The Left's War On America


Everything is a war to the left. They claim that their political opponents are conducting a war on women, but it seems that the only women under attack are conservative women. The left claims that requiring positive identification at the polls is an attempt to prevent blacks from voting. Who cares that you need a picture I.D. to buy cigarettes and booze, or even get into one of their fundraisers, you're conducting a war on blacks if you require them to prove they are who they say they are.

The president is encouraging millions of Central American refugees to flood our borders, and he's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. He's giving them free flights to San Diego and dumping them into Chula Vista. He refuses to allow United States Representative free access to refugee camps in their own districts. They aren't even being screened properly.

Medical staff working in these camps are being threatened with criminal prosecution if they spill the beans on the type of injuries and diseases they are treating. Several of these children have had fingers and limbs cut off by drug cartels. Many have been tortured and sexually abused. Many carry diseases that had up to this point been all but totally eradicated through immunization in the US.

Obama has the time to attend a couple of fundraisers in Texas this week, but he doesn't have the time to show up at one of these refugee camps. The administration announced they are sending riot squads to Marietta California, not to prevent illegals from rioting, but to prevent Americans from stopping him from bringing thousands of them into their town. Obama considers law-abiding Americans more of a threat than a human flood of illegals invading our borders.

Liberals have been busy fostering a false image of conservatives. They consider a Republican to be the worst piece of crap human being in existence. They call them murderers, terrorists, teabaggers, accuse them of bigotry, harass them, send threats of murder and rape to them, and treat them like the KKK treated blacks shortly after the Civil War. The problem isn't that what they say is believable, it's the folks who actually believe this garbage. Some of them actually believe it all. They never question anything that Democrats say, nomatter how extreme.

The left is conducting a full scale war on America. Everything this country ever stood for is under attack. They want to transform us into something other than the country we grew up in. They want essentially to flip this country on it's head and turn it into a liberal utopia. If we don't like it, we can just leave.

Before the flood of illegals was noticed by the media a couple of weeks ago, we didn't know exactly what Obama meant by transforming America. Now we can see clearly what he had in mind.


Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Fox News Reporter Jesse Watters Kicked Out of N.O.W. Conference by Albuquerque Police - Fox Nation

The Myth of a 'War on Religion' - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

The only war I see being called for is against illegal immigrants. You guys want to shoot them where they stand.

So, anyone who is against these undocumented Democrats, also know as illegal aliens invading our country...they want to shoot them? This reply coming from you is no surprise since it's obvious your anus is what speaks for you.

How about this, if you truly believe the rhetoric you espouse, then show everyone what a goooooooood person you are by volunteering to house as many illegals as you can fit in your house and on your property, and offer to pay for taking care of them yourself. If you can't do that, then you're just another hypocrite who believes other people should pay for your agenda to turn America into the former Soviet Union by supporting this invasion of future Democrats to give the Democrat party a future permanent majority to turn this country into a communist dictatorship.

Everything is a war to the left. They claim that their political opponents are conducting a war on women, but it seems that the only women under attack are conservative women. The left claims that requiring positive identification at the polls is an attempt to prevent blacks from voting. Who cares that you need a picture I.D. to buy cigarettes and booze, or even get into one of their fundraisers, you're conducting a war on blacks if you require them to prove they are who they say they are.

The president is encouraging millions of Central American refugees to flood our borders, and he's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. He's giving them free flights to San Diego and dumping them into Chula Vista. He refuses to allow United States Representative free access to refugee camps in their own districts. They aren't even being screened properly.

Medical staff working in these camps are being threatened with criminal prosecution if they spill the beans on the type of injuries and diseases they are treating. Several of these children have had fingers and limbs cut off by drug cartels. Many have been tortured and sexually abused. Many carry diseases that had up to this point been all but totally eradicated through immunization in the US.

Obama has the time to attend a couple of fundraisers in Texas this week, but he doesn't have the time to show up at one of these refugee camps. The administration announced they are sending riot squads to Marietta California, not to prevent illegals from rioting, but to prevent Americans from stopping him from bringing thousands of them into their town. Obama considers law-abiding Americans more of a threat than a human flood of illegals invading our borders.

Liberals have been busy fostering a false image of conservatives. They consider a Republican to be the worst piece of crap human being in existence. They call them murderers, terrorists, teabaggers, accuse them of bigotry, harass them, send threats of murder and rape to them, and treat them like the KKK treated blacks shortly after the Civil War. The problem isn't that what they say is believable, it's the folks who actually believe this garbage. Some of them actually believe it all. They never question anything that Democrats say, nomatter how extreme.

The left is conducting a full scale war on America. Everything this country ever stood for is under attack. They want to transform us into something other than the country we grew up in. They want essentially to flip this country on it's head and turn it into a liberal utopia. If we don't like it, we can just leave.

