The Left's War On America

According to The Rabbu, Conservatives are the new Liberals. You guys are really killing America.

Yeah, it's our policies that are sucking in all of those refugees to the border.

I thought they were 'illegal aliens'!

Didn't you get the talking point memo?

Refugees are guaranteed 5 years of health care, food stamps, and several other benefits by law.

You see, Obama has found a loophole in the law, and he's taking advantage of it.

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a president that we could trust not to intentionally cause chaos for once? Giving guns to drug cartels, fomenting unrest in the Middle East, attacking conservatives with the IRS, spying on Americans without a warrant, dividing the country, spreading racial tension at every opportunity setting back race-relations 20 years, ignoring our laws and causing massive floods of illegals to come to our borders essentially blowing up comprehensive immigration reform for good. Obama's administration has been busy destroying everything they touch.
Conservatives take all their fears and bundle them up in a single package and call it a liberal. It is apparently impossible to be a courageous conservative these days because the simple act of rejecting scaremongering makes one a lib, which is fine by me, I despise cowards.
Conservatives take all their fears and bundle them up in a single package and call it a liberal. It is apparently impossible to be a courageous conservative these days because the simple act of rejecting scaremongering makes one a lib, which is fine by me, I despise cowards.

Which what Obama is in a crisis, a coward.

Illustrating what is actually going on isn't fear mongering, it's being observant rather than ignorant.

However, what was it when liberals claimed that the economy was the worst since the Great Depression, or when they claimed that mold and peeling paint was killing our troops at Walter Reed, or that the Iraq war was unwinnable, or that deep water drilling was too dangerous, or Fracking is causing death and disease, or that Republicans are conducting a war on women, or that Bush caused Katrina, or that building a road is destructive to important species, or that Republicans are trying to depress the black vote by making them get driver's licenses, or that the GOP is stopping your president from doing his job, and preventing him from going to the border, attacking people for buying fucking ice cream.

Dude, you are seriously confused.
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s'matter, muddy? people are finding you boring?

ok... let me help you.

your thread? rightwingnut loony bin material.

you're welcome.

Sometimes it takes awhile for a thread to take off, especially if it makes absolute sense.

This what is called "An indisputable fact", better known as a homerun.

The more you bump it to the top of the list the greater the chance somebody tries to dispute the irrefutable.

s'matter, muddy? people are finding you boring?

ok... let me help you.

your thread? rightwingnut loony bin material.

you're welcome.

Sometimes it takes awhile for a thread to take off, especially if it makes absolute sense.

This what is called "An indisputable fact", better known as a homerun.

The more you bump it to the top of the list the greater the chance somebody tries to dispute the irrefutable.


I'm sure if I made up a bunch of lies like rdean always does there would be plenty of respondents.
Sometimes it takes awhile for a thread to take off, especially if it makes absolute sense.

This what is called "An indisputable fact", better known as a homerun.

The more you bump it to the top of the list the greater the chance somebody tries to dispute the irrefutable.


I'm sure if I made up a bunch of lies like rdean always does there would be plenty of respondents.

but only if was lies about the right
Now Obama's wants billions to clean up his mess, and if they don't give it to him he'll claim the GOP cut funding.

He's really good at creating disasters. Not so good at preventing them.
Conservatives take all their fears and bundle them up in a single package and call it a liberal. It is apparently impossible to be a courageous conservative these days because the simple act of rejecting scaremongering makes one a lib, which is fine by me, I despise cowards.

Which what Obama is in a crisis, a coward.

Illustrating what is actually going on isn't fear mongering, it's being observant rather than ignorant.

However, what was it when liberals claimed that the economy was the worst since the Great Depression, or when they claimed that mold and peeling paint was killing our troops at Walter Reed, or that the Iraq war was unwinnable, or that deep water drilling was too dangerous, or Fracking is causing death and disease, or that Republicans are conducting a war on women, or that Bush caused Katrina, or that building a road is destructive to important species, or that Republicans are trying to depress the black vote by making them get driver's licenses, or that the GOP is stopping your president from doing his job, and preventing him from going to the border, attacking people for buying fucking ice cream.

