The Left's War On America


Everything is a war to the left. They claim that their political opponents are conducting a war on women, but it seems that the only women under attack are conservative women. The left claims that requiring positive identification at the polls is an attempt to prevent blacks from voting. Who cares that you need a picture I.D. to buy cigarettes and booze, or even get into one of their fundraisers, you're conducting a war on blacks if you require them to prove they are who they say they are.

The president is encouraging millions of Central American refugees to flood our borders, and he's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. He's giving them free flights to San Diego and dumping them into Chula Vista. He refuses to allow United States Representative free access to refugee camps in their own districts. They aren't even being screened properly.

Medical staff working in these camps are being threatened with criminal prosecution if they spill the beans on the type of injuries and diseases they are treating. Several of these children have had fingers and limbs cut off by drug cartels. Many have been tortured and sexually abused. Many carry diseases that had up to this point been all but totally eradicated through immunization in the US.

Obama has the time to attend a couple of fundraisers in Texas this week, but he doesn't have the time to show up at one of these refugee camps. The administration announced they are sending riot squads to Marietta California, not to prevent illegals from rioting, but to prevent Americans from stopping him from bringing thousands of them into their town. Obama considers law-abiding Americans more of a threat than a human flood of illegals invading our borders.

Liberals have been busy fostering a false image of conservatives. They consider a Republican to be the worst piece of crap human being in existence. They call them murderers, terrorists, teabaggers, accuse them of bigotry, harass them, send threats of murder and rape to them, and treat them like the KKK treated blacks shortly after the Civil War. The problem isn't that what they say is believable, it's the folks who actually believe this garbage. Some of them actually believe it all. They never question anything that Democrats say, nomatter how extreme.

The left is conducting a full scale war on America. Everything this country ever stood for is under attack. They want to transform us into something other than the country we grew up in. They want essentially to flip this country on it's head and turn it into a liberal utopia. If we don't like it, we can just leave.

Before the flood of illegals was noticed by the media a couple of weeks ago, we didn't know exactly what Obama meant by transforming America. Now we can see clearly what he had in mind.


Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Fox News Reporter Jesse Watters Kicked Out of N.O.W. Conference by Albuquerque Police - Fox Nation

The Myth of a 'War on Religion' - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

The only war I see being called for is against illegal immigrants. You guys want to shoot them where they stand.

If we wanted to do that we would be doing it.

As it is, you're full of shit.
The Left's War On America

This is particularly idiotic coming from the right considering the fact that conservatives seek to deny women their privacy rights and gay Americans their equal protection rights.

Up until a few years ago nobody even knew it was a right.

Thanks to all of the Democraps for pointing them out.

Like the right to buy ice cream and be here illegally.
The right to free rubbers paid by private businesses.
The right to force businesses to honor your deviant lifestyles.(This only applies to gays)
The right to record private conversations and use them to rob you of your income.
The right to force sports franchises to change their names or lose their rights.
The right to welcome foreigners into this country and spread them all over the place.
The right for the government to harass you because of who you support politically.
The right for the president to pick and choose which laws he wants to follow or enforce.
The right to healthcare paid for by everyone else.
The right for the media to support one party over another and cover up their misdeeds.
The right for the government to take over your business.
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Everything is a war to the left. They claim that their political opponents are conducting a war on women, but it seems that the only women under attack are conservative women. The left claims that requiring positive identification at the polls is an attempt to prevent blacks from voting. Who cares that you need a picture I.D. to buy cigarettes and booze, or even get into one of their fundraisers, you're conducting a war on blacks if you require them to prove they are who they say they are.

The president is encouraging millions of Central American refugees to flood our borders, and he's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. He's giving them free flights to San Diego and dumping them into Chula Vista. He refuses to allow United States Representative free access to refugee camps in their own districts. They aren't even being screened properly.

Medical staff working in these camps are being threatened with criminal prosecution if they spill the beans on the type of injuries and diseases they are treating. Several of these children have had fingers and limbs cut off by drug cartels. Many have been tortured and sexually abused. Many carry diseases that had up to this point been all but totally eradicated through immunization in the US.

Obama has the time to attend a couple of fundraisers in Texas this week, but he doesn't have the time to show up at one of these refugee camps. The administration announced they are sending riot squads to Marietta California, not to prevent illegals from rioting, but to prevent Americans from stopping him from bringing thousands of them into their town. Obama considers law-abiding Americans more of a threat than a human flood of illegals invading our borders.