Before the flood of illegals was noticed by the media a couple of weeks ago, we didn't know exactly what Obama meant by transforming America. Now we can see clearly what he had in mind.


Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Fox News Reporter Jesse Watters Kicked Out of N.O.W. Conference by Albuquerque Police - Fox Nation

The Myth of a 'War on Religion' - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

It's really sad to see Obama's quest to destroy America is becoming successful.

The one thing I disagree with you on is that liberal's aren't trying to build a utopia, they just want to see chaos and for America to fall as an economic and military super power. They want to see America turned into a third world shithole.

They've discovered the reason for the request for $3,700,000,000.00.

He wants to allocate funds for education (schools) for the illegals, transportation costs (costs for buses and aircraft to fly them all over the country), health care, and lawyers. Almost nothing goes to enforcing the border. If he wants to enroll them in school he has no intention of sending them back. They have no way of knowing if the adults the children are being released to aren't illegal themselves because they never ask.

So Obama fucks up and causes a catastrophe and we have to pay for it. And once the word gets out that all Obama wants to do it take care of them, the flood will increase.

Meanwhile he's sucking down suds yucking it up.

Why is this guy always happiest when he's causing so much trouble for everyone? They've been finding bodies in the desert. Bodies of people that tried to take advantage of Obama's kind offer for a new home. No telling how many people have died taking this trip. If I was one of his campaign managers I would be tempted to accuse him of mass-murder.

I think he needs to go to Hawaii and stay there. He's just in the way here.


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They've discovered the reason for the request for $3,700,000,000.00.

He wants to allocate funds for education (schools) for the illegals, transportation costs (costs for buses and aircraft to fly them all over the country), health care, and lawyers. Almost nothing goes to enforcing the border. If he wants to enroll them in school he has no intention of sending them back. They have no way of knowing if the adults the children are being released to aren't illegal themselves because they never ask.

So Obama fucks up and causes a catastrophe and we have to pay for it. And once the word gets out that all Obama wants to do it take care of them, the flood will increase.

Meanwhile he's sucking down suds yucking it up.

Why is this guy always happiest when he's causing so much trouble for everyone? They've been finding bodies in the desert. Bodies of people that tried to take advantage of Obama's kind offer for a new home. No telling how many people have died taking this trip. If I was one of his campaign managers I would be tempted to accuse him of mass-murder.

I think he needs to go to Hawaii and stay there. He's just in the way here.



that is a deal breaker
Every body that's found in the desert is one person we don't have to medicate, educate and incarcerate. That people commit suicide by trying to cross the desert is no concern of mine.
Did anyone know that according to the law anyone declared a refugee is entitled to full benefits for a period not to exceed 5 years?

Mexicans are excluded.

Now how did all of these Hispanics all of the sudden find this out?

What made them think they would be treated any differently than Elian Gonzales?

i dont believe these people are all fro Central America. They are Mexicans.
Did anyone know that according to the law anyone declared a refugee is entitled to full benefits for a period not to exceed 5 years?

Mexicans are excluded.

Now how did all of these Hispanics all of the sudden find this out?

What made them think they would be treated any differently than Elian Gonzales?

i dont believe these people are all fro Central America. They are Mexicans.

and Syrians Iranians and god knows who else
Every body that's found in the desert is one person we don't have to medicate, educate and incarcerate. That people commit suicide by trying to cross the desert is no concern of mine.

It should be our concern, especially if Democrats are actively inducing them to make the trip and in this act committing a fraud on the American people and the victims of this disaster.
As a more moderate person, I see both extremes hurting America. To claim just one side or the other is destroying America is ludicrous. Both sides have narrow views of what the US should be driven by their ideology, which of course ignores what other grouping want for America.
The center/moderate group is America's largest and this group is seriously under represented in Washington and in public discourse.
People like to use the term "Silent Majority", I believe that today's "Silent Majority" is the center. As the two major ideologies continue to move further away from the center only adds more Americans to the under represented. An underrepresented majority is what is destroying America. This can be seen by the do-nothing environment in Washington. This has hurt America, as the world passes us by.
Here's a prime example of how liberals here at USMB lie about conservatives:

Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

Well, Rdean is just nuts, there's no other realistic explanation
the lefts war on America rages on

this time free speech at a parade

DOJ investigates Nebraska parade float critical of Obama - Washington Times

The U.S. Department of Justice has sent a member of its Community Relations Service team to investigate a Nebraska parade float that criticized President Obama.
A Fourth of July parade float featured at the annual Independence Day parade in Norfolk sparked criticism when it depicted a zombie-like figure resembling Mr. Obama standing outside an outhouse, which was labeled the “Obama Presidential Library.”

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