Dude, you are seriously confused.

Are those things supposed to be examples of allegations that turned out to be incorrect or overblown?

Conservatives also have an amazing capacity to live in denial of the shortcomings of their politicians and policy.
Conservatives take all their fears and bundle them up in a single package and call it a liberal. It is apparently impossible to be a courageous conservative these days because the simple act of rejecting scaremongering makes one a lib, which is fine by me, I despise cowards.

Which what Obama is in a crisis, a coward.

Illustrating what is actually going on isn't fear mongering, it's being observant rather than ignorant.

However, what was it when liberals claimed that the economy was the worst since the Great Depression, or when they claimed that mold and peeling paint was killing our troops at Walter Reed, or that the Iraq war was unwinnable, or that deep water drilling was too dangerous, or Fracking is causing death and disease, or that Republicans are conducting a war on women, or that Bush caused Katrina, or that building a road is destructive to important species, or that Republicans are trying to depress the black vote by making them get driver's licenses, or that the GOP is stopping your president from doing his job, and preventing him from going to the border, attacking people for buying fucking ice cream.

Dude, you are seriously confused.

Are those things supposed to be examples of allegations that turned out to be incorrect or overblown?

Conservatives also have an amazing capacity to live in denial of the shortcomings of their politicians and policy.

Conservative policies aren't causing all of these crisis. Democrat / progressive policies are.

It has been since 2007 since conservatives have been running the show. So pretty much everything that is going to hell in a hand-basket is the result of Barack Obama and Harry Reed.
Which what Obama is in a crisis, a coward.

Illustrating what is actually going on isn't fear mongering, it's being observant rather than ignorant.

However, what was it when liberals claimed that the economy was the worst since the Great Depression, or when they claimed that mold and peeling paint was killing our troops at Walter Reed, or that the Iraq war was unwinnable, or that deep water drilling was too dangerous, or Fracking is causing death and disease, or that Republicans are conducting a war on women, or that Bush caused Katrina, or that building a road is destructive to important species, or that Republicans are trying to depress the black vote by making them get driver's licenses, or that the GOP is stopping your president from doing his job, and preventing him from going to the border, attacking people for buying fucking ice cream.

Dude, you are seriously confused.

Are those things supposed to be examples of allegations that turned out to be incorrect or overblown?

Conservatives also have an amazing capacity to live in denial of the shortcomings of their politicians and policy.

Conservative policies aren't causing all of these crisis. Democrat / progressive policies are.

It has been since 2007 since conservatives have been running the show. So pretty much everything that is going to hell in a hand-basket is the result of Barack Obama and Harry Reed.

their actions are as loud as the policies

the lefts war on free speech forcing opposing views into silence

is so anti American that it certainly is another example of the lefts war on America
July 9, 2014
Obama, Master of the Straw-Man Tactic
By Lloyd Marcus

I am considering joining a new gym closer to my home. The gym markets itself as a friendly place for people who simply wish to get into shape, unlike other gyms, where overzealous muscle-heads harass, bully, and judge.

In my twenty years at various gyms, I have never witnessed the scenario this gym claims is such a problem. As a matter of fact, working out among serious bodybuilders has proven beneficial. At home, my max bench press was my 110-pound set of weights. Thus, I thought that was the most I could safely bench-press. Upon joining a gym, I saw a guy half my size pressing far more, which opened my eyes to my potential. Working out where professionals were shooting for the moon helped me to at least land among the stars.

The new gym near my home brilliantly created an enemy and a crisis that does not exist, all to attract clients.

My fellow Americans, this is the evil modus operandi of our President Obama. To gain public support for him breaking the law, ignoring the Constitution, and sidestepping Congress at will, Obama insidiously manufactures a real or nonexistent crisis that he claims poses an immediate danger. He then blames a nonexistent enemy, such as obstructive Republicans, Congress, and conservatives, as the reason he must act unilaterally for the good of the people.

This tactic, routinely used by Obama, is called creating a straw man. It's a fallacy, a sham, a distortion, an exaggeration, a lie.