Liberals have been busy fostering a false image of conservatives. They consider a Republican to be the worst piece of crap human being in existence. They call them murderers, terrorists, teabaggers, accuse them of bigotry, harass them, send threats of murder and rape to them, and treat them like the KKK treated blacks shortly after the Civil War. The problem isn't that what they say is believable, it's the folks who actually believe this garbage. Some of them actually believe it all. They never question anything that Democrats say, nomatter how extreme.

The left is conducting a full scale war on America. Everything this country ever stood for is under attack. They want to transform us into something other than the country we grew up in. They want essentially to flip this country on it's head and turn it into a liberal utopia. If we don't like it, we can just leave.

Before the flood of illegals was noticed by the media a couple of weeks ago, we didn't know exactly what Obama meant by transforming America. Now we can see clearly what he had in mind.


Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Fox News Reporter Jesse Watters Kicked Out of N.O.W. Conference by Albuquerque Police - Fox Nation

The Myth of a 'War on Religion' - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

HIPPA- that's why the medical staff cannot inform the public of anything.
Health Information Privacy

You should be aware that it is actually the GOP that had created the wars.
It's actually much more than Voter ID:
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... |

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine,” said Doug Preisse, chairman of the county Republican Party and elections board member who voted against weekend hours, in an email to The Dispatch. “Let’s be fair and reasonable.”
Voting in Ohio | Fight over poll hours isn?t just political | The Columbus Dispatch

The crazy thing about Ohio is that they wanted to extend voting hours in Republican counties only. That's the dead giveaway.

Texas Clarifies That It Discriminates Against Democratic Voters — Not Minorities
Texas Responds To Eric Holder's Lawsuit - Business Insider

The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that “early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.”
Read more at North Carolina embraces honest elections

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

That said, it isn't that the Democrats don't play the same shit- When they refuse to admit that that immigration lowers wages or refuse to go after H 1B Visas because it might hurt their "friends" they leave a gap. That gap allows a bunch of racist crap to walk right in.

Just like with refusing to acknowledge the problems with the "statistics" that George Will commented on.

The reality is that the GOP knows exactly what it is doing here and I don't care how many times they throw tantrums and pretend it's the left.

That war on women is very real. Again. Incarcerating women and reproductive health. Yep, access to abortions. Equal pay.

Here is the catch: You have the capacity to control the dialogue by recognizing the distractions and dealing with the issues.

Everything is a war to the left. They claim that their political opponents are conducting a war on women, but it seems that the only women under attack are conservative women. The left claims that requiring positive identification at the polls is an attempt to prevent blacks from voting. Who cares that you need a picture I.D. to buy cigarettes and booze, or even get into one of their fundraisers, you're conducting a war on blacks if you require them to prove they are who they say they are.

The president is encouraging millions of Central American refugees to flood our borders, and he's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. He's giving them free flights to San Diego and dumping them into Chula Vista. He refuses to allow United States Representative free access to refugee camps in their own districts. They aren't even being screened properly.

Medical staff working in these camps are being threatened with criminal prosecution if they spill the beans on the type of injuries and diseases they are treating. Several of these children have had fingers and limbs cut off by drug cartels. Many have been tortured and sexually abused. Many carry diseases that had up to this point been all but totally eradicated through immunization in the US.

Obama has the time to attend a couple of fundraisers in Texas this week, but he doesn't have the time to show up at one of these refugee camps. The administration announced they are sending riot squads to Marietta California, not to prevent illegals from rioting, but to prevent Americans from stopping him from bringing thousands of them into their town. Obama considers law-abiding Americans more of a threat than a human flood of illegals invading our borders.

Liberals have been busy fostering a false image of conservatives. They consider a Republican to be the worst piece of crap human being in existence. They call them murderers, terrorists, teabaggers, accuse them of bigotry, harass them, send threats of murder and rape to them, and treat them like the KKK treated blacks shortly after the Civil War. The problem isn't that what they say is believable, it's the folks who actually believe this garbage. Some of them actually believe it all. They never question anything that Democrats say, nomatter how extreme.

The left is conducting a full scale war on America. Everything this country ever stood for is under attack. They want to transform us into something other than the country we grew up in. They want essentially to flip this country on it's head and turn it into a liberal utopia. If we don't like it, we can just leave.

