allegations of being Christians, at all consider what Jesus would do and in turn act as he would have. Embracers of the Christian way undertake civil disobedience and peaceful protest, not violence.
The left is in a frothing fury that Trump condemned both sides of the Charlottesville protests as he should have. The violence there is just as much to blame on the antifa as it is the white nationalist. But to the leftist loons it all one sided.

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support. Here is where the hypocrisy comes to play, The Communist Party USA a group that has publicly supported every Democratic Party nominee for President since the mid 80's. the very same group that worships the worst mass murderers in history people such as Mao and Stalin, No condemnation from the left and at every leftist rally your bound to see a hammer and sickle proudly displayed.
The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

The left doesn't need to do that. So-called "white-power people" have attested to that being the case.
furthermore, Trump himself reinforces his deservedness of their approbation. Fox News reported that although "Trump is quick to blast his foes on Twitter, he has yet to proactively condemn racist acts his win has inspired." Fox further states that Trump's "rise to political celebrity came as he peddled the falsehood that the nation's first black president, Barack Obama, was born in Africa, not in the United States." Only after his election did he denounce the white supremacist movement when asked, saying "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn." He sure didn't want to do that before the election was over...he couldn't stand on principle and risk not getting those racists' votes, now, did he....

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

During his campaign, that is most certainly not what he did. He "disavowed" them. What does "disavow" mean? It means to deny responsibility for. It can mean "reject," but insofar as there's no way for Trump to reject votes and no way for vote counters to reject the votes of white supremacists, that meaning cannot apply.

Moreover, Trump did not unequivocally state that he didn't want those people's votes. He also did not aver that he doesn't want such people in the GOP or that he finds no place for them in the GOP. He could have done that quite effectively by saying he "denounces" the white supremacist groups and individuals who see fit to vote for him, but he didn't choose that word or a synonymous alternative to it.

Following Trump's remarks about this weekend's events in Charlottesville, The white supremacist site Daily Stormer stated:
Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us....There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all. Also refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room.​
White supremacists can see clearly that Trump has not rejected them. Why don't you see it too? Or perhaps you do and are too much a dissembler to acknowledge it.
I always find people pushing the funny button weak. It almost always get used when people don't have a decent counterargument, so they think, if I belittle the post I win of sorts. Norman it's the cowards way and it doesn't fool me and I doubt it fools Xelor.
I always find people pushing the funny button weak. It almost always get used when people don't have a decent counterargument, so they think, if I belittle the post I win of sorts. Norman it's the cowards way and it doesn't fool me and I doubt it fools Xelor.

I don't know why some folks don't realize that is precisely the message sent by one's giving such a rating to somber remarks, most especially when such a rating is not followed up with a sound counter-argument, or when, even more weakly, it is followed by basal insults and/or unfounded assertions. I know only that apparently they don't realize as much.

It's magnanimous of you to share with them the extant verity of what such uses of that rating indicates to keen analysts. It remains to be seen whether the relevant individuals will apply advertence to the erudition you've imparted to them. It matters not to me, however, whether they do.
Remember how the RWnuts threw a years long fit over the (false) accusation that Obama never called Benghazi an act of terror? Or that he supposedly never made direct reference to Islamist terrorism?

Now they are quite content that Trump doesn't call this rightwing terrorism 'rightwing terrorism'.
The left is in a frothing fury that Trump condemned both sides of the Charlottesville protests as he should have. The violence there is just as much to blame on the antifa as it is the white nationalist. But to the leftist loons it all one sided.

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support. Here is where the hypocrisy comes to play, The Communist Party USA a group that has publicly supported every Democratic Party nominee for President since the mid 80's. the very same group that worships the worst mass murderers in history people such as Mao and Stalin, No condemnation from the left and at every leftist rally your bound to see a hammer and sickle proudly displayed.
The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

The left doesn't need to do that. So-called "white-power people" have attested to that being the case.
furthermore, Trump himself reinforces his deservedness of their approbation. Fox News reported that although "Trump is quick to blast his foes on Twitter, he has yet to proactively condemn racist acts his win has inspired." Fox further states that Trump's "rise to political celebrity came as he peddled the falsehood that the nation's first black president, Barack Obama, was born in Africa, not in the United States." Only after his election did he denounce the white supremacist movement when asked, saying "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn." He sure didn't want to do that before the election was over...he couldn't stand on principle and risk not getting those racists' votes, now, did he....