Obama's most recent use of the straw-man tactic to con the American people is his attempt to make Congress the bad guys in the fiasco at our border. Obama sent the message to parents in non-contiguous countries that if they get their kids to America, they can stay. Consequently, illegal children are invading America by the thousands – 90,000 expected by September 30.

Making Congress the villains in the border mess opens the door for Obama to ride in on his white horse to save the day, enacting amnesty by executive order. He is confident that the MSM will play along with him, once again shaming America.

Another Obama administration straw man is the absurd “Republican War on Women.” Talk about creating an enemy that does not exist: Democrats are calling the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby, “gender bigotry.” What the heck are they talking about? The court simply ruled that the government cannot force Hobby Lobby to pay for abortion drugs against its owners' religious faith.

Now get this, folks. Even before the Supreme Court ruling, Hobby Lobby provided 16 of the 20 contraceptives mandated in ObamaCare. Hobby Lobby refused to pay for only the 4 that kill babies. Do you see the Obama administration spin, the distortion, the attempt to sham, the lie?

There is a real war on women and minorities spewing out of the Democratic Party, which abuses and exploits women and minorities with impunity.

Here is one example of many. Republican president George W. Bush made Condoleezza Rice the most powerful black woman in America, and possibly the world, as secretary of state. Guess who was out there calling Secretary Rice an Aunt Jemima, a house n*****, a traitor to her race, and relentlessly trying to destroy her simply for being a black conservative! The answer is the Democratic Party.

An Obama- and MSM-supported straw man that I find particularly deplorable and evil is the divisive slander of millions of Americans in the Tea Party. Think about that, folks. The first black president exploits his race to demonize and shame Americans into submitting to his fundamental transformation of America. Decent folks who simply love their country have been successfully branded “racist domestic terrorists” in the minds of many.

Past Obama straw men include banks, the auto industry, insurance companies, small business owners, corporations, the rich, and doctors.

What American industry, institution, or group will Obama declare public enemy number one next? What will be the next crisis Obama accuses them of creating, causing him to usurp unlawful authority to fix?

Blog: Obama, Master of the Straw-Man Tactic
Conservatives take all their fears and bundle them up in a single package and call it a liberal. It is apparently impossible to be a courageous conservative these days because the simple act of rejecting scaremongering makes one a lib, which is fine by me, I despise cowards.

Rejecting facts is what makes you a lib - that and being a dumb asshole.

Everything is a war to the left. They claim that their political opponents are conducting a war on women, but it seems that the only women under attack are conservative women. The left claims that requiring positive identification at the polls is an attempt to prevent blacks from voting. Who cares that you need a picture I.D. to buy cigarettes and booze, or even get into one of their fundraisers, you're conducting a war on blacks if you require them to prove they are who they say they are.

The president is encouraging millions of Central American refugees to flood our borders, and he's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. He's giving them free flights to San Diego and dumping them into Chula Vista. He refuses to allow United States Representative free access to refugee camps in their own districts. They aren't even being screened properly.

Medical staff working in these camps are being threatened with criminal prosecution if they spill the beans on the type of injuries and diseases they are treating. Several of these children have had fingers and limbs cut off by drug cartels. Many have been tortured and sexually abused. Many carry diseases that had up to this point been all but totally eradicated through immunization in the US.

Obama has the time to attend a couple of fundraisers in Texas this week, but he doesn't have the time to show up at one of these refugee camps. The administration announced they are sending riot squads to Marietta California, not to prevent illegals from rioting, but to prevent Americans from stopping him from bringing thousands of them into their town. Obama considers law-abiding Americans more of a threat than a human flood of illegals invading our borders.

Liberals have been busy fostering a false image of conservatives. They consider a Republican to be the worst piece of crap human being in existence. They call them murderers, terrorists, teabaggers, accuse them of bigotry, harass them, send threats of murder and rape to them, and treat them like the KKK treated blacks shortly after the Civil War. The problem isn't that what they say is believable, it's the folks who actually believe this garbage. Some of them actually believe it all. They never question anything that Democrats say, nomatter how extreme.