Before the flood of illegals was noticed by the media a couple of weeks ago, we didn't know exactly what Obama meant by transforming America. Now we can see clearly what he had in mind.


Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Fox News Reporter Jesse Watters Kicked Out of N.O.W. Conference by Albuquerque Police - Fox Nation

The Myth of a 'War on Religion' - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

HIPPA- that's why the medical staff cannot inform the public of anything.
Health Information Privacy

You should be aware that it is actually the GOP that had created the wars.
It's actually much more than Voter ID:
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... |

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine,” said Doug Preisse, chairman of the county Republican Party and elections board member who voted against weekend hours, in an email to The Dispatch. “Let’s be fair and reasonable.”
Voting in Ohio | Fight over poll hours isn?t just political | The Columbus Dispatch

The crazy thing about Ohio is that they wanted to extend voting hours in Republican counties only. That's the dead giveaway.

Texas Clarifies That It Discriminates Against Democratic Voters — Not Minorities
Texas Responds To Eric Holder's Lawsuit - Business Insider

The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that “early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.”
Read more at North Carolina embraces honest elections

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

That said, it isn't that the Democrats don't play the same shit- When they refuse to admit that that immigration lowers wages or refuse to go after H 1B Visas because it might hurt their "friends" they leave a gap. That gap allows a bunch of racist crap to walk right in.

Just like with refusing to acknowledge the problems with the "statistics" that George Will commented on.

The reality is that the GOP knows exactly what it is doing here and I don't care how many times they throw tantrums and pretend it's the left.

That war on women is very real. Again. Incarcerating women and reproductive health. Yep, access to abortions. Equal pay.

Here is the catch: You have the capacity to control the dialogue by recognizing the distractions and dealing with the issues.

The only time a lefty wants to follow the law is when it benefits him or her. Never just because it's the law.

The only controls in effect where dialogue is concerned wrests with the Whitehouse and their state approved media.

Everything else, well, what difference at this time does it make?
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Everything is a war to the left. They claim that their political opponents are conducting a war on women, but it seems that the only women under attack are conservative women. The left claims that requiring positive identification at the polls is an attempt to prevent blacks from voting. Who cares that you need a picture I.D. to buy cigarettes and booze, or even get into one of their fundraisers, you're conducting a war on blacks if you require them to prove they are who they say they are.

The president is encouraging millions of Central American refugees to flood our borders, and he's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. He's giving them free flights to San Diego and dumping them into Chula Vista. He refuses to allow United States Representative free access to refugee camps in their own districts. They aren't even being screened properly.

Medical staff working in these camps are being threatened with criminal prosecution if they spill the beans on the type of injuries and diseases they are treating. Several of these children have had fingers and limbs cut off by drug cartels. Many have been tortured and sexually abused. Many carry diseases that had up to this point been all but totally eradicated through immunization in the US.

Obama has the time to attend a couple of fundraisers in Texas this week, but he doesn't have the time to show up at one of these refugee camps. The administration announced they are sending riot squads to Marietta California, not to prevent illegals from rioting, but to prevent Americans from stopping him from bringing thousands of them into their town. Obama considers law-abiding Americans more of a threat than a human flood of illegals invading our borders.

Liberals have been busy fostering a false image of conservatives. They consider a Republican to be the worst piece of crap human being in existence. They call them murderers, terrorists, teabaggers, accuse them of bigotry, harass them, send threats of murder and rape to them, and treat them like the KKK treated blacks shortly after the Civil War. The problem isn't that what they say is believable, it's the folks who actually believe this garbage. Some of them actually believe it all. They never question anything that Democrats say, nomatter how extreme.

The left is conducting a full scale war on America. Everything this country ever stood for is under attack. They want to transform us into something other than the country we grew up in. They want essentially to flip this country on it's head and turn it into a liberal utopia. If we don't like it, we can just leave.

Before the flood of illegals was noticed by the media a couple of weeks ago, we didn't know exactly what Obama meant by transforming America. Now we can see clearly what he had in mind.


Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

Fox News Reporter Jesse Watters Kicked Out of N.O.W. Conference by Albuquerque Police - Fox Nation

The Myth of a 'War on Religion' - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Articles: The Liberal war on Responsibility

HIPPA- that's why the medical staff cannot inform the public of anything.
Health Information Privacy

You should be aware that it is actually the GOP that had created the wars.
It's actually much more than Voter ID:
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... |

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine,” said Doug Preisse, chairman of the county Republican Party and elections board member who voted against weekend hours, in an email to The Dispatch. “Let’s be fair and reasonable.”
Voting in Ohio | Fight over poll hours isn?t just political | The Columbus Dispatch

The crazy thing about Ohio is that they wanted to extend voting hours in Republican counties only. That's the dead giveaway.

Texas Clarifies That It Discriminates Against Democratic Voters — Not Minorities
Texas Responds To Eric Holder's Lawsuit - Business Insider

The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that “early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.”
Read more at North Carolina embraces honest elections

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

That said, it isn't that the Democrats don't play the same shit- When they refuse to admit that that immigration lowers wages or refuse to go after H 1B Visas because it might hurt their "friends" they leave a gap. That gap allows a bunch of racist crap to walk right in.

Just like with refusing to acknowledge the problems with the "statistics" that George Will commented on.

The reality is that the GOP knows exactly what it is doing here and I don't care how many times they throw tantrums and pretend it's the left.

That war on women is very real. Again. Incarcerating women and reproductive health. Yep, access to abortions. Equal pay.

Here is the catch: You have the capacity to control the dialogue by recognizing the distractions and dealing with the issues.

The only time a lefty wants to follow the law is when it benefits him or her. Never just because it's the law.

The only controls in effect where dialogue is concerned wrests with the Whitehouse and their state approved media.

Everything else, well, what difference at this time does it make?

I thought you were up for a discussion. Save the rhetoric.
HIPPA- that's why the medical staff cannot inform the public of anything.
Health Information Privacy

You should be aware that it is actually the GOP that had created the wars.
It's actually much more than Voter ID:
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... |

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine,” said Doug Preisse, chairman of the county Republican Party and elections board member who voted against weekend hours, in an email to The Dispatch. “Let’s be fair and reasonable.”
Voting in Ohio | Fight over poll hours isn?t just political | The Columbus Dispatch

The crazy thing about Ohio is that they wanted to extend voting hours in Republican counties only. That's the dead giveaway.

Texas Clarifies That It Discriminates Against Democratic Voters — Not Minorities
Texas Responds To Eric Holder's Lawsuit - Business Insider

The reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting is particularly important because early voting plays a major role in Obama’s ground game. The Democrats carried most states that allow many days of early voting, and Obama’s national field director admitted, shortly before last year’s election, that “early voting is giving us a solid lead in the battleground states that will decide this election.”
Read more at North Carolina embraces honest elections

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

That said, it isn't that the Democrats don't play the same shit- When they refuse to admit that that immigration lowers wages or refuse to go after H 1B Visas because it might hurt their "friends" they leave a gap. That gap allows a bunch of racist crap to walk right in.

Just like with refusing to acknowledge the problems with the "statistics" that George Will commented on.

The reality is that the GOP knows exactly what it is doing here and I don't care how many times they throw tantrums and pretend it's the left.

That war on women is very real. Again. Incarcerating women and reproductive health. Yep, access to abortions. Equal pay.

Here is the catch: You have the capacity to control the dialogue by recognizing the distractions and dealing with the issues.

The only time a lefty wants to follow the law is when it benefits him or her. Never just because it's the law.

The only controls in effect where dialogue is concerned wrests with the Whitehouse and their state approved media.

Everything else, well, what difference at this time does it make?

I thought you were up for a discussion. Save the rhetoric.

My retort was simply an attempt to avoid the minutia

I'm on a cell. Sorry if my response was brief....
Conservatives' cartoonish depiction of Liberals, combined with their fear of anything novel or contrary to their ingrained beliefs is the source of most of the partisan conflict.

They also naturally gravitate towards authority figures that validate their fears and prejudices - it makes them feel safe and part of a community.

It doesn't lessen their fear, it just allows it to be shared and they can collectively mask it with justified outrage.

They think that everything bad that happens is somebody's fault...and always somebody else's fault at that.

If everything bad is someone's fault then that takes away some of the scary thought that some things just can't be controlled - chance, and the unknown, are really scary.
Therefore conservatives need conspiracy theories to feel a little bit safer because, if they could only figure out how to get all that control for themselves then everything will be safe and warm again.

