The Left's Silence

Why is the Left so silent about their Antifa stormtroopers fashionably dressed in Gestapo black and at the beck and call of D politicians? Why are they not touting their employment of the mentally ill and felons as part of their outreach, not to mention communists, wobblies and other marginalized members of their party?

Same reason they cannot admit the left was responsible for most of the violent acts.

Trump's daily lies have made it acceptable for trumpanzees to lie as well.

You demented anti-America RWNJs have always lied but its much worse now and I blame that on trump. Just as I blame trump for the alt right coming out from under their rocks.
Lots of people agree with their cause, dumbass. Trump didn't appeal to xenophobia during the campaign for no reason.

No, you are the dumbass for thinking that means anything. As well as the shared ignorance you have with the Antifa fascist again giving these little beer gut white trash any attention at all.
They are morons, always have been, always will be...and anyone trying to make them out to be bigger than they are only helps them by giving them attention.

Jesus you people are dumb.
Jesus Christ, one thread after another trying to justify the murder of that poor woman.
The left's antifa stormtroopers have really helped spread the good word about about the inclusiveness of Ds. Look at the recruiting videos they have created for American NAZIs and KKK, both of which were originally D auxiliaries.
Why is the Left so silent about their Antifa stormtroopers fashionably dressed in Gestapo black and at the beck and call of D politicians? Why are they not touting their employment of the mentally ill and felons as part of their outreach, not to mention communists, wobblies and other marginalized members of their party?
Your second question is probably just the madness from inbreeding acting up again. But as for your first question, it's because Nazi's must be defeated at all costs.

Is this progressive living 80 years behind times? The Nazis were defeated in the 40s.
Their sympathizer's are slithering out of their holes


America has limited capacity to swallow socialist bullshit of any kind. National socialism is one of the tarnished brands.
Not anymore. And you're helping it along.

No the far left is helping along with Sanders and Warren!
True that the US and others defeated nazi fascists in WWII and we will again, right here on US soil.

Every American should be antifa ANTI-FASCISM.

Look who else shows up for the kiddie parade.
These backwoods morons have been doing their little protesting for 50 years...and no one pays any attention to them. But thanks to wannabe gangsters they are getting the national attention they have wanted all along.

Couldn't agree more that we've let the kkk, white nation, aryan, alt right fascist nazis get away with it and in FACT, I agree with letting them exist in the US.

In many countries, their hate speech would be illegal.
Your second question is probably just the madness from inbreeding acting up again. But as for your first question, it's because Nazi's must be defeated at all costs.

Is this progressive living 80 years behind times? The Nazis were defeated in the 40s.
Their sympathizer's are slithering out of their holes


America has limited capacity to swallow socialist bullshit of any kind. National socialism is one of the tarnished brands.
Not anymore. And you're helping it along.

No the far left is helping along with Sanders and Warren!

Hope so.

I wish we could clone them. Really, they are what the entire congress should be - in favor of the working class and American values.

I'll fight for the right of the RWNJ fasicst nazis to spew their hate that that does not mean I would miss them. We fought them in Europe and now we have to fight them in the US.
True that the US and others defeated nazi fascists in WWII and we will again, right here on US soil.

Every American should be antifa ANTI-FASCISM.

Look who else shows up for the kiddie parade.
These backwoods morons have been doing their little protesting for 50 years...and no one pays any attention to them. But thanks to wannabe gangsters they are getting the national attention they have wanted all along.

Couldn't agree more that we've let the kkk, white nation, aryan, alt right fascist nazis get away with it and in FACT, I agree with letting them exist in the US.

In many countries, their hate speech would be illegal.

yeah?...then why are you supporting idiots that have done little more than give these racist the national attention they have wanted for decades?
It really would be nice to put these hate groups ie blm, white supremacists, antifa, neo nazi, into a stadium and lock the doors. These groups are a scourge to humanity and worthless.
Is this progressive living 80 years behind times? The Nazis were defeated in the 40s.
Their sympathizer's are slithering out of their holes


America has limited capacity to swallow socialist bullshit of any kind. National socialism is one of the tarnished brands.
Not anymore. And you're helping it along.

No the far left is helping along with Sanders and Warren!

Hope so.

I wish we could clone them. Really, they are what the entire congress should be - in favor of the working class and American values.

I'll fight for the right of the RWNJ fasicst nazis to spew their hate that that does not mean I would miss them. We fought them in Europe and now we have to fight them in the US.

Sanders and Warren hate the working class people and have no values.
The violence has just begun. Up until now, one side or the other was generally left alone to prance around and makes fools of themselves, and in the case of the left recently, damage property and attack bystanders. Now the counter protests have become violent. This is only the beginning. More will die, now that the wall is breached.

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