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

During his campaign, that is most certainly not what he did. He "disavowed" them. What does "disavow" mean? It means to deny responsibility for. It can mean "reject," but insofar as there's no way for Trump to reject votes and no way for vote counters to reject the votes of white supremacists, that meaning cannot apply.

Moreover, Trump did not unequivocally state that he didn't want those people's votes. He also did not aver that he doesn't want such people in the GOP or that he finds no place for them in the GOP. He could have done that quite effectively by saying he "denounces" the white supremacist groups and individuals who see fit to vote for him, but he didn't choose that word or a synonymous alternative to it.

Following Trump's remarks about this weekend's events in Charlottesville, The white supremacist site Daily Stormer stated:
Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us....There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all. Also refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room.​
White supremacists can see clearly that Trump has not rejected them. Why don't you see it too? Or perhaps you do and are too much a dissembler to acknowledge it.
I always find people pushing the funny button weak. It almost always get used when people don't have a decent counterargument, so they think, if I belittle the post I win of sorts. Norman it's the cowards way and it doesn't fool me and I doubt it fools Xelor.

Stop acting like fools and I might do that.

Antifa are the good guys. Seriously? These people believe absolutely anything. Bunch of violent thugs.

The motto is "welcome to hell", and the idiot has audacity to speak about "what would Jesus do?", something I am absolutely 100% sure that he would never ask himself. What an ass-clown.

Senator Ted Cruz @SenTedCruz

I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism.

9:27 PM - Aug 12, 2017
The left is in a frothing fury that Trump condemned both sides of the Charlottesville protests as he should have. The violence there is just as much to blame on the antifa as it is the white nationalist. But to the leftist loons it all one sided.

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support. Here is where the hypocrisy comes to play, The Communist Party USA a group that has publicly supported every Democratic Party nominee for President since the mid 80's. the very same group that worships the worst mass murderers in history people such as Mao and Stalin, No condemnation from the left and at every leftist rally your bound to see a hammer and sickle proudly displayed.
The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

The left doesn't need to do that. So-called "white-power people" have attested to that being the case.
Furthermore, Trump himself reinforces his deservedness of their approbation. Fox News reported that although "Trump is quick to blast his foes on Twitter, he has yet to proactively condemn racist acts his win has inspired." Fox further states that Trump's "rise to political celebrity came as he peddled the falsehood that the nation's first black president, Barack Obama, was born in Africa, not in the United States." Only after his election did he denounce the white supremacist movement when asked, saying "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn." He sure didn't want to do that before the election was over...he couldn't stand on principle and risk not getting those racists' votes, now, did he....

The left paint the white power people as Trump supporters, but Trump has rejected that support.

During his campaign, that is most certainly not what he did. He "disavowed" them. What does "disavow" mean? It means to deny responsibility for. It can mean "reject," but insofar as there's no way for Trump to reject votes and no way for vote counters to reject the votes of white supremacists, that meaning cannot apply.

Moreover, Trump did not unequivocally state that he didn't want those people's votes. He also did not aver that he doesn't want such people in the GOP or that he finds no place for them in the GOP. He could have done that quite effectively by saying he "denounces" the white supremacist groups and individuals who see fit to vote for him, but he didn't choose that word or a synonymous alternative to it.

Following Trump's remarks about this weekend's events in Charlottesville, The white supremacist site Daily Stormer stated:
Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us....There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all. Also refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room.​
White supremacists can see clearly that Trump has not rejected them. Why don't you see it too? Or perhaps you do and are too much a dissembler to acknowledge it.
His win hasn't inspired any racist acts, unless you're counting police shootings by BLM. That's the problem with your theory: it's based on a premise that simply isn't true.
Remember how the RWnuts threw a years long fit over the (false) accusation that Obama never called Benghazi an act of terror? Or that he supposedly never made direct reference to Islamist terrorism?

Now they are quite content that Trump doesn't call this rightwing terrorism 'rightwing terrorism'.

That's because it isn't. It's one nutcase acting on his own.
His win hasn't inspired any racist acts, unless you're counting police shootings by BLM. That's the problem with your theory: it's based on a premise that simply isn't true.

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

The former KKK leader sees it as part of the president’s vision for America.

by Libby Nelson

"It's tragic and heartbreaking to see hatred and racism once again mar our great Nation with bloodshed," Cruz said in a statement released Saturday night. "The First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans to speak their minds peaceably, but violence, brutality, and murder have no place in a civilized society.

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and hatred that they propagate. Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," the statement said.

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