Cynical operators like Newt Gingrich know and exploit all this for their own ends.
Muddy's war on intelligence and critical thinking...

....stopped being interesting to watch months go.

Nowadays, Muddy's threads are like watching a dog eat its own vomit... just sad.

It sure got alot of rep though.


You do that dogs vomit?

dumb threads typically do. the more serious ones don't

Really nothing in this thread but more partisan opinions.
Conservatives' cartoonish depiction of Liberals, combined with their fear of anything novel or contrary to their ingrained beliefs is the source of most of the partisan conflict.

They also naturally gravitate towards authority figures that validate their fears and prejudices - it makes them feel safe and part of a community.

It doesn't lessen their fear, it just allows it to be shared and they can collectively mask it with justified outrage.

They think that everything bad that happens is somebody's fault...and always somebody else's fault at that.

If everything bad is someone's fault then that takes away some of the scary thought that some things just can't be controlled - chance, and the unknown, are really scary.
Therefore conservatives need conspiracy theories to feel a little bit safer because, if they could only figure out how to get all that control for themselves then everything will be safe and warm again.

Cynical operators like Newt Gingrich know and exploit all this for their own ends.

Thus sayeth the feller that can't grasp concepts unless the Drivebys plant them in his head. Nothing is important if the MSM isn't covering it. And unless the idea is approved by the Whitehouse it's not real.

Is that about it?
Conservatives' cartoonish depiction of Liberals, combined with their fear of anything novel or contrary to their ingrained beliefs is the source of most of the partisan conflict.

They also naturally gravitate towards authority figures that validate their fears and prejudices - it makes them feel safe and part of a community.

It doesn't lessen their fear, it just allows it to be shared and they can collectively mask it with justified outrage.

They think that everything bad that happens is somebody's fault...and always somebody else's fault at that.

If everything bad is someone's fault then that takes away some of the scary thought that some things just can't be controlled - chance, and the unknown, are really scary.
Therefore conservatives need conspiracy theories to feel a little bit safer because, if they could only figure out how to get all that control for themselves then everything will be safe and warm again.

Cynical operators like Newt Gingrich know and exploit all this for their own ends.

Thus sayeth the feller that can't grasp concepts unless the Drivebys plant them in his head. Nothing is important if the MSM isn't covering it. And unless the idea is approved by the Whitehouse it's not real.

Is that about it?

Newt has you well under his spell.
Tell us again what all Liberals believe.
Conservatives' cartoonish depiction of Liberals, combined with their fear of anything novel or contrary to their ingrained beliefs is the source of most of the partisan conflict.

They also naturally gravitate towards authority figures that validate their fears and prejudices - it makes them feel safe and part of a community.

It doesn't lessen their fear, it just allows it to be shared and they can collectively mask it with justified outrage.

They think that everything bad that happens is somebody's fault...and always somebody else's fault at that.

If everything bad is someone's fault then that takes away some of the scary thought that some things just can't be controlled - chance, and the unknown, are really scary.
Therefore conservatives need conspiracy theories to feel a little bit safer because, if they could only figure out how to get all that control for themselves then everything will be safe and warm again.

Cynical operators like Newt Gingrich know and exploit all this for their own ends.

Thus sayeth the feller that can't grasp concepts unless the Drivebys plant them in his head. Nothing is important if the MSM isn't covering it. And unless the idea is approved by the Whitehouse it's not real.

Is that about it?

Newt has you well under his spell.
Tell us again what all Liberals believe.

I haven't heard anything from Newt since the 2012 election.

Try again.

Most of what I see is nothing matters unless Obama and his media begins the debate.

I've been told that way too many times here to be mistaken.
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Thus sayeth the feller that can't grasp concepts unless the Drivebys plant them in his head. Nothing is important if the MSM isn't covering it. And unless the idea is approved by the Whitehouse it's not real.

Is that about it?

Newt has you well under his spell.
Tell us again what all Liberals believe.

I haven't heard anything from Newt since the 2012 election.

Try again.

Most of what I see is nothing matters unless Obama and his media begins the debate.

I've been told that way too many times here to be mistaken.

Newt and his cronies set the Republican agenda years're just following it - although you may not know it.

As far as I can see, Obama and the Whitehouse have been more reactive rather than leading the discussions.

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