The left is conducting a full scale war on America. Everything this country ever stood for is under attack. They want to transform us into something other than the country we grew up in. They want essentially to flip this country on it's head and turn it into a liberal utopia. If we don't like it, we can just leave.

Before the flood of illegals was noticed by the media a couple of weeks ago, we didn't know exactly what Obama meant by transforming America. Now we can see clearly what he had in mind.


Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Fox News Reporter Jesse Watters Kicked Out of N.O.W. Conference by Albuquerque Police - Fox Nation

The Myth of a 'War on Religion' - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

The only war I see being called for is against illegal immigrants. You guys want to shoot them where they stand.
July 9, 2014
Obama, Master of the Straw-Man Tactic
By Lloyd Marcus

I am considering joining a new gym closer to my home. The gym markets itself as a friendly place for people who simply wish to get into shape, unlike other gyms, where overzealous muscle-heads harass, bully, and judge.

In my twenty years at various gyms, I have never witnessed the scenario this gym claims is such a problem. As a matter of fact, working out among serious bodybuilders has proven beneficial. At home, my max bench press was my 110-pound set of weights. Thus, I thought that was the most I could safely bench-press. Upon joining a gym, I saw a guy half my size pressing far more, which opened my eyes to my potential. Working out where professionals were shooting for the moon helped me to at least land among the stars.

The new gym near my home brilliantly created an enemy and a crisis that does not exist, all to attract clients.

My fellow Americans, this is the evil modus operandi of our President Obama. To gain public support for him breaking the law, ignoring the Constitution, and sidestepping Congress at will, Obama insidiously manufactures a real or nonexistent crisis that he claims poses an immediate danger. He then blames a nonexistent enemy, such as obstructive Republicans, Congress, and conservatives, as the reason he must act unilaterally for the good of the people.

This tactic, routinely used by Obama, is called creating a straw man. It's a fallacy, a sham, a distortion, an exaggeration, a lie.

Obama's most recent use of the straw-man tactic to con the American people is his attempt to make Congress the bad guys in the fiasco at our border. Obama sent the message to parents in non-contiguous countries that if they get their kids to America, they can stay. Consequently, illegal children are invading America by the thousands – 90,000 expected by September 30.

Making Congress the villains in the border mess opens the door for Obama to ride in on his white horse to save the day, enacting amnesty by executive order. He is confident that the MSM will play along with him, once again shaming America.

Another Obama administration straw man is the absurd “Republican War on Women.” Talk about creating an enemy that does not exist: Democrats are calling the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby, “gender bigotry.” What the heck are they talking about? The court simply ruled that the government cannot force Hobby Lobby to pay for abortion drugs against its owners' religious faith.

Now get this, folks. Even before the Supreme Court ruling, Hobby Lobby provided 16 of the 20 contraceptives mandated in ObamaCare. Hobby Lobby refused to pay for only the 4 that kill babies. Do you see the Obama administration spin, the distortion, the attempt to sham, the lie?

There is a real war on women and minorities spewing out of the Democratic Party, which abuses and exploits women and minorities with impunity.

Here is one example of many. Republican president George W. Bush made Condoleezza Rice the most powerful black woman in America, and possibly the world, as secretary of state. Guess who was out there calling Secretary Rice an Aunt Jemima, a house n*****, a traitor to her race, and relentlessly trying to destroy her simply for being a black conservative! The answer is the Democratic Party.

An Obama- and MSM-supported straw man that I find particularly deplorable and evil is the divisive slander of millions of Americans in the Tea Party. Think about that, folks. The first black president exploits his race to demonize and shame Americans into submitting to his fundamental transformation of America. Decent folks who simply love their country have been successfully branded “racist domestic terrorists” in the minds of many.

Past Obama straw men include banks, the auto industry, insurance companies, small business owners, corporations, the rich, and doctors.

What American industry, institution, or group will Obama declare public enemy number one next? What will be the next crisis Obama accuses them of creating, causing him to usurp unlawful authority to fix?

Blog: Obama, Master of the Straw-Man Tactic

in the UK they call it an Aunt Sally

obama often uses informal fallacies by misrepresenting the opponents argument

success with an Aunt Sally requires that the audience be ignorant and/or

uninformed of the original argument

which until now has worked well for his base support
July 9, 2014
Obama, Master of the Straw-Man Tactic
By Lloyd Marcus

I am considering joining a new gym closer to my home. The gym markets itself as a friendly place for people who simply wish to get into shape, unlike other gyms, where overzealous muscle-heads harass, bully, and judge.

In my twenty years at various gyms, I have never witnessed the scenario this gym claims is such a problem. As a matter of fact, working out among serious bodybuilders has proven beneficial. At home, my max bench press was my 110-pound set of weights. Thus, I thought that was the most I could safely bench-press. Upon joining a gym, I saw a guy half my size pressing far more, which opened my eyes to my potential. Working out where professionals were shooting for the moon helped me to at least land among the stars.

The new gym near my home brilliantly created an enemy and a crisis that does not exist, all to attract clients.

My fellow Americans, this is the evil modus operandi of our President Obama. To gain public support for him breaking the law, ignoring the Constitution, and sidestepping Congress at will, Obama insidiously manufactures a real or nonexistent crisis that he claims poses an immediate danger. He then blames a nonexistent enemy, such as obstructive Republicans, Congress, and conservatives, as the reason he must act unilaterally for the good of the people.

This tactic, routinely used by Obama, is called creating a straw man. It's a fallacy, a sham, a distortion, an exaggeration, a lie.

Obama's most recent use of the straw-man tactic to con the American people is his attempt to make Congress the bad guys in the fiasco at our border. Obama sent the message to parents in non-contiguous countries that if they get their kids to America, they can stay. Consequently, illegal children are invading America by the thousands – 90,000 expected by September 30.

Making Congress the villains in the border mess opens the door for Obama to ride in on his white horse to save the day, enacting amnesty by executive order. He is confident that the MSM will play along with him, once again shaming America.

Another Obama administration straw man is the absurd “Republican War on Women.” Talk about creating an enemy that does not exist: Democrats are calling the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby, “gender bigotry.” What the heck are they talking about? The court simply ruled that the government cannot force Hobby Lobby to pay for abortion drugs against its owners' religious faith.

Now get this, folks. Even before the Supreme Court ruling, Hobby Lobby provided 16 of the 20 contraceptives mandated in ObamaCare. Hobby Lobby refused to pay for only the 4 that kill babies. Do you see the Obama administration spin, the distortion, the attempt to sham, the lie?

There is a real war on women and minorities spewing out of the Democratic Party, which abuses and exploits women and minorities with impunity.

Here is one example of many. Republican president George W. Bush made Condoleezza Rice the most powerful black woman in America, and possibly the world, as secretary of state. Guess who was out there calling Secretary Rice an Aunt Jemima, a house n*****, a traitor to her race, and relentlessly trying to destroy her simply for being a black conservative! The answer is the Democratic Party.

An Obama- and MSM-supported straw man that I find particularly deplorable and evil is the divisive slander of millions of Americans in the Tea Party. Think about that, folks. The first black president exploits his race to demonize and shame Americans into submitting to his fundamental transformation of America. Decent folks who simply love their country have been successfully branded “racist domestic terrorists” in the minds of many.

Past Obama straw men include banks, the auto industry, insurance companies, small business owners, corporations, the rich, and doctors.

What American industry, institution, or group will Obama declare public enemy number one next? What will be the next crisis Obama accuses them of creating, causing him to usurp unlawful authority to fix?

Blog: Obama, Master of the Straw-Man Tactic

in the UK they call it an Aunt Sally

obama often uses informal fallacies by misrepresenting the opponents argument

success with an Aunt Sally requires that the audience be ignorant and/or

uninformed of the original argument

which until now has worked well for his base support

The Aunt Sally tactic will ALWAYS work well with his base. They believe his every word...sadly.

Is it any wonder the human condition is typically suffering under a dictatorial government, when so many people can be easily duped?
Anyone who stands in the way of more government control to over peoples' lives to dictate (for them) choices they are to make, of government influences to keep those in power with votes through taxpayer "give me" handouts, who speak of INDIVIDUAL responsibility and accountability, the left declares war against.

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